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通过对重庆市城市发展新区村镇住宅建筑能耗的全年调研,得到了重庆城市发展新区村镇居民的用能习惯及村镇建筑的能耗水平。采用分类归纳法,对家用电器测试归纳,并对非用电设施调研估算归纳。基于实测数据和调研估算数据建立了重庆城市发展新区村镇住宅建筑用能模型,并进行验证。结果表明,重庆城市发展新区村镇住宅能源消费形式以电为主,为电+燃气+薪柴+煤+太阳能的混合型结构;村镇居民用能习惯在使用何种能源的选择上存在差异,但对同一种能源的使用差异性不大。实测数据表明,所建立的村镇住宅建筑用能模型能准确反映重庆城市发展新区新村镇住宅建筑用能的实际情况。  相似文献   

浅谈城市肌理发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李盈 《山西建筑》2008,34(4):54-55
通过阅读《Collage city》,在其城市肌理认识的基础上,对城市肌理功能空间进行梳理,结合海杜克的"假面"城市理论作比较,探索当代多重肌理体系并存情况下的城市设计新理念,并提出城市三维化设计是解决这一矛盾的较好方法。  相似文献   

论城市肌理的延续   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨鸿志 《山西建筑》2010,36(20):17-19
研究了城市肌理的分裂与融合对城市形态及城市意象的影响,并从建筑排序、绿地、道路等肌理的组成要素方面深入探讨在新一轮的城市建设中如何避免城市肌理的分裂,提出在对旧城更新的规划中,应该充分考察原来的城市肌理,进而在新的规划中整合原有肌理,创造出新的城市肌理,使得城市的历史文脉得以传承。  相似文献   

柏林与上海城市肌理演变比较   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
赵柏洪 《山西建筑》2007,33(9):67-68
从城市肌理演变出发,观察了柏林和上海在近十七年间的城市建设,指出在对待城市肌理上采取的是截然不同的政策和态度:柏林贯彻的是“批判的重构”和“谨慎的城市更新”,而上海则采用“推光式”的改造,并针对影响城市肌理演变的因素进行了比较,剖析了表象背后的社会根源。  相似文献   

A survey of energy use on Mauritius was carried out during the period July–September 1979. It shows that the island is dependent on oil for 90% of its energy supplies and that about half of the energy consumed is used for transport. The potential for developing renewable energy sources in Mauritius is considered and it is shown that solar water-heating and the use of sugar by-products could make significant contributions to the future energy economy of the island.  相似文献   

倪绚  朱晓飞 《山西建筑》2012,38(13):21-23
对城市开放空间及其肌理进行了分析,从设计原则、肌理设计涉及的元素方面进行了研究,提出了利用肌理设计元素组织空间构图的方法,在一定程度上解决了城市开放空间的肌理设计与引导问题。  相似文献   

Energy hierarchy and urban landscape system   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The study of ecosystems suggests principles by which the flow of energy generates hierarchies in all systems. From viewpoint of ecological energetics, urban system lies on the highest level of ecosystem hierarchy. The main objective of this paper is to study the effect of energy flows on the hierarchies and spatial organization of urban zonation. This research uses Taipei metropolitan region as the area for the case study. “Emergy” is used as the principal conceptual tool for energy analysis; “transformity” is used to measure the hierarchies of land uses and urban landscape systems. Based on the calculation of the spatial distribution of energy flows, using GIS, the empower density and transformity increase from rural to urban center. In order to delineate zones of different energetics, the 1178 administrative districts of the Taipei metropolitan region are used as units for multivariate classification, in which 19 variables of energy flows are condensed into four factors. The factor scores of each districts are then used as input for cluster analysis and discriminate analysis. As a result, different energy structures, and subsequently, different types and amount of energy flows tend to associate with different intensities of urbanization. The Taipei metropolitan region is classified into six energetic zones: mixed-use urban core; high density urban residential district; service and manufacturing urban district; agricultural district, newly developed suburban district; and natural area. The calculation of transformity and emergy indices further establish the hierarchical order of these zones. The distribution of the six energetic zones, reveals the spatial energetic hierarchies of Taipei metropolitan region. The implication of energetic characteristics to planning practice is also discussed to conclude this research.  相似文献   

Ninety-Eight per cent of Norwegian low-rise housing construction is in timber frame, a technique which has reached a high level of perfection with regards to thermal efficiency, air tightness and speed of erection. This paper makes a comprehensive life cycle analysis of both timber-frame and log construction.  相似文献   

When comparing calculated heating consumption in residential buildings assuming standard usage with standardized measured data, then the two typically does not fit. In fact, measured consumption may be a fraction only of what was calculated. The reason is direct rebound behavior by the inhabitants. The paper shows the importance of direct rebound through measured results. First the temperatures, recorded in daytime and sleeping rooms in a sample of dwellings, are commented. Then follows a discussion of the indoor temperatures found when calculated energy consumptions for heating were forced to give the same numbers as measured. Next, two small scale analyses of energy data gained in low-income estates are commented, followed by test results on direct rebound in two dwellings, one non-insulated, the other well insulated. These data prove that the benefits of direct rebound are much larger in non-insulated than in well insulated homes. That fact is used to construct a rebound curve, starting from the normalized consumption data gained in 964 houses. The paper ends by showing the effect of energy price on direct rebound.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of refugee migration on energy consumption in Turkey. Our results reveal that: (i) the total number of refugees and the number of people in refugee-like situations reduce per-capita energy consumption in Turkey, (ii) changes in total refugees and people in refugee-like situations lead to significant changes in total energy consumption in Turkey. Hence, policymakers should consider the environmental and energy impacts along with social and economic impacts of refugee migration in the context of sustainable development.  相似文献   

