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<正>丰年虫又称盐水卤虫,是一种普遍应用于水产苗种培育的饵料生物。依据我国水产养殖标准GB/T 30890-2014《凡纳滨对虾育苗技术规范》,丰年虫无节幼体应用于南美白对虾糠虾与仔虾阶段。我国对虾发光病主要发生于福建、浙江、广东等沿海地区,主要危害凡纳滨对虾和斑节对虾。目前的研究表明,引起对虾发光病的病原菌有霍乱弧菌(V.cholerae)、灿烂弧菌(V.splendidus)、火神弧菌(V.logei)、哈维氏弧菌(V.harveyi)和费氏弧菌(V.fischeri)5种,但其主  相似文献   

近年来由于对虾病毒病的流行,给对虾养殖业带来了巨大的灾难。斑节对虾杆状病毒(Penaeusmonodonbaculovirus,MBV)为肠感染病毒,主要感染肝胰腺和前中肠的上皮细胞核。其宿主范围较广,可感染多种养殖对虾,但主要感染斑节对虾(Penaeusmonodon),其仔虾感染率和致死率均可达100%,养成期虾感染率63.6-100%,多数虾池为90%左右。由于对虾病毒病缺乏特效药治疗,放对其应采取综合防治的原则,如育好苗、管好水、科学技何及应用一些抗病毒的中草药治疗等。其中虾苗质量的优劣对养成期的对虾的生长及虾病的发生发展均有很大的关系…  相似文献   

于春霞 《水产学报》2002,26(4):307-312
用市售冰冻斑节对虾中头胸甲有白斑的病虾做感染源,对中国对虾仔虾进行人工感染,通过电子显微技术,对中国对虾仔虾的肝胰腺细胞进行观察研究。结果表明;冰冻斑节对虾体内的杆状病毒能够使中国对虾致病,其发病程度与对虾养殖密度有关。从病毒基质发生到形成完整的病毒粒子及侵染大致分4个阶段;病毒基质发生期,病毒囊膜形成期,病毒粒子装配期,病毒粒子再度侵染期。同时观察中还发现了一些可能与病毒形成有关的特殊物质,如绒团物和冰晶状物等。  相似文献   

本文报告了进境斑节对虾亲虾及其仔虾,成虾中的斑节对虾杆状病毒的包涵体和病毒颗粒的检测方法和病毒的感染率,检测结果显示,亲虾和虾苗的病毒感染率分别为23.1%和62.5%。  相似文献   

为了探索使用不同品牌的斑节对虾饲料与养虾池水质和浮游生物的关系.选用两种品牌的对虾饲料。在4个虾池进行试验。结果表明:在使用粤海脾斑节对虾饲料三个斑节虾池中,水质正常,有利斑节对虾生长的浮游生物种类占优势。浮游生物数量多、且稳定。对虾生长正常.中途没有虾瘸发生。按计划收虾。养虾产量较高,另一品牌对虾饲料.喂养斑节对虾。在养殖的中后期出现严重的虾病.产量低。  相似文献   

<正>斑节对虾俗称鬼虾、草虾,是对虾属中最大型种。斑节对虾养殖由于受20世纪90年代全球性虾病的影响,养殖难度逐年增大,养殖面积呈萎缩趋势。本文以高位水泥池为试验池塘,通过对斑节对虾的高位池养殖试验,为高位池斑节对虾的养殖提供基础理论依据。  相似文献   

在开展对虾育苗生产中,经常发现对虾幼体“发光”现象,常被称之为“发光”病,涉及的养殖品种有中国对虾、日本对虾、长毛对虾、南美白对虾、罗氏沼虾等,其症状频发和延误诊治不仅给育苗工作带来被动,而且在经济上也造成巨额的损失。笔者在多年实践中,针对“发光”症状采用多种药物进行治疗和药效比较,取得初步进展,总结如下,以供商榷。一、“发光”病的症状及变化在所有虾类孵幼过程中,从蚤状幼体开始至糠虾期、仔虾期,各期均有发病且不易被发现,究其原因,主要是育苗室内外比较强烈的自然或非自然光源干扰了对对虾幼体“发光”病症状的诊断…  相似文献   

张良尧 《内陆水产》2002,27(2):14-15
斑节对虾是合浦乃至广西对虾养殖的主要品种,1988年开始引进合浦养殖,1999年斑节对虾养殖面积达到3733公顷,发展迅猛。但随着养殖规模不断扩大,养殖病害不断发生,特别是1993年全国普遍出现暴发性虾病后,给对虾养殖业带来了沉重打击。广大科技工作者围绕着如何做好虾病的综合防治,实施对虾健康养殖进行不懈努力,虽然未能摆脱虾病的困扰,但是探索出许多养虾新技术、新方法,积累了丰富经验,有效地减少虾病发生。本人阐述的斑节对虾健康养殖技术是我县1999年对如何进行低产虾塘技术改造,实施对虾健康养殖建立的…  相似文献   

