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水封性是保证地下水封洞库安全运营的关键,目前研究地下水封洞库水封性的主要难点在于裂隙岩体含水层强烈的非均质性和各向异性。以某地下水封洞库工程为背景,通过实测裂隙几何参数分析裂隙发育特征,建立了研究区离散裂隙网络模型。之后对研究区进行网格化划分计算了各单元体渗透系数张量,基于对裂隙渗流基本规律的理解和假设建立了研究区高精度的非均质各向异性渗流模型,并对研究区渗透性特征进行分析。通过建立非均质各向异性渗流模型对水幕系统水封性能进行了探讨并与传统均质各向同性渗流模型进行对比分析,利用该模型可以弥补传统均质各向同性渗流模型的不足,更加准确地评价由于裂隙岩体非均质各向异性造成的储品泄漏风险。  相似文献   

Borehole gravity has been used in mineral exPloration recently with the advent of slim-hole gravime-ters. It is logical to Perform inversion to utilize the information in the newly acquired data. The i...  相似文献   

针对在全三维水力压裂物理模拟实验中,水力裂缝实时扩展形态无法准确描述的问题,利用被动声波监测技术,研究水力裂缝在超大型(762cm×762cm×914cm)天然砂岩岩样中的扩展机理.结果表明:水力压裂裂缝呈经典的径向形态扩展,与实际裂缝形态一致;实验条件下,径向裂缝延伸净压力受断裂韧性的控制,与通常现场裂缝延伸净压力受流体黏性控制有很大区别.为与现场裂缝扩展进行相似对比,建议物模实验参数设计应适当提高液体黏度及排量,同时降低岩样断裂韧性.声波监测技术在超大尺寸水力压裂实验中的应用,可为现场水力压裂裂缝微地震监测技术应用提供指导.  相似文献   

【目的】研究气流管路中活塞运动对气流的扰动机理,探讨机械能转化成脉动能的转化规律及效率。【方法】建立活塞对管内气流作用的物理与数学模型,运用数值模拟方法研究不同工况下的活塞运动对匀速气流的扰动特性,分析不同进口气流速度、活塞运动振幅及频率对匀速气流的扰动规律。【结果与结论】活塞往复运动能有效使管路内匀速气流产生脉动。管路内气流脉动振幅及频率不受其进口速度的影响。活塞运动振幅与气流脉动振幅呈线性关系,随着活塞振幅的增加脉动传导效率逐渐下降,脉动传导效率均在80%以上,效率最高可达99.20%。气流脉动与活塞运动同频率变化。  相似文献   

One of the most important parameters for oceanic internal waves (IWs) is their amplitude. We have developed a method to retrieve the IW amplitude from nautical X-Band radar images based on the KdV equation for continuous stratified finite depth system. We have also tested the method of measuring the amplitude of IWs from X-Band radar backscatter image sequences acquired on June 2009 in the northeastern South China Sea. The method was applied in several radar images. Experiments show that the retrieval amplitudes are consistent with the in-situ observational amplitudes of IWs by using the towed thermistor chain and conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) profile. The uncertainty of the method is also discussed.  相似文献   

Fracture system plays a very important role in the enrichment and accumulation of oil and gas in the reservoirs. Based on scattering wave information,Fracture Orientation Function( FOF) was built,which can be used to predict the fracture orientations. However,this method has only been verified by physical experiments without studies on the application scope. In this study,based on the linear sliding theory,FOF of the scattering wave was applied to the numerical simulation and the application scope was further studied according to fracture flexibility tensor. According to the fractures filled with gas and liquid,numerical simulation was conducted on the models with various fracture flexibilities. Numerical simulation results were used to inverse fracture orientation with the aid of the FOF of the scattering wave. The results show that it is workable to predict the vertical fracture orientation with the FOF of the scattering wave. Application of this method is more effective when the fractures are filled with gas than liquid. Moreover,the application scope can be predicted by the fracture flexibility.  相似文献   

选择线性热敏电阻组成的脉宽电路 ,将脉宽作为控制计数的时间 ,由晶振产生某一标准频率的脉冲信号 ,通过分频以及计算译码驱动送显示。可直接显示温度数字。该设计省去 A/ D转换器 ,结构简单 ,成本低廉 ,灵敏度高 ,稳定可靠 ,使用方便。  相似文献   

水下的地质雷达探测与常规的地质雷达探测具有显著的不同点。文中对CPML吸收边界条件的公式进行推导,并通过数值模拟对均匀介质以及非均匀介质中吸收边界条件的吸收效果进行了验证,数值模拟的波场快照证明了CPML吸收边界条件在水下的地质雷达数值模拟中具有很好的吸收效果。通过对水平层状介质模型以及倾斜层状介质模型开展数值模拟,并结合实际探测的雷达图像,证明地质雷达对于水下地层的探测能够取得良好的效果;通过对空洞体位于不同深度时的数值模拟,证明了地质雷达对于水下的空洞探测也能对其位置及规模进行较为准确的判断。这为水下地质灾害的探测提供了理论依据及指导。  相似文献   

A numerical study of flow around two tandem cylinders with unequal diameters was carried out. The upstream larger cylinder was fixed and the downstream smaller cylinder was allowed to oscillate in the transverse direction only. Comparisons of the experimental and numerical results were made to investigate the effects of the gap ratio on the maximum vibration amplitude and vortex shedding frequency. The results showed that the vibration response of the smaller cylinder was significantly affected by the presence of the upstream larger cylinder, and resulted in greatly reduced vibration amplitudes. With an increasing gap ratio, the vibration amplitude increased. However, the magnitude was lower than that corresponding to a single cylinder (with the same diameter as that of the downstream smaller cylinder) under the same flow conditions.  相似文献   

