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Palygorskite is a typical indicator mineral of the arid and strong evaporation environment. Distribution of palygorskite in loess-red clay sequences may act as an important indicator for reconstruction of the paleoenvironment and paleoclimate.In this paper,field emission scanning electron microscope and high-resolution transmission electron microscope observations on the red clay-loess-paleosol of the Renjiapo profile at Lingtai,Gansu Province indicate that palygorskite occurs widely in red clay sequences formed before 3.6 Ma,but no occurrence has been found in eolian sediments since 3.2 Ma.Micromorphological features and microstructure of palygorskite show that it is an autogenic mineral formed during pedogenesis,and transformed from illite-montmorillonite under the pore water action.In the Lingtai profile,the disappearance horizon of palygorskite is consistent with those of increasing magnetic susceptibility,dust flux and depositional rate.The distribution of palygorskite in the profile indicates that the interval of around 3.6 Ma was an important transformation period of the East Asian paleomonsoon,when changes took place in the East Asia paleoclimate pattern,i.e.a high-frequency strong fluctuation alternative evolution of the environment. Therefore,palygorskite is a key indicator mineral of the East Asian paleomonsoon evolution of that time.  相似文献   

Previous studies show that the thick aeolian dust deposits in the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) have accumulated since the early Miocene or even late Oligocene. They are considered to provide the best terrestrial record for the onset of Asian interior aridification and the evolutionary history of the Asian Monsoon. However, large variability in the basal ages of aeolian deposits makes the aeolian dust depositional history and the controlling dynamics controversial. Here, we present a preliminary hypothesis for the tectonic controls of aeolian dust deposition in the CLP by connecting the two main uplift events of the Tibetan Plateau and the regional tectonic events with the aeolian dust accumulation history. Regional tectonic events in the Ordos Block (the basement of the CLP) during the late Cenozoic are less recognized as controlling aeolian dust accumulation by sculpting the surface landscape. The stable tectonic environment of the Ordos Block since the late Miocene might have been the main controlling factor that enabled the widespread deposition of the aeolian red clay after ~8 Ma. Here, we hypothesize that because the large-scale monsoon system and central Asian aridity had existed since at least the early Miocene, the accumulation and preservation of aeolian deposits within the CLP are actually largely controlled by the regional tectonic environment and less by climatic factors.  相似文献   

The carbon isotopic composition of alkenes from loess-paleosol sequences in China Loess was measured by pyrolysis /gas chromatography /isotopic ratio mass spectrometry. Thermochemolysis products of the insoluble residues were characterized using GC/MS, an…  相似文献   

Contourite is one of the most important type of sediments in the global ocean, which has recorded significant information on paleoclimatic changes. It is also of great importance for ocean engineering and marine hydrocarbon exploration. The development of scientific ocean drilling, especially the “Integrated Ocean Drilling Program” and the undergoing “International Ocean Discovery Program”, has made great contribution in mapping the spatial distribution of contourites and revealing contourite-related paleoclimatic information, through coring and geophysical exploration in the global ocean. It is found that the global distribution of contourites is controlled predominantly by the global deep-water circulation while its distribution in a specific region can be affected by the intensity of deep currents, tectonic activities, sediment supply, and so on. The geological changes in the global deep-water circulation is, however, further affected by tectonic activities, origins of water masses, as well as climate changes, e.g. the Cenozoic global cooling, changes in the size of the northern hemisphere ice caps, and intensity of monsoon. The main controlling factors of deep water circulation vary with different regions.  相似文献   

