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2D-to-3D conversion that would be a solution of the lack of 3D contents has been a worthy and challenging research field. In this paper, we propose a computer interactive conversion method to capture components which is used to generate 3D sequences. First, we divide the key frame into foreground and background, and then label the objects by convenient computer interactive operation. Depth information of objects is labeled after segmentation. Second, we use object tracking technique which synthesizes the advantages of kernel-based mean shift tracker and contour tracker to accomplish object depth capture for non-key frame. Finally, all the 3D information is prepared to render 3D sequences. After all, we propose our future work direction: a 2D-to-3D system which can generate 3D sequence interactively.  相似文献   

With the increasing demand of designing a reliable processing devices, the issue of CMOS ageing is jeopardising the industry of digital devices. Many studies has been cover this area for modelling the ageing behaviour at the device level or developing ageing sensors for on-line delay detection at the system level. However, we are presenting a method to estimate the ageing stresses (e.g. Temperature, Ageing Stress Activity) rather than the modelling ageing (performance degradation) itself. The purpose for estimating the ageing stress is to optimise the system utilisation with the minimisation of ageing stress. In multicore processors, the existence of more than one source of ageing stress is higher than single core processor but the optimisation space is higher as well along with the temperature and power optimisation. In this paper, we have modelled the ageing stress from the application level using machine learning techniques to train data extracted from high level workloads ( e.g. parsec and splash2 benchmarks) on four cores processor from Xeon. The ageing stress model is able to estimate the ageing stress with 0.1% error and is able to proactively reduce the ageing stress by 50%.  相似文献   

Knowledge about relative poses within a tractor/trailer combination is a vital prerequisite for kinematic modelling and trajectory estimation. In case of autonomous vehicles or driver assistance systems, for example, the monitoring of an attached passive trailer is crucial for operational safety. We propose a camerabased 3D pose estimation system based on a Kalman-filter. It is evaluated against previously published methods for the same problem.  相似文献   

This paper presents a robust framework for tracking complex objects in video sequences. Multiple hypothesis tracking (MHT) algorithm reported in (IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 18(2) (1996)) is modified to accommodate a high level representations (2D edge map, 3D models) of objects for tracking. The framework exploits the advantages of MHT algorithm which is capable of resolving data association/uncertainty and integrates it with object matching techniques to provide a robust behavior while tracking complex objects. To track objects in 2D, a 4D feature is used to represent edge/line segments and are tracked using MHT. In many practical applications 3D models provide more information about the object's pose (i.e., rotation information in the transformation space) which cannot be recovered using 2D edge information. Hence, a 3D model-based object tracking algorithm is also presented. A probabilistic Hausdorff image matching algorithm is incorporated into the framework in order to determine the geometric transformation that best maps the model features onto their corresponding ones in the image plane. 3D model of the object is used to constrain the tracker to operate in a consistent manner. Experimental results on real and synthetic image sequences are presented to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed framework.  相似文献   

In the recent years, the 3D visual research has gained momentum with publications appearing for all aspects of 3D including visual tracking. This paper presents a review of the literature published for 3D visual tracking over the past five years. The work particularly focuses on stochastic filtering techniques such as particle filter and Kalman filter. These two filters are extensively used for tracking due to their ability to consider uncertainties in the estimation. The improvement in computational power of computers and increasing interest in robust tracking algorithms lead to increase in the use of stochastic filters in visual tracking in general and 3D visual tracking in particular. Stochastic filters are used for numerous applications in the literature such as robot navigation, computer games and behavior analysis. Kalman filter is a linear estimator which approximates system's dynamics with Gaussian model while particle filter approximates system's dynamics using weighted samples. In this paper, we investigate the implementation of Kalman and particle filters in the published work and we provide comparison between these techniques qualitatively as well as quantitatively. The quantitative analysis is in terms of computational time and accuracy. The quantitative analysis has been implemented using four parameters of the tracked object which are object position, velocity, size of bounding ellipse and orientation angle.  相似文献   

为了解决机器人在未知环境下的目标跟踪问题,提出了一种基于粒子滤波的机器人同时定位、地图构建与目标跟踪方法.该方法采用Rao-Blackwellized粒子滤波器对机器人位姿状态、标志柱分布和目标位置同时进行估计.该方法中,粒子群的总体分布情况表征机器人位姿状态,而每个粒子均包含2类EKF滤波器,其中一类用来完成对标志柱分布的估计,另一类用来完成对目标状态的估计,粒子的权值则由粒子状态相对于标志柱和目标状态2类相似度共同产生.通过仿真和实体机器人实验验证了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

