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小麦抗蠕孢菌叶枯病(HLB)遗传的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小麦蠕孢菌叶枯病(HLB)在我国已经成为影响小麦高产、稳产的重要病害之一。本文通过小麦抗、感品种杂交的F1、F2代群体对Bipolaris sorokiniana的抗病性差异,研究了小麦蠕孢菌叶枯病(HLB)的抗性遗传,发现豫麦17的抗病性是由数量性状基因控制的。经典数量遗传学分析表明豫麦17对蠕孢菌叶枯病的抗性是由2个以上基因控制,可能是3个基因。它与中国春组合的广义遗传力为67%。  相似文献   

<正>柳枝稷(Panicum virgatum)属禾本科(Gramineae)黍属(Panicum)是多年生C4草本植物。该植物原产于北美,环境适应性极强,具有耐旱、耐盐碱、耐贫瘠等特点。它不仅是国际上公认的作为生物燃料的能源作物,还是一种优质牧草。截止2010年,柳枝稷在我国北方种植面积已达115.8 hm~2[1]。随着种植面积的不断扩大,柳枝稷病害问题越来越严重,病害造成柳枝稷生物量下  相似文献   

Wheat root rot, caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana, has led to severe losses of wheat products worldwide. To evaluate the pathogenicity and genetic variation of B. sorokiniana, diseased wheat samples were collected from 97 locations in the Huanghuai floodplain of China in 2014 and 2015 for analysis. A total of 673 isolates were obtained, 262 of which were identified as B. sorokiniana. Pathogenicity analysis of the isolates revealed variation in pathogenicity, which was not directly correlated with geographic region. Large variations in pathogenicity were also found within geographic groups. To determine the genetic structure of the populations, PCR was performed with universal rice primers (URP). Cluster analysis based on amplification patterns showed that the classified groups were correlated with geographical regions. Thus, analysis of the genetic diversity of the population indicated a negative correlation with geographic origin, that is, the greater the distance between sites, the lower the genetic variation similarity coefficient. Identification of wheat germplasm resistance showed that resistant cultivars accounted for a low percentage, while susceptible and highly susceptible cultivars were in the majority. Overall, these results are meaningful for developing strategies to prevent and control wheat root rot.  相似文献   

The effects of the phytotoxin prehelminthosporol from the fungal pathogen Bipolaris sorokiniana on the activities of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase, Ca2+- ATPase, and 1, 3-β-glucan synthase in barley roots were investigated in vitro. Plasma membranes were isolated by aqueous polymer two-phase partitioning. Proton pumping by the H+-ATPase was drastically reduced in a dose-dependent manner, with complete inhibition at 500 μM prehelminthosporol, while inhibition of ATP hydrolysis was less drastic, with a 35% inhibition at 500 μM toxin. Ca2+ uptake was also reduced, although to a lesser extent than proton pumping, with a maximal inhibition of 60% at 500 μM toxin. The 1, 3-β-glucan synthase activity was weakly stimulated at toxin concentrations below 100 μM, with higher concentrations being inhibitory. Taken together, our results indicate that prehelminthosporol exerts its effect in at least two ways. First, it appears to disrupt the membrane barrier and thus seriously interfere with establishment of the proton gradient that drives ion and nutrient uptake and affect the efflux of Ca2+ to maintain the low cytoplasmic concentration of Ca2+ essential for the function of Ca2+ as a messenger in signal transduction. Secondly, it appears to inhibit the enzyme activities. The 1, 3-β-glucan synthase is activated by Ca2+ and can operate in the presence of low concentrations of prehelminthosporol (which may induce Ca2+ leakage into the cytoplasm and hence activate the enzyme), to produce callose to seal leaky membranes.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Pot experiments with winter wheat were conducted for two successive years to study the relationship between the cereal cyst nematode, Heterodera...  相似文献   

ROUCHAUD  NEUS  CALLENS  & BULCKE 《Weed Research》1998,38(5):361-371
Sulcotrione soil persistence in spring maize ( Zea mays L.) crops grown on a sandy loam soil was greater at pH 5·5 and 6·0 (soil half-life T 1/2≈58 days) than at pH 7·1 ( T 1/2 = 44 days). Sulcotrione was also applied as recommended on a summer maize crop at the five- to six-leaf growth stage, grown on a sandy loam soil. Sulcotrione soil half-life was 44 days, and the herbicide remained mainly in the 0- to 5-cm surface soil layer during the cropping period, in spite of the high water solubility and the heavy rains at the end of August; lower sulcotrione concentrations (10–18% of the total during the 2-month period after sulcotrione application) were detected in the 5- to 10-cm surface soil layer. The herbicide was applied pre-emergence to winter wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) at four sites that differed in their soil texture and composition: loamy sand, sandy loam, loam and clay loam. Persistence was greater in the soils containing more organic matter. In soils having similar organic matter contents, persistence was lower in the soil containing more sand relative to loam and clay. During the winter crops, sulcotrione moved down to the 10- to 15-cm soil layer, in spite of the fact that the rains were lower in winter than in summer. Sulcotrione most generally was not detected in the 15–20 cm soil layer of the maize and winter wheat crops.  相似文献   

