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木质部和集聚效应是影响间接法测定叶面积指数(LAI)精度的主要因素, 尤其是木质部的校正一直存在争议。针对这一问题, 该研究首先利用半球摄影法(DHP)和LAI-2000植物冠层分析仪法(LAI-2000法) 2种间接法测定了小兴安岭兴安落叶松(Larix gmelinii)人工林叶面积最大时期的有效LAI (Le), 然后提出了A、B、C 3种校正方案来提高间接法的测定精度。同时, 利用凋落物法和异速生长方程法2种直接法测定LAI, 以凋落物法测定值为标准来评估3种校正方案的校正效果, 并检验天顶角范围对校正结果是否存在显著影响。结果表明: 在0-45° (1-3环)、0-60° (1-4环)、45°-60° (4环)及0-75° (1-5环) 4种不同天顶角范围内, DHP测定的Le比凋落物法、异速生长方程法测定值分别低估19%-32%和8%-29%; 而LAI-2000法也得到相似的结论, 分别低估9%-30%和8%-28%。虽然校正方案A高估了木质部对LAI的贡献, 但在45º-60º天顶角范围内, 能有效地校正DHP测定的Le, 在1-3环和1-4环天顶角范围内, 能有效地校正LAI-2000法测定的Le。4种天顶角范围内, 校正方案B均能有效地校正DHP测定的Le。整体来看, 4种天顶角范围内, 校正方案C对DHP和LAI-2000法测定值的校正效果均优于其他2种方案。研究结果表明除木质部和集聚效应外, 天顶角范围的选择也是决定间接法测定LAI精度的重要因素。  相似文献   

刘志理  金光泽 《生态学报》2015,35(10):3190-3198
叶面积指数(LAI)是研究森林生态系统生理生态进程中关键的结构参数之一。目前,凋落物法是在非破坏性条件下能直接测定森林生态系统LAI的最有效的方法,然而将凋落叶按树种分类增加了该方法的实施难度。平均优势度模型、林分优势度模型和局域优势度模型基于凋落物法和林木因子(如胸高断面积basal area,BA;坐标)能精确地预测落叶阔叶林的LAI,而这些模型是否适用于针阔混交林仍未进行验证。以小兴安岭阔叶红松林(Pinus koraiensis)为研究对象,先利用凋落物法测定其LAI,依此为参考对3种模型预测LAI的有效性进行验证,并以红松、冷杉(Abies nephrolepis)、紫椴(Tilia amurensis)、五角槭(Acer mono)、枫桦(Betula costata)和裂叶榆(Ulmus laciniata)为例,探讨了基于凋落物法测定的LAI与BA的相关关系。结果表明:平均优势度模型不适于预测针阔混交林的LAI;林分优势度模型预测效果较好,精度达86%;局域优势度模型预测效果最优,精度高于90%。然而,为准确测定阔叶红松林的LAI,应最少选择测定8个主要树种的比叶面积。基于凋落物法测定的6个树种的LAI与其BA均显著相关(P0.01),最小R2为0.67。研究结果可为快速、准确地测定针阔混交林的LAI提供依据,为非破坏性条件下建立树种的LAI与其BA的相关关系提供参考。  相似文献   

利用Winscanopy2006冠层分析仪测定2009年7月初至11月初小兴安岭白桦次生林、谷地云冷杉林、阔叶红松林的有效叶面积指数(LAIe),并将经过木质部分所占比率、冠层水平集聚和簇内集聚校正的11月初LAIe作为真实叶面积指数(LAIt),结合凋落物法测定3种林型的LAIt及其季节动态.结果表明:调查期间,白桦次生林的LAIe在7月达到峰值(2.21),谷地云冷杉林、阔叶红松林的LAIe在8月达到峰值,分别为2.57、2.68.白桦次生林、谷地云冷杉林、阔叶红松林的LAIt均在7月达到峰值,分别为3.44、3.86、6.93;相对于本文探讨的方法,光学仪器所测定的LAIe在最高叶面积指数期分别低估33.1%、32.9%、66.0%;而在整个调查期内,谷地云冷杉林和阔叶红松林LAIe平均低估22.8%和56.5%,白桦次生林平均高估13.2%.  相似文献   

