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Insects manifest effective immune responses that include both cellular and humoral components. