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海底管道是海上油田生产系统中心的一个重要组成部分,维护海底管道的安全是保证安全生产和保护海洋环境重要环节.本文对埕岛海区平台附近与立管连接的海底管道出现悬空的安全隐患进行了详细的调查,并对产生悬空原因进行了分析.对悬空管道的悬空控制进行了对策研究,形成了采用"水下支撑桩"方法进行管道悬空治理的施工方案,此对策实施后取得了显著效果,为保证海底管道安全,保护海洋环境提供了有利借鉴.  相似文献   

董文乙 《中国水运》2014,(5):317-318
海底管道在服役期间由于各种原因会在某些管段形成悬空段,悬空段的存在会影响管道的安全运行。文中以渤中海域某管道为例,基于DNV规范,对海底管道允许悬空长度和海底管道疲劳寿命的影响因素(工作内压、海流流速、沟槽深度)进行分析。  相似文献   

海流引起海底管道悬空的数值模拟   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
海底管道悬跨将影响管道的安全运营.在海底管道稳定性设计中,需要合理分析具有初始嵌入深度的海底管道产生悬空的物理机制.本文对海流作用下铺设于砂质海床上的海底管道悬空进行了数值模拟.求解不可压缩流体N-S方程,分析了海流作用下管道周围的流场特性,研究了管道两侧的压力分布特性和海床表面剪应力的分布特点.在管道绕流流场分析的基础上,通过对土体渗流方程的求解,得到了管道周围砂质海床内的渗流场以及渗流水力梯度场的分布情况.与海床表面剪应力计算结果进行比较分析发现,管道下方渗流出口处土体的流土渗透破坏将诱导管道发生悬空.  相似文献   

浅地层剖面仪在管线铺设路由调查中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用浅地层剖面仪在海底管线路由调查中进行声学剖面探测,可以有效地圈定工程地质单元,尤其是识别浅地层灾害地质因素。文中根据工程实例进行了典型的地层剖面划分并对层内物质成分及其沉积环境作了简单的说明,同时通过典型的剖面图对浅部灾害地质从其内部反射结构和外部几何形状都进行了相关的分析。  相似文献   

沈光  李俊  梁俊宁  缪一星 《中国水运》2007,7(7):110-112
本文主要阐述了一种运用于海底PE管道边敷边埋的新施工工艺的研究、设计和施工。  相似文献   

近年随着深海油气田的开发,远离海岸线的项目逐步增多,其海床的构造与浅海有较明显的区别,海管路由存在海床崎岖不平和地质状况复杂多变等困难,给海底管道的设计和铺设等带来很大挑战。本文通过对三维数字化海床海管路由设计技术的探讨,提出适用于海管设计阶段的海管路由设计流程,最后通过南海某项目的实际路由,依据设计流程,结合三维可视化软件Fledermaus和应力分析软件Sageprofile完成该管道的路由设计。本文可为基于复杂地形和多变地质条件下的海管路由设计提供参考,为进一步开发南海深水项目打下基础。  相似文献   

海底管道是海洋油气田开发的重要组成部分,随着我国海洋油气田的大规模开采,海底管道在未来海洋石油工业链条中的纽带作用将越加突出。首先介绍海底管道路由选择面临的海床地质特征:海床不平整、冲刷、断层、液化等,其次介绍基于复杂地质条件海底管道路由选择流程和接受标准,最终阐述海底管道路由选择的设计方法。本文的研究成果既是对中国海区已运行项目的总结,也为我国南海深水油气田开发及拓展国外市场提供参考。  相似文献   

张玮  金新  汪魁 《水道港口》2013,34(3):193-198
海床冲刷可能导致海底输油管线裸露悬空,影响其运营安全。文章针对册镇海底输油管线沿线海床的冲刷现象,利用杭州湾大范围海域潮流数学模型和海床冲淤计算方法,分析了造成海床冲刷的原因,预测了冲刷的发展趋势。研究结果表明:册镇海底输油管线沿线海床冲刷主要与新泓口围垦的局部挑流及金塘大桥的阻水作用有关。随着规划围垦工程的实施,沿线部分海床还将进一步冲刷。  相似文献   

SOLUS规范对在建船舶甲板的防火等级有严格的要求,在建造1300TEU集装箱船时,根据经验,提出了A60甲板敷料替代A60级陶瓷棉绝缘材料的防火敷设方法,并给出了敷设方案。  相似文献   

Untrenched submarine pipelines lying on the seabed are vulnerable and can be damaged by the impact of falling objects. This may cause significant economic costs for repair and even environmental contamination in case of rupture and oil leakage. This paper presents assessment of submarine pipeline damage subjected to falling object impact considering the effect of seabed through nonlinear explicit dynamic finite element modelling. The numerical model was first verified against existing experimental results and established studies. A total of 209 cases of parametric study was then conducted to assess pipeline damage by accounting for various factors, including object mass, velocity and seabed conditions. The results show that the pipeline damage can be directly related to the impact kinetic energy of the falling object for pipelines sitting on rigid bed. In other words, falling objects with the same impact energy (while mass and velocity may vary) cause the same damage to a pipeline. For a pipeline on a soil seabed, however, this study shows that pipeline damage is no longer simplistically determined by the impact kinetic energy of the falling objects. Falling objects with different mass and velocity may cause different pipeline damages, even though the impact energy is the same. It is interesting to find out that objects with a smaller mass (i.e. higher velocity) tend to cause greater damage than objects with a greater mass (i.e. lower velocity), when the total impact kinetic energy of the falling objects is the same. These observations are explored in this paper, which is explained with the variation of the energy absorption due to the existence of soil seabed.  相似文献   

通过对船舶液压软管故障案例的介绍,发现船舶液压软管故障也会导致经济损失和污染事故,因此,轮机管理人员必须对船舶液压软管的维护管理引起重视。文章从液压软管各种故障着手,探寻导致船舶液压软管故障的相关因素,以期能为轮机管理人员增加液压软管相关知识与维护经验,进而能对其工作提供帮助。  相似文献   

李可顺  孙培廷 《船舶》2011,22(3):38-40
针对某轮废气锅炉烧塌现象,从理论上分析了锅炉发生着火的机理,并据此对本轮发生烧塌事故的原因进行了分析。为了防止此类事故的再次发生,对主机和锅炉也提出相应的管理措施和建议。  相似文献   

Pipelines are important to offshore oil and gas development, but suffers from the pipeline walking phenomenon due to cyclic temperature variations—where large axial walking distances threaten the safety of pipeline systems. Current research indicates that pipeline walking is triggered by steel catenary riser (SCR) tension, seabed slopes, or thermal transients. This paper proposes a new driving mechanism for the pipeline walking phenomenon, involving cyclic hardening soil strength. The finite element analysis method was adopted to analyse the soil friction difference induced walking phenomenon, and the influence of key parameters on the gain in soil friction on walking distance was studied. Pipeline walking distances under different drainage conditions in the heating and cooling processes were also calculated, and the impact of the degree of drainage in the heating process was determined. To better understand the new pipeline walking mechanism, theoretical analysis of the walking behaviour under different cyclic soil friction conditions was carried out. Analytical solutions for estimating the pipeline walking distance were also provided, based on the simplified theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

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