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光学显微镜在人们认识微观世界的过程中一直扮演着非常重要的角色.随着认识的深入,对空间分辨率的要求也越来越高.但是众所周知,普通光学显微镜(远场情况下)的分辨率受光的衍射效应所限制,一般可表达为0.61A/N.A.(约等于A/2,A为照射光的波长,N.A.为数值孔径)  相似文献   

对近场扫描光学显微技术(NSOM)研究与应用新进展作了概括介绍,较详细地阐述了NSOM的关键部件——探针技术的发展,并对NSOM的前景作了展望。  相似文献   

近场光学纳米技术及其应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文介绍近场光学纳米技术在近场扫描光学显微镜、分子激发子显微镜和亚波长光纤化学传感器方面的应用,展望了这一重要技术的最新的发展方向。  相似文献   

本文就近场扫描光学显微图象及光谱这一新技术的原理,主要仪器装置及其在分析化学中的应用进行了评述,目前,这一技术已被应用于室温及大气环境中的单分子检测,显示了该技术在微区痕量分析中广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

利用扫描近场光学显微镜的偏振衬度对罗丹明6G的微晶进行观察,结果表明,用圆偏振入射光进行观察时,光学图像与表面形貌图有很好的对应关系。而用线偏振入射光进行观察时,随着入射偏振态的不同,成像差别较大:当偏振态方向沿着具有各向异性吸收的晶粒主吸收方向时,在垂直于主吸收方向上有很高的衬度,但图像分辨率较低;而入射偏振态垂直于主吸收方向时,衬度降低,分辨率提高;在与主吸收方向成45°角入射时,可以得到分辨率和衬度都比较好的图像。  相似文献   

胡明铅  蔡继业 《化学进展》2008,20(6):984-988
扫描近场光学显微镜在光学显微镜中具有独特的性能,其突破衍射光限制,具有单分子探测灵敏度,且在研究时不损伤生物样品。文中简要介绍了扫描近场光学显微镜的原理,详述近年来扫描近场光学显微镜在单分子探测中的应用,介绍了扫描近场光学显微镜结合量子点对单分子探测的进展,并对单分子探测的前景做了展望。  相似文献   

利用原子力显微镜(Atomic Force Microscopy,AFM)对淋巴细胞表面形貌进行了形态学的初步研究,观察到了其膜表面其他显微技术所不能发现的超微结构.同时也运用扫描近场光学显微镜(Scanning Near field Optical Microscopy,SNOM)对淋巴细胞进行成像,观察了其对光的透射、吸收等光学性质,并对两种成像方法进行了比较.研究发现:淋巴细胞膜表面凹凸不平,分布着大量直径几十到几百纳米不等的小颗粒;淋巴细胞中央部位有自发荧光现象.结果表明,AFM和SNOM可作为进一步探讨淋巴细胞的结构与功能关系的有力工具.  相似文献   

王咏婕  王伟 《化学学报》2017,75(11):1061-1070
基于光学显微术的单粒子传感技术是一种将光学显微镜等具有空间分辨能力的研究工具应用于分析传感领域的检测技术.该技术将单个纳米粒子视作一个完整的纳米传感器,分子识别和信号转换均在单个纳米粒子界面上完成,信号读取则通过不同种类的光学显微镜来实现.与宏观的纳米传感器相比,单粒子传感技术通过对单个纳米粒子的光学特征信号进行测量、计数和追踪,可以获得局域微区内分析物的定性和定量信息,从而具有高灵敏度、高通量和可用于微观复杂体系的动态检测等显著优点.首先简要回顾了单粒子光学传感技术的发展历史和国内外研究现状,随后介绍了其主要技术特点,并重点综述了该领域近五年内的重要研究成果.最后指出通过纳米探针、光学成像技术和多维数据处理等多方面的持续发展,可进一步提高单粒子光学传感器的性能,有望使其在分析科学、生命科学和材料科学等诸多领域获得更加广泛和深入的应用.  相似文献   

利用碱性磷酸酶(ALP)染色和钙结节(Vonkossa)染色的方法对诱导21 d的淫羊霍苷诱导人脐带间充质干细胞进行鉴定;应用原子力显微镜(AFM)观察淫羊霍苷的形貌和人脐带间充质干细胞诱导0、5、10、15、21 d后的细胞形貌。结果表明,经成骨诱导分化21 d后,ALP染色呈强阳性,Vonkossa染色可见明显钙结节。AFM分析表明,淫羊霍苷在盖玻片上呈分散状分布,在细胞表面上聚集并呈微米域分布。实验发现,由于吸附在细胞表面时,被细胞膜分子包裹,更有利于在细胞表面的吸附,进入细胞内部,细胞表面的淫羊霍苷颗粒较在盖玻片上时增大,由淫羊霍苷颗粒进入细胞后在细胞表面留下一些小孔,可知其通过进入细胞内部诱导成骨分化。分化后,细胞表面有小突触,是由成骨分化后细胞内形成钙结节造成。  相似文献   

