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Assembly of the terminal C5b-C9 complement components into the cytolytic C5b-9 complex is accompanied by exposure of characteristic neoantigens on the macromolecule. We report the production and characterization of mouse monoclonal antibodies to C9-dependent neoantigens of human C5b-9. Binding-inhibition assays with EDTA-human plasma and micro-ELISA assays with purified C9 showed that the antibodies did not react with native complement components and thus confirmed the specificity of the antibodies for the neoantigens. The monoclonal antibodies did, however, cross-react with cytolyticaIly inactive, fluid-phase C5b-9 complexes, Thus, expression of the neoantigenic determinants was not dependent on the formation of high molecular weight C9 polymers with the complex, since these are absent in fluid-phase C5b-9. Radioiodinated antibodies could be utilized in immunoradiometric assays for the detection and quantitation of C5b-9 on cell membranes. Cross-reactivities of the antibodies with C9-dependent neoantigens of several other animal species were examined and antibody clones cross-reacting with rabbit (clones 3BI, 3Dg, and 2F3), sheep (clones 3Dg and 2F3) and guinea-pig (clone 3D8) neoantigens were identified . Three of four tested clones (3D8, 2F3, IA12) precipitated C5b-9 complexes in double-diffusion assays, probably due to their interaction with multiple and repeating C9-epitopes on the terminal complexes. The monoclonal antibodies will be of value for definitive identification and quantitation of C5b-9 on cell membranes and in tissues, and for establishing immunoassays for detection and quantitation of terminal fluid-phase C5b-9 complexes in plasma.  相似文献   

Poly- and monoclonal antibodies to neoantigens of the human C5b-9 complement complex, as well as polyclonal antibodies to C5, C8, and C9, were used to detect and identify C5b-9 deposits in human myocardial tissue. Immunocytochemical studies were performed on fresh-frozen autopsy material derived from patients with myocardial infarctions; in addition, in 17 of these patients, paraffin sections of formalin-fixed tissue were investigated. Sixteen autopsies from patients with noncardiac diseases were analyzed as controls. Without exception, C5b-9 positivity was registered selectively and exclusively on and in myocardial cells located within the zones of infarction. The selectivity of staining was confirmed by control reactions for succinic dehydrogenase activity performed in adjacent, respective double-stained sections. Most intensive staining with anti-neoantigen antibodies was observed in the peripheral areas of the infarctions. Weak staining for C3d, rather strong staining for C5 and C9, and intermediate staining with anti-C8 antibodies were observed in the same localizations. Stainings for C4 and IgA were negative, whereas immunocytochemical reactions for IgG and IgM revealed an irregular and very weak staining. Only very weak staining was also observed with a monoclonal antibody to complement S-protein, indicating that the terminal complement components were deposited mainly in the form of membrane-damaging C5b-9 complexes. Immunocytochemical staining for C5b-9 was found to represent a most sensitive tool for detection of ischemic myocardial lesions, permitting easy detection even of single cell necroses. As a working hypothesis, we suggest that initial ischemia may cause loss of the ability of the heart muscle cells to regulate complement turnover at the membrane level. The resulting deposition of C5b-9 on the cell membranes may contribute to functional disturbance and irreversible damage of myocardial cells during the infarction process.  相似文献   

The terminal, membrane-derived C5b-9 complex of human complement (C) is an apparently hollow, cylindrical macromolecule vertically oriented on the target membrane. In the present study, an antiserum to the complex has been used to probe its immunobiochemical properties. "Neoantigenic" determinants characteristic of the complex have been detected, which are absent on native C5-C9 molecules. Evidence that the C5b-9 complex is an amphiphilic molecule that possesses apolar, detergent-binding surfaces has been obtained by using charge-shift crossed immunoelectrophoresis, and by direct demonstration of Triton X-100 binding to the complex in quantitative immunoelectrophoresis. By the same criteria, serum C5, C6, and C9 are hydrophilic molecules. The results indicate that assembly of C5-C9 into the terminal membrane C5b-9 complex is accompanied by conformational changes in the individual C components that lead to the exposure of apolar molecular regions in the complex. It is proposed that this constitutes the basis for the lipid-binding properties of the macromolecule, which enable it to become inserted into biologic and artificial lipid membranes with apparent generation of a transmembrane pore.  相似文献   