3D object segmentation is important in computer vision such as target detection in biomedical image analysis. A new method, called B-Surface algorithm, is generated for 3D object segmentation. An improved 3D external force field combined with the normalized GVF is utilized. After the initialization of a surface model near the target, B-Surface starts to deform to locate the boundary of the object. First, it overcomes the difficulty that comes from analyzing 3D volume image slice by slice. And the speed of B-Surface deformation is enhanced since the internal forces are not needed to compute in every iteration deformation step. Next, the normal at every surface point can be calculated easily since B-Surface is a continuous deformable model. And it has the ability to achieve high compression ratio (ratio of data to parameters) by presenting the whole surface with only a relatively small number of control points. Experimental results and analysis are presented in this paper. We can see that the B-Surface algorithm can find the surface of the target efficiently.  相似文献   

Kim  Minkyu  Sentis  Luis 《Applied Intelligence》2022,52(12):14041-14052

When performing visual servoing or object tracking tasks, active sensor planning is essential to keep targets in sight or to relocate them when missing. In particular, when dealing with a known target missing from the sensor’s field of view, we propose using prior knowledge related to contextual information to estimate its possible location. To this end, this study proposes a Dynamic Bayesian Network that uses contextual information to effectively search for targets. Monte Carlo particle filtering is employed to approximate the posterior probability of the target’s state, from which uncertainty is defined. We define the robot’s utility function via information theoretic formalism as seeking the optimal action which reduces uncertainty of a task, prompting robot agents to investigate the location where the target most likely might exist. Using a context state model, we design the agent’s high-level decision framework using a Partially-Observable Markov Decision Process. Based on the estimated belief state of the context via sequential observations, the robot’s navigation actions are determined to conduct exploratory and detection tasks. By using this multi-modal context model, our agent can effectively handle basic dynamic events, such as obstruction of targets or their absence from the field of view. We implement and demonstrate these capabilities on a mobile robot in real-time.


赵浩光  孟琭  耿欢  杨旭  尚洋 《控制与决策》2021,36(2):429-435
目标跟踪一直以来都是计算机视觉领域中的关键问题,核相关滤波算法(KCF)可避免在时域中进行目标跟踪,通过傅里叶变换将时域的计算转换到频域中进行,可大量简化计算,不但提高了跟踪速度,而且在跟踪精度上也有很大的提升.针对复杂条件下的目标跟踪问题,在确保算法实时性的前提下,在KCF的基础上对其特征、尺度以及模型更新机制进行3...  相似文献   

为了解决基于2. 5维信息进行三维目标检测的方法中方向角的先验信息未得到充分利用的问题,从RGB-D相机获取的深度信息出发,提出一种新的基于二维图像估计先验方向角的三维目标检测方法。通过颜色信息和深度信息得到二维的分割实例,并在分割实例上提取关键点;通过关键点的优化过程排除不确定点和修正误判点;通过点云重建得到关键点的三维坐标,根据关键点的坐标估计目标的方向角,并将其作为初始化三维框的方向角。实验结果表明,所提方法在Amodal3Det方法的基础上提高了1. 3%的平均检测精度。  相似文献   

段肖  马钢  危辉 《智能系统学报》2022,17(5):941-950
为了适应环境的复杂性和多样性,增强机器人抓取任务的鲁棒性,本文从3D目标跟踪算法出发,提出了一种实现机器人手眼协调的新方法。该方法采用改进的基于区域的位姿追踪算法同时跟踪机械臂夹持器和目标物体的位姿,根据二者的相对位置关系引导机械臂运动。对基于区域的位姿跟踪算法,本文提出根据局部区域分割线构建分割模型并改进模型颜色似然的线性更新方式,使得算法能够准确跟踪机械臂夹持器与目标物体。基于ROS平台搭建了一套仿真实验环境,并分别在仿真环境和真实环境下验证了此手眼协调系统的有效性和鲁棒性。这种方式不仅不需要手眼标定,更接近于人类“Sensor-Actor”带反馈的闭环控制方式,同时赋予了机器人足够的灵活性来应对弹性的任务和多变的环境。  相似文献   

目标跟踪是计算机视觉研究领域的热点之一,并得到广泛应用。其中基于Mean Shift的运动目标跟踪算法因其计算量小,实时性好,简单易行等特点而受到广泛关注,但该算法在目标突变或严重帧丢失以及目标严重遮挡的情况跟踪效果不佳,留下了改进空间。在传统基于Mean Shift运动目标跟踪方法基础上,通过创建并维护多样性模板库为跟踪过程提供更丰富的目标描述信息,提高算法运动目标跟踪效果。实验结果表明,新算法较好地解决了在目标突变和严重帧丢失情况下不能准确跟踪目标的问题,并且对目标的完全遮挡也具有很好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

