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小区分层依概率寻呼的位置管理策略   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
朱艺华  肖刚  史定华  高济 《电子学报》2004,32(11):1810-1814
位置管理是移动通信领域的一个具有挑战性的问题,涉及到位置更新和位置查找操作.我国及其他国家目前正在使用的个人通信网络中,基本的位置管理策略(简称"基本策略")的位置查找操作采用的是,在整个位置区中同步寻呼移动台.由于所要寻找的移动台只在由众多小区所组成的位置区内的一个小区中,因此,"基本策略"会造成系统资源的极大浪费.本文给出一种对位置区内的小区进行分层,按移动台在各层小区的概率从大到小的次序,逐层进行寻呼的位置管理策略(简称"分层策略").在假定移动台在各个小区的逗留时间是符合一般概率分布的随机变量的条件下,推导出移动台处于各层小区的概率及"分层策略"所需搜索的小区平均个数公式.证明了"分层策略"的位置管理费用不大于"基本策略".  相似文献   

蜂窝网络中环状搜索移动性管理策略   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
朱艺华  高济  周根贵  彭静 《电子学报》2003,31(11):1655-1658
位置管理是移动通信领域的一个具有挑战性的问题,涉及到位置更新和位置查找操作.在现行蜂窝系统的位置管理策略(简称"基本策略")中,一旦移动台越区,就需要进行位置更新.由于移动台的越区具有局部性,基本策略会造成系统资源的极大浪费.因此,降低位置管理的费用成为移动通信领域的一个研究热点.该文给出不需要进行位置更新的环状搜索位置管理策略(简称"环状策略"),并推导出搜索位置区平均层数的一个公式,然后利用这一公式对基本策略、指针推进策略与环状策略的费用进行了对比研究,得出:在一定条件下,环状策略的费用要比基本策略及基本指针推进策略小.  相似文献   

指针推进移动性管理策略中指针链长度的概率   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
朱艺华  史定华  高济  周根贵 《电子学报》2002,30(8):1145-1147
为了降低移动通信网络中位置跟踪操作的代价,指针推进策略被提出.显然,指针链长度的确定对这一策略的有效应用是至为重要的.已有论文假定移动台在位置区的逗留时间服从指数分布的条件下,对指针链的长度进行研究,但指数分布的特殊性,限制了其研究结果的应用.本文推广了上述结果,研究了移动台在位置区的逗留时间服从一般概率分布的指针推进策略,通过构造向量马氏过程,利用密度演化方法,导出了指针链长度的概率公式,这个公式可用于对各种指针推进策略性能的评价.  相似文献   

按概率分批寻呼的位置管理策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
位置管理是移动通信领域的一个具有挑战性的课题,涉及到位置更新和位置查找操作。在假定移动台的呼入是一个泊松过程,移动台在各个蜂窝的逗留时间是符合一般概率分布的随机变量的条件下,求出了移动台在两次呼入之间从一个蜂窝移动到另一个蜂窝的概率,提出了根据移动台进入到各个蜂窝的概率分批进行寻呼的位置管理策略,证明了这种策略的位置管理费用比一些国家现行移动通信系统的位置管理策略的费用小。  相似文献   

本文简单介绍了移动性管理原理,并讨论了移动IP的移动性管理机制,详述了其实现过程。  相似文献   

于玉海  张平 《无线电工程》2002,32(11):39-43
该文描述了移动网络中通用个人通信(UPT)及其移动性管理概念,提出了基于移动代理技术的移动性管理方法,并对所提方法加以分析描述。  相似文献   

一种基于前向指针的移动性管理策略   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
R.Jain在移动通信中利用前向指针技术减少对HLR的访问和系统代价.本文建立的理论模型对这种方法的性能进行了分析,呼叫移动比高时使用指针策略反而会增加系统开销.针对这个问题.本文提出一种自适应方法,仿真结果表明该方法随着呼叫移动比变化可自动调整到最佳的最大指针链长度,并能在呼叫移动比高时自动停止使用指针策略.  相似文献   

基于位置和标识分离的解决方案不能很好地同时解决移动性支持和可扩展性差的问题,并且难于部署。文章提出一种新的基于位置和标识分离的网络架构,并给出与该架构相适应的移动性管理解决方案。该方案不仅能很好地解决网络的可扩展性问题,在移动性支持方面还具有如下的特点:不需要修改终端协议栈,易于部署;标识符含有一定的路由信息,能提供较好的与传统终端互通的能力;将映射系统分布于边缘网络内,增强了系统的鲁棒性并降低了切换时延。  相似文献   

针对现有HIP机制不支持节点微移动的问题,该文提出了基于动态层次位置管理的HIP移动性支持机制。在该机制中,网络划分成多个自治域,每个自治域划分成多个注册域。当节点在同一个注册域内移动时,在管理该注册域的本地集合服务点中进行位置更新;当节点在同一个自治域内移动时,在管理该自治域的网关集合服务点中进行位置更新。节点根据自己的移动速率以及呼叫到达率选取本地集合服务点并计算注册域的最佳范围。仿真结果表明,该机制能较好地降低节点移动时的信令开销,支持节点微移动。  相似文献   

