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We examined the feasibility of high-level production of recombinant human prolactin, a multifunctional protein hormone, in insect cells using a baculovirus expression system. The human prolactin cDNA with and without the secretory signal sequence was cloned into pFastBac1 baculovirus vector under the control of polyhedrin promoter. Prolactin was produced upon infection of either Sf9 or High-Five cells with the recombinant baculovirus containing the human prolactin cDNA. The production of recombinant prolactin varied from 20 to 40 mg/L of monolayer culture, depending on the cell types. The prolactin polypeptide with its own secretory signal was secreted into the medium. N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis of the recombinant polypeptide purified from the culture medium indicated that the protein was processed similar to human pituitary prolactin. Carbohydrate analysis of the purified protein indicated that a fraction of the recombinant prolactin made in insect cells appeared to be glycosylated. Also, both secreted and nonsecreted forms of the recombinant prolactin in insect cells were biologically equivalent to the native human prolactin (pituitary derived) in the Nb2 lymphoma cell proliferation assay.  相似文献   

The amelogenins are secreted by the ameloblast cells of developing teeth; they constitute about 90% of the enamel matrix proteins and play an important role in enamel biomineralization. Recent evidence suggests that amelogenin may also be involved in the regeneration of the periodontal tissues and that different isoforms may have cell-signalling effects. During enamel development and mineralization, the amelogenins are lost from the tissue due to sequential degradation by specific proteases, making isolation of substantial purified quantities of full-length amelogenin challenging. The aim of the present study was to express and characterize a recombinant human amelogenin protein in the eukaryotic baculovirus system in quantities sufficient for structural and functional studies. Human cDNA coding for a 175 amino acid amelogenin protein was subcloned into the pFastBac HTb vector (Invitrogen), this system adds a hexa-histidine tag and an rTEV protease cleavage site to the amino terminus of the expressed protein, enabling effective one-step purification by Ni2+-NTA affinity chromatography. The recombinant protein was expressed in Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) insect cells and the yield of purified his-tagged human amelogenin (rHAM+) was up to 10 mg/L culture. Recombinant human amelogenin (rHAM+) was characterized by SDS-PAGE, Western blot, ESI-TOF spectrometry, peptide mapping, and MS/MS sequencing. Production of significant amounts of pure, full-length amelogenin opened up the possibility to investigate novel functions of amelogenin. Our recent in vivo regeneration studies reveal that the rHAM+ alone could bring about regeneration of the periodontal tissues; cementum, periodontal ligament, and bone.  相似文献   

Here, we describe a simple and efficient method for the expression and purification of active recombinant proteins in mammalian cells. This method uses the expression of T7 epitope-tagged proteins in transiently transfected 293T cells grown in monolayer, followed by anti-T7-agarose affinity chromatography. This procedure yields approximately between 75 and 100 microg of biologically active protein/150 cm(2) flask that can be used for biochemical studies. We have tested this protocol for the expression of the prototype SR protein, SF2/ASF, which is a member of the SR protein family with a role in constitutive and alternative splicing. We show that SF2/ASF purified using this protocol is able to complement an S100 HeLa extract, demonstrating that is biologically active. Moreover, expression of a novel SR-related protein that it is required for the second step of pre-mRNA splicing also rendered an active protein. In summary, we present a protocol based on transient transfection of mammalian cells that results in easy purification of significant amounts of biologically active proteins.  相似文献   

