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文化社会性智力低下病因初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据1987年全国0 ̄14岁儿童智力低下的调查,我国智力低下患病率为1.2%,除重度智力低下外,60%为轻度智力低下,即文化社会性智力低下。由于这类患者可以通过早期教育得到防治,所以,探讨其发病原因对文化社会性智力低下的综合防治就显得尤为重要。本文通过对智力低下患者的病因分析发现:文化社会性智力低下的病因除围产期的不良刺激外,还与父母的文化程度、祖父母代养以及家庭破裂有密切关系。因此,要做好文化社  相似文献   

本文用ELISA方法和PCR技术对65名智力低下儿童及其母亲外周血弓形虫、先天性风疹病毒和巨细胞病毒进行了检测,结果显示其弓形虫感染率为55.38%,巨细胞病毒感染率为9.23%,先天性风疹病毒感染率为7.69%。结论:弓形虫感染率在智力低下儿童中较高,提示弓形虫感染可能是儿童智力低下的主要病因之一。  相似文献   

中国21三体综合征流行病学研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
21三体综合征的现况研究旨在通过流行病学研究方法,了解中国21三体综合征的现患率及其分布特征。采用分层、不等比例、多阶段、随机整群的抽样方法,现场调查采用智力诊断和先天畸形的双重筛查及G显带核型分析方法。发现我国21三体综合征的总现患率为0.47‰,城市为0.26‰,农村为0.56‰。农村明显高于城市,男性高于女性,全部表现智力低下,多为中、重度  相似文献   

智力低下是造成儿童精神残疾的重要原因之一,直接影响儿童素质。为防治儿童智力低下的发生,我们对43例智力低下患儿进行了临床分析,寻找可能致病因素,并提出智力低下防治的相应措施。1一般资料智力低下的评估,根据CCMD—2—R有关精神发育迟滞的诊断标难。智商测定采用韦氏儿童智力量表。对1997~1998年来我院要求智力测定的43例患儿进行分析:男性35例.女性7例;年龄最少3岁.最大14岁.平均79±3.1岁;智力低下轻度4例(9.3%)、中度34例(79.1%)、重度5例(11.6%)。2临床资料43例智力低下中·11例(25.6%)有难产史.2…  相似文献   

2004年北京市2-6岁儿童广泛性发育障碍的现况调查   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
目的:通过针对儿童广泛性发育障碍的现况调查,了解北京市2~6岁儿童精神残疾现况。方法:采用容量比例概率分层整群抽样方法抽取样本21866人。用克氏孤独症行为量表进行筛查,用儿童孤独症评定量表和精神障碍诊断与统计手册(第四版)进行诊断。结果:确诊广泛性发育障碍儿童16人(儿童孤独症14人,不典型孤独症1人,Rett综合征1人),假阴性率0.80‰,广泛性发育障碍现患率为0.73‰,校正现患率为1.53‰,年平均发现率为0.11%。;广泛性发育障碍的城乡分布、年龄分布、性别分布、民族分布均无显著性差异(X^2:0.11~1.85,P=0.739—0.173),广泛性发育障碍的现患率随家庭经济收入的降低而升高(趋势X^2=4.70,P=0.030);25%的确诊儿童父母尚未发现儿童存在异常或尚未带儿童就诊,80%的确诊儿童未得到治疗康复,所有确诊儿童都有康复需求。结论:北京市2~6岁儿童的广泛性发育障碍现患率并不低,家庭低收入是儿童发生广泛性发育障碍的危险因素,广泛性发育障碍儿童就诊率低,康复率低,所有儿童都有康复需求。政府及有关部门应充分重视这一群体及其需求。  相似文献   