通过单因子试验和正交试验对小麦根腐病菌菌株进行了发酵条件优化,以提高其活性物质的产量。结果表明:最适合小麦根腐病菌产毒的培养基是察氏培养基;该培养基的最佳碳源为葡萄糖,氮源为氯化铵,无机盐为氯化钾、磷酸氢二钾、硫酸镁和硫酸亚铁;发酵培养基各组分的最佳配比为:葡萄糖2.0%,氯化铵0.25%,氯化钾0.05%,磷酸氢二钾0.025%,硫酸镁0.025%,硫酸亚铁0.000 5%;有利于提高菌株活性物质产量的培养条件为初始pH7.0,转速为130r/min,温度为28℃,培养时间为5d,装液量为120mL/250mL,接种量为6%。小麦根腐病菌菌株发酵产物具有良好的热稳定性和光稳定性,在弱酸性及中性条件下较稳定。发酵条件优化后提高了小麦根腐病菌的除草活性。  相似文献   

小麦黑胚病发生规律及防治措施初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
经过2000~2002年对小麦黑胚病发生规律的调查研究,初步了解到春性强的早熟小麦品种易感小麦黑胚病,小麦灌浆至成熟期降水多是该病发生的重要条件。防治上应以选育、选用抗病品种为前提,加强小麦健身抗病栽培,灌浆盛期施药的综合措施。  相似文献   

Zhang Z  Yuen GY 《Phytopathology》1999,89(9):817-822
ABSTRACT Stenotrophomonas maltophilia strain C3 was evaluated for control of leaf spot on tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana. In growth chamber experiments, C3 inhibited conidial germination on leaf surfaces and reduced lesion frequency and percent diseased leaf area compared with nontreated controls. The amount of leaf spot suppression was related to the C3 dose applied. The highest dose tested, 10(9) CFU/ml, prevented nearly all B. sorokiniana conidia from germinating on treated leaf surfaces and provided nearly complete suppression of lesion development. When colloidal chitin was added to C3 cell suspensions of 10(7) or 10(8) CFU/ml, biocontrol efficacy was significantly increased over C3 applied alone, whereas addition of chitin to a C3 cell suspension of 10(9) CFU/ml had no effect. In field experiments, application of C3 to tall fescue turf resulted in significant reductions in infection frequency and disease severity compared with nontreated controls. Strain C3 applied at 10(9) CFU/ml was more effective than C3 applied at 10(7) CFU/ml, and amendment of the lower dose with colloidal chitin enhanced its efficacy. Populations sizes of C3 established on foliage in a growth chamber and in the field were directly related to dose applied. Chitin amendments did not affect C3 population size.  相似文献   

Light microscopy and cryo-scanning electron microscopy showed that hyphae of Bipolaris sorokiniana adhered to the wax surfaces of barley leaves by means of an extensive extracellular matrix (ECM). Prehelminthosporol, the major non-host specific phytotoxin formed by B. sorokiniana was immunolocalized in large amounts in the ECM surrounding the hyphae. Similarly, esterase activity involved in degradation of the cuticular wax surface was found in the ECM. Therefore, it appears that the ECM is not only important for adhesion of the fungus to its host, but also functions as a sink of phytotoxins and lytic enzymes important for infection of the host plant.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Avirulent isolates of Pyricularia oryzae and isolates of Bipolaris sorokiniana, a nonrice pathogen, were used to suppress rice blast caused by P. oryzae. In greenhouse experiments, both fungi substantially reduced leaf blast when applied 24 h or more before the pathogen. B. sorokiniana, but not avirulent isolates of P. oryzae, systemically reduced disease in leaf 5 when applied to whole plants at the four-leaf stage. In field experiments, both fungi were able to reduce neck blast significantly. No increase in grain yield was obtained by using avirulent isolates of P. oryzae, whereas five sprays with B. sorokiniana from seedling to heading stages increased the grain yield in two of three experiments conducted at two locations in Nepal. The significant increase in yield was observed under high inoculum pressure of P. oryzae. Induced resistance is suggested to be involved in the suppression of disease.  相似文献   

