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Chloritoid–glaucophane‐bearing rocks are widespread in the high‐pressure belt of the north Qilian orogen, NW China. They are interbedded and cofacial with felsic schists originated from greywackes, mafic garnet blueschists and low‐T eclogites. Two representative chloritoid–glaucophane‐bearing assemblages are chloritoid + glaucophane + garnet + talc + quartz (sample Q5‐49) and chloritoid + glaucophane + garnet + phengite + epidote + quartz (sample Q5‐12). Garnet in sample Q5‐49 is coarse‐, medium‐ and fine‐grained and shows two types of zonation patterns. In pattern I, Xgrs is constant as Xpy rises, and in pattern II Xgrs decreases as Xpy rises. Phase equilibrium modelling in the NC(K)MnFMASH system with Thermocalc 3.25 indicates that pattern I can be formed during progressive metamorphism in lawsonite‐stable assemblages, while pattern II zonation can be formed with further heating after lawsonite has been consumed. Garnet growth in Q5‐49 is consistent with a continuous progressive metamorphic process from ~14.5 kbar at 470 °C to ~22.5 kbar at 560 °C. Garnet in sample Q5‐12 develops with pattern I zonation, which is consistent with a progressive metamorphic process from ~21 kbar at 540 °C to ~23.5 kbar at 580 °C with lawsonite present in the whole garnet growth. The latter sample shows the highest PT conditions of the reported chloritoid–glaucophane‐bearing assemblages. Phase equilibrium calculation in the NCKFMASH system with a recent mixing model of amphibole indicates that chloritoid + glaucophane paragenesis does not have a low‐pressure limit of 18–19 kbar as previously suggested, but has a much larger pressure range from 7–8 to 27–30 kbar, with the low‐pressure part being within the stability field of albite.  相似文献   

Medium‐temperature ultrahigh pressure (MT‐UHP) eclogites from the south Dabie orogen, as represented by samples from the Jinheqiao, Shuanghe and Bixiling areas, consist of garnet, omphacite, phengite, epidote, hornblendic amphibole, quartz/coesite and rutile with or without kyanite and talc. Garnet is mostly anhedral and unzoned, but a few porphyroblasts are weakly zoned with core–mantle increasing grossular (Xgr) and decreasing pyrope (Xpy) contents. Garnet compositions are closely correlated with the bulk compositions. For instance, the Xpy and Xgr contents are positively correlated with the bulk MgO and CaO contents. Phengite is occasionally zoned with core–rim deceasing Si content, and phengite grains as inclusions in garnet show higher Si than in the matrix, suggesting differently resetting during post‐peak stages. The maximum Si contents are mostly 3.60–3.63 p.f.u. for the three areas. Pseudosections calculated using THERMOCALC suggest that the MT‐UHP eclogites should have a peak assemblage of garnet + omphacite + lawsonite + phengite + coesite in most rocks of higher MgO content. In this assemblage, the Xpy in garnet mostly depends on bulk compositions, whereas the Xgr in garnet and the Si contents in phengite regularly increase, respectively, as temperature and as pressure rise, and thus, can provide robust thermobarometric constraints. Using the Xgr and Si isopleths in pseudosections, the peak P–T conditions were estimated to be 40 kbar/730 °C for the Jinheqiao, 41 kbar/726 °C for the Shuanghe, and 37–52 kbar and 700–830 °C for the Bixiling eclogites. Some eclogites with higher FeO are predicted to have a peak assemblage of garnet + omphacite + coesite ± phengite without lawsonite, where the garnet and phengite compositions highly depend on bulk compositions and generally cannot give available thermobarometric constraints. Decompression of the eclogites with lawsonite in the peak stage is inferred to be accompanied with cooling and involves two stages: an early‐stage decompression is dominated by lawsonite dehydration, resulting in increase in the mode of anhydrous minerals, or further eclogitization, and formation of epidote porphyroblasts and kyanite‐bearing quartz veins in eclogite. As lawsonite dehydration can facilitate evolution of assemblages under fluid‐present conditions, it is difficult to recover real peak P–T conditions for UHP eclogites with lawsonite. This may be a reason why the P–T conditions estimated for eclogites using thermobarometers are mostly lower than those estimated for the coherent ultramafic rocks, and lower than those suggested from the inclusion assemblages in zircon from marble. A late‐stage decompression is dominated by formation of hornblendic amphibole and plagioclase with fluid infiltration. The lawsonite‐absent MT‐UHP eclogites have only experienced a decompression metamorphism corresponding to the later stage and generally lack the epidote overprinting.  相似文献   

