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We study the collective temporal coherence of a small-world network of coupled stochastic Hodgkin-Huxley neurons. Previous reports have shown that network coherence in response to a subthreshold periodic stimulus, thus subthreshold signal encoding, is maximal for a specific range of the fraction of randomly added shortcuts relative to all possible shortcuts, p, added to an initially locally connected network. We investigated this behavior further as a function of channel noise, stimulus frequency and coupling strength. We show that temporal coherence peaks when the frequency of the external stimulus matches that of the intrinsic subthreshold oscillations. We also find that large values of the channel noise, corresponding to small cell sizes, increases coherence for optimal values of the stimulus frequency and the topology parameter p. For smaller values of the channel noise, thus larger cell sizes, network coherence becomes insensitive to these parameters. Finally, the degree of coupling between neurons in the network modulates the sensitivity of coherence to topology, such that for stronger coupling the peak coherence is achieved with fewer added short cuts.  相似文献   

The Hodgkin-Huxley (H-H) neuron model driven by stimuli just above threshold shows a noise-induced response delay with respect to time to the first spike for a certain range of noise strengths, an effect called “noise delayed decay” (NDD). We study the response time of a network of coupled H-H neurons, and investigate how the NDD can be affected by the connection topology of the network and the coupling strength. We show that the NDD effect exists for weak and intermediate coupling strengths, whereas it disappears for strong coupling strength regardless of the connection topology. We also show that although the network structure has very little effect on the NDD for a weak coupling strength, the network structure plays a key role for an intermediate coupling strength by decreasing the NDD effect with the increasing number of random shortcuts, and thus provides an additional operating regime, that is absent in the regular network, in which the neurons may also exploit a spike time code.  相似文献   

We study the spatial dynamics of spiral waves in noisy Hodgkin-Huxley neuronal ensembles evoked by different information transmission delays and network topologies. In classical settings of coherence resonance the intensity of noise is fine-tuned so as to optimize the system's response. Here, we keep the noise intensity constant, and instead, vary the length of information transmission delay amongst coupled neurons. We show that there exists an intermediate transmission delay by which the spiral waves are optimally ordered, hence indicating the existence of delay-enhanced coherence of spatial dynamics in the examined system. Additionally, we examine the robustness of this phenomenon as the diffusive interaction topology changes towards the small-world type, and discover that shortcut links amongst distant neurons hinder the emergence of coherent spiral waves irrespective of transmission delay length. Presented results thus provide insights that could facilitate the understanding of information transmission delay on realistic neuronal networks.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analytically study the probabilistic accelerating network [M.J. Gagen, J.S. Mattick, Phys. Rev. E 72 (2005) 016123] in its accelerating regimes by using mean field theory. In the growing network, the number of links added with each new node is a nonlinearly increasing function aNβ(t) where N(t) is the number of nodes present at time t. It is found that the network appears to have a power-law degree distribution for large degree with tunable degree exponents (ranging from 3.0 to theoretically infinity) and the degree exponent γ depends only on the parameter β as . The analytical results are found to be in good agreement with those obtained by extensive numerical simulations.  相似文献   

Yan-Bo Xie  Bing-Hong Wang 《Physica A》2008,387(7):1683-1688
In this paper, we proposed an ungrowing scale-free network model, indicating the growth may not be a necessary condition of the self-organization of a network in a scale-free structure. The analysis shows that the degree distributions of the present model can varying from the Poisson form to the power-law form with the decrease of a free parameter α. This model provides a possible mechanism for the evolution of some scale-free networks with fixed size, such as the friendship networks of school children and the functional networks of the human brain.  相似文献   

We study the phenomenon of stochastic resonance on small-world networks consisting of bistable genetic regulatory units, whereby the external subthreshold periodic forcing is introduced as a pacemaker trying to impose its rhythm on the whole network through the single unit to which it is introduced. Without the addition of additive spatiotemporal noise, however, the whole network remains forever trapped in one of the two stable steady states of the local dynamics. We show that the correlation between the frequency of subthreshold pacemaker activity and the response of the network is resonantly dependent on the intensity of additive noise. The reported pacemaker driven stochastic resonance depends significantly on the asymmetry of the two potential wells characterizing the bistable dynamics, which can be tuned via a single system parameter. In particular, we show that the ratio between the clustering coefficient and the characteristic path length is a suitable quantity defining the ability of a small-world network to facilitate the outreach of the pacemaker-emitted subthreshold rhythm, but only if the asymmetry between the potentials is practically negligible. In case of substantially asymmetric potentials the impact of the small-world topology is less profound and cannot warrant an enhancement of stochastic resonance by units that are located far from the pacemaker.  相似文献   

We study the effect of learning dynamics on network topology. A network of discrete dynamical systems is considered for this purpose and the coupling strengths are made to evolve according to a temporal learning rule that is based on the paradigm of spike-time-dependent plasticity. This incorporates necessary competition between different edges. The final network we obtain is robust and has a broad degree distribution.  相似文献   