左倬  朱雪诞  胡伟  张陆军 《生态学杂志》2012,31(9):2437-2444
利用Winscanopy2006冠层分析仪测定2009年7月初至11月初小兴安岭白桦次生林、谷地云冷杉林、阔叶红松林的有效叶面积指数(LAIe),并将经过木质部分所占比率、冠层水平集聚和簇内集聚校正的11月初LAIe作为真实叶面积指数(LAIt),结合凋落物法测定3种林型的LAIt及其季节动态.结果表明: 调查期间,白桦次生林的LAIe在7月达到峰值(2.21),谷地云冷杉林、阔叶红松林的LAIe在8月达到峰值,分别为2.57、2.68.白桦次生林、谷地云冷杉林、阔叶红松林的LAIt均在7月达到峰值,分别为3.44、3.86、6.93;相对于本文探讨的方法,光学仪器所测定的LAIe在最高叶面积指数期分别低估33.1%、32.9%、66.0%;而在整个调查期内,谷地云冷杉林和阔叶红松林LAIe平均低估22.8%和56.5%,白桦次生林平均高估13.2%.

小兴安岭白桦次生林叶面积指数的估测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘志理  金光泽 《生态学报》2013,33(8):2505-2513
叶面积指数(LAI)是量化冠层结构最常用的参数之一,准确估测LAI对森林生态系统结构特性的研究具有重要意义.利用半球摄影图像法和LAI-2000法及半球摄影图像法结合凋落物法估测了小兴安岭白桦次生林LAI及其动态变化.首先对该林型叶凋落末期(11月初)的半球摄影图像进行合理校正(包括木质部分所占比例α,冠层水平集聚指数ΩE,校正值作为该时期常绿树种的真实LAI(LAIt),结合各调查期的凋落物数据,得到落叶季节(7-11月)的LAIt,并以该值为参考值,对比分析了两种光学仪器法估测值.结果表明:两种光学仪器法在LAI最大时期低估(分别低估2.83%、6.20%),其他时期显著高估(平均高估118.13%、89.34%),但两种光学仪器法与探讨方法估测值存在很好的相关性:LAIt=-1.1393+1.0934·LAIHP,R2=0.80; LAIt=-0.1712+0.6259·LAILAI-2000,R2=0.83.研究结果可为将来方便、快捷、准确的估测白桦次生林的LAI提供参考.  相似文献   

叶面积指数(Leaf area index, LAI)是森林生态系统重要的结构参数,通过遥感技术可反演区域LAI,但其可靠性需要地面准确的实测数据进行验证。选取广西国有高峰林场不同林龄的桉树(Eucalyptus robusta)人工林为对象,以异速生长法(Allometry)为对照,综合利用植物冠层分析仪法(LAI-2200)、跟踪辐射和冠层结构分析仪法(TRAC)、半球摄影法(DHP)以及地基激光雷达法(TLS)等间接法估测样地的LAI,并考虑木质成分以及聚集效应影响,进行相应的校正处理,为地面快速、准确测量桉树人工林LAI提供参考。结果表明:桉树人工林的比叶面积为125.37±13.38 cm~2/g,通过Allometry获得的LAI变化范围在1.65—3.84,平均为2.73,不同林龄间的差异均显著(P<0.05),随着林龄的增加呈现先增加后减少的趋势。在未校正情况下,LAI-2200、TRAC、DHP、TLS估算的LAI存在显著差异(P<0.05)。与对照相比,LAI-2200在幼龄林和过熟林中估算误差最小,TRAC在成熟林中估算误差最小。相对于完全去除法,利用...  相似文献   

利用光学仪器法能够快速、高效地测定森林生态系统的叶面积指数(leaf area index, LAI)。然而, 评估该方法测定针阔混交林LAI季节动态准确性的研究较少。该研究基于凋落物法测定了小兴安岭地区阔叶红松(Pinus koraiensis)林LAI的季节动态, 其结果可代表真实的LAI。参考真实的LAI, 对半球摄影法(digital hemispherical photography, DHP)和LAI-2000植物冠层分析仪测定的有效叶面积指数(effective LAI, Le)进行了评估。首先对DHP测定LAI过程中采用的不合理曝光模式(自动曝光)进行了系统校正。同时, 测定了光学仪器法估测LAI的主要影响因素(包括木质比例(woody-to-total area ratio, α)、集聚指数(clumping index, ΩE)和针簇比(needle-to-shoot area ratio, γE))的季节变化。结果表明: 3种不同方法测定的LAI均表现为单峰型的季节变化, 8月初达到峰值。从5月至11月, DHP测定的Le比真实的LAI低估50%-59%, 平均低估55%; 而LAI-2000植物冠层分析仪测定的Le比真实的LAI低估19%-35%, 平均低估27%。DHP测定的Le 经过自动曝光, αΩEγE校正后, 精度明显提高, 但仍比真实的LAI低估6%-15%, 平均低估9%; 相对而言, LAI-2000植物冠层分析仪测定的Le经过αΩEγE校正后, 精度明显提高, 各时期与真实的LAI的差异均小于9%。研究结果表明, 考虑木质部和集聚效应对光学仪器法的影响后, DHP和LAI-2000植物冠层分析仪均能相对准确地测定针阔混交林LAI的季节动态, 其中, DHP的测定精度高于85%, 而LAI-2000植物冠层分析仪的测定精度高于91%。  相似文献   