目的:描述我国六地区普通人群饮酒情况。方法:整群抽样调查,使用定式问卷向23513受试者(18~65岁)调查饮酒情况。结果:普通人群的男、女及整体饮酒率分别为84.1%、29.3%和59.5%,男性饮酒率及饮酒频度明显高于女性。90.0%女性饮酒者每周饮酒1次或以下,男性饮酒者每周饮酒在1次或以下占56.4%。16.1%以上男性饮酒者、2.5%的女性饮酒者每天皆饮。男性每次饮酒量明显高于女性,普通人群人均年饮酒量为3.60升纯酒精,男性饮酒量为女性的18.6倍。结论:我国饮酒问题将会是下世纪的公共卫生问题。  相似文献   

388例智力低下患者致病因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
388制智力低下患者.遗传因素占32%.孕期因素占15%,后天因素占54%,染色体异常检出率为26.2%。4岁以下组儿童智力障碍程度较重,先天愚型惠儿孕母年龄有下降趋势。本文提出加强围产期保健和儿童保健.积极开展产前诊断,可有效地降低MR的发生率。  相似文献   

山东城市学龄儿童行为问题及危险因素研究   总被引:40,自引:9,他引:40  
应用Achenbach儿童行为量表调查了山东省6个城市2941名6-11岁的儿童。研究发现行为问题的现患率为13.81%,95%可信区间为12.56~15.06%,性别间及各年龄组间行为问题的现患率无显著性差异。Iogistic回归分析揭示男童行为问题的主要危险因素依次为疾病、母孕期不利因素,亲子关系差、学习成绩差和父母管教方式不当。女童的危险因素则依次为母孕期不利因素、父亲疾病、儿童疾病、学习成绩差。  相似文献   

目的:描述我国六地区普通人群饮酒情况,方法:整群抽样调查,使用定式问卷向23513受试者(18~65岁)调查饮酒情况,结果:普通人群的男,女及整体饮酒率分别为84.1%,29.3%和59.5%,男性饮酒率及饮酒频率明显高于女性,90.0%女性饮酒者每周饮酒1次或以下,男性饮酒者每周次酒在1次或以下占56.4%,16.1%以上男性饮酒者2.5%,的女性饮酒者每天皆饮,男性每天饮明显高于女性,普通人群  相似文献   

1000例遗传咨询者外周血淋巴细胞染色体分析   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
分析门诊咨询病例1000例外周血淋巴细胞染色体,发现异常核型111例,占11.1%。常染色体异常81例,其中数目异常75例,结构异常6例;性染色体数目异常30例。就诊原因以妊娠胎儿丢失为主39.2%,其次为智力低下及发育异常20.0%,再其次为生殖器异常(包括少精、无精)8.2%,不孕的1.1%。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to estimate the prevalence of mental retardation (MR) in Korea. The study population comprised 1,757 third-grade elementary school children residing in a single school district in Suwon, Korea. We conducted the total population survey for 1,537 children who attended one of 5 schools in the district. For the remaining 220 children who did not attend a school in the school district, we found children with MR via inspection of the register list of the disabled. A total of 16 children (7 of the 1,537 children and 9 of the 220 children) were found to have MR, yielding a prevalence of MR of 9.1/1,000. Considering that about 60% of the people with disabilities are registered in Korea, there would be at least 6 unregistered children with MR among the 220 children, so that the prevalence of MR can be estimated at 12.5/1,000 for the Suwon area.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence of hepatitis A antibodies (anti-HAV) in schoolchildren in Catalonia and to compare it with the rates found in previous studies. Sera from a representative sample of 1,342 children aged between 6 and 15 years, recruited in 2001, were tested for anti-HAV. The results were related to sociodemographic variables and vaccination history. The overall prevalence of anti-HAV was 51.4%. The prevalence was 5.5% in non-vaccinated children, similar to that found in a 1996 study, and 96.6% in vaccinated children. The prevalence of anti-HAV in non-vaccinated children increased significantly with age, reaching 11.6% in the 13-15 years age group. The prevalence of anti-HAV was higher in children born outside Catalonia than in those born in Catalonia (16.1% vs. 5.0%, P = 0.02). The expected continuation in the decline in the prevalence of anti-HAV in non-vaccinated schoolchildren, observed in Catalonia since 1986, was not found in 2001. The rate of anti-HAV in 2001 was slightly higher than in 1996, although the difference was not statistically significant (5.5 and 3.5%, respectively). This could be explained by the increased number of recent immigrant children born outside Catalonia, mainly in countries where hepatitis A is highly endemic.  相似文献   

