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This article investigates teaching as collective work. The goals, functions and forms of teachers' collective work and changes in the professional representations or repertoire of actions through collective activity are identified. A synthetic framework is outlined and shown to be useful in addressing the data, by revealing the importance of interactions in professional competence acquisition. The article relates this framework to data collected from new teachers in the induction year in Scottish secondary schools (age range of pupils 11–18 years) and discusses the relationship of collective work to competence standards. Some issues for teacher educators and further research questions are identified.  相似文献   

This article reviews evidence from four international student achievement tests on the effects on student performance of competition from privately managed schools, schools' freedom to make autonomous decisions, and accountability introduced by external exit exams. The multivariate cross-country regressions are performed at the level of individual students and control for extensive family and school background information. The results reveal that students perform better in countries with more competition from privately managed schools, in countries where public funding ensures that all families can make choices, in schools that have freedom to make autonomous process and personnel decisions, where teachers have both freedom and incentives to select appropriate teaching methods, where parents take interest in teaching matters, and where school autonomy is combined with external exams that provide an information basis allowing for well-informed choices and holding schools accountable for their autonomous decisions.  相似文献   


Factor mixture models are designed for the analysis of multivariate data obtained from a population consisting of distinct latent classes. A common factor model is assumed to hold within each of the latent classes. Factor mixture modeling involves obtaining estimates of the model parameters, and may also be used to assign subjects to their most likely latent class. This simulation study investigates aspects of model performance such as parameter coverage and correct class membership assignment and focuses on covariate effects, model size, and class-specific versus class-invariant parameters. When fitting true models, parameter coverage is good for most parameters even for the smallest class separation investigated in this study (0.5 SD between 2 classes). The same holds for convergence rates. Correct class assignment is unsatisfactory for the small class separation without covariates, but improves dramatically with increasing separation, covariate effects, or both. Model performance is not influenced by the differences in model size investigated here. Class-specific parameters may improve some aspects of model performance but negatively affect other aspects.  相似文献   

Research has pointed to the importance of interprofessional collaboration (IPC) between school psychologists and medical providers in the provision of quality mental health care for youth with chronic health conditions. However, little is known about current IPC practices among school psychologists. This study examined school psychology trainees’ and professionals’ perceptions of training, preparedness, and current practices related to IPC with medical providers. Survey results indicated that participants (N = 317) endorse relatively low levels of training and preparedness and limited practice of IPC with medical providers. Additionally, results indicated that perceptions of training and preparedness were associated with current practices in IPC with medical providers. Findings demonstrated the impact of training and preparedness on subsequent engagement in IPC and have implications for the future training of school psychologists as they seek to address the needs of youth with chronic health conditions.  相似文献   

The changes within the educational system of a modern industrial state can only be seen against the background of national traditions and international trends. A topical example within the German context will be discussed in this paper. It focuses on the demand for more autonomy for the single school, whilst, at the same time, following pedagogical and political goals. More than a decade ago educationists started to look at the individual school as a unit with its own criteria of performance. They started to research the qualities of a 'good school' and gave innovative input to school development. A call for more autonomy on a school-based level was one of their main recommendations. Only latterly have educationists and teachers realised that this demand is in line with discussions amongst politicians on the same issue. Clearly, the latter have been linked to an all-European context in which educational policies are moving towards the autonomous school as an enterprise in the marketplace. The paper discusses the ongoing German argument. Les évolutions du système éducatif d'une nation moderne industrialisée dépendent à proportion égale du contexte de traditions nationales et de courants ayant une influence internationale. L'article suivant propose de discuter un exemple actuel: La revendication pédagogique et politique d'une plus grande autonomie pour chaque école prend pour l'éducation publique allemande des formes spécifiques dues aux conditions particulìeres du système national d'éducation allemand. Des essais dans la recherche des sciences de l'´ education ayant pour but de définir chaque école comme une unité d'action individuelle et comme une bonne école ont déclenché des impulsions innovatives dans le domaine de l'évolution scolaire. Le désir d'une plus grande autonomie pédagogique né des besoins individuels de chaque école s'est vu confronté à une discussion sur l'autonomie qui s'oriente à des buts de politique éducative. L'orientation au maché propageé par ce courant dans la politique de l'éducation est un point discuté au niveau international, qui a déclenché en République Fédérale Allemande une discussion houleuse. Los cambios de un sistema educativo en un pís industrial se deben entender en el contexto de las tradiciones nacionales y al mismo tiempo de las influencias de tendencias internacionales. En este artículo el autor discute un ejemplo actual: La exigencia pedagógica y de la política para ortogar más autonomía a cada una de las escuelas tiene aspectos específicos en el marco del sistema educativo alemán. Partiendo de experimentos pedagógicos que entendían cada escuela como una unidad de acción, y que caracterizaban así una "buena escuela" se iniciaron impulsos innovadores para el desarrollo de la escuela, Los esfuerzos basados en objetivos pedagógicos para una mayor autonomía de cada escuela se vieron enfrentados a una discusión sobre la ampliacíon de la autonomía con objetivos políticos, y una marcada orientación de la escuela como empresa en el mercado. Esta discusión ha llevado a una fuerte controversia en la República Federal de Alemania. Veränderungen im Bildungssystem eines modernen Industriestaates stehen gleichermaßen im Kontext nationaler Traditionen wie im Einflussbereich international wirksamer Trends. Ein aktuelles Beispiel wird in diesem Artikel diskutiert: die pädagogische und bildungspolitische Forderung nach mehr Autonomie für die einzelne Schule erfährt unter den spezifischen Bedingungen des deutschen Bildungswesens eine spezifische Ausformung. Ausgehend von erziehungswissenschaftlichen Versuchen, die einzelne Schule als Handlungseinheit zu definieren und eine gute Schule zu charakterisieren, wurden innovative Impulse zur Schulentwicklung ausgelöst. Die aus den Bedürfnissen der einzelnen Schulen hervorgehenden Bestrebungen nach mehr Autonomie im pädagogischen Sektor trafen jedoch auf eine Autonomiediskussion, die von (bildungs-) politischen Zielsetzungen getragen wird. Die von dieser Seite propagierte Marktorientierung der öffentlichen Erziehung ist ein international diskutierter Ansatz, der in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland eine heftige Kontroverse ausgelöst hat.  相似文献   

The Urban Review - In this article, I draw on interviews with teachers and administrators at a secondary neighborhood public school in Washington, DC about their perceptions of how the school is...  相似文献   

学校文化是学校的灵魂,是学校的人文气象和风气、风貌的显像展现,是学校的"软实力",亦是核心竞争力。学校必须形成属于自己的文化特质、文化传统、文化氛围、文化价值。多元立体学校文化的构建要坚持文化的传承性、独特性和人文性原则。  相似文献   

多元一体——论云南民族关系的历史经验之一   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民族和民族文化的问题是当代一个引人注目的、重大的热点问题,而一与多、统一性(共性)与多样性的关系,是其中的关键问题。对于正确认识和处理这个关键问题,中华民族数千年的历史中包含着极有价值的思想资源,因为,中华民族是一与多的统一、共性与多样性的统一,即是一个多元一体结构的民族实体。中华民族的这种多元一体的结构,在云南表现得最为明显和典型,由此,总结云南民族如何形成多元一体结构的历史经验,对于认识我国多元一体的民族关系,进而认识当代民族与文化的世界性问题,都具有重要而普遍的意义。  相似文献   

文化记忆是一种巨大的力量,每个社会和时代都借助文化记忆的凝聚力维系身份认同。学校仪式是文化记忆的重要组织形式,它在存储文化传统、强化集体成员的身份认同,以及引导正确的文化行动方面发挥着独特的功能。在现实情景中,学校仪式出现外表形式化、内容空泛化、价值导向媚俗化等问题,表明学校仪式的文化记忆功能并未得到充分发挥。因此,彰显学校仪式的文化记忆价值,遵循学校仪式的文化记忆逻辑,并对学校仪式进行动态重构至关重要。  相似文献   

马克思确立的历史唯物主义,自创立之初开始,就遭到各种非议或责难.有人认为马克思没有批判哲学,只有实证科学,其突出表现为马克思的社会经济理论.而实际上,这些肤浅的理解显然是忽视了马克思哲学的革命性变革,原初的历史语境和时代使命赋予了马克思历史科学的实证批判性.  相似文献   

Three vocational high schools provide illustrative and contrasting histories in terms of African-American education and economic opportunity. Washburne Trade School reinforced trade union exclusion of African-Americans, and since integration in the 1960s has been abandoned by most of the powerful unions. Dunbar Vocational High School directed African-Americans into the lower-paying trades, but has lost the economic base that the ghetto once provided. Chicago Vocational School prepared the white working class for industrial jobs, but integration and re-segregation has coincidentally seen the erosion of Chicago's manufacturing base. These schools are compared in the economic, political, and cultural contexts of past and present. It is proposed that an integrated strategy for the reform of vocational education is necessary for these schools to adapt to economic change in the present and future.  相似文献   

In this article, I chronicle the recent history of efforts to broaden school choice in the Commonwealth of Australia and the opposition to these efforts put forth by Australia’s largest teacher union, the Australian Education Union (AEU). Evidence is presented on the positive effects that flow from the public funding of nongovernment schools and of the perception held by principals that less external regulation improves school functions. In spite of this, the Union continues to oppose choice efforts. I conclude that, at least in Australia, the influence of the AEU has placed impediments in the way of increased school choice and autonomy. Readers in other countries may draw their own conclusions from these observations in Australia.  相似文献   

At some point the mechanics of schooling begin running of their own accord. Such has become the case with grades (A's, B's, C's, etc.). This article reconsiders the history of grades through the concepts of immanence and abstract machines from the oeuvre of Deleuze and Guattari. In the first section, the history of grades as presently written until now is laid out. In the second, the concepts of immanence and abstract machines are described, and in the third section, problems are raised by reconsidering grades as machines (grade‐machines).  相似文献   

Mr. Jongbloed said that it was almost impossible to deal with the theme of the integration of school television with other audio-visual media in a short space of time.  相似文献   

采用学习氛围量表、学校适应量表、青少年学业情绪问卷和意向性自我调节量表,对663名初中生进行问卷调查,探讨学业情绪在教师自主支持与初中生学校适应之间的中介效应,以及这一中介效应能否被意向性自我调节所调节.结果发现:学生感知的教师自主支持、学业情绪、意向性自我调节、学校适应之间均呈现显著相关关系;消极高唤醒和消极低唤醒学业情绪在教师自主支持与学校适应关系中起部分中介作用;学业情绪的中介作用受到意向性自我调节的调节.为了改善和提高青少年的学校适应水平,学校和教师应积极营造自主支持的教育氛围,注重改善学生的学业情绪,同时着力提升青少年的意向性自我调节能力.  相似文献   

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