柴北缘鱼卡河榴辉岩的典型矿物组合为石榴石-绿辉石-多硅白云母-金红石。其中粗粒石榴石变斑晶普遍保存进变质生长环带,从核部到边部石榴石的化学成分、包体矿物的种类和粒度皆呈现出规律的分带性。岩相学和矿物化学研究进一步表明,该榴辉岩经历了前榴辉岩相、榴辉岩相及后榴辉岩相三个主要变质演化阶段。前榴辉岩相以石榴石核部成分及核部包体矿物组合石榴石(GrtⅠ) 角闪石(AmpⅠ) 斜长石(PⅡ) 石英(Qtz)为特征,P-T 估算结果为450~500℃和0.6~0.7GPa。榴辉岩相变质阶段又可细分为早期、峰期榴辉岩和退变角闪榴辉岩三个亚相。早期榴辉岩亚相以石榴石幔部成分和幔部包体矿物组合石榴石(GrtⅡA) 绿辉石(OmpⅡA) 多硅白云母(PheⅡA)±黝帘石(Zoi) 金红石(Ru)为代表,估算的温压条件为580~640℃和2.4~2.5GPa;峰期榴辉岩相以石榴石的边部(GrtⅡB)及基质中绿辉石(OmpⅡB)和多硅白云母(PheⅡB)的核部为代表,矿物组合为 GrtⅡB OmpⅡB PheⅡB Ru,估算的 P-T 条件为620~680℃和3.0~3.4GPa;退变角闪榴辉岩相以共生的石榴石的最边部(GrtⅡC)、基质绿辉石(OmpⅡC)和多硅白云母(PheⅡC)的边部及镁红闪石(AmpⅡ)组合为代表,矿物组合为 GrtⅡC OmpⅡC AmpⅡ PheⅡC,估算的 P-T 条件为700~720℃和2.3~2.4GPa。后榴辉岩阶段主要为麻粒岩-高角闪岩相,以绿辉石分解形成透辉石 钠长石冠状体以及进一步分解形成韭闪石 斜长石,铁红闪石分解形成浅闪石 斜长石为代表,P-T 估算结果为550~600℃和0.6~1GPa。温压估算结果表明,鱼卡河榴辉岩经历了升温升压—升温降压—降温降压的一个顺时针 P-T 演化轨迹,它记录了从俯冲-超高压变质-抬升的连续的演化过程。峰期变质条件为630~680℃和3.0~3.4GPa,已达超高压变质范畴。榴辉岩中进变质矿物组合和生长环带的保存说明榴辉岩的形成经历了相对快速的俯冲和折返的动力学过程。  相似文献   

拉萨地块松多榴辉岩主要矿物组合为石榴子石、绿辉石、角闪石、多硅白云母、绿帘石、金红石。石榴子石环带不明显,核部成分均一,从核部到边部,镁铝榴石和钙铝榴石含量降低,可能分别记录了榴辉岩峰期及退变质过程信息。绿辉石显示微弱的成分环带,硬玉含量从核部到边部略有升高,部分绿辉石边部发育韭闪石退变质边,反映了在减压过程中外来流体进入体系的过程。多硅白云母具有高的Si含量(3.5~3.6),其中石榴石包体中的多硅白云母相对基质中的白云母有更高的Si值。本文利用Thermocalc变质相平衡模拟软件,结合详细岩相学观察,在NCKMn FMASHTO体系下,模拟松多含多硅白云母榴辉岩的变质演化过程。其中,榴辉岩峰期矿物组合为g+o+law+phn+ru,石榴石核部最大镁铝榴石值和石榴子石包体中多硅白云母最大Si值确定的榴辉岩峰期温压条件约为620℃,32×105Pa,榴辉岩经历了近等温降压的退变质过程。相平衡模拟结果表明拉萨地块松多榴辉岩经历了超高压变质作用过程,并经历了相对快速的折返过程到中部地壳层次。  相似文献   