The slip rate of Yema River–Daxue Mountain fault in the western segment of Qilian Mountains was determined by the dated offset of river risers or gullies. Results indicate that the left-lateral fault slip rate is 2.82 ± 0.20 mm/a at Dazangdele site,2.00 ± 0.24 mm/a at Shibandun site,and 0.50 ± 0.36 and 2.80 ± 0.33 mm/a at two sites in Zhazihu. The ideal average slip rate of the whole fault is 2.81 ± 0.32 mm/a. The lower slip rate confirms part of the displacement of Altyn Tagh fault was transformed into an uplifting of the strap mountains in the western segment of Qilian Mountains,whereas another part transformed into sinistral displacement of Haiyuan fault. This study illustrates that the slip of large strike-slip faults in the northeastern margin of the plateau transforms into crust thickening at the tip of the fault without large-scale propagation to the outer parts of the plateau.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - The paper discusses advances and failures in solving the problems posed by V.I. Vernadsky 100 years ago. The quantity and quality of “living matter” along with...  相似文献   

The Changning–Menglian Belt represents the main Paleo-Tethyan Suture in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau, which divides Gondwana- and Eurasia-derived continental fragments from each other. The belt contains ultramafic–mafic volcanic rocks that provide evidence of the tectonic processes which operated during the evolution of the Paleo-Tethyan Ocean. New geochemical data for Early Carboniferous volcanics in the southern Changning–Menglian Belt show that wehrlites have cumulate and poikilitic textures, and contain low-Fo (84.2–87.2) olivine, clinopyroxene with low Mg# values (79.4–85.6), and spinel with high Cr# values (67.8–72.4). Estimated equilibrium temperatures obtained using olivine-spinel Fe-Mg exchange geothermometry range from 978°C to 1373°C (mean = 1205°C; n = 3). These observations combined with a lack of reaction or melt impregnation textures indicate that these units represent magmatic cumulates rather than having formed as a result of mantle-melt reactions. Both wehrlites and basalts in the belt have subparallel rare earth element (REE)-and primitive-mantle-normalized multi-element patterns with slightly positive Nb-Ta anomalies, but negligible Eu and Zr-Hf anomalies. The volcanics have similar Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic compositions with εNd(t) values of 4.2–4.5 (mean = 4.3; n = 3) and 4.0–4.4 (mean 4.2; n = 4), respectively, and also have similar immobile element ratios, such as Nb/La, Nb/U, Th/La, Zr/Nb, Th/Ta, La/Yb, Nb/Th, Nb/Y, and Zr/Y. These characteristics indicate both units have ocean island basalt (OIB)-like geochemical affinities, consistent with the fact that the clinopyroxene in the wehrlites is compositionally similar to OIB-related cumulus clinopyroxene. This suggests that both the wehrlites and basalts were derived from similar parental magmas that underwent generally closed-system magmatic differentiation dominated by fractionation of the olivine and clinopyroxene. This parental magma was likely generated in an oceanic seamount setting from an OIB-type mantle source (i.e., asthenospheric mantle) containing garnet-spinel lherzolite material. Combing this new data with that from oceanic seamount volcano-sedimentary suites derived from previous research enables the identification of a mature late Paleozoic ocean basin between the passive northeastern Gondwanan margin and the northward-migrating microcontinent of Lanping–Simao.  相似文献   

In this study, the chemical and Sr isotopic compositions of shallow groundwater and rainwater in the Ordos Desert Plateau, North China, and river water from the nearby Yellow River, are investigated to determine the dissolved Sr source and water–rock interactions, and quantify the relative Sr contribution from each end-member. Three groundwater systems have been identified, namely, GWS-1, GWS-2 and GWS-3 according to the watershed distribution in the Ordos Desert Plateau. Ca2+ and Mg2+ are the most dominant cations in GWS-1, while Na+ is dominant in GWS-3. In addition, there is more SO42− and less Cl in GWS-1 than in GWS-3. The shallow groundwater in GWS-2 seems to be geochemically between that in GWS-1 and GWS-3. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the shallow groundwater are high in GWS-1 and GWS-2 and are low in GWS-3. By geochemically comparing the nearby Yellow River, local precipitation and deep groundwater, the shallow groundwater is recharged only by local precipitation. The ionic and isotopic ratios indicate that carbonate dissolution is an important process controlling the chemistry of the shallow groundwater. The intensity of the water–rock interactions varies among the three groundwater systems and even within each groundwater system. Three end-members controlling the groundwater chemistry are isotopically identified: (1) precipitation infiltration, (2) carbonate dissolution and (3) silicate weathering. The relative Sr contributions of the three end-members show that precipitation infiltration and carbonate dissolution are the primary sources of the shallow groundwater Sr in GWS-3 whereas only carbonate dissolution is responsible for the shallow groundwater Sr in GWS-1 and GWS-2. Silicate weathering seems insignificant towards the shallow groundwater's chemistry in the Ordos Desert Plateau. This study is helpful for understanding groundwater chemistry and managing water resources.  相似文献   