The susceptibility to Phytophthora cinnamomi of four crops (wheat, oat, vetch, and yellow lupin) commonly planted in rangeland ecosystems in southern Spain was evaluated. By means of in vitro infection experiments, the presence of the pathogen into the roots of yellow lupin (symptomatic) and vetch (asymptomatic) was observed, but never into wheat and oat roots (asymptomatic). It was also demonstrated that yellow lupin stimulated the production of zoospores of P. cinnamomi. Vetch, wheat and oat did not stimulate zoospore production. Under controlled conditions, only yellow lupin induced an increase in the number of viable chlamydospores in the soil. We concluded that the culture of wheat, oat, and vetch in rangelands did not influence the epidemiology of the Quercus root disease, even when asymptomatically-infected vetch is grown, and these crops can constitute an alternative to the culture of yellow lupin in rangeland ecosystems affected by Quercus root rot.  相似文献   

Pathogenicity of 27 Bipolaris sorokiniana isolates from roots, leaves and grains of spring wheat, collected at a site in Mexico, showed no clear differences between groups of isolates, based on lesion density after seedling inoculation of the susceptible cultivar Ciano T-79 under controlled conditions. Results were variable when tests were repeated over time or in experiments using a smaller number of isolates. The lesion number per leaf was significantly different depending on the isolate used for inoculation, irrespective of the plant part group. No difference was found between individual isolates when pathogenicity was assessed using a disease severity scale. No cultivar–isolate interaction was observed for lesion density when 12 isolates were tested on six cultivars, but there were some significant differences between cultivars and between isolates. Results obtained confirmed that infection by B. sorokiniana is highly variable, and very sensitive to environmental conditions. In this study no physiological specialization was observed. The fungus appeared as a continuum of isolates differing in aggressiveness. This work was conducted with isolates from a single site, and highlights the need to assess carefully the biological significance of any differences observed among B. sorokiniana isolates.  相似文献   

Of the approximately 50 recognized Phytophthora spp., more than half have not been reported to cause root rot or crown rot. Some well-known phytophthora root and crown rots have still not been diagnosed in many regions or countries in the world. It seems likely that this arises mainly from use of inappropriate isolation media and diagnostic procedures. Thus, various root disorders of tree and horticultural crops have been attributed to other pathogens or to abiotic causes, and found to be due to Phytophthora spp. only when proper isolation techniques involving baiting and selective media were used. These special techniques, however, are still not widely used by many diagnosticians and pathologists today. It seems that most pathologists lack training and specific knowledge on Phytophtohora diseases and tools for their study. They are often unaware of the importance of these fungi in causing below-ground infections, or of the unique nature of their biology, soil ecology and pathology in relation to root and crown rot development. It is hoped that wider use of special isolation techniques in routine diagnoses in the future will result in an increase in the frequency of reports of occurrence of phytophthora root and crown rots of woody perennials around the world.  相似文献   

Zhang Z  Yuen GY 《Phytopathology》2000,90(4):384-389
ABSTRACT The role of chitinase production by Stenotrophomonas maltophilia strain C3 in biological control of leaf spot on tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea), caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana, was investigated in vitro and in vivo. The filtrate of a broth culture of C3, with chitin as the carbon source, was separated into fractions. A high molecular-weight fraction (>8 kDa) was chitinolytic and more inhibitory than a low-molecular-weight, nonchitinolytic fraction to conidial germination and hyphal growth by B. sorokiniana and to leaf spot development. A protein fraction derived by ammonium sulfate precipitation and a chitinase fraction purified by chitin affinity chromatography also were chitinolytic and highly antifungal. The chitinolytic fractions caused swelling and vacuolation of conidia and discoloration, malformation, and degradation of germ tubes. When boiled, the chitinolytic fractions lost chitinase activity along with most of the antifungal properties. Two chitinase-deficient and two chitinase-reduced mutants of C3 were compared with the wild-type strain for inhibition of germination of B. sorokiniana conidia on tall fescue leaves and for suppression of leaf spot development in vivo. The mutants exhibited reduced antifungal activity and biocontrol efficacy, but did not lose all biocontrol activity. An aqueous extract of leaves colonized by wild-type C3 had higher chitinase activity than that of noncolonized leaves and was inhibitory to conidial germination. The addition of chitin to leaves along with the wild-type strain increased both chitinase and antifungal activity. The chitinase activity level of extracts from leaves colonized by a chitinase-deficient mutant of C3, with and without added chitin, was no higher than the background, and the extracts lacked antifungal activity. Chitinolysis appears to be one mechanism of biological control by strain C3, and it functions in concert with other mechanisms.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We investigated the interaction of several differentially resistant wheatwith the hemibiotrophic phytopathogenic fungus Bipolaris sorokiniana (teleomorph Cochliobolus sativus). Wheat genotypes Yangmai, M 3 (W7976), Shanghai 4, and Chirya 7 showed higher levels of resistancewith cv. Sonalika, used as a susceptible control. In amicroscopic inspection, we found that fungal penetration intoepidermal layer failed mostly through a cell wall-associated defense. In cases where the fungus successfully overcame epidermal, its spread within the mesophyll tissue (necrotrophic phase) wasin the more resistant genotypes. Epidermal cell wall-associated, spreading as well as the extent of electrolyte leakage of infected, correlated well with field resistance. We propose that cellular hostsuch as formation of cell wall appositions as well as the degreeearly mesophyll spreading of fungal hyphae are indicative of thepotential of the respective host genotype and, therefore, could befor the characterization of new spot blotch resistance traits in cereals.  相似文献   

