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The impact of UV-B radiation on endogenous hormones in plants has recently drawn attention from researchers. The mechanism for reduced stem elongation by UV-B might be due to changes in the phytohormone levels, especially IAA, which plays a role in stem elongation. In this study, effects of UV-B radiation on Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim (T. kirilowii) seedlings in greenhouse-grown plants were investigated. The results indicated that: (1) In comparison to controls, exposure to 0.029 Jm?2 s?1. UV-B radiation led to accumulation of endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) and zeatinriboside (ZR) in the plant contents, and decreased contents of endogenous indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and gibberellic acid (GA1/3). Exposure to UV-B radiation reduced the height and leaf area of plants. As a result, total biomass (plant dry weight) was lower. (2) In comparison to controls, addition of 2 mg l?1 α-naphthaleneacetic acid (α-NAA) slightly increased the contents of IAA, GA1/3 and ZR, and decreased the content of ABA in leaves. This addition of α-NAA significantly increased plant height and leaf area, but only slightly increased total biomass. (3) Addition of α-NAA to UV-B-exposed plants: increased the content of endogenous IAA, GA1/3 and ZR; decreased accumulation of endogenous ABA; and increased plant height and leaf area in comparison to plants that only were exposed to UV-B. Moreover, total biomass increased slightly. This suggests that addition of α-NAA may compensate to a certain extent for the lack of IAA resulting from UV-B radiation; it also increases the content of GA1/3 and ZR, decreases the accumulation of ABA, and promotes the growth of plants.  相似文献   

We have examined the indirect effects of UV-A and UV-B on cypris attachment of the barnacle Balanus amphitrite Darwin through their effects on microbial films. Specifically, we tested the hypothesis that both UV-A and UV-B radiation can indirectly affect the larval attachment of barnacles by altering the microbial film bioactivity. Microbial films were developed from mid-intertidal region (∼1 m above Mean Low Water Level) for 6 days and subjected to ambient levels of ultraviolet radiation. Response of cyprids to untreated and UV-treated microbial films was investigated using double-dish still water choice bioassay. Results showed that both UV-A and UV-B caused a decrease in the percentage of respiring bacterial cells in microbial films and this effect increased with UV energy. With the same UV energy, UV-B caused a greater decrease in respiring bacterial cells than UV-A. However, despite strong UV radiation, the bioactivities of microbial films (i.e., stimulation of cypris attachment) remain unchanged. Results of this study suggest that increased UV radiation, which might occur due to ozone depletion, may not significantly affect the barnacle recruitment by means of affecting the inductive larval attachment cues of microbial films.  相似文献   

α-mannosidase from Erythrina indica seeds is a Zn2+ dependent glycoprotein with 8.6% carbohydrate. The enzyme has a temperature optimum of 50 °C and energy of activation calculated from Arrhenius plot was found to be 23 kJ mol− 1. N-terminal sequence up to five amino acid residues was found to be DTQEN (Asp, Thr, Gln, Glu, and Asn). In chemical modification studies treatment of the enzyme with NBS led to total loss of enzyme activity and modification of a single tryptophan residue led to inactivation. Fluorescence studies over a pH range of 3–8 have shown tryptophan residue to be in highly hydrophobic environment and pH change did not bring about any appreciable change in its environment. Far-UV CD spectrum indicated predominance of α-helical structure in the enzyme. α-Mannosidase from E indica exhibits immunological identity with α-mannosidase from Canavalia ensiformis but not with the same enzyme from Glycine max and Cicer arietinum. Incubation of E. indica seed lectin with α-mannosidase resulted in 35% increase in its activity, while no such activation was observed for acid phosphatase from E. indica. Lectin induced activation of α-mannosidase could be completely abolished in presence of lactose, a sugar specific for lectin.  相似文献   