标识/位置分离是未来网络的重要设计原则之一,LISP基于标识/位置分离提出了一种有效解决互联网路由可扩展性问题的机制,但其在移动性支持方面仍存在诸多问题。为此,本文提出了一种基于LISP架构的新型移动性管理方案,通过引入三种命名机制和两种映射系统,可以在保持映射系统可聚合的前提下,避免现有LISP移动性方案存在的双重映射、双重封装等问题,提供高效、灵活的移动性支持。同时,该方案还提出了一种快速切换机制来进一步优化切换性能。  相似文献   

Recently, as the number of mobile terminals (or users) keeps explosively increasing, the location management to track the mobile terminals in mobile communication networks is becoming more important. However, previous schemes have used static location information without any consideration about the moving direction of a mobile terminal. For a fixed paging area, this results in unnecessary pagings, thus increasing the location management cost. In this paper, we propose a new location management scheme using the direction characteristics of a mobile terminal. The direction vector is defined to represent the moving direction of a mobile terminal and to compute a distance from the cell where a location update occurs to the current cell. The offset operation of direction vectors is also presented to represent the position of a mobile terminal in a paging area. This allows the mobile terminal to determine whether a location update will be performed or not. The mobile terminal can also vary its own paging area dynamically according to its moving direction whenever it moves across its paging area. In addition, we develop an analytical model for the proposed scheme which captures the direction characteristics of a mobile terminal based on the Markov model. Analytical results show that the proposed scheme can reduce location management cost by forming a dynamic paging area along the moving direction of a mobile terminal when compared to other schemes.Ui-Sung Song received his B.S and M.S. degrees in Computer Science and Engineering from Korea University, Seoul, Korea in 1997 and 1999, respectively. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science and Engineering from Korea University. Also, he is currently a researcher in the Research Institute of Computer Science and Engineering Technology at Korea University. His research interests include mobile IP, PCS networks, and ad-hoc networks.Joon-Min Gil received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Computer Science from Korea University, Chochiwon, Korea in 1994 and 1996, respectively. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Korea University, Seoul, Korea in 2000. From 2001 to 2002, he was a visiting research associate in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Chicago, U.S.A. He is currently a senior research engineer in Supercomputing Center at Korea Institute of Science & Technology Information, Daejeon, Korea. His recent research interests include distributed and mobile computing, wireless networks, Internet computing, P2P networks, and grid computing.Chong-Sun Hwang received his M.S. degree in Mathematics from Korea University, Seoul, Korea in 1970, and his Ph.D. degree in Statistics and Computer Science from the University of Georgia in 1978. From 1978 to 1980, he was an assistant professor at South Carolina Lander State University. He is currently a full professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Korea University, Seoul, Korea. Since 2004, he has been a Dean in the College of Information and Communications at Korea University. His research interests include distributed systems,distributed algorithm, and mobile computing systems  相似文献   

An important issue in location management for dealing with user mobility in wireless networks is to reduce the cost associated with location updates and searches. The former operation occurs when a mobile user moves to a new location registration area and the network is being informed of the mobile user's current location; the latter operation occurs when there is a call for the mobile user and the network must deliver the call to the mobile user. In this paper, we propose and analyze a class of new agent-based forwarding schemes with the objective to reduce the location management cost in mobile wireless networks. We develop analytical models to compare the performance of the proposed schemes with existing location management schemes to demonstrate their feasibility and also to reveal conditions under which our proposed schemes are superior to existing ones. Our proposed schemes are particularly suitable for mobile networks with switches which can cover a large number of location registration areas.  相似文献   

移动台越区次数的概率   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
在移动通信系统中,移动性管理即位置管理是一个具有挑战性的研究内容。移动台越区漫游规律的研究,对评价各种位置管理策略的代价及性能有着重要意义。通过构造向量马氏过程,利用密度演化方法,我们导出了移动台越区次数的一个概率公式,并用此公式对同行的位置管理策略及指针推进策略的代价进行了研究。  相似文献   

In mobile environments, a personal communication service (PCS) network must keep track of the location of each mobile user in order to correctly deliver calls. A basic scheme used in the standard IS-41 and GSM protocols is to always update the location of a mobile user whenever the mobile user moves to a new location. The problem with this approach is that the cost of location update operations is very high especially when the mobile user moves frequently. In recent years, various location management strategies for reducing the location update cost have been proposed. However, the performance issue of these proposed algorithms remains to be investigated. In this paper, we develop two Markov chains to analyze and compare the performance of two promising location update strategies, i.e., the two location algorithm (TLA) and the forwarding and resetting algorithm (FRA). By utilizing the Markov chain, we are able to quickly answer what-if questions regarding the performance of PCS networks under various workload conditions and also identify conditions under which one strategy can perform better than the others. Using the cost due to location update and search operations between two successive calls to a mobile user as a performance measure, we show that when the mobile user exhibits a high degree of locality and the mobile user's call-to-mobility ratio (CMR) is low, TLA can significantly outperform both FRA and IS-41. On the other hand, when CMR is high, FRA is the winner. Furthermore, unlike TLA which may perform worse than IS-41 at high CMR values, FRA at identified optimal conditions can always perform at least as good as IS-41, suggesting that FRA over TLA should be used as a generic scheme in reducing the location cost in the PCS network to cover all possible per-user CMR values.  相似文献   

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