Spot blotch caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana is a serious disease of wheat in warmer and humid regions of the world. Three blighting components, area under disease progress curve (AUDPC), disease severity (DS) and lesion size along with four biochemical and histochemical factors viz., total phenol content (TPC), chlorophyll content (CHC), phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) activity and lignin deposition were studied in a recombinant inbred lines (RILs) population involving parents “Sonalika” (susceptible) and “Yangmai 6” (resistant). The objective was to identify one or more robust and reliable tools of resistance, physical, biochemical or histochemical, to facilitate selection against spot blotch. The DS, AUDPC and lesion size were higher in the susceptible parent and RILs compared to the resistant. The mean TPC (246 mg Gallic acid g?1 fresh weight) of the most resistant RIL was significantly higher than the most susceptible (181.5 mg Gallic acid g?1 fresh weight) at 48 h after inoculation (hai). The mean SPAD value for CHC varied between 48.8 in the most resistant RILs to 8.8 in the most susceptible, while the mean PAL varied between 928.4 and 96.0 μmoles Cinnamic acid mg-1 fresh weight at 48 hai in resistant and susceptible RILs, respectively. Likewise, lignin deposition was significantly higher in resistant RILs compared to the susceptible. The biochemical and histochemical parameters were significantly correlated with resistance and appeared robust for facilitating screening of breeding material and for increased precision in phenotyping against spot blotch.  相似文献   

Infection of Poa pratensis leaf blades and callus tissue by Bipolaris sorokiniana increases the production of ethylene and ethane. The ethylene is responsible for most of the chlorosis that occurs during pathogenesis. The nonselective toxin(s) produced by B. sorokiniana is known to disrupt membranes and to damage chlorophyll, but it is not known whether it can induce an increase in ethylene or ethane. Research was initiated to determine the effect of a biologically-active extract of B. sorokiniana on the endogenous ethylene and ethane of intact P. pratensis leaf blades and on subsequent development of chlorosis. The extract did not increase endogenous ethylene of treated leaves, but it was associated with an increase in endogenous ethane between 24 and 96h after treatment. Chlorophyll loss occurred 96h after treatment and persisted for the duration of the study (168h). The chlorophyll content of treated leaf blades ranged from 72% to 80% of control leaf blades. The observations suggest that the extract of B. sorokiniana can induce chlorophyll loss from treated leaf blades independent of an increase in endogenous ethylene by directly damaging chloroplasts with a concurrent release of ethane. The ethane is believed to be a by-product of pathogenesis.  相似文献   

A gas chromatographic method was developed to quantify the phytotoxin prehelminthosporol, which is a sesquiterpene metabolite of the plant pathogen Bipolaris sorokiniana. The toxin was extracted from mycelium or culture filtrates, pre-cleaned using solid phase extraction, and analyzed by gas chromatography as a trimethylsilyl-derivative. The detection limit of the method was 5ngl–1 (signal to noise ratio 4:1) which corresponds to ca. 15ng prehelminthosporol per mg dry weight of mycelium or 15ng prehelminthosporol per ml culture filtrate. The total amount of prehelminthosporol (mycelium plus culture filtrate) increased with cultivation time when examined in six isolates of B. sorokiniana after 6, 9, 12 and 15 days of incubation. The screening experiment of 17 isolates for prehelminthosporol production after 8 days of incubation revealed significant differences in the toxin production between the isolates. The isolates with low toxin production had lower virulence towards barley roots compared to those with higher production of the toxin. However, the virulence did not increase with prehelminthosporol level among the high producing isolates. Prehelminthosporol was also analyzed in a number of related Bipolaris and Drechslera species. In addition to B. sorokiniana, three out of six Bipolaris species (B. setariae, B. zeicola, B. victoriae) produced prehelminthosporol, which indicates that ability to produce prehelminthosporol is conserved among closely-related Bipolaris species.  相似文献   

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