Three experiments were done to determine if endogenous opioid peptides (EOPs) mediate the effects of photoperiod on release of luteinizing hormone (LH) and prolactin (Prl) in ovariectomized (OVX) ewes. Intravenous infusions of 0.5 naloxone X h-1 X kg body weight-1 for 3.5 h increased (P less than 0.01) mean plasma concentrations of LH and decreased (P less than 0.025) mean interpulse interval (period) of LH pulses in OVX ewes exposed to long day lengths (16L:8D). Infusions of either 1.0 or 2.5 mg morphine-SO4 X h-1 X kg-1 for 3 h increased (P less than 0.005) the period of LH pulses and increased (P less than 0.005) concentrations of Prl in OVX ewes during the breeding season. In OVX ewes exposed to long (16L:8D) or short (8L:16D) day lengths infusions of naloxone increased (P less than 0.05) mean concentrations of LH, whereas morphine decreased (P less than 0.01) mean concentrations of LH. These effects were attributed to changes in period of LH pulses (P less than 0.001). The drug X photoperiod interactions were not significant for LH parameters. Naloxone did not affect Prl release in either long- or short-day groups, but morphine increased (P less than 0.001) Prl release during long and short day lengths. The effect of morphine on Prl release was more pronounced in ewes exposed to long day lengths than in those exposed to short day lengths. In conclusion, EOPs inhibit the LH pulse generator in OVX ewes. However, it is doubtful that the EOPs mediate the steroid-independent effects of photoperiod on LH release. The results also suggest that photoperiod may influence Prl release via opiate neurons.  相似文献   

Cassava is an important dietary component for over 1 billion people, and its ability to yield under drought has led to it being promoted as an important crop for food security under climate change. Despite its known photosynthetic plasticity in response to temperature, little is known about how temperature affects plant toxicity or about interactions between temperature and drought, which is important because cassava tissues contain high levels of toxic cyanogenic glucosides, a major health and food safety concern. In a controlled glasshouse experiment, plants were grown at 2 daytime temperatures (23 °C and 34 °C), and either well‐watered or subject to a 1 month drought prior to harvest at 6 months. The objective was to determine the separate and interactive effects of temperature and drought on growth and toxicity. Both temperature and drought affected cassava physiology and chemistry. While temperature alone drove differences in plant height and above‐ground biomass, drought and temperature × drought interactions most affected tuber yield, as well as foliar and tuber chemistry, including C : N, nitrogen and cyanide potential (CNp; total cyanide released from cyanogenic glucosides). Conditions that most stimulated growth and yield (well‐watered × high temperature) effected a reduction in tuber toxicity, whereas drought inhibited growth and yield, and was associated with increased foliar and tuber toxicity. The magnitude of drought effects on tuber yield and toxicity were greater at high temperature; thus, increases in tuber CNp were not merely a consequence of reduced tuber biomass. Findings confirm that cassava is adaptable to forecast temperature increases, particularly in areas of adequate or increasing rainfall; however, in regions forecast for increased incidence of drought, the effects of drought on both food quality (tuber toxicity) and yield are a greater threat to future food security and indicate an increasing necessity for processing of cassava to reduce toxicity.  相似文献   

Candida albicans is one of the most common fungal pathogens, and causes systemic and invasive infections in humans. C. albicans biofilms are composed of yeast and hyphal and pseudohyphal elements, and the transition of yeast to the hyphal stage could be a virulence factor. In this study, diverse essential oils were initially investigated for anti-biofilm activity against C. albicans strains, and cascarilla bark oil and helichrysum oil and their components α-longipinene (a major constituent of both) and linalool were found to markedly inhibit biofilm formation without affecting planktonic cell growth. Moreover, α-longipinene and linalool were found to synergistically reduce biofilm formation. Notably, treatments with cascarilla bark oil, helichrysum oil, α-longipinene, or linalool clearly inhibited hyphal formation, and this appeared to be largely responsible for their anti-biofilm effect. Furthermore, the two essential oils, α-longipinene and linalool, reduced C. albicans virulence in Caenorhabditis elegans.  相似文献   

Aims There have been a large number of studies on the independent separate responses of fine roots to warming and nitrogen deposition, but with contradictory reporting. Fine root production plays a critical role in ecosystem carbon, nutrient and water cycling, yet how it responds to the interactive warming and nitrogen addition is not well understood. In the present study, we aimed to examine the interactive effects of soil warming and nitrogen addition on fine root growth of 1-year-old Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) seedlings in subtropical China. Methods A mesocosm experiment, with a factorial design of soil warming (ambient, +5 °C) and nitrogen addition (ambient, ambient + 40 kg·hm-2·a-1, ambient + 80 kg·hm-2·a-1), was carried out in the Chenda State-owned Forest Farm in Sanming City, Fujian Province, China. Fine root production (indexed by the number of fine roots emerged per tube of one year) was measured biweekly using minirhizotrons from March of 2014 to February of 2015. Important findings (1) The two-way ANOVA showed that soil warming had a significant effect on fine root production, while nitrogen addition and soil warming × nitrogen addition had no effect. (2) The three-way ANOVA (soil warming, nitrogen addition and diameter class) showed that soil warming, diameter class and soil warming × diameter class had significant effects on fine root production, especially for the number of fine roots in 0-1 mm diameter class that had been significantly increased by soil warming. Compared with the 1-2 mm roots, the 0-1 mm roots seemed more flexible. (3) Repeated measures of ANOVA (soil warming, nitrogen addition and season) showed that soil warming, season, soil warming × season, and soil warming × nitrogen addition × season had significant effects on fine root production. In spring, the number of fine roots was significantly increased both by soil warming and soil warming × season, while soil warming, nitrogen addition, soil warming × nitrogen addition significantly decreased fine root production in the summer. (4) Soil warming, soil layer, soil warming × soil layer had significant effects on fine root production. The number of in-growth fine roots was significantly increased by soil warming at the 20-30 cm depth only. It seemed that warming forced fine roots to grow deeper in the soil. In conclusion, soil warming significantly increased fine root production, but they had different responses and were dependent of different diameter classes, seasons and soil layers. Nitrogen addition had no effect on fine root production. Only in spring and summer, soil warming and nitrogen addition had significant interactive effects.  相似文献   