辽东次生林区主要阔叶林型叶面积指数季节动态   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李根柱  王贺新  朱教君 《生态学杂志》2008,27(12):2049-2055
蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)、花曲柳(Fraxinus rhynchophulla)和胡桃楸(Juglans mandshurica)林是我国东北天然次生林区具有代表性的主要林型。本研究以该3种林型为对象,利用数码相机外带鱼眼镜头获得3种林型的半球面影像,再利用专用软件Gap Light Analyzer处理分析获得了叶面积指数、林冠孔隙度和林下光照因子等参数。结果表明,3种林型的叶面积指数变化总体趋势是一致的,均呈先上升再下降的单峰曲线,蒙古栎林和胡桃楸林都是在7月中旬或8月中旬达到最大峰值,花曲柳林是在8月中旬或9月中旬达到最大峰值;3种林型冠层孔隙度的变化总体趋势也是一致的,呈先下降再上升的单峰曲线,不同样地峰值出现的时间也不同,最低峰值在6、7、8、9月中旬均有出现;通过对不同月份的叶面积指数、林下散射光、林下直射光的变异系数分析表明,7—9月叶面积指数的空间格局是影响林下散射光空间分布的主要因素。叶面积指数与林冠孔隙度呈指数相关。  相似文献   

沙蒿(Artemisia ordosica)叶面积指数的测定及模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对宁夏盐池典型沙生灌木沙蒿(Artemisia ordosica)生长季内叶面积指数(leaf area index,LAI)的动态进行了直接法(异速生长方程法)与间接法(Li-2000冠层分析仪法)相结合的定期观测,探索了利用直接法对间接法测得的有效叶面积指数(effective leaf area index,LAI e)进行校准的方法;并揭示了沙蒿真实叶面积指数(actual leaf area index,LAI a)与积温、光合有效辐射反射率(ρp)与短波辐射反射率(ρs)比值(ρp/ρs)的关系。结果表明:双变量(株高、冠幅)异速生长方程对单株叶面积的拟合优度高于单变量(冠幅)方程,且7、8月拟合优度最高;LAI e与LAI a随时间均呈单峰型变化,7月初到9月中旬为冠层生长的稳定期,LAI e和LAI a稳定期均值分别为1.15和0.31 m2·m-2;整个生长季内,LAI eLAI a,以8月底为分隔点,LAI e与LAI a呈现不同的线性关系;LAI e与LAI a的季节动态不受当年土壤含水量和降水量变化的影响;LAI a处于上升期和稳定期时,随积温呈明显的先上升后稳定的变化;LAI a随ρp/ρs的增大呈指数下降变化。研究结果将增进对沙蒿群落LAI动态及其机制的了解,为快速、准确地获取LAI提供方法参考,为遥感反演和生态系统建模提供数据支持。  相似文献   

刘志理  金光泽 《生态学杂志》2014,25(12):3420-3428
利用半球摄影法(DHP)和LAI-2000植物冠层分析仪两种光学仪器法(间接法)以及凋落物法(直接法),研究了小兴安岭谷地云冷杉林叶面积指数(LAI)的季节变化,并构建了不同季节直接法与间接法测定的LAI间的相关关系.结果表明: 在整个试验期间,DHP测定的LAI比直接法测定值低估40%~48%, LAI-2000植物冠层分析仪的低估范围为15%~26%;不同时期直接法与DHP和LAI-2000植物冠层分析仪测定的LAI均显著相关, 且均可合并为A、B、C 3类预测模型, 可以分别预测5和11月, 6、9和10月, 7和8月的LAI.本研究结果可为高效、准确地测定针叶林LAI的季节变化提供参考.  相似文献   