张良尧 《内陆水产》2001,26(12):21-22
斑节对虾是合浦乃至广西对虾养殖的主要品种,1988年开始引进合浦养殖,1999年斑节对虾养殖面积达到3733公顷,发展迅猛。但随着养殖规模不断扩大,养殖病害不断发生,特别是1993年全国普遍出现暴发性虾病后,给对虾养殖业带来了沉重打击。广大科技工作者围绕着如何做好虾病的综合防治,实施对虾健康养殖进行不懈努力,虽然仍未能摆脱虾病的困扰,但是探索出许多养虾新技术、新方法,积累了丰富经验,有效地减少虾病发生。笔者阐述的斑节对虾健康养殖技术是我县1999年对如何进行低产虾塘技术改造,实施对虾健康养殖建立…  相似文献   

自1991年以来,广东省自东至西,如潮阳、惠东和湛江等市县,养殖对虾相继发生大面积虾病暴发,尤以斑节对虾发病最为严重,使广东刚步入稳定发展的虾业又受到新的挫折。斑节对虾的病害有多种,其中发病最普遍而又危害最大应属斑节对虾杆状病毒病,其来势之猛,是人们预料不及,加之病毒病目前还没有有效的治疗药物,因而及时了解其危害性、诊断和预防这一病害漫延就成为当前虾业十分迫切的课题。现以潮阳县的养殖斑节对虾为材料进行该病毒研究的结果阐术如下。  相似文献   

该研究使用碘(I2)、二氧化氯(ClO2)、甲醛溶液(HCHO)和漂白粉[Ca(ClO)2]4种常用消毒剂对凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)育苗海水处理后,研究了不同发育期育苗水体总菌和弧菌数量、氨氮和亚硝酸氮含量、幼体成活率以及水体和幼体菌群的变化.结果显示:1)甲醛组水体的总菌数较低,且弧菌数...  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of different dose and route of administration of 5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (GABA) on growth, survival and pigmentation of giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, larvae (experiment 1) and post larvae (experiment 2 and 3). In experiment 1 larva were stocked at 100 /L in seven different treatments with each of three replicates. The treatments were T1 (control), T2 (100 μg/ml of 5-HT bath exposure for 2 days), T3 (1 μM of GABA bath exposure for 2 days), T4 (0.5% 5-HT in feed), T5 (0.25% 5-HT in feed), T6 (0.5% GABA in feed) and T7 (0.25% GABA in feed). Highest growth, transformation rate, pigmentation and survival of larvae were recorded in T2 group in experiment 1. In experiment 2, post larvae were stocked at 70 per tank with 200 L of water for 45 days. This experiment consisted of 5 treatment groups with each of 3 replication viz. T1 (control), T2 (0.5% 5-HT in feed), T3 (0.25% 5-HT in feed), T4 (0.5% GABA in feed) and T5 (0.25% GABA in feed). At the end of this experiment growth was found to be higher in the control than the other treatment group showing inhibitory effect of 5-HT and GABA on growth of post larvae. To confirm the result, a third experiment was conducted for 30 days. Thirty numbers of post larvae having similar size were segregated from the previous experimental tanks (experiment 2) and stocked in the tanks of 100 L of water for experiment 3. All treatments were fed with control diet. There was similar growth pattern in all the treatments, which were higher (P < 0.05) than control, confirms the inhibitory effect of neurotransmitter in the diet of PL. Therefore, the overall results of the present study suggest that the bath treatment of neurotransmitter is superior to the dietary addition with regard to the growth, survival and pigmentation of M. rosenbergii larvae. 5-HT is more effective than the GABA for larvae of M. rosenbergii.  相似文献   