The late Palaeozoic western Tianshan high‐pressure /low‐temperature belt extends for about 200 km along the south‐central Tianshan suture zone and is composed mainly of blueschist, eclogite and epidote amphibolite/greenschist facies rocks. P–T conditions of mafic garnet omphacite and garnet–omphacite blueschist, which are interlayered with eclogite, were investigated in order to establish an exhumation path for these high‐pressure rocks. Maximum pressure conditions are represented by the assemblage garnet–omphacite–paragonite–phengite–glaucophane–quartz–rutile. Estimated maximum pressures range between 18 and 21 kbar at temperatures between 490 and 570 °C. Decompression caused the destabilization of omphacite, garnet and glaucophane to albite, Ca‐amphibole and chlorite. The post‐eclogite facies metamorphic conditions between 9 and 14 kbar at 480–570 °C suggest an almost isothermal decompression from eclogite to epidote–amphibolite facies conditions. Prograde growth zoning and mineral inclusions in garnet as well as post‐eclogite facies conditions are evidence for a clockwise P–T path. Analysis of phase diagrams constrains the P–T path to more or less isothermal cooling which is well corroborated by the results of geothermobarometry and mineral textures. This implies that the high‐pressure rocks from the western Tianshan Orogen formed in a tectonic regime similar to ‘Alpine‐type’ tectonics. This contradicts previous models which favour ‘Franciscan‐type’ tectonics for the southern Tianshan high‐pressure rocks.  相似文献   

北祁连早古生代花岗质岩浆作用及构造演化   总被引:15,自引:14,他引:15  
北祁连山中段花岗岩锆石SHRIMP定年结果表明,柯柯里岩体的斜长花岗岩和石英闪长岩的年龄分别为512Ma和501Ma,野马咀和金佛寺花岗岩的年龄分别为508Ma和424Ma。结合区内其它花岗岩体的定年资料,根据花岗岩的岩石地球化学特征及岩体产出的构造位置、区域地质资料等,我们认为,早古生代北祁连洋板块向南俯冲,至少引发了两期花岗质岩浆作用,第一次岩浆作用形成柯柯里斜长花岗岩(512Ma)、野马咀花岗岩(508Ma)和柯柯里石英闪长岩(501Ma),第二次花岗质岩浆作用形成牛心山花岗岩(477Ma)。由于往南俯冲的板块受到柴达木板块向北俯冲的影响,俯冲受阻,继而俯冲极性发生变化,转向北俯冲,形成了民乐窑沟(463Ma)等花岗岩侵入体。大约440Ma之后,洋盆闭合,柴达木陆块和阿拉善陆块对接碰撞,形成北祁连造山带。由于造山带根部岩石圈发生折沉作用,造山带上不同的块体伸展、滑塌,形成一系列碰撞后花岗岩如金佛寺花岗岩(424Ma)及牛心山岩体的石英闪长岩(435Ma)等。  相似文献   