采用VAP(Velocity Azimuth Processing)方法反演多普勒雷达风矢量场,在利用各个距离圈径向速度随方位角分布的廓线推算风向和风速的设计中,要求基数据速度资料中没有明显的脉动.介绍了在多普勒天气雷达风场反演设计中,直接将方格法的速度资料处理过程融入到方格法风场反演的过程中,利用距离方格内保持中尺度特性的特点,不改变原始资料的同时保证风场反演的正确性.  相似文献   

地物杂波的回波强度相对稳定 ,对成都和新疆地区的地物杂波强度的统计表明 ,地物杂波的雷达反射因子方差分别小于 3db和 1.5db ,因此 ,地物回波可作为一个标准目标 ,用来对天气雷达进行强度的标定。本文给出了这种强度标定的流程图、标定方法和标定结果。使用这种标定方法将大大改善天气雷达的维护和使用质量。  相似文献   

风廓线雷达信号信息提取实现   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
讨论了从风廓线雷达回波信号中获取风场数据的方法,重点介绍如何在满足时空要求的条件下进行信息提取。  相似文献   

X波段双极化雷达的外场观测较少见 ,用成都市人工防雹降雨办公室 1999年 8、9两月双极化雷达的降水资料 ,对成都地区的对流云和层状云降水进行了水平剖面和垂直剖面的散射图分析 ,结果表明X波段Zh Zdr平面散射图与C波段和S波段的散射图类似 ;在 0度层上下的散射图变化清楚地反映了云中粒子的态相变化 ,这将为人工影响天气的科学作业和效果检验提供新的依据。  相似文献   

数字化天气雷达回波资料在人工影响天气工作中的处理应用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
主要讨论通过数字化天气雷达终端获得的回波资料,在回波类型识别、垂直累积含水量计算,人工增雨防雹作业指标的确定及效果检验等技术产品获得中的处理技术及应用等问题。  相似文献   

介绍了ADSP-TS101S与雷达数字中频接口电路原理及其FPGA实现.采用Cyclone芯片设计系统中FIFO缓存、低压差分(LVDS)转换、时钟倍频、控制译码、时序逻辑电路等电路,很好地解决了传统系统中稳定性差,在线升级难等问题,提高了系统的整体性能.  相似文献   

The authors use the common offset ground penetrating radar(GPR) data inversion based on ray theory to estimate interval velocity and to obtain the relative permittivity. In the ray-tracing based inversion, the input data are the offset distance between antennas, the velocity of the first layer, the pick-up amplitude and re-ference amplitude of each reflection layer. The thickness and velocity of each layer are calculated by this recursive method. Firstly, the horizontal homogeneous layered medium model is established, and the ideal inversion results are obtained. Subsequently, Monte Carlo method is used to establish a randomly undulating homogeneous layered medium model. The common offset GPR data for the built geological model is then simulated by finite-difference time-domain(FDTD). It proved that this ray-tracing based inversion method is feasible for the horizontal layered geological model, even the layered geological model with random undulation. Undulation, represented by RMS height and CL(correlation length), influences the inversion results. Finally, a more complex geological model--pinch-out model was established. In the pinch-out model, the pinch-out interface can be clearly identified, though there is a false anomaly, which will not significantly affect the identification of the underground medium structure.  相似文献   

高功率微波发射技术在气象雷达中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用固态放大器推动速调管两级放大方式,使放大链线路最简化,同时调制器选用全固态方案,提高了可靠性.发射机中速调管的性能是至关重要的,应慎重选择.供电电源的设计中使用直流灯丝电源;速调管聚焦线包使用半桥零电流开关准谐振变换模式磁场电源;高压电源采用回扫充电技术对调制器进行充电,整个充电过程分为充电变压器储能和脉冲形成网络充电两个部分,因而调制器具有很强的承受正失配的能力;同我们成功地将可控硅运用在大电流、窄脉冲工作条件下,实现了大功率、窄脉冲调制器的全固态化和开关组件的国产化.在设计发射机的本机监控系统时,以一台抗干扰能力很强的工业可编程控制器(PLC)为中心,来完成整个发射系统的开关机控制操作、状态指示、故障指示和遥控通讯等功能.使其具有国际20世纪90年代先进水平.  相似文献   

根据超级单体在反射率因子图中的强度信息、水平尺度、典型的钩状回波等特征,利用图像处理技术对多普勒天气雷达回波图中超级单体进行识别,从而更好地为天气预报服务.首先通过图像分割获取灰度图中超级单体的结构,然后结合轮廓跟踪法和贴标签的方法对目标进行区域分割,获取目标存在区域,最后基于不变矩具有对位移、尺度和旋转变换的不变性对目标进行识别.仿真结果表明该方案可行且具有良好的识别性能.  相似文献   

详细介绍了信号定时器的特点和工作原理,并给出一种基于现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)的风廓线雷达信号定时器的设计方法.该信号定时器在某风廓线雷达中成功应用,且运行可靠,效果良好.  相似文献   

对2007~2014年姑咱台应变仪第一分量的分钟值原始观测曲线进行研究。结果表明,其日、月异常合计幅值、频次和时间均在汶川地震前显著增加,日、月累加值曲线相应快速上升,2008年以后速率明显放缓,前后相差最大可达10倍、9倍和4倍,与汶川地震表现出较强的对应关系。但之后发生芦山和康定地震时,这一过程并未重现。根据龙门山一带地应力实地测量结果和视应力分析结果,对该现象进行一定程度的解释。  相似文献   

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