1988年5月在吉林市地甲肿流行区进行了儿童精神发育迟滞的流行病学调查,发现其患病率为8.1%;男女患病率无显著性差别;小年龄组患病率明显低于学龄组。本研究表明该地防治地甲肿地克病虽然取得显著效果。但值得重视的是儿童精神发育迟滞患病水平仍高于非流行地区。尤其是轻度精神发育迟滞者集中在学龄儿童组,应引起重视。  相似文献   

北京市城区3—6岁幼儿感觉统合失调的现况调查   总被引:30,自引:3,他引:27  
目的:调查3-6岁幼儿感觉统合失调的失调率及其分布,为探讨感觉统合失调的病因提供线索。方法:采用流行病学研究现况调查整群抽样的方法,以感觉统合诊断表调查北京市城近郊区有代表性的15所幼儿园及部分散居幼儿。结果:1526名3-6岁幼儿的轻度感觉统合失调率为28.5%,重度感觉统合失调率为8.9%,轻重度感觉统合失调率为29.4%。男孩和女孩感觉统合失调率分别为28.3%和30.7%。各项轻度和重度感觉统合失调率的年龄和性别分布差异无显著性。结论:感觉统合失调是值得重视的儿童发育问题,若早期干预,可全面促进感觉统合功能的改善。  相似文献   

A study on the prevalence of anaemia was conducted among the Scheduled Caste preschool children of Punjab. Blood sample was collected from 3,500 children ranging in age from 1+ to 5+ years and haemoglobin was estimated by cyanmethaemoglobin method. Anemia was diagnosed when haemoglobin was less than 11 g/dl. The study revealed the overall prevalence of anemia as 81.66%. The frequency of anemia was maximum in age group 2+ and minimum in age group 5+.  相似文献   

Sleep problems in children with autism   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Autism is a developmental disability characterized by severe deficits in social interaction and communication, and the presence of repetitive-ritualistic behaviors. Sleep problems are frequently reported by parents of children with autism with prevalence estimates of 44-83% for sleep disorders in this population. To better understand sleep in autism, we surveyed sleep problems in 210 children with autism using a Likert-based questionnaire for parent report. The most frequently reported sleep problems included difficulty in falling asleep, restless sleep, not falling asleep in own bed, and frequent wakenings. Least frequently reported sleep problems were sleep walking, morning headaches, crying during sleep, apnea, and nightmares. When surveys were divided into mental retardation (MR)/not MR categories, no significant differences were identified in frequencies of reported sleep problems except for waking at night which occurred much more frequently in the MR group. There was also no difference in sleep problems related to age of the child other than nocturnal enuresis. An association was noted between certain medical problems and sleep problems. Vision problems, upper respiratory problems, and runny nose were associated with decreased nighttime sleep. Vision problems, poor appetite, and poor growth were associated with increased nighttime waking. Poor appetite and poor growth were associated with decreased willingness to fall asleep. This study confirms a high prevalence of sleep problems reported by parents of children with autism and points to the need for more systematic research as an initial step in developing treatment strategies.  相似文献   