This work describes for the first time the embryonic development of the tropical scallop Nodipecten nodosus. Larval and post‐larval growth parameters and some characteristics of larvae shell morphology were also ascertained. The larvae were obtained from the induced spawning of a group of broodstocks under controlled laboratory conditions. After fertilization, larval cultivation was carried out in conical tanks at a temperature of 26–27 °C. Larval density was controlled as a function of larval growth to give 10, 5 and 3 larvae mL?1 from days 1, 3 and 8 respectively. The larvae were nourished with a 1:1 mix of Isochrysis galbana (clone T‐ISO) and Chaetoceros gracilis in portions varying between 30 000 and 70 000 cells mL?1. Expulsion of polar groups was observed 5 and 15 min after fertilization, whereas the first cellular division occurred after 30 min. The first gastrule ciliates and trocophore larvae were noted after 8 and 18 h had elapsed, respectively, whereas prodissoconch I, or D‐larvae, were discerned after 26 h. Subsequently, larvae with prodissoconch II or veliger‐conch appeared at 30 h. Larval development continued for 10–12 days, followed by metamorphosis, at an approximate length of 208–230 µm. The growth of the post‐larvae was evaluated for 9 days. Larval and post‐larval growth corresponded to the linear equations L = 71.85 + 10.85t, r2 = 0.99, and L = 44.09 + 17.81t, r2 = 0.94 respectively. Accordingly, larval morphology and size disparities are discussed with respect to other tropical pectinids.  相似文献   

罗源湾夏季鱼卵和仔稚鱼种类组成与数量分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘勇  沈长春 《福建水产》2012,34(4):309-315
分析研究了2009年7月福建罗源湾鱼卵、仔稚鱼的种类组成及数量分布。共鉴定19种鱼类的鱼卵和仔稚鱼,隶属于13科。其中,鱼卵10种、仔稚鱼14种。夏季,罗源湾水平拖网鱼卵和仔稚鱼平均密度分别为1.80 ind/m3和0.54 ind/m3;垂直拖网鱼卵和仔稚鱼平均密度分别为4.11 ind/m3和2.63 ind/m3。鱼卵、仔稚鱼以鳀科数量最多,优势种类为中颌棱鳀(Thrissa mystax)和康氏小公鱼(Stolephoruscommersonli)。与历史资料相比,不但种类数减少,且优势种由多科鱼类并存向鳀科鱼类为主转变。夏季鱼卵、仔稚鱼主要分布在罗源湾中北部海域及湾口附近。  相似文献   

在常温静水条件下,采用甲醛、硫酸铜、食盐和高锰酸钾4种常用水产药物对彩鲫鱼苗进行急性毒性试验。试验鱼规格3.0~4.5cm/尾,平均体重2.5g/尾。结果表明:彩鲫鱼苗对试验药物的敏感性大小依次为:硫酸铜〉高锰酸钾〉甲醛〉食盐。硫酸铜、高锰酸钾、甲醛和食盐的安全浓度分别为0.64、1.80、21.00和4500.00mg/L。  相似文献   

The black sea bass is a high‐value marine serranid and is a prime candidate for intensive cultivation. Reliable methods for controlled spawning are needed to accelerate the development of hatchery technologies that result in mass production of healthy juveniles. During 1998–2001, spawning studies were conducted at The University of North Carolina at Wilmington (UNCW) and at the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR), Charleston, using pelleted luteinizing hormone releasing hormone analogue (LHRH‐a). From April through July 2001, 28 vitellogenic‐stage females, with mean oocyte diameters (MOD) ranging from 277–448 μm, were implanted with a 95% cholesterol‐5% cellulose pellet containing LHRH‐a (‐50 μg/kg body wt) at UNCW. In 10 individual spawning trials, females with MOD of 305–448 μm and maximum oocyte diameter × 475 μm spawned volitionally beginning 2–3 d post‐implantation (PI) and continued spawning over an average of 1.9 d (range = 1–4 d). Individual females released a mean total of 149,000 eggs (117,000 eggs/kg) with a mean buoyancy rate of 40.5% (floaters). Fertilization and hatching rates were 98% and 27.2% of floaters, respectively, yielding 14,600 yolksac larvae/female (12,600 yolksac larvae/kg body wt), and overall egg viability averaged 8.9%. In eight group spawning trials (2–3 females/group), average performance of females, including fecundity (103,800 eggs/female; 105,500 eggs/kg body wt), buoyancy rate (42.5%), fertilization and hatching rates (97.7% and 24.3% of floaters), numbers of yolksac larvae produced (10,900 yolksac larvae/female; 10,100 yolksac larvae/kg body wt), and overall egg viability (10.6%) was comparable to what was seen in individual spawning trials. From 1998–2000, a total of 58 vitellogenic stage (70% of oocytes 500 pm) females were implanted with pelleted LHRH‐a (‐50 μg/kg body wt) in nine group spawning trials (2–19 females/group) at SCDNR. Volitional spawning typically began 18–42 h PI and recurred every 1–3 d for an average duration of 9 d. Female groups released a mean of 560,000 eggs (84,000/female; 132,000/kg body wt) over the spawning period, with mean buoyancy rate of 25.7% floaters. Fertilization and hatching rates were 17.7% and 11.6 % of floaters, respectively, yielding 4,300 yolksac larvae/female (4,600 yolksac larvae/kg body wt). Overall egg viability was 2.9%. Captive wild‐caught black sea bass were induced to undergo repetitive volitional spawning by implantation of pelleted‐LHRH‐a, consistent with a multiple clutch group synchronous pattern of ovarian development. Group spawning appears to be a practical way to compensate for variable fecundity and egg viability of individual females. Research is needed to identify optimum hormone treatments and eligibility requirements.  相似文献   