Simultaneously tracking poses of multiple people is a difficult problem because of inter-person occlusions and self occlusions. This paper presents an approach that circumvents this problem by performing tracking based on observations from multiple wide-baseline cameras. The proposed global occlusion estimation approach can deal with severe inter-person occlusions in one or more views by exploiting information from other views. Image features from non-occluded views are given more weight than image features from occluded views. Self occlusion is handled by local occlusion estimation. The local occlusion estimation is used to update the image likelihood function by sorting body parts as a function of distance to the cameras. The combination of the global and the local occlusion estimation leads to accurate tracking results at much lower computational costs. We evaluate the performance of our approach on a pose estimation data set in which inter-person and self occlusions are present. The results of our experiments show that our approach is able to robustly track multiple people during large movement with severe inter-person occlusions and self occlusions, whilst maintaining near real-time performance.  相似文献   

A new algorithm is presented for interpreting two-dimensional (2D) line drawings as three-dimensional (3D) objects without models. Even though no explicit models or additional heuristics are included, the algorithm tends to reach the same 3D interpretations of 2D line drawings that humans do. The algorithm explicitly calculates the partial derivatives of Marill's Minimum Standard Deviation of Angles (MSDA) with respect to all adjustable parameters, and follows this gradient to minimize SDA. For an image with lines meeting atm points formingn angles, the gradient descent algorithm requiresO(n) time to adjust all the points, while Marill's method requiredO(mn) time to do so. Experimental results on various line drawing objects show that this gradient descent algorithm running on a Macintosh II is one to two orders of magnitude faster than the MSDA algorithm running on a Symbolics, while still giving comparable results.  相似文献   

3D surface filtering using spherical harmonics   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper presents a novel approach for 3D surface filtering over two-manifold meshes. A robust spherical parameterization algorithm is proposed to transform the input surface into a spherical vector function/signal. This signal is then decomposed into frequency domain using spherical harmonic transforms. Finally, traditional filtering techniques are generalized to process such spherical signals in either the frequency or spatial domain. Our major contribution is the two-phase spherical parameterization algorithm, which can handle meshes with complex shapes by incorporating local parameterization into the progressive mesh. A number of experimental examples demonstrate the potential of our algorithm.  相似文献   

Recently, convolutional neural network (CNN) has attracted much attention in different areas of computer vision, due to its powerful abstract feature representation. Visual object tracking is one of the interesting and important areas in computer vision that achieves remarkable improvements in recent years. In this work, we aim to improve both the motion and observation models in visual object tracking by leveraging representation power of CNNs. To this end, a motion estimation network (named MEN) is utilized to seek the most likely locations of the target and prepare a further clue in addition to the previous target position. Hence the motion estimation would be enhanced by generating a small number of candidates near two plausible positions. The generated candidates are then fed into a trained Siamese network to detect the most probable candidate. Each candidate is compared to an adaptable buffer, which is updated under a predefined condition. To take into account the target appearance changes, a weighting CNN (called WCNN) adaptively assigns weights to the final similarity scores of the Siamese network using sequence-specific information. Evaluation results on well-known benchmark datasets (OTB100, OTB50 and OTB2013) prove that the proposed tracker outperforms the state-of-the-art competitors.  相似文献   

Huang  Yang  Zhao  Zhiqiang  Wu  Bin  Mei  Zhuolin  Cui  Zongmin  Gao  Guangyong 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2019,78(24):34725-34744

The technology of visual object tracking based on correlation filter has good accuracy and efficiency. However, it is still necessary to be study further on the appearance model of the target, the scale variation of the target and so on. This paper proposes a tracking algorithm based on discriminative correlation filtering and a hybrid color feature. The hybrid color feature is composed of two parts, which are compressed color name features and Histogram of Oriented Gradient features based on opponent color space. These two parts features above are extracted from the target patch, respectively. For the first part, color-name features are extracted from a target patch firstly, and then block-based compressed color-name features are extracted according to these color-name features. For the second part, opponent color features are extracted from the target patch firstly, and then HOG features are extracted from these opponent color features. At the basis of the hybrid color feature, two different discriminative correlation filters are used to estimate the translation and the scale of the target, respectively. Finally, extensive experiments show that the tracking algorithm with the hybrid color features of this paper outperforming several state-of-the-art tracking algorithms.


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