We investigate how the firing activity and the subsequent phase synchronization of neural networks with smallworld topological connections depend on the probability p of adding-links. Network elements are described by two-dimensional map neurons (2DMNs) in a quiescent original state. Neurons burst for a given coupling strength when the topological randomness p increases, which is absent in a regular-lattice neural network. The bursting activity becomes frequent and synchronization of neurons emerges as topological randomness further increases. The maximal firing frequency and phase synchronization appear at a particular value of p. However, if the randomness p further increases, the firing frequency decreases and synchronization is apparently destroyed.  相似文献   

H.J. Sun 《Physica A》2008,387(25):6431-6435
How to control the cascading failure has become a hot topic in recent years. In this paper, we propose a new matching model of capacity by developing a profit function to defense cascading failures on artificially created scale-free networks and the real network structure of the North American power grid. Results show that our matching model can enhance the network robustness efficiently, which is particularly important for the design of networks to deduce the damage triggered by the cascading failures.  相似文献   

Most common pathologies in humans are not caused by the mutation of a single gene, rather they are complex diseases that arise due to the dynamic interaction of many genes and environmental factors. This plethora of interacting genes generates a complexity landscape that masks the real effects associated with the disease. To construct dynamic maps of gene interactions (also called genetic regulatory networks) we need to understand the interplay between thousands of genes. Several issues arise in the analysis of experimental data related to gene function: on the one hand, the nature of measurement processes generates highly noisy signals; on the other hand, there are far more variables involved (number of genes and interactions among them) than experimental samples. Another source of complexity is the highly nonlinear character of the underlying biochemical dynamics. To overcome some of these limitations, we generated an optimized method based on the implementation of a Maximum Entropy Formalism (MaxEnt) to deconvolute a genetic regulatory network based on the most probable meta-distribution of gene-gene interactions. We tested the methodology using experimental data for Papillary Thyroid Cancer (PTC) and Thyroid Goiter tissue samples. The optimal MaxEnt regulatory network was obtained from a pool of 25,593,993 different probability distributions. The group of observed interactions was validated by several (mostly in silico) means and sources. For the associated Papillary Thyroid Cancer Gene Regulatory Network (PTC-GRN) the majority of the nodes (genes) have very few links (interactions) whereas a small number of nodes are highly connected. PTC-GRN is also characterized by high clustering coefficients and network heterogeneity. These properties have been recognized as characteristic of topological robustness, and they have been largely described in relation to biological networks. A number of biological validity outcomes are discussed with regard to both the inferred model and the PTC.  相似文献   

Jihong Guan  Shuigeng Zhou  Yonghui Wu 《Physica A》2009,388(12):2571-2578
In this paper, we propose an evolving Sierpinski gasket, based on which we establish a model of evolutionary Sierpinski networks (ESNs) that unifies deterministic Sierpinski network [Z.Z. Zhang, S.G. Zhou, T. Zou, L.C. Chen, J.H. Guan, Eur. Phys. J. B 60 (2007) 259] and random Sierpinski network [Z.Z. Zhang, S.G. Zhou, Z. Su, T. Zou, J.H. Guan, Eur. Phys. J. B 65 (2008) 141] to the same framework. We suggest an iterative algorithm generating the ESNs. On the basis of the algorithm, some relevant properties of presented networks are calculated or predicted analytically. Analytical solution shows that the networks under consideration follow a power-law degree distribution, with the distribution exponent continuously tuned in a wide range. The obtained accurate expression of clustering coefficient, together with the prediction of average path length reveals that the ESNs possess small-world effect. All our theoretical results are successfully contrasted by numerical simulations. Moreover, the evolutionary prisoner’s dilemma game is also studied on some limitations of the ESNs, i.e., deterministic Sierpinski network and random Sierpinski network.  相似文献   

Stochastic Resonance in Neural Systems with Small-World Connections   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
We study the stochastic resonance (SR) in Hodgkin-Huxley (HH) neural systems with small-world (SW) connections under the noise synaptic current and periodic stimulus, focusing on the dependence of properties of SR on coupling strength c. It is found that there exists a critical coupling strength c^* such that if c 〈 c^*, then the SR can appear on the SW neural network. Especially, dependence of the critical coupling strength c^* on the number of neurons N shows the monotonic even almost linear increase of c^* as N increases and c^* on the SW network is smaller than that on the random network. For the effect of the SW network on the phenomenon of SR, we show that decreasing the connection-rewiring probability p of the network topology leads to an enhancement of SR. This indicates that the SR on the SW network is more prominent than that on the random network (p = 1.0). In addition, it is noted that the effect becomes remarkable as coupling strength increases. Moreover, it is found that the SR weakens but resonance range becomes wider with the increase of c on the SW neural network.  相似文献   