The spatfall prediction techniques used in Hiroshima Bay, Japan, are described. Data are given for the 1977 season. Plankton hauls from seven stations showed successive high peaks of small, medium and large larvae during early August. Small larvae (< 150 μm diameter) peaked at an average of 1,782 larvae per tonne of sea water (m3) on 10 August; medium larvae (151–250 μm) at 1,258/m3 peaked on 12 August as did large settling larvae (251–300 μm) at 350/m3. A small spatfall occurred on 14, 16 and 18 August when an average of 65, 64 and 65 spat per shell, respectively, attached on collectors during 2 days' immersion.A second, much bigger peak of small larvae built up from 16 August to reach an average maximum of 4,702 larvae/m3 on 24 August. Medium larvae peaked at 754 larvae/m3 on 28 August. A red tide then appeared consisting of vast numbers of a dinoflagellate tentatively identified as Gymnodinium simplex, and the anticipated main spatfall did not occur. The effects of red tides are discussed. By 17 September water conditions had improved and an estimated 50–100 spat were reported attached per shell on the collectors. This is about half the 200 spat per shell considered by the industry to be a good set.  相似文献   

在直径2m的圆形玻璃钢槽内,水深0.3m,弱光,水温6~16℃下,详细观察了江鳕(Lota lota Linnaeus)胚后发育过程。结果表明,依形态发育,将出膜后的江鳕发育分为两个阶段(仔鱼期和稚鱼期)11个发育期。仔鱼期分为卵黄囊期仔鱼和后期仔鱼,历时62d;卵黄囊期仔鱼由单独依靠内源营养至混合营养过程,包括孵出期、胸鳍形成期、鳃弧期、鳔形成期和腹鳍形成期,历时31d;后期仔鱼从卵黄囊和油球消失,仔鱼完全依靠外源营养到各鳍基本形成为止,包括卵黄消失期、尾鳍形成期、背鳍分化期和臀鳍形成期,历时31d。稚鱼期包括鳞片出现期和鳞片形成期,历时5d。卵黄囊期仔鱼生长发育缓慢,后期仔鱼期和稚鱼期生长发育较快。  相似文献   

Argopecten nucleus is a small scallop from the Caribbean Sea and a relatively new species for aquaculture. One of the key challenges to develop the farming operations for this species from the current pilot scale to commercial level is to improve its harvest size. In this study, we tested three different methods for triploidy induction. Additionally, the effect of these protocols on survival, developmental rate and size of larvae and post‐larvae were assessed. Three different mechanisms to stimulate the inhibition of the release of the second polar body were tested; (1) cold shock (18°C); (2) 6‐dimethylaminopurine (6‐DMAP); (3) cytochalasin B (CB) and (4) dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO). The treatment with 6‐DMAP yielded the highest percentage of triploid larvae (39%). The survival and development rate, however, were higher in non‐treated larvae (control) than in the treatment groups. Interestingly, larvae from CB and the DMSO control groups exhibited lower growth rates in length than those from control and the other two treatments. No influence of the triploidy induction treatments was observed on post‐larvae survival, but the size of post‐larvae was larger for the cold shock treatment and DMSO control group. Our results indicate that the use of 6‐DMAP has the greatest potential to produce triploid larvae of A. nucleus without affecting negatively growth and survival of post‐larvae.  相似文献   

为利用海洋中贝类幼虫资源,优化虾夷扇贝、紫贻贝采苗技术,在旅顺黄海沿岸虾夷扇贝采苗海区投放贝类采苗器,位置距离水面分别为2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9和10 m,共设9组;贝类采苗器投放40 d,观察2~10 m水层虾夷扇贝及紫贻贝附苗数量,研究贝类采苗器投放水层对虾夷扇贝和紫贻贝附苗的影响。结果显示:在设定水深范围内,虾夷扇贝附着数量随着水层深度增加逐渐增多,6 m以下水层虾夷扇贝附着数量多,差异不显著;贻贝附着数量随着水层深度增加而减少,在5 m以上水层附着数量多,差异不显著,5 m以下水层附着数量急剧减少。因此,采集贻贝苗种利用5 m以上水层效果好,尤其是2~3 m水层,如果采集虾夷扇贝苗种可以利用6 m以下水层。  相似文献   

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