Of all the costs associated with the operation and maintenance of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), those associated with energy use tend to be the most significant. From this point of view, it is hence logical that energy efficiency and saving strategies should be one of the current focuses of debate amongst those involved with the management of WWTPs. The present study's objective is to determine the correlation between size and energy consumption for a WWTP. To this end, 90 WWTPs currently in service were analysed and their energetic impact quantified in terms of kWh/m3 of water treated. The results obtained demonstrate that energy consumption ratio increases as the size of WWTPs decreases, either in terms of treatment volume or population equivalent served.  相似文献   

惠阳污水厂节能降耗措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
背景 惠阳区城区生活污水处理厂,位于惠州市惠阳区淡水镇东门桥北侧,由北京清华同方水务有限公司以BOT方式投资建设和运营,设计单位是中国市政工程东北设计研究院。该厂采用目前先进的SBR改良型工艺——CAST,处理市政管道生活污水,  相似文献   

社会结构对中国古代城市肌理的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王静 《山西建筑》2006,32(1):62-63,79
提出了中国的社会结构左右中国城市规划思想的看法,介绍了中国古代城市的规划思想,从中心位置选择,对称布局、街道分割、居住模式、市场变迁等方面论述了中国古代城市的规划实践,以促进我国城市规划的发展。  相似文献   

龚炼钧 《山西建筑》2012,38(3):27-27,187
首先简要阐述了鲍德里亚的消费社会理论,指出在现代的消费社会中,商品在生产和消费过程中被异化为了抽象的符码,接着介绍了列斐伏尔的社会生活空间的概念及其空间生产理论,并指出城市空间成为社会生活中最重要的消费品,同样被抽象化和符号化了,最后引入场所概念,说明了空间中差异化、多元化的重要性。  相似文献   

城市住宅建筑能耗模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以济南某住宅建筑为模型,采用清华大学研发的建筑能耗模拟分析软件DeST-h对其进行建筑能耗模拟,并与非节能设计方案的建筑能耗进行对比,研究结果表明新的节能设计有非常好的节能效果。  相似文献   

通过对不同小区远传水表数据的分析研究,得出了试验居民区不同时段用水量以及平均用水量和日用水量的实际变化规律。  相似文献   

易家松  周欣 《山西建筑》2006,32(13):358-359
介绍了城市用水量预测管理系统的结构设计及系统功能,总结了城市用水量预测管理系统在算法和程序编制上的特点,以进一步提高城市用水量的预测管理水平。  相似文献   

龙志宏 《山西建筑》2009,35(1):213-215
在对供水系统运行分析的基础上,保证用水市场需求的前提下,通过调整水厂的供水量和加压站的供水范围,并对大型加压站实施分压供水等措施,产生了较好的节能效果,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

Buildings belong to the most cost-effective sectors where carbon dioxide (CO2) reductions can be achieved, and urban regeneration offers a good intervention point for switching to sustainable fuel sources, as changes in energy infrastructure can be coupled with other construction, thus decreasing the cost. However, the potential energy savings that are feasible do not match the more ambitious policy targets. Based on case studies in the Netherlands, obstacles are identified in the context of urban renewal that need to be overcome if energy efficiency measures are to be implemented and space heating replaced with low-carbon technologies. The current free-market public policy instruments have not managed to address the obstacles identified in the case studies due to poor market signals, costs and payback periods, risks, and a lack of leadership on environmental targets and policies on sustainable urban renewal. The potential for stronger government intervention is examined for the effectiveness in reducing both energy consumption and CO2 generation. Legislation could produce a certain policy outcome in terms of CO2 reduction in urban renewal in the Netherlands if compliance and legitimacy are ensured, but policy consideration is also required to account for the dilemma of low-income households and the rebound effects associated with occupant behaviours.

Les bâtiments appartiennent à l'un des secteurs les plus rentables où il est possible de réaliser des réductions de CO2 et où la rénovation urbaine permet de passer à des sources de combustibles durables, les modifications apportées aux infrastructures énergétiques pouvant être couplées avec d'autres constructions, ce qui en diminue le coût. Toutefois, les économies qu'il est possible de réaliser au niveau de l'énergie ne correspondent pas aux objectifs politiques plus ambitieux. Des études de cas menées aux Pays-Bas ont permis d'identifier, dans le contexte du renouveau urbain, des obstacles qu'il faut surmonter si l'on veut mettre en ?uvre des mesures d'efficacité énergétique et si l'on veut remplacer le mode actuel de chauffage des locaux par des technologies à faible dégagement de CO2. Jusqu'à présent, les instruments de la politique publique libérale n'ont pas permis de renverser ces obstacles pour les raisons suivantes: faibles signaux du marché, coûts et périodes de récupération, risques et manque de leadership en matière d'objectifs environnementaux et de politique concernant la rénovation urbaine durable. Cet article examine les possibilités d'un interventionnisme plus fort de la part des autorités pour améliorer la réduction à la fois de la consommation d'énergie et de la production de CO2. La législation pourrait produire quelques résultats en termes de réduction du CO2 dans la rénovation urbaine aux Pays-Bas si l'on garantit la compatibilité et la légitimité; mais il faut également prendre en considération les questions de politique et tenir compte de l'impasse que constituent les foyers à faibles revenus et les effets de rebond associés au comportement des occupants.

Mots clés: patrimoine immobilier, réduction de CO2, efficacité énergétique, logements, politique publique, rénovation, rénovation urbaine, Pays-Bas  相似文献   

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