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几种具二细胞型花粉植物精细胞的分离和融合   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

金丝猴肩带和前肢的性二型   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
潘汝亮  何远辉 《动物学报》1989,35(1):96-103
本文研究了两种金丝猴(Rhinopitheous bieti和R.brelichi)肩带及上肢的62项线性变量及指数的性二型,其中64.5%达到了显著性差异水平。结果表明,两性在运动行为上存在一些差异。在所分析的变量中,性别间的差异主要由于成熟时间的不同所引起(雄性比雌性具更长的生长时期),其次是生长速率的不同(雄性比雌性具有更明显的正异速生长率)。对一些指数及不同部位的性二型分析表明,在上肢利用和尺、桡骨的前旋及后旋活动方面,两性也具一些不同。  相似文献   

阮成江 《广西植物》2008,28(2):143-147
报道了连翘中的二型花柱(长花柱和短花柱)。长花柱的柱头和雄蕊高度分别为6.12±0.05 mm和2.35±0.04mm,短花柱则为2.23±0.04mm和6.02±0.06mm。短花柱花的花冠大小明显超过长花柱。开放授粉条件下,长短花柱花的座果率分别为9.11 %±0.04%和8.93 %±0.07%。人工异交的座果率在长-短(36.8%±0.04%)与短-长(36.2%±0.07%)组合间无明显差异(F(1,39)=1 .38,P=0.14)。人工异交实验表明,传粉者限制可能发生在生长于中国东北部的人工连翘种群中,这可能是因为该地区早春的低温和多风气候条件影响传粉者的种类和活动。  相似文献   

短尾猴下颌骨的性二型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
王红  潘汝亮 《兽类学报》1992,12(3):161-166
对30个成年短尾猴下颌骨的8个有关变量作了性二型研究。单因子分析说明,8个变量均达到了显著差异水平。判别分析得到的第一判别式为:D=-11.013+1.151下颌骨髁长+0.269下颌骨髁宽。当D=-1.271±0.182时,标本为雌性;当D=0.973±0.290时为雄性。雄性下颌骨髁比雌性更长和更宽,且变化较为稳定,可作为种内性别间的鉴别特征。雄性比雌性具有较大咀嚼阻力臂(下颌长),但其他阻力臂则比雌性相对较短。与一些灵长类相同变量的比较说明,短尾猴下颌骨结构与猕猴较为接近,与长尾叶猴则相差甚远。这可反映它们食性和行为方面的亲疏关系。  相似文献   

蜘蛛的性二型现象及其进化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
古德祥  张古忍 《蛛形学报》1993,2(2):114-117
对蜘蛛的性二型现象进行了初步的概括,并试图以食物对种群繁衍的影响为线索说明其进化机制。蜘蛛的性二型现象主要表现在体形大小上,一般雌性大于雄性;食物的数量和分布制约着蜘蛛性二型现象的进化。  相似文献   

二角型小麦雄性不育系育性恢复性的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
以5个同质异核二角型小麦雄性不育系ms(bicor-8222,ms(bicor)-83(37)65,ms(bicor)-偃师9号,ms(bicor)-80(6)及ms(bicor)-90-110为基本材料,与一批优良小麦品种(系)及部分亲本材料为父本进行测交,获得211个组合,考察其F1育性,结果表明;(1)5个同质异核不育系,除二角型非1B/1R不育系ms(bicor)-90-110与二角型1B/1R不育系ms(bicor)-83(37)65,ms(bicor)-偃师9号之间平均恢复度差异显著外,4个1B/1R不育系之间平均结实率差异不显著;(2)对同一不育系而言,与不同恢复系测交,其恢复度呈现连续变异;(3)同型非1B/1R不育系较1B/1R不育系恢复度普遍高;(4)对同一恢复系而言,各不育系测交F1的恢复度差异显著。  相似文献   