The aim of the present investigation was to lesion the noradrenergic system and to measure the effect on growth hormone (GH) secretion following peripheral administration of 2- and -adrenoceptor agonists. Direct injection of these agonists into the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN) and its effect on GH secretion were also investigated. Systemic administration of N-2-chloroethyl-N-ethyl-2-bromobenzylamine (DSP4, 60 mg/kg, injected i.p. 10 days prior to experimentation) significantly decreased the noradrenaline (NA) content of the hippocampus, frontal cortex and hypothalamus but had no effect on the dopamine (DA) or serotonin (5-HT) content of these areas. Bilateral injection of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA, 10 g/l, 14 days prior to experimentation) into the medial forebrain bundle (MFB) caused a greater reduction of NA and also decreased the DA and 5-HT content of the hypothalamus. Analysis of the PVN of the hypothalami of rats following 6-OHDA lesion of the MFB showed significantly decreased NA and 5-HT content. Neither DSP4 treatment nor 6-OHDA lesion of the MFB affected the clonidine (250 g/kg, i.p.) induced stimulation of GH secretion. Injection of isoproterenol (1 mg/kg, i.p.) had varying effects on GH secretion. It stimulated GH release in control rats but not in DSP4 or MFB lesioned rats. Direct injection of clonidine (0.1 g/l) into the PVN significantly stimulated GH secretion, whereas injection of isoproterenol (2.5 g/l) into the PVN did not affect GH levels when compared to controls. The results of the present study do not support the hypothesis that hypoactivity of the central noradrenergic system may be the cause of the blunted GH response to clonidine observed in depressed patients.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of changing KCl concentration on the secondary structures of -actinins using circular dichroism (CD), 1,1-bis(4-anilino) naphthalene-5,5-disulfonic acid (bisANS) fluorescence and proteolysis experiments. Under near-physiological conditions, divalent cations also were added and changes in conformation were investigated. In 25 mm KH2PO4, pH 7.5, increasing KCl from 0 to 120 mm led to decreases in -helix conformation for brain, platelet and heart -actinins (40.5-30.2%, 65.5-37.8% and 37.5-27.8%, respectively). In buffered 120 mm KCl, 0.65 mm calcium produced small changes in the CD spectra of both brain and platelet -actinin, but had no effect on heart -actinin. bisANS fluorescence of all three -actinins also showed significant changes in conformation with increasing KCl. However, in buffered 120 mm KCl increasing concentrations of Ca2+ or Mg2+ did not have significant effects on the bisANS fluorescence of any -actinin. Digestion of brain, platelet and heart -actinins with -chymotrypsin showed an increase of proteolytic susceptibility in 120 mm KCl. These experiments also showed that increasing the concentration of Ca2+ or Mg2+ led to greater changes in digestion fragment patterns in the absence of KCl than in the presence of 120 mm KCl. The results suggest that -actinins exist in different conformations depending on the ionic strength of the medium, which could explain the differences in calcium and F-actin binding results obtained from different -actinins.  相似文献   