Glaucophane‐bearing ultrahigh pressure (UHP) eclogites from the western Dabieshan terrane consist of garnet, omphacite, glaucophane, kyanite, epidote, phengite, quartz/coesite and rutile with or without talc and paragonite. Some garnet porphyroblasts exhibit a core–mantle zoning profile with slight increase in pyrope content and minor or slight decrease in grossular and a mantle–rim zoning profile characterized by a pronounced increase in pyrope and rapid decrease in grossular. Omphacite is usually zoned with a core–rim decrease in j(o) [=Na/(Ca + Na)]. Glaucophane occurs as porphyroblasts in some samples and contains inclusions of garnet, omphacite and epidote. Pseudosections calculated in the NCKMnFMASHO system for five representative samples, combined with petrographic observations suggest that the UHP eclogites record four stages of metamorphism. (i) The prograde stage, on the basis of modelling of garnet zoning and inclusions in garnet, involves PT vectors dominated by heating with a slight increase in pressure, suggesting an early slow subduction process, and PT vectors dominated by a pronounced increase in pressure and slight heating, pointing to a late fast subduction process. The prograde metamorphism is predominated by dehydration of glaucophane and, to a lesser extent, chlorite, epidote and paragonite, releasing ~27 wt% water that was bound in the hydrous minerals. (ii) The peak stage is represented by garnet rim compositions with maximum pyrope and minimum grossular contents, and PT conditions of 28.2–31.8 kbar and 605–613 °C, with the modelled peak‐stage mineral assemblage mostly involving garnet + omphacite + lawsonite + talc + phengite + coesite ± glaucophane ± kyanite. (iii) The early decompression stage is characterized by dehydration of lawsonite, releasing ~70–90 wt% water bound in the peak mineral assemblages, which results in the growth of glaucophane, j(o) decrease in omphacite and formation of epidote. And, (iv) The late retrograde stage is characterized by the mineral assemblage of hornblendic amphibole + epidote + albite/oligoclase + quartz developed in the margins or strongly foliated domains of eclogite blocks due to fluid infiltration at P–T conditions of 5–10 kbar and 500–580 °C. The proposed metamorphic stages for the UHP eclogites are consistent with the petrological observations, but considerably different from those presented in the previous studies.  相似文献   

Although ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks are present in many collisional orogenic belts, almost all exposed UHP metamorphic rocks are subducted upper or felsic lower continental crust with minor mafic boudins. Eclogites formed by subduction of mafic lower continental crust have not been identified yet. Here an eclogite occurrence that formed during subduction of the mafic lower continental crust in the Dabie orogen, east‐central China is reported. At least four generations of metamorphic mineral assemblages can be discerned: (i) hypersthene + plagioclase ± garnet; (ii) omphacite + garnet + rutile + quartz; (iii) symplectite stage of garnet + diopside + hypersthene + ilmenite + plagioclase; (iv) amphibole + plagioclase + magnetite, which correspond to four metamorphic stages: (a) an early granulite facies, (b) eclogite facies, (c) retrograde metamorphism of high‐pressure granulite facies and (d) retrograde metamorphism of amphibolite facies. Mineral inclusion assemblages and cathodoluminescence images show that zircon is characterized by distinctive domains of core and a thin overgrowth rim. The zircon core domains are classified into two types: the first is igneous with clear oscillatory zonation ± apatite and quartz inclusions; and the second is metamorphic containing a granulite facies mineral assemblage of garnet, hypersthene and plagioclase (andesine). The zircon rims contain garnet, omphacite and rutile inclusions, indicating a metamorphic overgrowth at eclogite facies. The almost identical ages of the two types of core domains (magmatic = 791 ± 9 Ma and granulite facies metamorphic zircon = 794 ± 10 Ma), and the Triassic age (212 ± 10 Ma) of eclogitic facies metamorphic overgrowth zircon rim are interpreted as indicating that the protolith of the eclogite is mafic granulite that originated from underplating of mantle‐derived magma onto the base of continental crust during the Neoproterozoic (c. 800 Ma) and then subducted during the Triassic, experiencing UHP eclogite facies metamorphism at mantle depths. The new finding has two‐fold significance: (i) voluminous mafic lower continental crust can increase the average density of subducted continental lithosphere, thus promoting its deep subduction; (ii) because of the current absence of mafic lower continental crust in the Dabie orogen, delamination or recycling of subducted mafic lower continental crust can be inferred as the geochemical cause for the mantle heterogeneity and the unusually evolved crustal composition.  相似文献   