Apoptosis of oligodendrocytes is induced by serum growth factor deprivation. We showed that oligodendrocytes and progenitor cells respond to serum withdrawal by a rapid decline of Bcl-2 mRNA expression and caspase-3-dependent apoptotic death. Sublytic assembly of membrane-inserted terminal complement complexes consisting of C5b, C6, C7, C8, and C9 proteins (C5b-9) inhibits caspase-3 activation and apoptotic death of oligodendrocytes. In this study, we examined an involvement of the mitochondria in oligodendrocyte apoptosis and the role of C5b-9 on this process. Decreased phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and Akt activities occurred in association with cytochrome c release and caspase-9 activation when cells were placed in defined medium. C5b-9 inhibited the mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis in oligodendrocytes, as shown by decreased cytochrome c release and inhibition of caspase-9 activation. Phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate kinase and Akt activities were also induced by C5b-9, and the phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate kinase inhibitor LY294002 reversed the protective effect of C5b-9. Phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate kinase activity was also responsible for the phosphorylation of Bad at Ser112 and Ser136. This phosphorylation resulted in dissociation of Bad from the Bad/Bcl-xL complex in a G(i)alpha-dependent manner. The mitochondrial pathway of oligodendrocyte apoptosis is, therefore, inhibited by C5b-9 through post-translational regulation of Bad. This mechanism may be involved in the promotion of oligodendrocyte survival in inflammatory demyelinating disorders affecting the CNS.  相似文献   

The terminal membrane C5b-9(m) and fluid-phase SC5b-9 complexes of rabbit complement were isolated from target sheep erythrocyte membranes and from inulin-activated rabbit serum respectively. In the electron microscope, rabbit C5b-9(m) was observed as a hollow protein cylinder, a structure identical with that of human C5b-9(m). Monodispersed rabbit C5b-9(m) exhibited an apparent sedimentation coefficient of 29 S in deoxycholate-containing sucrose density gradients, corresponding to a composite protein-detergent molecular-weight of approx. 1.4 X 10(6). Protein subunits corresponding to human C5b-C9 were found on sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. By densitometry, there were consistently six molecules of monomeric C9 present for each monomeric C5b-8 complex. Fluid-phase rabbit SC5b-9 was a hydrophilic 23 S ma macromolecule that differed in subunit composition from its membrane counterpart in that it contained S-protein and only two to three molecules of C9 per monomer complex. The data are in accord with the previous report on human C5b-9 that C5b-9(m) contains more C9 molecules than SC5b-9 [Ware & Kolb (1981) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 78, 6426-6430]. They corroborate the previous molecular-weight estimate of approx. 10(6) for C5b-9(m) and thus support the concept that the fully assembled, unit lesion of complement is a C5b-9 monomer [Bhakdi & Tranum-Jensen (1981) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 78, 1818-1822]. They also show that C9 dimer formation is not required for assembly of the rabbit C5b-9(m) protein cylinder, or for expression of its membrane-damaging function.  相似文献   

Cells resist death induced by the complement membrane attack complex (MAC, C5b-9) by removal of the MAC from their surface by an outward and/or inward vesiculation. To gain an insight into the route of MAC removal, human C9 was tagged with Alexa Fluor 488 and traced within live cells. Tagged C9-AF488 was active in lysis of erythrocytes and K562 cells. Upon treatment of K562 cells with antibody and human serum containing C9-AF488, C9-AF488 containing MAC bound to the cells. Within 5-10 min, the cells started shedding C5b-9-loaded vesicles (0.05-1 mum) by outward vesiculation. Concomitantly, C9-AF488 entered the cells and accumulated in a perinuclear, late recycling compartment, co-localized with endocytosed transferrin-Texas Red. Similar results were obtained with fixed cells in which the MAC was labeled with antibodies directed to a C5b-9 neoepitope. Inhibition of protein kinase C reduced endocytosis of C5b-9. Kinetic analysis demonstrated that peripheral, trypsin-sensitive C5b-9 was cleared from cells at a slower rate relative to fully inserted, trypsin-resistant C5b-9. MAC formation is controlled by CD59, a ubiquitously expressed membrane complement regulator. Analysis at a cell population level showed that the amount of C5b-9-AF488 bound to K562 cells after complement activation was highly heterogeneous and inversely correlated with the CD59 level of expression. Efficient C9-AF488 vesiculation was observed in cells expressing low CD59 levels, suggesting that the protective impact of MAC elimination by vesiculation increases as the level of expression of CD59 decreases.  相似文献   