Tuftelin is an acidic protein expressed at very early stages of mouse odontogenesis. It was suggested to play a role during epithelial–mesenchymal interactions, and later, when enamel formation commences, to be involved in enamel mineralization. Tuftelin was also detected in several normal soft tissues of different origins and some of their corresponding cancerous tissues. Tuftelin is expressed in low quantities, and undergoes degradation in the enamel extracellular matrix. To investigate the structure and function of tuftelin, the full length recombinant human tuftelin protein was produced. The full length human tuftelin cDNA was cloned using GatewayTM recombination into the Bac-to-BacTM system compatible transfer vector pDest10. This vector adds a hexahistidine tag to the N-terminus of the expressed protein, enabling one-step affinity purification on nickel column. The recombinant human tuftelin protein was transposed into the bacmid and expressed in Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) insect cells. The yield of the purified, his-tagged recombinant full length human Tuftelin (rHTuft+) was 5–8 mg/L culture. rHTuft+ was characterized by SDS–PAGE, Western blot, ESI-TOF spectrometry, restriction mapping and MS/MS sequencing. The availability of the purified, full length recombinant human tuftelin protein opened up the possibility to investigate novel functions of tuftelin. Application of rHTuft+ agarose beads onto embryonic mouse mandibular explants caused changes in the surrounding epithelial cells, including morphology, orientation and spatial organization. Further studies using DiI labeling, revealed that rHTuft+, placed on the tooth germ region, brought about recruitment of adjacent embryonic mesenchymal cells. These findings support the hypothesis that tuftelin plays an important role during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Interleukin-10 is an anti-inflammatory Th1 immunosuppressive cytokine, the active form of which is a non-covalent homodimer, and which exhibits species-specificity both with respect to structure and biological activity. The rat homologue of IL-10 shares 73% identity with human IL-10 at the amino-acid sequence level, and has, in addition to the two disulphide bonds present in human IL-10, a fifth, unpaired cysteine (cys-149). Preparation of rat IL-10 by bacterial expression followed by solubilisation and refolding in a glutathione redox system, results in a molecule in which cys-149 is almost entirely oxidised, existing either as disulphide dimer or as a mixed disulphide with glutathione, and which has less than 1% of the activity of the native (cys-149-SH) form of the molecule. Site directed mutagenesis of rat IL-10 to replace cys-149 with tyrosine produces a molecule which readily adopts the active conformation upon solubilisation and refolding, and which is recoverable in good yield from bacterial expression systems. Comparison of the biological activities of rat IL-10tyr149 and commercial rat IL-10 preparations confirms that the activity of native-sequence rat IL-10 is either reduced or absent. It is proposed therefore that the biosynthetic analogue rat IL-10tyr149 is a more useful molecule to investigate the biological actions of IL-10 in the rat.  相似文献   

The strategy described in this paper provides a novel approach for recombinant expression of heterodimeric proteins, and is especially suitable for the production of proteins whose characteristics lead to aggregation in E. coli expression systems. Pheromaxein, a steroid-binding protein isolated from boar saliva, is a heterodimeric protein consisting of 10x10(3) rel. mol. mass units (pheromaxein A) and 8x10(3) rel. mol. mass units (pheromaxein C) subunits. Expression of pheromaxein subunits in E. coli resulted in extensive insoluble aggregation. The difficulty faced in obtaining soluble recombinant pheromaxein subunits was clearly evident when native pheromaxein immediately formed aggregates when it was separated into its individual subunits. An increase in soluble pheromaxein expression in E. coli was obtained when the subunits were expressed as fusion proteins with thioredoxin. Pheromaxein genes were inserted separately into pET32a+ vectors at the NcoI site, resulting in thioredoxin, S.Tag and His.Tag coding regions being upstream of the inserted gene. Soluble pheromaxein A-thioredoxin (pheroA/trx) and pheromaxein C-thioredoxin (pheroC/trx) fusions were purified to homogeneity, using a laboratory scale S-protein agarose affinity column. Cleavage of thioredoxin under normal conditions was not feasible due to the extensive aggregation problems experienced when pheromaxein subunits exist separately. PheroA/trx and pheroC/trx were therefore mixed together and cleaved from thioredoxin simultaneously so that pheromaxein subunits were given an instant opportunity to associate under oxido-shuffling conditions. The glutathione oxido-shuffling system allowed the disulphide bridges between pheromaxein A and C to rearrange until the correct native structure was formed. This novel approach combines affinity purification with a coupled fusion protein-cleavage and refolding technique.  相似文献   

A biologically active variant form of recombinant human secretin was produced using a gene fusion system designed to facilitate the purification of the protein. The fusion protein was recovered from the culture medium of Escherichia coli by IgG affinity chromatography, and recombinant secretin was released by cyanogen bromide treatment. A novel approach involving addition of a C-terminal Gly-Lys-Arg extension, was used to overcome the lack of amidation of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli. The biological activity of the recombinant variant of secretin was at least 80% of the porcine secretin standard.  相似文献   