Widespread evidence for ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) metamorphism is reported in the Dulan eclogite‐bearing terrane, the North Qaidam–Altun HP–UHP belt, northern Tibet. This includes: (1) coesite and associated UHP mineral inclusions in zircon separates from paragneiss and eclogite (identified by laser Raman spectroscopy); (2) inclusions of quartz pseudomorphs after coesite and polycrystalline K‐feldspar + quartz in eclogitic garnet and omphacite; and (3) densely oriented SiO2 lamellae in omphacitic clinopyroxene. These lines of evidence demonstrate that the Dulan region is a UHP metamorphic terrane. In the North Dulan Belt (NDB), eclogites are characterized by the peak assemblage Grt + Omp + Rt + Phn + Coe (pseudomorph) and retrograde symplectites of Cpx + Ab and Hbl + Pl. The peak conditions of the NDB eclogites are P = 2.9–3.2 GPa, and T = 631–687 °C; the eclogite shows a near‐isothermal decompression P–T path suggesting a fast exhumation. In the South Dulan Belt (SDB), three metamorphic stages are recognized in eclogites: (1) a peak eclogite facies stage with the assemblage Grt + Omp + Ky + Rt + Phn at P = 2.9–3.3 GPa and T = 729–746 °C; (2) a high‐pressure granulite facies stage with Grt + Cpx (Jd < 30) + Pl (An24–29) + Scp at P = 1.9–2.0 GPa, T = 873–948 °C; and (3) an amphibolite facies stage with the assemblage Hbl + Pl + Ep/Czo at P = 0.7–0.9 GPa and T = 660–695 °C. The clockwise P–T path of the SDB eclogites is different from the near‐isothermal decompression P–T path from the NDB eclogites, which suggests that the SDB was exhumed to a stable crustal depth at a slower rate. In essence these two sub‐belts formed in different tectonic settings; they both subducted to mantle depths of around 100 km, but were exhumed to the Earth's surface separately along different paths. This UHP terrane plays an important role in understanding continental collision in north‐western China.  相似文献   

The north Qilian high‐pressure (HP)/low‐temperature (LT) metamorphic belt is composed mainly of blueschists, eclogites and greenschist facies rocks. It formed within an Early Palaeozoic accretionary wedge associated with the subduction of the oceanic crust and is considered to be one of the best preserved HP/LT metamorphic belts in China. Here we report new lawsonite‐bearing eclogites and eclogitic rocks enclosed within epidote blueschists in the North Qilian Mountains. Five samples contain unaltered lawsonite coexisting with omphacite and phengite as inclusions in garnet, indicating eclogite facies garnet growth and lawsonite pseudomorphs were observed in garnet from an additional 11 eclogites and eclogitic rocks. Peak pressure conditions estimated from lawsonite omphacite‐phengite‐garnet assemblages were 2.1–2.4 GPa at temperatures of 420–510 °C, in or near the stability field of lawsonite eclogite, and implying formation under an apparent geothermal gradient of 6–8 °C km?1, consistent with metamorphism in a cold subduction zone. SHRIMP U‐Pb dating of zircon from two lawsonite‐bearing eclogitic metabasites yields ages of 489 ± 7 Ma and 477 ± 16 Ma, respectively. CL images and mineral inclusions in zircon grains indicate that these ages reflect an eclogite facies metamorphism. An age of 502 ± 16 Ma is recorded in igneous cores of zircon grains from one lawsonite pseudomorph‐bearing eclogite, which is in agreement with the formation age of Early Ordovician for some ophiolite sequences in the North Qilian Mountains, and may be associated with a period of oceanic crust formation. The petrological and chronological data demonstrate the existence of a cold Early Palaeozoic subduction zone in the North Qilian Mountains.  相似文献   