The current seroepidemiology of hepatitis A in Hong Kong was examined by testing stored sera from 702 healthy subjects, collected between 1987-1989, for antibody to hepatitis A virus (anti-HAV). The overall prevalence of anti-HAV antibody was 45.6%. There were significant increases in prevalence of anti-HAV antibody with every 10-year increase in age up to age 40. The prevalence of anti-HAV antibody was 24% for subjects below age 30 and 89.2% for those above age 30 (P less than 0.0001). Socioeconomic factors did not appear to have any influence on the prevalence of anti-HAV antibody. In comparison with another study conducted in Hong Kong 10 years ago, the prevalence of anti-HAV antibody in the current study was significantly lower in every age group from 0 to 30 years. In summary, it was shown that HAV infection is no longer highly endemic in Hong Kong. In view of the changing epidemiology, postexposure prophylaxis will be necessary for young adults and children, and hepatitis A vaccine may be indicated for high risk groups when it is generally available.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to assess changes in asthma prevalence between 1994/1995 (study I) and 2001/2002 (study II). Standardized ISAAC questionnaire was used. Randomly assigned population of school children 6-7 and 13-14 yrs of age was surveyed in Kraków and Poznań. RESULTS: The prevalence of wheezing ever increased significantly in group 6-7 yrs of age from 25.5% to 28.6% in Krakow and from 17.3% to 27.6% in Poznań, respectively in study I and study II. The similar rise was found in group 13-14 yrs of age in Krakow from 14.6% to 21.6%, in Poznań from 17.1% to 22.2%. In both age groups and in both centers the number of children with established asthma diagnosis increased: in group 6-7 yrs of age in Krakow from 4.0% to 5.8%, in Poznań from 1.3% to 5.9%; in group 13-14 yrs of age in Krakow from 2.3% to 6.8%, in Poznań from 2.0% to 5.2%. Analysis of current symptoms (in the last year) confirmed increasing prevalence of wheezing, wheezing after exercise and night cough in Poznań in both age group, in Krakow only in older children. In younger children in Kraków significant difference concerned only wheezing after exercise. The most frequent symptom reported by children was nocturnal cough in the last year. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of the asthma symptoms and established asthma diagnosis increased during last 7 years. However significant number of children presenting asthma symptoms remains still underdiagnosed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV7), introduced in February 2000, covered 82% of the U.S. pediatric population in 2005. Changes over time in serogroup prevalence and multidrug-resistance (MR) to antimicrobials were evaluated using the U.S. SENTRY surveillance program. METHODS: The study included 704 U.S. isolates, with equal numbers before (1998-1999) and after the introduction of the vaccine (2003-2004). Demographic data, serotype, and resistance profiles for five antimicrobial classes were analyzed. Strains displaying resistance to >or=2 classes were considered MR. Statistical analysis was performed using logistic regression. RESULTS: Prevalence of PCV7 serotypes was 68.5% in the prevaccine years, dropping to 29.3% in the postvaccine period. Among PCV7 serotypes, only 19F persisted, with nonvaccine (NV) serotype 19nonF strains increasing from 3% to 20% of total p<0.001. NV serotypes were 1.9 times (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.1-3.1) more likely to acquire MR over time. Although PCV7 serotypes constituted 84% of all MR isolates in the prevaccine era, MR was unchanged in the postvaccine period due to increased prevalence and acquisition of resistance by NV serotypes. MR among invasive isolates did not change over time, but increased among noninvasive NV isolates by 17% (95% CI 12-22%). CONCLUSIONS: The complete switch in prevalence of PCV7 by NV serotypes has been aided by a herd effect in adults and older children. NV serotypes have acquired MR at a rate that is proportional to the replacement process.  相似文献   

The prevalence of cytomegalovirus (CMV) antibody was studied in 966 children in 1984 and 927 children in 1989. The overall prevalence rate of CMV antibody was 59% for children in 1984 and 46% for children in 1989 (P less than 0.05). In both study years, the prevalence rate of CMV antibody was about 70% in infants under 6 months of age, declined to a trough between the ages of 6 and 12 months, and then increased to 40-50% between 1 and 4 years of age. The rate of CMV antibody for children above 4 years in 1984 increased steadily with age and reached 82% by 12 years. In contrast, the prevalence rate in 1989 remained at the level of 40-50% from age 4 to 10 years. It was followed by a sharp increase after 10 years of age and reached 84% at 12 years old. The seropositive rate in each of the 5-, 6-, 8-, 9-, and 10-year-old groups was higher in 1984 than that in 1989. These observations indicated that the prevalence rate of CMV antibody is decreasing in children. This change may be related to various socioeconomic factors, especially the less crowded family conditions in recent years.  相似文献   

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