As in the tobacco hornworm Manduca sexta, the synthetic juvenile hormone analogue ETB (ethyl 4-[2-(tert-buthylcarbonyloxy)butoxy]benzoate) showed both juvenile hormone-like and anti-juvenile hormone activities in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. When ETB was topically applied to allatectomized 4th-instar larvae, the compound counteracted the effects of allatectomy, such as induction of precocious metamorphosis and black pigmentation in the larval markings. Therefore, ETB had juvenile hormone activity, but it could neither induce brown pigmentation in the markings nor induce an extra-larval moult as can juvenile hormone.When intact 3rd-instar larvae were treated with the compound, the majority underwent precocious metamorphosis in the 4th-instar, and later formed fertile miniature adults. Some moulted into larval-pupal intermediates or 5th-instar larvae with darkened larval markings and/or with abnormality of specific regions of the silk-gland. The optimal dose for such anti-juvenile effects was about 1–10 μg/larva, and higher doses showed less activity. Such anti-juvenile hormone effects of ETB were counteracted by administration of the juvenile hormone analogue, methoprene, before a certain critical time in the 4th-instar. The corpora allata of treated larvae appeared cytologically normal, and the corpora allata from ETB-induced miniature moths secreted juvenile hormone when implanted into allatectomized 4th-instar larvae.  相似文献   

The corpora allata of castrated females of Nauphoeta grow only very slightly and do not reach a volume greater than that of the glands of normal females during gestation. These small corpora allata are, however, active and are responsible for the synthesis of vitellogenin (female specific protein) in large amounts. Besides vitellogenin the other haemolymph proteins are also synthesized and accumulated in the haemolymph in much higher concentrations than in normal females. Implanted oöcytes grow in castrated as well as in normal females at about the same rate until the tenth day of the oöcyte maturation period. Thereafter they only grow in castrated females. If castrated and normal females are decapitated, their protein content decreases. At the same time the growth stimulating capacity of their haemolymph decreases at a much faster rate. If oöcytes are implanted in castrated and decapitated females after 4 days they cannot grow any more although the vitellogenin titre of the haemolymph is still much higher than it is at any time in normal females. It can be concluded that vitellogenin alone cannot induce oöcyte growth and that juvenile hormone is necessary as well for vitellogenin synthesis as for its incorporation into the oöcytes. However, in insects rich in vitellogenin juvenile hormone leads to a more rapid oöcyte growth than in insects containing only small amounts of this protein.  相似文献   

Rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis are chronic inflammatory diseases, with massive increase of cardiovascular events (CVE), and contribution of the cytokines TNF-α and IL-17. Chronic inflammation inside the joint membrane or synovium results from the activation of fibroblasts/synoviocytes, and leads to the release of cytokines from monocytes (Tumor Necrosis Factor or TNF) and from T lymphocytes (Interleukin-17 or IL-17). At the systemic level, the very same cytokines affect endothelial cells and vessel wall. We have previously shown [1], [2] that IL-17 and TNF-α, specifically when combined, increase procoagulation, decrease anticoagulation and increase platelet aggregation, leading to thrombosis. These results are the basis for the models of interactions between IL-17 and TNF, and genes expressed by activated endothelial cells. This work is devoted to mathematical modeling and numerical simulations of blood coagulation and clot growth under the influence of IL-17 and TNF-α. We show that they can provoke thrombosis, leading to the complete or partial occlusion of blood vessels. The regimes of blood coagulation and conditions of occlusion are investigated in numerical simulations and in approximate analytical models. The results of mathematical modeling allow us to predict thrombosis development for an individual patient.  相似文献   

The autolysis of trypsin and α-chymotrypsin is accelerated in the presence of colloidal silica and glass surfaces. It is proposed that adsorption of the enzymes (favoured by electrostatic factors) results in a conformational change that renders the adsorbed enzyme more susceptible to proteolytic attack. Although the adsorbed enzymes are more susceptible to proteolysis, their activity towards low-molecular-weight substrates is not affected, indicating a relatively minor conformational change on adsorption. The rates of autolysis in solution (i.e. in `inert' vessels) are second-order for both trypsin and α -chymotrypsin, with rate constants of 13.0mol−1·dm3·s−1 for trypsin (in 50mm-NaCl at pH8.0 at 25°C) and 10.2mol−1·dm3·s−1 for α-chymotrypsin (in 0.1m-glycine at pH9.2 at 30°C). In glass vessels or in the presence of small areas of silica surface (as colloidal silica particles), the autolysis of both trypsin and α-chymotrypsin can show first-order kinetics. Under these conditions, saturation of the surface occurs and the fast surface proteolytic reaction controls the overall kinetic order. However, when greater areas of silica surface are present, saturation of the surface does not occur, and, since for a considerable portion of the adsorption isotherm the amount adsorbed is approximately proportional to the concentration in solution, second-order kinetics are again observed. A number of negatively charged macromolecules have been shown similarly to increase the rate of autolysis of trypsin: thus this effect, observed initially with glass and silica surfaces, is of more general occurrence when these enzymes adsorb on or interact with negatively charged surfaces and macromolecules. These observations explain the confusion in the literature with regard to the kinetics of autolysis of α-chymotrypsin, where first-order, second-order and intermediate kinetics have been reported. A further effect of glass surfaces and negatively charged macromolecules is to shift the pH–activity curve of trypsin to higher pH values, as a consequence of the effective decrease in pH in the `microenvironment' of the enzyme associated with the negatively charged surface or macromolecule.  相似文献   