The Qinglongshan eclogites in the Southern Sulu ultrahigh pressure metamorphic (UHPM) terrane show very different retrograded textures from their counterparts in the Northern Sulu terrane, implying a different thermal history. Scanning electron and optical microscope observations indicate that the peak assemblage of the Qinglongshan eclogite is anhydrous, composed of Grt + OmpI + Rt + (Ky + coesite). These primary minerals were replaced by second and third stage minerals, resulting in symplectite pseudomorphs or coronas. The following relationships are inferred: OmpI → OmpII + Ab + Fe‐oxide symplectite (type I) and Rt → Rt + Ilm intergrowth; and, Ky → Pg, OmpII (+Pl) → Amp (+Pl) symplectite (type II), and Grt → Prg (+Fe‐oxide). Mineral chemistry and mass‐balance demonstrate that the pseudomorphed textures were developed by metasomatism involving dissolution and precipitation intensified by fluids along grain boundaries. The formation of symplectite type I produced Fe, Mg and Na but consumed Ca and Si. The Mg and Fe diffused to garnet where exchange of (Mg, Fe) with Ca of the garnet resulted in compositional zonation with decreased Ca towards the edge of garnet grains where Ca was consumed during symplectite formation. The replacement of kyanite by paragonite consumed the extra Na. In the later stage, fluid infiltration partially transformed symplectite type I to type II, and narrow rims of pargasite resorbed garnet from their boundaries. Mass balance suggests that the transformation and resorption would have been coupled during fluid infiltration. In the latest stage, epidote and quartz were precipitated at very late stage as a result of fluid activity along microfractures. Tentative P–T conditions based on mineral reactions and thermocalc software suggest that the retrograded eclogite did not record the granulite facies retrograde evolution characteristic of eclogites from the Northern Sulu terrane. The difference in retrograde evolution between the Southern and Northern Sulu eclogites suggests a different exhumation history.  相似文献   

北祁连洋早古生代双向俯冲的花岗岩证据   总被引:21,自引:5,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
笔者主要对北祁连山中段的牛心山岩体、民乐窑沟岩体进行了锆石SHRIMP定年研究。结果表明:牛心山花岗岩的年龄为476Ma,民乐窑沟花岗闪长岩的年龄为463Ma。岩石地球化学显示.两岩体均具有大陆活动边缘的岩浆作用特征,结合岩体产出的区域构造位置及区域地质资料,笔者认为早古生代北祁连洋板块分别发生了向南、向北俯冲,其中向南俯冲形成牛心山花岗岩(476Ma),向北俯冲,形成了民乐窑沟花岗岩侵入体(463Ma)。  相似文献   

Conditions of the prograde, peak‐pressure and part of the decompressional P–T path of two Precambrian eclogites in the eastern Sveconorwegian orogen have been determined using the pseudosection approach. Cores of garnet from a Fe–Ti‐rich eclogite record a first prograde and syn‐deformational stage along a Barrovian gradient from ~670 °C and 7 kbar to 710 °C and 8.5 kbar. Garnet rims grew during further burial to 16.5–19 kbar at ~850–900 °C, along a steep dP/dT gradient. The pseudosection model of a kyanite‐bearing eclogite sample of more magnesian bulk composition confirms the peak conditions. Matrix reequilibration associated with subsequent near‐isothermal decompression and partial exhumation produced plagioclase‐bearing symplectites replacing kyanite and clinopyroxene at an estimated 850–870 °C and 10–11 kbar. The validity of the pseudosections is discussed in detail. It is shown that in pseudosection modelling the fractionation of FeO in accessory sulphides may cause a significant shift of field boundaries (here displaced by up to 1.5 kbar and 70 °C) and must not be neglected. Fast burial, exhumation and subsequent cooling are supported by the steepness of both the prograde and the decompressional P–T paths as well as the preservation of garnet growth zoning and the symplectitic reaction textures. These features are compatible with deep tectonic burial of the eclogite‐bearing continental crust as part of the underthrusting plate (Eastern Segment, continent Baltica) in a collisional setting that led to an effectively doubled crustal thickness and subsequent exhumation of the eclogites through tectonic extrusion. Our results are in accordance with regional structural and petrological relationships, which demonstrate foreland‐vergent partial exhumation of the eclogite‐bearing nappe along a basal thrust zone and support a major collisional stage at c. 1 Ga. We argue that the similarities between Sveconorwegian and Himalayan eclogite occurrences emphasize the modern style of Grenvillian‐aged tectonics.  相似文献   