Activation of the terminal complement cascade involving C5 to C9 proteins has a beneficial role for oligodendrocytes (OLG) in experimental allergic encephalomyelitis, an animal model of multiple sclerosis, by protecting them from apoptotic cell death. We have previously shown that sublytic C5b-9 complexes, through posttranslational regulation of Bad, inhibit the mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis induced by serum deprivation. In the present study, we examined the possible involvement of the caspase-8 and Fas pathway in OLG apoptosis and the role of C5b-9 in this process. In a serum-free defined medium, OLG undergo apoptosis and differentiation concomitantly. Under this condition, we found that caspase-8 processing was increased in association with Bid cleavage and markedly reduced expression of cellular FLIP long isoform protein. The caspase-8 inhibitor Z-IETD-FMK inhibited cell death associated with differentiation in a dose-dependent manner. Exposure to C5b-9 induced an inhibition of caspase-8 activation, Bid cleavage, and a significant increase in expression of cellular FLIP long isoform. These C5b-9 effects were reversed by PI3K inhibitor LY294002. C5b-9 also down-regulated the expression of FasL and the Fas-induced apoptosis. These data suggest that C5b-9 through PI3K signaling can rescue OLG from Fas-mediated apoptosis by regulating caspase-8 processing.  相似文献   

P J Sims  T Wiedmer 《Biochemistry》1984,23(14):3260-3267
The fluorescence self-quenching by energy transfer of FITC-C9, a fluoresceinated derivative of human complement protein C9 [Sims, P.J. (1984) Biochemistry (preceding paper in this issue)], has been used to monitor the kinetics of C9 polymerization induced by the membrane-associated complex of complement proteins C5b-8. Time-based measurements of the fluorescence change observed during incubation of FITC-C9 with C5b-8-treated sheep red blood cell ghost membranes at various temperatures revealed that C9 polymerization induced by the C5b-8 proteins exhibits a temperature dependence similar to that previously reported for the complement-mediated hemolysis of these cells, with an Arrhenius activation energy for FITC-C9 polymerization of 13.3 +/- 3.2 kcal mol-1 (mean +/- 2 SD). Similar measurements obtained with C5b-8-treated unilamellar vesicles composed of either egg yolk phosphatidylcholine (egg PC), dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC), or dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) revealed activation energies of between 20 and 25 kcal mol-1 for FITC-C9 polymerization by C5b-8 bound to these membranes. Temperature-dependent rates of C9 polymerization were observed to be largely unaffected by the phase state of membrane lipid in the target C5b-8 vesicles. The significance of these observations of the mechanism of C9 activation of membrane insertion is considered.  相似文献   

C5b-9(m) complexes were incorporated into lecithin liposomes and subjected to proteolysis in the presence of DTT to remove the externally oriented annulus. Liposomes were recovered that selectively carried the membrane-bound, thin-walled cylindrical portion of the C5b-9(m) complex. The presence of DTT during proteolysis enhanced peptide bond cleavage in the C5b-9(m) complex. All C5-C9 components were degraded to lower m.w. fragments. A protease-resistant, but hydrophilic 85 to 86,000-dalton polypeptide derivative of C5, possibly representing the C5 beta-chain, was recovered in the fluid phase. This component is not intimately associated with the target lipid bilayer. Immunochemical analyses yielded evidence for the existence of minor C5-C9 antigenic determinants on the membrane-bound C5b-9(m) residue. SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoreses of liposomes carrying the C5b-9(m) residues revealed the persistence of at least six major polypeptides of approximately m.w. 50,000, 45,000, 40,000, 38,000, 20,000, and 16,000. The data are interpreted to indicate that multiple protease-resistant polypeptide chains derived from several terminal C components participate in formation of the trans-membrane C channel.  相似文献   