Activation of vitamin K-dependent plasma proteases occurs by specific interaction with components of the blood coagulation cascade. In this report, we describe the direct expression and enzymatic characterization of the human coagulation zymogen factor X and its activated form, factor Xa, from transformed Chinese hamster ovary fibroblast cell lines. Expression was achieved using either a full-length factor X cDNA or a unique mutant factor Xa cDNA. The functional factor Xa precursor contained a novel tripeptide bridge in place of the native 52-amino acid activation peptide. This mutation allowed for intracellular processing and secretion of the activated form of factor X. Secreted recombinant factors X (rX) and Xa (rXa) were purified by sequential anion-exchange and immunoaffinity chromatography. The enzymatic activities of factors rX and rXa were compared with those of plasma factors X and Xa in three independent assay systems. In comparison to human plasma factor X, the amidolytic, prothrombinase complex, and plasma clotting activities of factor rX were 50, 85, and 43%, respectively. The corresponding comparative activities for factor rXa were 32, 64, and 48%, respectively. The ability to directly express mutant forms of biologically active human factor X will facilitate the structure/function analysis of this important blood coagulation protein and may lead to the development of novel coagulation inhibitors.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone for human p53 cellular tumor antigen has been isolated and characterized. This clone contains the complete 3'-untranslated region and most of the open reading frame for the protein. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that p53 mRNA contains an Alu repeat in the 3'-untranslated region. Hybridization selection experiments showed this clone was capable of selectively binding p53 mRNA. In vitro translation of SV80 mRNA resulted in the synthesis of two immunoreactive p53 polypeptide species. Northern blot analysis showed that human p53 mRNA was 2.8 kb in length and was present in cell lines containing high and low levels of p53 protein. There appears to be only a single p53 gene in human cells and Southern blot analysis demonstrated no major genomic rearrangements or amplification of the p53 gene in the transformed cell lines examined.  相似文献   

We have explored the potential of Trypanosoma brucei as a eukaryotic expression system. Procyclic forms, which correspond to an insect-adapted stage, can easily be cultured in vitro. The cells grow to densities approximately 10-fold greater than higher eukaryotic cells and are not infectious for mammals. An expression vector which can stably integrate into the genome was used to express high levels of recombinant bovine interleukin-4 (IL-4). Trypanosome-derived IL-4 is released into the medium and is biologically active. The recombinant protein down-regulates CD14 expression in human macrophages and inhibits NO production by stimulated bovine macrophages.  相似文献   

Pokeweed antiviral protein (PAP) from the leaves of the pokeweed plant, Phytolacca americana, is a naturally occurring single-chain ribosome-inactivating protein, which catalytically inactivates both prokaryotic and eukaryotic ribosomes. The therapeutic potential of PAP has gained considerable interest in recent years due to the clinical use of native PAP as the active moiety of immunoconjugates against cancer and AIDS. The clinical use of native PAP is limited due to inherent difficulties in obtaining sufficient quantities of a homogenously pure and active PAP preparation with minimal batch to batch variability from its natural source. Previous methods for expression of recombinant PAP in yeast, transgenic plants and Escherichia coli have resulted in either unacceptably low yields or were too toxic to the host system. Here, we report a successful strategy which allows high level expression of PAP as inclusion bodies in E. coli. Purification of refolded recombinant protein from solubilized inclusion bodies by size-exclusion chromatography yielded biologically active recombinant PAP (final yield: 10 to 12 mg/L). The ribosome depurinating in vitro N-glycosidase activity and cellular anti-HIV activity of recombinant PAP were comparable to those of the native PAP. This expression and purification system makes it possible to obtain sufficient quantities of biologically active and homogenous recombinant PAP sufficient to carry out advanced clinical trials. To our knowledge, this is the first large-scale expression and purification of biologically active recombinant PAP from E. coli.  相似文献   