Aims Woody materials and clumping effects are key error sources in estimating leaf area index (LAI) by optical methods. However, how to correct the error caused by woody materials has not reached consensus. The aims of this study are (1) to evaluate the accuracy of optical methods for estimating effective LAI (Le) in a deciduous needle leaf forest stand, and (2) to develop a practical correction scheme to improve the accuracy of optical methods in estimating LAI.Methods Lewas estimated by two indirect methods (i.e., digital hemispherical photography (DHP) and LAI-2000 plant canopy analyzer method (LAI-2000 method) in an annual maximum leaf area period in a Larix gmelinii plantation. Then, we developed three correction schemes to improve the accuracy of indirect methods in estimating LAI. Meanwhile, two direct methods (i.e., litter collection and allometry methods) were used to estimate LAI. Taking LAI from litter collection as a reference, we evaluated the effectiveness of three correction schemes and tested the influence of zenith angle ranges on the correction results.Important findings With zenith angle ranges of 0-45° (rings 1-3), 0-60° (rings 1-4), 45°-60° (ring 4) and 0-75° (rings 1-5), Leobtained from DHP underestimated LAI from both litter collection and allometry by 19%-32% and 18%-29%, respectively. Lefrom LAI-2000 method with four zenith angles also underestimated LAI from both litter collection and allometry by 9%-30% and 8%-28%, respectively. Although the contribution of woody materials to LAI was overestimated in correction scheme A, it was effective in correcting Lefrom DHP with zenith angles of 45º-60º (ring 4), and also effective for Lefrom LAI-2000 method with zenith angles of rings both 1-3 and 1-4. Correction scheme B was all effective in correcting Lefrom DHP with four zenith angle ranges. Generally, correction scheme C was more effective than other two schemes in correcting Lefrom both DHP and LAI-2000 method with four zenith angle ranges. These results indicate that the zenith angle range is a key factor for determining the accuracy of optical methods in estimating LAI besides woody materials and clumping effects.  相似文献   

长白山红松针阔叶混交林林冠层叶面积指数模拟分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
根据长白山原始红松针阔叶混交林光合有效辐射的连续3年自动观测结果,结合便携式叶面积仪的季节观测,建立了以林冠上下光合有效辐射估算森林冠层叶面积指数的半经验公式.结果表明,该方法可以很好地反映叶面积的季节动态. 通过3年叶面积指数的季节动态比较发现,该森林冠层叶面积的起始生长日期随气温稳定通过0 ℃的日期延迟而延迟,整个生长季的叶面积动态可划分成上升期、相对稳定期和下降期,每个阶段都与大于0 ℃的积温存在较好的相关关系,分别用Logistic曲线和线性方程表达. 并对叶面积的观测和估算方法中存在的问题进行了讨论.  相似文献   

 叶面积指数(leaf area index, LAI)是定量描述冠层结构的最有效指标之一。鉴于森林冠层三维结构的高度复杂性和异质性, 迄今仍没有形成统一标准的LAI测量方法。该文利用LAI-2000冠层分析仪、CI-110冠层分析仪和半球摄影法(digital hemispherical photograph, DHP), 对北京东灵山地区以蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)为主的落叶阔叶林、华北落叶松(Larix gmelinii var. principis-rupprechtii)林和油松(Pinus tabuliformis)林的有效叶面积指数(effective leaf area index, LAIe)进行了动态监测, 探寻其季节变化规律。为准确地估算温带山地主要森林类型的LAI, 对光学仪器测量值进行了去除木质成分、聚集效应等校正, 与基于凋落物收集法的相应实测值进行了比较分析。结果表明: 3种典型森林在生长季期间叶片生长均呈现单峰型; 3种光学仪器测量方法的同期LAIe数值大小顺序为: LAI-2000冠层分析仪>DHP>CI-110冠层分析仪。光学仪器的直接测量值LAIe包含了木质成分的贡献, 钝化了季节动态的变化幅度, 这对有明显季节交替的落叶林尤为突出。经校正, LAI-2000冠层分析仪和DHP的测量值与实测值都表现出显著的相关性, 其中LAI-2000冠层分析仪最适于采用基于空隙大小的校正方法, 而基于空隙度和空隙大小的综合算法则是校正DHP的最佳选择。结合经济成本和野外实际操作等因素考虑, DHP具有更大的推广优势, 特别适用于温带山地落叶林。  相似文献   