Using a model of rat membranous nephropathy (MN), we examined the relationship between the development of glomerular epithelial cell injury and the formation and stability of the membrane attack complex (MAC) of complement. Isolated rat kidneys were perfused with buffered bovine albumin (BSA) or various plasmas (complement source). Kidneys containing nephritogenic amounts of complement-fixing sheep antibody to glomerular epithelial antigens (aFx1A) perfused with BSA (n = 5), and normal kidneys perfused with normal human plasma in BSA (50% v/v, n = 6) excreted 0.30 +/- 0.02 mg protein/min/g during 90 min perfusion (control groups). When normal plasma was added to the perfusate of aFx1A kidneys at concentrations of 12.5, 25, and 50% v/v, protein excretion rose in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. Perfusions with 25% plasma resulted in baseline proteinuria from 0 to 20 min that increased to 2.8 +/- 0.9 mg/min/g at 20 to 40 min and 8.6 +/- 2.1 at 40 to 60 min (n = 4, p less than 0.01 vs control groups). Removal of plasma at 20 min did not prevent this rise in protein excretion (3.9 +/- 2.4 and 5.8 +/- 2.6 mg/min/g at 30 to 40 and 55 to 65 min respectively, p less than 0.01, n = 4). Perfusion of aFx1A kidneys with C8-deficient (C8D) human plasma (25% v/v, n = 4) or C6D rabbit serum (25% v/v, n = 2) independently produced low levels of proteinuria comparable with BSA, but in combination, the two reagents restored enhanced protein excretion (n = 2). In aFx1A kidneys containing C5b-7, addition of C8 and C9 (C6D serum) after intervals of 20, 60, or 90 min immediately reconstituted heavy proteinuria. Thus, the magnitude of MAC-induced glomerular epithelial injury in rat MN is related to the complement dose. Altered glomerular permeability is delayed with respect to the onset of complement activation. Once sufficient C5b-9 is formed, proteinuria can develop despite cessation of new MAC assembly, implying that C5b-9 persists after formation. Moreover, the C5b-7 MAC intermediate is not eliminated rapidly in this model.  相似文献   

Inhibition of transmethylation, i.e., enzymatic transfer of methyl groups to phosphatidyl ethanolamine resulting in generation and translocation of phosphatidyl choline, enhances the killing of nucleated cells by complement. Furthermore, under complement attack, transmethylation measured as incorporation of [3H]methyl groups into phosphatidyl choline is enhanced, suggesting that transmethylation functions as a membrane defense mechanism either by increasing the phosphatidyl choline synthesis or by transducing a signal that might trigger another membrane repair process.  相似文献   

We have visualized by freeze-etch electron microscopy the macromolecular complexes of complement, C5b-8 and C5b-9, respectively, assembled on synthetic phospholipid bilayers. These complexes were formed sequentially by using purified human complement components C5b-6 followed by C7, C8, and C9. Complexes of C5b-8 were observed on the external surface (ES) of vesicles as 12-nm particles that tended to form polydisperse aggregates. The aggregates were sometimes of a regular chainlike structure containing varying numbers of paired subunits. Etching of vesicles containing C5b-9 complexes revealed on the ES large rings of approximately 27-nm outer diameter. One or two knobs usually were attached to the perimeter of the rings. Splitting of the membrane resulted in partitioning of the C5b-9 with the outer leaflet. Thus, round holes of approximately 17-nm diameter were present in the protoplasmic face (PF), and raised circular stumps of a matching size were present on the exoplasmic face (EF) of C5b-9 vesicles. C5b-9 complexes were frequently localized in regions of the lowest lipid order. That is, in micrographs of the EF and ES, single C5b-9 complexes were located where the ripples of the P beta' phase bend or reach a dead end, and linear arrays of C5b-9 complexes outlined disclination-like structures in the lattice; the holes in the PF mirrored this distribution. The membrane immediately surrounding C5b-9 rings was often sunk inwardly over an area much larger than that of the ring itself.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The structure of human complement component C7 and the C5b-7 complex   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The molecular architecture of human complement component C7 was elucidated at several structural levels. The complete primary structure of C7 was derived from the cDNA sequence of clones isolated from a human liver library. C7 is a mosaic protein that consists of 821 amino acids. The amino-terminal two-thirds of C7 has 23-30% homology with complement components C8 and C9. In addition, the carboxyl-terminal third contains four cysteine-rich segments that have overlapping internal homology. The protein is a single polypeptide chain with 28 disulfide bonds and is glycosylated at two sites. Virtually all the cysteines are found in small units of 35-77 amino acids that exhibit homology with those of various proteins including the low density lipoprotein receptor, epidermal growth factor precursor, thrombospondin, and blood coagulation factors IX and X. The secondary structural analysis, estimated by circular dichroism, suggested a high content of beta-sheet (38%) and beta-turns (24%). The tertiary structure, visualized by transmission electron microscopy, indicated a flexible elongated molecule with dimensions of 151 X 59 X 43 A. The quaternary structure of the C5b-7 complex bound to lipid vesicles was observed to be in the form of monomers or dimers. The monomer C5b-7 consists of a leaflet and a long flexible stalk, and the dimer has two leaflets linked through a supercoiled stalk. Membrane binding is mediated by the stalk part of the complexes. Using a radioiodinated photoreactive cross-linking reagent bound to the polar head group of phosphatidylethanolamine, the stalk part of the C5b-7 complex could be labeled preferentially, and it was found to consist mainly of C6 and C7. Thus, C7 plays a major role in bringing about the hydrophilic-amphiphilic transition during the formation of the membrane attack complex, and it serves as a membrane anchor for the C5b-7 complex.  相似文献   