The human complement regulatory serum protein factor H (FH) is a promising future biopharmaceutical. Defects in the gene encoding FH are associated with human diseases like severe kidney and retinal disorders in the form of atypical haemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS), membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis II (MPGN II) or age‐related macular degeneration (AMD). There is a current need to apply intact full‐length FH for the therapy of patients with congenital or acquired defects of this protein. Application of purified or recombinant FH (rFH) to these patients is an important and promising approach for the treatment of these diseases. However, neither protein purified from plasma of healthy individuals nor recombinant protein is currently available on the market. Here, we report the first stable expression of the full‐length human FH cDNA and the subsequent production of this glycoprotein in a plant system. The moss Physcomitrella patens perfectly suits the requirements for the production of complex biopharmaceuticals as this eukaryotic system not only offers an outstanding genetical accessibility, but moreover, proteins can be produced safely in scalable photobioreactors without the need for animal‐derived medium compounds. Transgenic moss lines were created, which express the human FH cDNA and target the recombinant protein to the culture supernatant via a moss‐derived secretion signal. Correct processing of the signal peptide and integrity of the moss‐produced rFH were verified via peptide mapping by mass spectrometry. Ultimately, we show that the rFH displays complement regulatory activity comparable to FH purified from plasma.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic membrane proteins, many of which are key players in various biological processes, constitute more than half of the drug targets and represent important candidates for structural studies. In contrast to their physiological significance, only very limited number of eukaryotic membrane protein structures have been obtained due to the technical challenges in the generation of recombinant proteins. In this review, we examine the major recombinant expression systems for eukaryotic membrane proteins and compare their relative advantages and disadvantages. We also attempted to summarize the recent technical strategies in the advancement of eukaryotic membrane protein purification and crystallization.  相似文献   

Noncovalent protein delivery into cells via peptide carriers is an emerging concept. Only a handful of such peptides are known. To address various limitations associated with protein delivery for therapeutic purposes, a greater number of different delivery peptides would be required. No general method exists for creating such peptides. By combining a sequence of 16 lysine residues (K16) with the signal peptide (SP) sequence of Kaposi's fibroblast growth factor (K-FGF), we have synthesized a peptide (K16SP) that efficiently and noncovalently delivers functionally intact proteins (immunoglobulin G molecules, beta-galactosidase, and green fluorescent protein) into mammalian cells. The peptides K16 and SP each alone did not show any noncovalent protein-carrying capacity. K16SP appears to be nontoxic to cells and three to four times more efficient than a commercially available peptide reagent. Our approach offers proof-of-concept of a general strategy for creating a diverse array of peptide carriers for eventual therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

The increased incidence of diabetes, coupled with the introduction of alternative delivery methods that rely on higher doses, is expected to result in a substantial escalation in the demand for affordable insulin in the future. Limitations in the capacity and economics of production will make it difficult for current manufacturing technologies to meet this demand. We have developed a novel expression and recovery technology for the economical manufacture of biopharmaceuticals from oilseeds. Using this technology, recombinant human precursor insulin was expressed in transgenic plants. Plant-derived insulin accumulates to significant levels in transgenic seed (0.13% total seed protein) and can be enzymatically treated in vitro to generate a product with a mass identical to that of the predicted product, DesB30-insulin. The biological activity of this product in vivo and in vitro was demonstrated using an insulin tolerance test in mice and phosphorylation assay performed in a mammalian cell culture system, respectively.  相似文献   

In order to obtain high-level expression of recombinant human neurotrophin-3 (NT-3), we constructed several types of expression plasmids and examined several cell lines for expression of the human NT-3 gene. The highest level production of the recombinant protein was attained in Chinese hamster ovary cells transfected with an expression plasmid that contains a chimera gene encoding the human nerve growth factor (NGF) prepro-region and human NT-3 mature-region under control of a murine leukemia virus-derived long terminal repeat (MuLV-LTR). This cell line can produce more than 1 mg recombinant human NT-3/1 conditioned medium. The recombinant protein was purified to apparent homogeneity with a cation exchange column, a gel filtration column and a reversed-phase HPLC column with a recovery of about 30%. The purified NT-3, at a concentration as low as 0.2 ng/ml, induced neurite out-growth in neurons prepared from 8-day-old chick embryonic dorsal root ganglia; however, it showed little neurotrophic effect on rat PC12 pheochromocytoma cells, which are known to be NGF-responding cells. In addition, this protein promoted colony formation by human peripheral blood lymphocytes in soft agar culture.  相似文献   

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