兰坪中-新生代盆地位于青藏高原东南缘的三江造山带中段,受印度-欧亚大陆斜向碰撞相关构造的强烈影响,导致地层序列及时代归属难辨,区域地质与成矿作用认识存在诸多分歧。先期完成的区域地质调查发现,在金顶铅锌矿集区内常见的含石膏岩地层并非前人认为的古新统云龙组的一部分,而是角度不整合于前古新统之上的一套新地层,暂定名为中新统金顶砂泥岩。系统的剖面测量和详细的沉积学研究表明,金顶砂泥岩从下到上由洪积相砾岩、辫状河三角洲相粉-细砂岩夹泥岩和砾岩以及湖泊相粉砂岩夹泥岩组成,石膏层位于砾岩之上。辫状河三角洲相中频繁出现灰绿色、灰黑色粉砂质泥岩及黄铁矿结核层,可能是频繁的区域性挤压作用造成的逆冲-走滑断层使上三叠统基底岩系中古油气藏破裂、泄露所致;该套地层内广泛发育的同沉积逆断层(视正断层)、滑脱褶皱和液化砂脉等软沉积物变形构造,指示沉积盆地发育期间地壳发生了NEE-SWW向缩短。金顶砂泥岩是印度-欧亚大陆碰撞背景下近东西向挤压构造诱发并控制的周缘前陆盆地沉积,时代为中新世。这一认识为深入理解大陆斜向碰撞带构造演化及大规模金属成矿作用提供了新的资料。  相似文献   

坡缕石是典型的干旱、强蒸发环境的指示矿物,黄土-红粘土序列中坡缕石的分布对古气候和古环境重建具有重要的指示意义。本文对灵台任家坡剖面中黄土、古土壤和红粘土代表性样品进行了场发射扫描电镜和高分辨透射电镜观察,结果发现,在3.6Ma以前沉积的红粘土中存有大量的自生坡缕石,而在3.2Ma以来沉积的红粘土及其上覆黄土古土壤序列没有坡缕石。剖面样品扫描电镜原位观察形貌特征和微观结构显示,坡缕石属于成壤作用自生矿物,系由伊蒙矿物在富镁孔隙液作用下转化形成。灵台剖面中坡缕石消失的层位与红粘土磁化率升高和粉尘通量及沉积速率增加的层位相一致。坡缕石在剖面中的分布指示3.6~3.2Ma前后是东亚季风的重要转型期,东亚古气候格局发生改变,由连续干暖的夏季风占主导向干冷冬季风和暖湿夏季风高频强波动交替环境演化。  相似文献   

灵台红粘土—黄土—古土壤序列频率磁化率的古气候意义   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过对甘肃灵台晚新生代红粘土-黄土-古土壤序列的磁化率测量和频率磁化率分析,发现红粘土及黄土-古土壤的磁化率和频率磁化率化率存有良好的正相关关系,表明两套沉积在成壤过程中由生物作用或化学作用而形成的超顺磁性矿物含量,对磁化率和频率磁化率增大有重要的贡献。相比化率而言,受影响因素较少的频率磁化率变化,反映了不同气候条件下形成的超顺磁粒级铁磁矿物的相对含量,能更真实、敏感地记录不同时间尺度的古气候波动。灵台红粘土-黄土-古土壤序列的频率磁化等在2.6MaBP前后不同的变率特征,揭示了大冰期来临前后黄土高原的冷暖、干湿反差产生了显著变化,而与此相关的冬、夏季风变迁则表现出不同的组合特征。  相似文献   