Treatment of post-feeding (early day 3; wandering phase) last-stadium larvae of the cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni, with the anti-juvenile hormone, fluoromevalonolactone, prevented the normal ecdysis to the pupa. It caused the formation of larval-pupal intermediates, a dose-dependent delay in the time of tanning, and a decrease in juvenile hormone esterase activity at the time of the prepupal juvenile hormone esterase peak. Fluoromevalonolactone was inactive as juvenile hormone esterase inhibitor in vitro. Conversely, juvenile hormone I accelerated the time of tanning, induced the early appearance of juvenile hormone esterase activity, and prevented adult eclosion. Although most of the larvae that were treated with fluoromevalonolactone immediately after the prepupal burst of juvenile hormone (late on day 3; post-spinning phase) still became larval-pupal intermediates, the time of tanning and juvenile hormone esterase activity were close to normal. Topical treatment of day-3 larvae with radiolabelled juvenile hormone I resulted in the rapid appearance and decline of radiolabelled juvenile hormone I in the haemolymph which was associated with the increased production of juvenile hormone I acid and the induced appearance of juvenile hormone esterase activity. Thus, in post-feeding last-stadium larvae of T. ni, juvenile hormone seems to be necessary for the proper formation of the pupa. Juvenile hormone is also involved in determining the time of pupation, and it appears to induce its own degradation.  相似文献   

R.L. Reid  S.S.C. Yen 《Life sciences》1981,29(25):2641-2647
β-endorphin administration via constant infusion inhibited the release of growth hormone (GH) and augmented the release of prolactin (PRL) induced by arginine in normal female subjects. Although β-endorphin infusion also induced hyperglycemia, the increment in plasma glucose was insufficient to account for the observed suppression of arginine-initiated GH release. These studies demonstrate that β-endorphin influences, in opposed directions, the secretion of PRL and GH in women.  相似文献   

The changes in α-amylase activity and in starch and free sugar content were investigated in correlation with lipid mobilization inHelianthus annuus during the first 15 days of seedling growth in discontinuous light and in darkness. Throughout the seedling development α-amylase activity increased more significantly in light than in darkness. It was always lower in cotyledons than in other tissues of the embryo axis. In both culture conditions, most of the transitory carbohydrates accumulated in germinating cotyledons were very likely synthesized by gluconeogenesis from the stored lipid breakdown. Nevertheless, in light-grown cotyledons, photosynthesis contributes to increase the carbohydrate levels. The study of several soluble sugars indicates that 1) sucrose stored in cotyledons of mature seeds was used at the onset of seedling growth, more rapidly in light than in darkness, 2) galactose and xylose, both involved as precursors of some cell-wall polysaccharides, remained at a very low level throughout the 15 days and 3) glucose, fructose and maltose accumulated in old etiolated cotyledons in contrast to what occurred in the light.  相似文献   

α-Toxin is a major pathogenic determinant of Clostridium perfringens, the causative agent of gas gangrene. α-Toxin has been known for long to be a phospholipase C, but up to now its hydrolytic properties have been studied only through indirect methods, e.g. release of cell contents, or under non-physiological conditions, e.g., in micelles, or with soluble substrates. In this report we characterize the phospholipase C and sphingomyelinase activities of α-toxin using a direct assay method (water-soluble phosphorous assay) with phospholipids in bilayer form (large unilamellar vesicles) in the absence of detergents. The simplest bilayer compositions allowing measurable activities under these conditions were DOPC:Chol (2:1 mol ratio) and SM:PE:Chol (2:1:1 mol ratio) for the PLC and SMase activities respectively. PLC activity was five times higher than SMase activity. Both activities gave rise to vesicle aggregation, after a lag time during which ca. 10% of the substrate was hydrolyzed. Vesicle aggregation, measured as an increase in light scattering, was a convenient semi-quantitative method for estimating the enzyme activities. The optimum pH for the combined PLC and SMase activities was in the 5-7 range, in agreement with the proposed role of α-toxin in aiding the bacterium to escape the fagosome and survive within the cytosol.  相似文献   

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