We investigate the structure of a perturbed stock market in terms of correlation matrices. For the purpose of perturbing a stock market, two distinct methods are used, namely local and global perturbation. The former involves replacing a correlation coefficient of the cross-correlation matrix with one calculated from two Gaussian-distributed time series while the latter reconstructs the cross-correlation matrix just after replacing the original return series with Gaussian-distributed time series. Concerning the local case, it is a technical study only and there is no attempt to model reality. The term ‘global’ means the overall effect of the replacement on other untouched returns. Through statistical analyses such as random matrix theory (RMT), network theory, and the correlation coefficient distributions, we show that the global structure of a stock market is vulnerable to perturbation. However, apart from in the analysis of inverse participation ratios (IPRs), the vulnerability becomes dull under a small-scale perturbation. This means that these analysis tools are inappropriate for monitoring the whole stock market due to the low sensitivity of a stock market to a small-scale perturbation. In contrast, when going down to the structure of business sectors, we confirm that correlation-based business sectors are regrouped in terms of IPRs. This result gives a clue about monitoring the effect of hidden intentions, which are revealed via portfolios taken mostly by large investors.  相似文献   

A recently discovered feature of financial markets, the two-phase phenomenon, is utilized to categorize a financial time series into two phases, namely equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium states. For out-of-equilibrium states, we analyze the time intervals at which the state is revisited. The power-law distribution of inter-out-of-equilibrium state intervals is shown and we present an analogy with discrete-time heat bath dynamics, similar to random Ising systems. In the mean-field approximation, this model reduces to a one-dimensional multiplicative process. By varying global and local model parameters, the relevance between volatilities in financial markets and the interaction strengths between agents in the Ising model are investigated and discussed.  相似文献   

Rui-Hua Shao 《Physica A》2009,388(6):977-983
We study theoretically a bistable system with time-delayed feedback driven by a weak periodic force. The effective potential function and the steady-state probability density are derived. The delay time and the strength of its feedback can change the shapes of the potential wells. In the adiabatic approximation, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the system with a weak periodic force is obtained. The time-delayed feedback modulates the magnitude of SNR by changing the shape of the potential and the effective strength of the signal. The maximum of SNR decreases with increasing the feedback intensity ?. When ? is negative (or positive), the time delay can suppress (or promote) the stochastic resonance phenomenon.  相似文献   

It has been recently reported that scale-free topology favors the detection of a weak signal because of the higher amplification at the hub node than that at other nodes [Phys. Ref. I?, 78(2008)046111]. We investigate the corresponding synchronization behaviors and find that the favorite detection depends not only on the coupling and noise strengths but also on the frequency of the external signal. We reveal theoretically and numerically that the amplification effect of the hub node will decrease monotonously with the external frequency, which is useful to understand the high sensitivity of animal visual and auditory systems to weak external signals.  相似文献   

In this Letter, we study the exponential stochastic synchronization problem for coupled neural networks with stochastic noise perturbations. Based on Lyapunov stability theory, inequality techniques, the properties of Weiner process, and adding different intermittent controllers, several sufficient conditions are obtained to ensure exponential stochastic synchronization of coupled neural networks with or without coupling delays under stochastic perturbations. These stochastic synchronization criteria are expressed in terms of several lower-dimensional linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) and can be easily verified. Moreover, the results of this Letter are applicable to both directed and undirected weighted networks. A numerical example and its simulations are offered to show the effectiveness of our new results.  相似文献   

H.J. Sun  J.J. Wu  Z.Y. Gao 《Physica A》2008,387(7):1648-1654
Considering the microscopic characteristics (vehicle speed, road length etc.) of links and macroscopic behaviors of traffic systems, we derive the critical flow generation rate in scale-free networks. And the dynamics of traffic congestion is studied numerically in this paper. It is shown that the queue length increases with microscopic characteristics of links. Additionally, the critical flow generation rate decreases with increase of the network size N, maximum speed vmax and parameter τ. The significance of this finding is that, in order to improve the traffic environment, both the local information for the single link and behaviors of the whole network must be analyzed simultaneously in a traffic system design.  相似文献   

Dan Wu 《Physics letters. A》2008,372(32):5299-5304
The dynamics of a periodically driven FitzHugh-Nagumo system with time-delayed feedback and Gaussian white noise is investigated. The stochastic resonance which is characterized by the Fourier coefficient Q is numerically calculated. It is found that the stochastic resonance of the system is a non-monotonic function of the noise strength and the signal period. The variation of the time-delayed feedback can induce periodic stochastic resonance in the system.  相似文献   

Many networks extent in space, may it be metric (e.g. geographic) or non-metric (ordinal). Spatial network growth, which depends on the distance between nodes, can generate a wide range of topologies from small-world to linear scale-free networks. However, networks often lacked multiple clusters or communities. Multiple clusters can be generated, however, if there are time windows during development. Time windows ensure that regions of the network develop connections at different points in time. This novel approach could generate small-world but not scale-free networks. The resulting topology depended critically on the overlap of time windows as well as on the position of pioneer nodes.  相似文献   

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