自生坡缕石的形成可以指示着干旱、高蒸发量的环境。利用场发射扫描电镜(FE-SEM)和X射线衍射分析(XRD)对甘肃西峰赵家川红粘土剖面样品进行了系统研究。结果表明,坡缕石从2.04Ma开始广泛分布于整个红粘土剖面。坡缕石晶体在红粘土矿物碎屑中呈束状交织形态,其与周围矿物的接触关系说明是从古土壤溶液中直接结晶沉淀出来,因此是自生成因。赵家川剖面中坡缕石记录的信息与青藏高原隆升有着时代的耦合性,也与亚洲内陆干旱化有着密切的联系,佐证了青藏高原隆升对东亚季风的控制和风成堆积的重要控制,验证晚上新世黄土高原干旱化气候的开始,更新世干旱化进一步加剧。因此,坡缕石可以作为黄土高原干旱化气候的矿物学新指标。  相似文献   

Widespread and thick loess deposit in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau records paleoclimatic changes over the Quaternary period. In this study, we investigate a loess section located in a high terrace of the Huangshui River in the Xining Basin, and collect samples at 20-cm intervals by digging a well of 16-m depth (including paleosol S1 and SO and several loess interlayers over the last glacial-interglacial cycle and the Holocene). Concentration of some active elements (Sr and Ca) and inert elements (Rb, Zr, Ti) in these loess samples are measured. The results show that ratios of those elements (oxide), such as Rb/Sr, Ti/Sr, and Zr/CaO ratios, would indicate sensitively paleoclimatic changes, especially the history of precipitation over the last glacial-interglacial and the Holocene. Moreover, the curves of Rb/Sr, Ti/Sr, and Zr/CaO ratios had almost the same variable trends from the bottom to the top and also closely correlated with values of magnetic susceptibility and the global marine δ^18O record. But compared with the curves of magnetic susceptibility, the changes of ratios of these elements (oxide) are clearer and easy to understand. Therefore, the ratios of these typical chemical elements in the loess deposit may be used as an excellent index to investigate the history of paleoclimate, particularly precipitation changes in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

The geochemical components of the leachate from loess-paleosol deposits can provide information about climate-related post-depositional processes. For example, leachate lithium ([Li]leachate) is a potential paleoclimate proxy because lithium is a typical lithophile element that is readily adsorbed by clay minerals during weathering and pedogenesis, and thus stratigraphic variations in [Li]leachate can reflect these processes. We investigated the [Li]leachate values of two loess-paleosols profiles (the Luochuan and Weinan sections), on a north–south climatic gradient on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Independent paleoclimate information was provided by measurements of magnetic susceptibility, grain size, Rb/Sr ratios, and clay mineral content. During the last glacial-interglacial period, [Li]leachate increased from 0.39 to 1.97 μg/g at Luochuan and from 0.67 to 2.45 μg/g at Weinan, mainly due to increasing pedogenesis. Based on these results we developed a conceptual model to explain the variations in [Li]leachate. Li+ within loess layers is mainly derived from dust input and the decomposition of primary minerals, influenced by the East Asian winter monsoon, while in paleosol layers Li+ is mainly derived from clay mineral adsorption during pedogenic processes, influenced by the East Asian summer monsoon.  相似文献   