盐生植物碱蓬二型果实表生细菌的群落组成及促生属性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【背景】碱蓬(Suaeda glauca Bunge)主要生长于含盐碱土壤,具有果实(种子)二型现象,而种子栖居有众多微生物,它们对种子萌发和幼苗建成具有重要影响。【目的】对碱蓬异型果实表生细菌的群落组成及相关细菌的促生属性进行观察研究,探讨不同类型果实表生细菌的群落组成及相关细菌的促生功能属性是否存在差异。【方法】利用纯培养方法对碱蓬二型果实的表生可培养细菌进行分离纯化,基于16S rRNA基因序列分析初步确定分离菌株的系统发育地位,并对获得菌株进行固氮、溶磷、解钾、产铁及产IAA能力的定性检测。【结果】碱蓬二型果实具有不同的表生细菌群落组成及分布比例,A型果实表生细菌分属于3纲15属,其优势属组成主要是短小杆菌属(34.33%)、芽孢杆菌属(13.43%)和泛菌属(10.45%);B型果实表生细菌分属于4纲20属,其优势属组成主要是短小杆菌属(12.77%)、芽孢杆菌属(17.02%)和冰冻小杆菌属(14.89%)。碱蓬二型果实的表生细菌多样性指数也存在差异,A型果实的Shannon多样性指数、Margalef丰富度指数和Shannon均匀度指数显著低于B型果实;而A型果实的Berger-Parker优势度指数显著高于B型果实。碱蓬二型果实表生细菌在固氮、溶磷、解钾、产铁及产IAA能力等促生属性上的菌株分布比例存在不同变化趋势,A型和B型果实均具有较高比例固氮菌株及较低比例溶磷菌株;但在解钾菌株和产IAA菌株分布比例上具有不同变化趋势,A型果实的解钾菌株所占比例显著高于B型果实,而产IAA能力菌株所占比例显著低于B型果实。【结论】盐生植物碱蓬具有明显不同的2种类型果实,其不同类型果实具有不同的表生细菌群落组成及分布比例,且在促生功能菌株的分布上也存在不同变化趋势。  相似文献   

以肠道病毒71型及其宿主细胞为研究主体,建立了一种二维液相色谱分离和分析比较病毒感染前后细胞蛋白表达谱的方法。该方法以高效液相色谱(HPLC)为技术平台,对细胞裂解物先后进行一维色谱聚焦分离和二维反相色谱分离。利用ProteoVue软件将二维色谱数据转换成模拟胶图,再利用DeltaVue软件对感染前后的宿主蛋白表达谱进行比较和分析,找出差异蛋白。二维液相色谱分离法能够根据蛋白的等电点和疏水性建立精确的细胞蛋白表达图谱,每0.2个pH为一个收集区段,在pH8.5~3.9的范围内可见蛋白条带约1200条。该方法良好的重现性、自动化以及结果分析的简易化,使之在细胞表达谱差异显示中的应用潜力巨大,并且为研究病毒与宿主相互作用提供了新的方法和思路。  相似文献   

地黄绒毡层二型性的超微结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地黄的花药绒毡层具二型性,来源于初生壁细胞的p-绒毡层,细胞较小,为分泌型绒毡层,在小孢子阶段产生乌氏体,于两细胞花粉阶段解体,来源于药隔的c-绒毡层细胞较大,解体的时间早于p-绒毡层,不同药室的c-绒毡层解体的起始时间不一致,可始于小孢母细胞减数分裂,四分体或小孢子阶段,其径向壁面向药室的壁也较早地开始解体,细胞质碎片与细胞器流入药室,分散在小孢子之间,较早解体的c-绒毡层细胞不产生原乌氏体与乌  相似文献   

二型糖尿病是一种危害人类健康的疾病.维生素D与二型糖尿病之间的关系为糖尿病研究的热点,越来越多的研究表明维生素D可以有效的预防二型糖尿病.本文从观察性研究、干预性研究及遗传学研究三个方面综述了维生素D与二型糖尿病之间的关系,并从维生素D对胰腺β细胞的作用、对胰岛素抵抗的作用及其对炎症反应的影响三个方面阐述了其可能的机制.  相似文献   