Human beta-endorphin (beta H-EP) is demonstrated to bind to the "preterminal" SC5b-7 and SC5b-8 complexes and to the terminal SC5b-9 complex of human complement. Detailed binding studies revealed saturability, reversibility and structural specificity of the beta H-EP interaction with high or low affinity non-opiate binding sites on SC5b-7 and SC5b-9 complexes. The high affinity binding sites seem to be located predominantly on C5b, C6 or C7 subunits of the complexes.  相似文献   

The complement system, an important element of both innate and adaptive immunity, is executing complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC) with its C5b-9 protein complex that is assembled on cell surfaces and transmits to the cell death signals. In turn, cells, and in particular cancer cells, protect themselves from CDC in various ways. Thus, cells actively remove the C5b-9 complexes from their plasma membrane by endocytosis. Inhibition of clathrin by transfection with shRNA or of EPS-15 with a dominant negative plasmid had no effect on C5b-9 endocytosis and on cell death. In contrast, inhibition of caveolin-1 (Cav-1) by transfection with an shRNA or a dominant negative plasmid sensitized cells to CDC and inhibited C5b-9 endocytosis. Similarly, both inhibition of dynamin-2 by transfection with a dominant negative plasmid or by treatment with Dynasore reduced C5b-9 endocytosis and enhanced CDC. C5b-9 endocytosis was also disrupted by pretreatment of the cells with methyl-β-cyclodextrin or Filipin III, hence implicating membrane cholesterol in the process. Analyses by confocal microscopy demonstrated co-localization of Cav-1-EGFP with C5b-9 at the plasma membrane, in early endosomes, at the endocytic recycling compartment and in secreted vesicles. Further investigation of the process of C5b-9 removal by exo-vesiculation demonstrated that inhibition of Cav-1 and cholesterol depletion abrogated C5b-9 exo-vesiculation, whereas, over-expression of Cav-1 increased C5b-9 exo-vesiculation. Our results show that Cav-1 and dynamin-2 (but not clathrin) support cell resistance to CDC, probably by facilitating purging of the C5b-9 complexes by endocytosis and exo-vesiculation.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that multiple complement (C) channels are required for lysis of a nucleated cell in contrast to the single channel requirement for erythrocytes. To further investigate this multichannel requirement for nucleated cells, we examined the stability of terminal C complexes in the plasma membrane of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. Ehrlich cells bearing C5b-7 or C5b-8 with or without C9 were incubated at 37 degrees C or 0 degree C for various time intervals before converting the remaining complexes to lytic C5b-9 channels. C5b-7, C5b-8, and C5b-8 in the presence of a limited number of C5b-9 complexes disappeared functionally from the plasma membrane at 37 degrees C, with initial half-lives of 31, 20, and 10 min, respectively. Disappearance of these complexes did not occur at 0 degree C, nor did disappearance occur at 37 degrees C when formed on sheep erythrocytes. The fate of C5b-8 complexes on the surface of Ehrlich cells was traced with colloidal gold particles bound to C5 determinants on C5b-8 with the use of immunoelectron microscopy. Colloidal gold could be seen on the cell surface after specific binding to cells carrying C5b-8 sites at 0 degree C. After incubating these cells at 37 degrees C, gold particles were internalized into the cell continuously via endocytic vesicles. It is postulated that terminal C complexes may stimulate or accelerate the removal of these complexes from the cell surface.  相似文献   

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