我国不同气候带黄土中粘土矿物组合特征分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
在兰州黄土和下蜀黄土中粘土矿物的X衍射分析基础上,对我国不同纬度和气候带的五个黄土剖面(点)中的粘土矿物组合和空间分布进行了对比分析,并探讨了与古气候的关系。结果表明,黄土中粘土矿物组合具有明显的地带性特征。从西北到东南,随着纬度的逐渐降低,黄土中的粘土矿物组合也发生有规律的变化。主要表现为绿泥石含量的逐渐减少和蛭石含量的逐渐增多。位于温带半干旱区的兰州黄土以伊利石和绿泥石为主要粘土矿物,而位于亚热带湿润区的大港下蜀黄土则以伊利石和蛭石为主要粘土矿物。黄土中含有较多量的绿泥石可作为黄土母质堆积后干冷气候和微弱风化的标志,而蛭石和蛭石/绿泥石混层矿物含量的增加指示了风化强度的增强。因此,黄土粘土矿物组合特征不仅反映物源区古环境信息,而且指示了黄土堆积期后的生物气候环境。  相似文献   

对第四纪典型风成马兰黄土、受成壤作用影响较大的第五层古土壤、新近纪红粘土、埋藏化石的红粘土围岩层的磁组构分析表明:新近纪红粘土的磁组构参数P、F值界于马兰黄土—第五层古土壤与经流水改造的化石围岩之间,L均值与风成黄土相当, Q均值接近于水成红粘土化石围岩,而在事件性沉积方面又类似于风成马兰黄土、第五层古土壤;磁组构参数F-L、P-Q组合图位于马兰黄土—第五层古土壤与经流水改造的化石围岩过渡带。反映红粘土沉积物既具有风成原地堆积物的磁组构参数特征,又有经历了后期流水改造的化石围岩的特点,是风成原地堆积与风动力搬运而来的母质颗粒经后期流水改造共同作用的产物。  相似文献   

川西漳腊黄土地层与气候变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
川西高原风成黄土广泛分布,其中漳腊盆地黄土剖面厚约9.5 m。根据磁化率、粒度和地层特征,并通过与金川黄土和甘孜黄土剖面的对比,可将漳腊黄土地层划分为冰后期S0古土壤、末次冰期L1复合黄土、末次间冰期S1复合古土壤、倒数第二冰期L2黄土等4个地层单位,其中L1复合黄土可细分为L1L1、L1S1、L1L2、L1S2和L1...  相似文献   

为揭示临夏盆地晚渐新世沉积物的矿物组成对环境气候的指示意义, 利用X射线衍射和扫描电子显微分析方法, 对临夏盆地晚渐新世的沉积物的矿物组成以及坡缕石的矿物学特征进行了深入的研究.结果表明, 沉积物中的坡缕石主要为自生成因, 极少量具有碎屑成因.自生成因的坡缕石呈细长丝状的形态特征, 往往沿片状的伊/蒙混层粘土矿物颗粒的边缘交代、生长;碎屑成因的坡缕石呈平直细纤维状的, 以单颗粒形式产出, 与细小的粘土矿物颗粒混杂, 或叠合在片状粘土矿物颗粒的表面.在临夏盆地晚渐新世沉积物中, 下段岩层中的粘土矿物组合为伊利石、伊/蒙混层粘土和高岭石;中段岩层的为伊利石、伊/蒙混层粘土;而上段岩层则为伊利石、伊/蒙混层粘土和绿泥石, 反映在盆地形成之后, 气候演化经历从湿润→冷干的变化过程.而沉积物中坡缕石的含量自下而上逐渐增多, 其分布特征与粘土矿物组合所反映的气候环境变化趋势相吻合.伊利石和伊/蒙混层粘土普遍存在于临夏盆地晚渐新世沉积物中, 伊利石、伊/蒙混层粘土和高岭石的共存表明这些粘土矿物具有不同的来源.坡缕石是干旱、半干旱地区泥灰岩风化以及风成沙漠尘土沉积物的特征矿物, 临夏盆地晚渐新世的沉积物中碎屑成因坡缕石的发现, 表明自~9Ma以来便出现风成黄土的沉积.   相似文献   

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