牛小桃  樊军  王胜  王秋铭 《应用生态学报》2018,29(10):3183-3190
叶面积指数(LAI)的快速准确测量可以为相关生态过程研究提供关键参数.本研究采用光学鱼眼相机拍摄了黄土高原北部典型植被柠条、沙柳、紫花苜蓿、荒草、大豆和玉米不同生长时期冠层照片,在玉米、大豆和柠条样地固定安装鱼眼摄像机定时拍摄冠层照片,并运用图像处理软件分析获取LAI.结果表明: 鱼眼相机法(DHP)获取的多种植被类型的LAI与LAI-2200测量结果存在显著线性相关关系(R2=0.85,P<0.05),均方根误差为0.256.太阳辐射值直接影响专业软件处理照片时的关键参数,镜头朝下情况下,计算LAI的关键参数——绿色指数随着拍摄照片时太阳辐射强度的增加而增加.但是镜头朝上情况下,亮度参数随着太阳辐射值的增加而减少.通过关键参数的调整,玉米、大豆和柠条样地LAI变化与LAI-2200测量结果一致,很好地反映了这些植物生长期的LAI动态变化,柠条样地镜头朝下测量结果更好.鱼眼摄像机可以用于定位监测LAI动态变化.  相似文献   

Reliable and objective estimations of specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf area index (LAI) are essential for accurate estimates of the canopy carbon gain of trees. The variation in SLA with needle age and position in the crown was investigated for a 73-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stand in the Belgian Campine region. Allometric equations describing the projected needle area of the entire crown were developed, and used to estimate stand needle area. SLA (cm2 g−1) as significantly influenced by the position in the crown and by needle age (current-year versus 1-year-old needles). SLA increased significantly from the top to the bottom of the crown, and was significantly higher near the interior of the crown as compared to the crown edge. SLA of current-year needles was significantly higher than that of 1-year-old needles. Allometric relationships of projected needle area with different tree characteristics showed that stem diameter at breast height (DBH), tree height and crown depth were reliable predictors of projected needle area at the tree level. The allometric relationships between DBH and projected needle area at the tree level were used to predict stand-level needle area and estimate LAI. The LAI was 1.06 (m2 m−2) for current-year needles and 0.47 for 1-year-old needles, yielding a total stand LAI of 1.53.  相似文献   

This study evaluated one semi-direct and three indirect methods for estimating leaf area index (LAI) by comparing these estimates with direct estimates derived from litter collection. The semi-direct method uses a thin metallic needle to count a number of contacts across fresh litter layers. One indirect method is based on the penetration of diffuse global radiation measured over the course of a day. The second indirect method uses the LAI-2000 plant canopy analyser (PCA) which measures diffuse light penetration from five different sky sectors simultaneously. The third indirect method uses the Demon portable light sensor to measure the penetration of direct beam sunlight at different zenith angles over the course of half a day. The Poisson model of gap frequency was applied to estimate plant area index (PAI) from observed transmittances using the second and third methods. Litter collection from 11 temperate decidous forests gave values of LAI ranging from 1.7 to 7.5. Estimates based on the needle method showed a significant linear relationship with LAI values obtained from litter collections but were systematically lower (by 6–37%). PAI estimates using all three indirect techniques (fixed light sensor system, LAI-2000 and Demon) showed a strong linear relationship with LAI derived from litter collection. Differences, averaged over all forest stands, between PAI estimates from each of the three indirect methods and LAI from litter collections were below 2%. If we consider that LAI=PAI–WAI (wood area index) then, all three indirect methods underestimated LAI by an additional factor close to the value of WAI. One reason could be a local clumping of architectural canopy components: in particular, the spatial dispositions of branchlets and leaves are not independent, leading to a non-random relationship between the distributions of these two canopy components.  相似文献   

Three screening methods—visual scoring (V), relative conductivity (C) and fluorometry (F)—were used to study the genetic variation in cold hardiness among six populations of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) comprising both Atlantic and Mediterranean origins. Freezing damage assessments were carried out in three organs—needles, stems and buds—in two seasons, spring and autumn. We found high levels of genetic differentiation among populations for cold hardiness in autumn, but not in spring. Within populations, differences were always significant (p?<?0.05) no matter which organ or screening method was used. Measuring F was the fastest and most easily replicated method to estimate cold hardiness and was as reliable as V and C for predicting the species performance. In autumn, there was a positive correlation between the damage measured in all three types of organs assessed, whereas in spring, correlation among organs was weak. We conclude that sampling date in spring has a crucial impact to detect genetic differences in maritime pine populations, whereas autumn sampling allows more stable comparisons. We also conclude that the fluorometry method provides a more efficient and stable comparison of cold hardiness in maritime pine.  相似文献   

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