Low‐temperature eclogite and eclogite facies metapelite together with serpentinite and marble occur as blocks within foliated blueschist that was originated from greywacke matrix; they formed a high‐pressure low‐temperature (HPLT) subduction complex (mélange) in the North Qilian oceanic‐type suture zone, NW China. Phengite–eclogite (type I) and epidote–eclogite (type II) were recognized on the basis of mineral assemblage. Relic lawsonite and lawsonite pseudomorphs occur as inclusions in garnet from both types of eclogite. Garnet–omphacite–phengite geothermobarometry yields metamorphic conditions of 460–510 °C and 2.20–2.60 GPa for weakly deformed eclogite, and 475–500 °C and 1.75–1.95 GPa for strongly foliated eclogite. Eclogite facies metasediments include garnet–omphacite–phengite–glaucophane schist and various chloritoid‐bearing schists. Mg‐carpholite was identified in some high‐Mg chloritoid schists. PT estimates yield 2.60–2.15 GPa and 495–540 °C for Grt–Omp–Phn–Gln schist, and 2.45–2.50 GPa and 525–530 °C for the Mg‐carpholite schist. Mineral assemblages and PT estimates, together with isotopic ages, suggest that the oceanic lithosphere as well as pelagic to semi‐pelagic sediments have been subducted to the mantle depths (≥75 km) before 460 Ma. Blueschist facies retrogression occurred at c. 454–446 Ma and led to eclogite deformation and dehydration of lawsonite during exhumation. The peak PTconditions for eclogite and metapelite in the North Qilian suture zone demonstrate the existence of cold subduction‐zone gradients (6–7 °C km?1), and this cold subduction brought a large amount of H2O to the deep mantle in the Early Palaeozoic times.  相似文献   

Eclogites from the south Tianshan, NW China are grouped into two types: glaucophane and hornblende eclogites, composed, respectively, of garnet + omphacite + glaucophane + paragonite + epidote + quartz and garnet + omphacite + hornblende (sensu lato) + paragonite + epidote + quartz, plus accessory rutile and ilmenite. These eclogites are diverse both in mineral composition and texture not only between the two types but also among the different selected samples within the glaucophane eclogite. Using thermocalc 3.1 and recent models of activity–composition relation for minerals, a PT projection and a series of P–T pseudosections for specific samples of eclogite have been calculated in the system Na2O–CaO–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O (NCFMASH) with quartz and water taken to be in excess. On the basis of these phase diagrams, the phase relations and P–T conditions are well delineated. The three selected samples of glaucophane eclogite AK05, AK11 and AK17 are estimated to have peak P–T conditions, respectively, of 540–550 °C at c. 16 kbar, c. 560 °C at 15–17 kbar and c. 580 °C at 15–19 kbar, and two samples of hornblende eclogite AK10 and AK30 of 610–630 °C and 17–18 kbar. Together with H2O‐content contours in the related P–T pseudosections and textural relations, both types of eclogite are inferred to show clockwise P–T paths, with the hornblende eclogite being transformed from the glaucophane eclogite assemblage dominantly through increasing temperature.  相似文献   

Eclogite fades rocks in this area are diverse in rock type. The field occurrence and rock-chemistry reflect theirin-situ origin. Based on their regional geology and field occurrence, two groups of eclogites are divided in terms of their peak temperature of metamorphism. Medium-temperature eclogites (MT), as Group B, occur in the Dabie Group. They were formed from epidote-amphibolite facies. The metamorphism of eclogite facies has two stages: the coesite eclogite facies stage (the peak condition:T = 600 -700°C,P = 2.7-3.0 GPa) and the glaucophane eclogite facies stage (the pressure decreases, may be lower than 2.5 GPa while the temperature has little change). Low temperature eclogites (LT), as Group C, occur in the Qijiaoshan Formation. They were formed from blue schist facies (the peak condition:T = 490–560°C,P< 1.5 GPa). The appearance of hydrous minerals in the eclogites indicates the important role of water in metamorphism. Medium-temperature eclogites are different from low-temperature ones in metamorphism. At last, the evolution of the high-pressure metamorphic belt is discussed as well. This research project was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 49372100).  相似文献   