日本七鳃鳗消化系统显微与超微结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用光镜和电镜技术研究日本七鳃鳗(Lampetra japonica)消化系统的组织结构。结果显示,日本七鳃鳗食道褶皱处黏膜上皮为复层立方上皮,褶皱基部为变移上皮。由于生活方式的特化,其胃退化。前肠、中肠和后肠黏膜上皮均为单层柱状上皮,其中并未发现杯状细胞,有肠腺,肠上皮有密集的纤毛,上皮细胞内各种细胞器均较丰富,肌纤维斜行。肝小叶界限不清,肝内无胆管。内分泌性胰由若干个大小不等和形状不定的细胞团组成。口腔腺上皮细胞高柱状,游离端充满酶原颗粒和微管泡系,细胞间有分泌小管。日本七鳃鳗消化器官的组织结构特点与其特殊的取食方式和进化地位密切相关。  相似文献   

The occurrence of female-specific serum protein (FSSP) was examined in the anadromous lamprey, Lampetra japonica, and a freshwater lamprey, Lampetra reissneri, by an immunodiffusion technique using antiserum raised against the serum of sexually mature female lamprey. A considerable amount of FSSP was consistently detected in the blood of vitellogenic, but not in that of nonvitellogenic, females of both species of lampreys. The relative amount of the FSSP tended to become larger in female lampreys at the spawning period. The FSSP may correspond to the yolk precursor protein which is incorporated into ovarian oocytes during the period of exogenous vitellogenesis in the lampreys.  相似文献   

The unique and highly specialized structural features of the plasma membrane in the cells of the kidney distal segment of the lamprey, Lampetra japonica, were studied by electron microscopy. The cells of the distal segment are largely filled by a continuous network of cytoplasmic tubules which are derived from the basolateral plasma membrane. Thin sections and freeze-fracture replicas of the membrane of the cytoplasmic tubules show spirally wound parallel rows of particles. The rows are approximately 17 nm apart and are wound at a pitch of approximately 45 degrees with respect to the major axis of the tubules. Another type of membrane specialization was found in the freeze-cleaved surface of the basolateral plasma membrane. It consists of large square aggregations of membrane particles containing 100-400 cuboidal subunits. The distribution of these particles in this cell, as well as in other systems in which they have been noted, suggests a polarization of membrane activity.  相似文献   

The accessory olfactory organ of Lampetra fluviatilis was found to consist of clusters of interconnected vesicles in tenuous connection with the exterior medium via the cavity of the olfactory organ. The walls of the vesicles are composed of two types of cells. One type are primary sense cells that resemble the olfactory sense cells in that their nucleus is situated peripherally and their axons pass directly into the brain. They differ from the olfactory sense cells in the size and number of cilia they bear, and also in the internal structure of the cilia. The second cell type are supporting and/or secretory cells. It is concluded that this sense organ is capable of responding to a “special kind” of chemical stimulus and its possible function is discussed.  相似文献   

Peter hman 《Acta zoologica》1974,55(4):245-253
The retinal pigment epithelium of Lampetra fluviatilis was studied by electron microscopy. The epithelial cells differ in many details from those of gnathostomes. The lateral cell membranes are difficult to distinguish. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum is well developed; in some animals undulated membrane complexes, comprising systems of tightly fused double membrane plates, are related to the endoplasmic reticulum. Myeloid bodies are common and well developed, but pigment granules are comparatively sparse. The intercellular space between pigment epithelium and photoreceptors is rather wide. There are only a few inclusion bodies with membranous contents. The importance of the pigment epithelium in the retinal metabolic exchange is discussed in view of the fine structure of the cells. Compared with that of hagfishes, the lamprey retina is well developed. However, any comparison must be made against the background of a diphyletic development of the two groups.  相似文献   