报道了骨髓间充质干细胞(MSCs)的蛋白质组表达研究。从体外培养的MSCs提取细胞蛋白,经二维电泳分离后用银染方法可检出蛋白点约1600个,选取48个蛋白点进行胶内酶解及质谱分析,经数据库检索成功鉴定了37个蛋白,并对蛋白功能进行初步分析。本实验数据为进一步分析MSCs增殖、分化或凋亡的分子机理提供相关信息。  相似文献   

间充质干细胞(MSCs)具有高度自我更新能力、多分化潜能、体外易分离和培养的特性,是细胞治疗和组织工程重要的种子细胞来源,但如何大规模地获得具有可再生活性的MSCs一直是限制其临床应用的关键因素,近几年发展起来的贴壁动物细胞动态培养技术为MSCs的大规模体外扩增提供了一条重要的途径。本综述结合动物细胞扩增载体的发展现状,主要介绍了用于间充质干细胞三维动态培养的明胶载体、海藻酸盐载体、壳聚糖载体和其他多糖载体等常规载体及其表面修饰和改性方法,并进一步介绍了以非酶解途径回收扩 增细胞的新型干细胞载体的研究进展。随着新型载体材料的涌现以及人们对干细胞生长和扩增特点的了解,采用三维动态培养技术安全而有效地大规模体外扩增MSCs的必要性将得到进一步的确认。  相似文献   

Biomimetic polymer network systems with tailorable properties based on biopolymers represent a class of degradable hydrogels that provides sequences for protein adsorption and cell adhesion. Such materials show potential for in vitro MSC proliferation as well as in vivo applications and were obtained by crosslinking different concentrations of gelatin using varying amounts of ethyl lysine diisocyanate in the presence of a surfactant in pH 7.4 PBS solution. Material extracts, which were tested for cytotoxic effects using L929 mouse fibroblasts, were non‐toxic. The hydrogels were seeded with human bone marrow‐derived MSCs and supported viable MSCs for the incubation time of 9 d. Preadsorption of fibronectin on materials improved this biofunctionality.


从蛋白质组学角度分析大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞(MSCs)体外定向分化为心肌细胞过程中蛋白表达情况, 采用二维电泳分离蛋白, 用PDQuest软件分析蛋白表达差异, 并采用质谱(MALDI-TOF-MS)进行鉴定, 得到了54个蛋白点, 对蛋白的生物功能分析表明, 部分蛋白通过不同的信号途径参与了MSCs的分化过程.  相似文献   

In this study the redox activity of human myocardium‐derived mesenchymal stem cells (hmMSC) were investigated by redox‐competition (RC‐SECM) and generation‐collection (GC‐SECM) modes of scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM), using 2‐methylnaphthalene‐1,4‐dione (menadione, MD) as a redox mediator. The redox activity of human healthy and dilated hmMSCs was evaluated by measuring reduction of MD. Measurements were performed by approaching and retracting the UME from the surface of growing hmMSC cells. The current study shows that the RC‐SECM mode can be applied to investigate integrity of cell membranes, whereas the most promising results were observed by using the GC‐SECM mode and applying the Hill's equation for the calculation/fitting of dependencies of electrical current vs menadione concentration. The calculated apparent Michaelis constant (KM) for the production of menadiol (MDH2) in the pathological hmMSC cells was 14.4 folds higher compared to that of the healthy hmMSC revealing the lover redox activity of pathological cells. Moreover, the calculated Hill's coefficient n shows a negative cooperative binding between MD and healthy hmMSC and positive cooperative binding between MD and pathological hmMSC. It means that healthy hmMSC is of lower affinity to MD, which is also related to the better membrane integrity of healthy cells. Data of this study demonstrate that SECM can be applied to investigate intracellular redox and membrane changes ongoing in human dilated myocardium‐derived hmMSC in order to improve their functioning and further regenerative potential.  相似文献   

Secretome of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) is actively used in biomedical applications such as alveolar bone regeneration, treatment of cardiovascular disease, and neurodegenerative disorders. Nevertheless, hMSCs have low proliferative potential and production of the industrial quantity of their secretome might be challenging. Human fetal multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (FetMSCs) isolated from early human embryo bone marrow are easy to expand and might be a potential source for pharmaceutical substances production based on their secretome. However, the secretome of FetMSCs was not previously analyzed. Here, we describe the secretome of FetMSCs using LC-MALDI shotgun proteomics. We identified 236 proteins. Functional annotation of the identified proteins revealed their involvement in angiogenesis, ossification, regulation of apoptosis, and immune response processes, which made it promising for biomedical applications. The proteins identified in the FetMSCs secretome are involved in the same biological processes as proteins from previously described adult hMSCs secretomes. Nevertheless, many of the common hMSCs secretome components (such as VEGF, FGF, Wnt and TGF-β) have not been identified in the FetMSCs secretome.  相似文献   

The in vitro viability, osteogenic differentiation, and mineralization of four different equine mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from bone marrow, periosteum, muscle, and adipose tissue are compared, when they are cultured with different collagen‐based scaffolds or with fibrin glue. The results indicate that bone marrow cells are the best source of MSCs for osteogenic differentiation, and that an electrochemically aggregated collagen gives the highest cell viability and best osteogenic differentiation among the four kinds of scaffolds studied.


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