Pseudosections calculated with thermocalc predict that lawsonite‐bearing assemblages, including lawsonite eclogite, will be common for subducted oceanic crust that experiences cool, fluid‐saturated conditions. For glaucophane–lawsonite eclogite facies conditions (500–600 °C and 18–28 kbar), MORB compositions are predicted in the NCKMnFMASHO system to contain glaucophane, garnet, omphacite, lawsonite, phengite and quartz, with chlorite at lower temperature and talc at higher temperature. In these assemblages, the pyrope content in garnet is mostly controlled by variations in temperature, and grossular content is strongly controlled by pressure. The silica content in phengite increases linearly with pressure. As the P–T conditions for these given isopleths are only subtly affected by common variations in bulk‐rock compositions, the P–T pseudosections potentially present a robust geothermobarometric method for natural glaucophane‐bearing eclogites. Thermobarometric results recovered both by isopleth and conventional approaches indicate that most natural glaucophane–lawsonite eclogites (Type‐L) and glaucophane–epidote eclogites (Type‐E) record similar peak P–T conditions within the lawsonite stability field. Decompression from conditions appropriate for lawsonite stability should result in epidote‐bearing assemblages through dehydration reactions controlled by lawsonite + omphacite = glaucophane + epidote + H2O. Lawsonite and omphacite breakdown will be accompanied by the release of a large amount of bound fluid, such that eclogite assemblages are variably recrystallized to glaucophane‐rich blueschist. Calculated pseudosections indicate that eclogite assemblages form most readily in Ca‐rich rocks and blueschist assemblages most readily in Ca‐poor rocks. This distinction in bulk‐rock composition can account for the co‐existence of low‐T eclogite and blueschist in high‐pressure terranes.  相似文献   

北祁连石灰沟奥陶纪碳酸盐岩—硅质岩形成的构造环境   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
闫臻  李继亮  雍拥  肖文交  王宗起  向永生 《岩石学报》2008,24(10):2384-2394
北祁连造山带石灰沟奥陶纪硅质岩与碱性玄武岩、熔结凝灰岩、火山碎屑岩、泥岩、杂砂岩、砂屑灰岩、生物碎屑灰岩及生物礁共同构成了一个相对完整的海山组合序列。其中硅质岩中含有早—中奥陶世牙行刺化石,泥岩和砂岩中含有中—晚奥陶世三叶虫和笔石化石。硅质岩地球化学特征研究表明其源区为其形成提供了丰富的碎屑物质来源,从而表现为LREE富集,Eu*CN负异常特征; 这些硅质岩形成于陆缘环境,并非深海或洋中脊环境。  相似文献   

The Chinese western Tianshan high-pressure/low-temperature (HP–LT) metamorphic belt, which extends for about 200 km along the South Central Tianshan suture zone, is composed of mainly metabasic blueschists, eclogites and greenschist facies rocks. The metabasic blueschists occur as small discrete blocks, lenses, bands, laminae or thick beds in meta-sedimentary greenschist facies country rocks. Eclogites are intercalated within blueschist layers as lenses, laminae, thick beds or large massive blocks (up to 2 km2 in plan view). Metabasic blueschists consist of mainly garnet, sodic amphibole, phengite, paragonite, clinozoisite, epidote, chlorite, albite, accessory titanite and ilmenite. Eclogites are predominantly composed of garnet, omphacite, sodic–calcic amphibole, clinozoisite, phengite, paragonite, quartz with accessory minerals such as rutile, titanite, ilmenite, calcite and apatite. Garnet in eclogite has a composition of 53–79 mol% almandine, 8.5–30 mol% grossular, 5–24 mol% pyrope and 0.6–13 mol% spessartine. Garnet in blueschists shows similar composition. Sodic amphiboles include glaucophane, ferro-glaucophane and crossite, whereas the sodic–calcic amphiboles mainly comprise barroisite and winchite. The jadeite content of omphacite varies from 35–54 mol%. Peak eclogite facies temperatures are estimated as 480–580 °C for a pressure range of 14–21 kbar. The conditions of pre-peak, epidote–blueschist facies metamorphism are estimated to be 350–450 °C and 8–12 kbar. All rock types have experienced a clockwise PT path through pre-peak lawsonite/epidote-blueschist to eclogite facies conditions. The retrograde part of the PT path is represented by the transition of epidote-blueschist to greenschist facies conditions. The PT path indicates that the high-pressure rocks formed in a B-type subduction zone along the northern margin of the Palaeozoic South Tianshan ocean between the Tarim and Yili-central Tianshan plates.  相似文献   

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