7S RNA sequences from the hagfish (Myxiniformes) and lamprey (Petromyzontiformes) were cloned and analyzed. In both species, 7S L RNA (also designated SRP RNA, since it represents the RNA constituent of the signal recognition particle) was clearly detectable. The sequence similarity between the two species was 86%, compared with about 75% similarity between either of these species and mammals. 7S K RNA was also cloned from the lamprey. The similarity between the 7S K RNA of the lamprey and that of mammals was 68%. Interestingly, several interspersed elements were found with nearly 100% similarity compared with mammals. In contrast to the lamprey, no 7S K RNA-related sequences were detectable among hagfish RNA, neither in northern blots nor with the PCR assay. In view of the significant conservation between the 7S K RNA of lamprey and that of mammals (human), this unexpected result clearly separates lamprey and hagfish. In addition, the lack of detectable 7S K RNA sequences in an outgroup, such as amphioxus, indicates that these results do not reflect an autapomorphy of hagfish. Therefore, our data provide additional support to the notion of a sister group relationship between Petromyzontiformes and gnathostomous vertebrates to the exclusion of Myxiniformes. Received: 24 September 1999 / Accepted: 9 February 2000  相似文献   

In the spinal cord of Lampetra planeri neurosecretion and glial secretion could be demonstrated with histochemical methods and the aid of the electron microscope. Neurosecretion is present in either all or some “dorsal cells” which are scattered along the whole spinal cord. These cells have the characteristic fine structure of highly active secretory neurons. The cells produce three types of secretory material. One not bound to vesicles in form of a finely granulated substance, a second one in spherical, uniformely electron-dense elementary vesicles with a diameter of 100–140 nm, and a third one in vesicles of the monoamine type. In the most caudal part of the spinal cord glial secretion is present. Groups of glial cells produce a fine, granulated material and release it into the adjacent intercellular space. From there the material extends into other intercellular spaces of the spinal cord. We are of the opinion that the “dorsal cells” are forerunners of the cells of Dahlgren in higher vertebrates and that the neurosecretion and glial secretion in the spinal cord of lampreys demonstrate very primitive conditions.  相似文献   

Tissues were processed for fluorescence microscopy of biogenic amines according to the method of Falck and Hillarp. Normal animals, and animals injected with α-methylnoradrenaline or 5,6-dihydroxytryptamine were used. Catecholamine containing neurons (junctional cells) occur in the innermost rows of cell bodies of the inner nuclear layer (INL) and close to the vitreous surface. Catecholamine containing fibers occur in three layers: (1) an outer layer around the innermost perikarya of the INL, which is a condition not found in retinas of gnathostome chordates; (2) a middle layer within the outer third of the inner synaptic layer (ISL), separated from the outer layer by ganglion cell axons; (3) a sparse inner layer within the innermost third of the ISL. A few catecholamine containing fibers were seen to extend from the innermost region of the INL to the outer synaptic layer. The position of the junctional cells in the lamprey corresponds to that in gnathostome chordates, but whereas all catecholamine containing fiber layers in gnathostomes are located sclerally to the optic fiber layer and within the ISL, the middle and the inner fiber layers in the lamprey occur vitreally to the optic fiber layer. Indoleamine accumulating neurons occur in the innermost row of perikarya of the INL and close to the vitreous surface. Those of the INL send fine, varicose branches to the ISL forming a network which is somewhat denser at the inner and outer borders of the ISL than in its middle. The indoleamine accumulating terminals do not ramify within the INL in contrast to the catecholamine containing terminals.  相似文献   

Abstract Different types of synaptic contacts between bipolar, amacrine and ganglion cells were scored on random electron micrographs and on montages comprising the entire thickness of the inner synaptic layer. Currently accepted criteria were used when classifying the different cell processes. The percental distribution of dyads was estimated to 56 % amacrine-amacrine dyads, 34 % amacrine-ganglion dyads and 10 % ganglion-ganglion dyads. The ratio of amacrine conventional synapses to bipolar ribbon synapses was 6.8 : 1. The density per unit area of conventional synapses (0.035/μm2) and ribbon synapses (0.005/ μm2) was found markedly low as compared with other vertebrate species except the carp. The inner synaptic layer of the river lamprey is suggested to be of the intermediate type in which both simple and complex ganglion cell receptive fields may be expected.  相似文献   

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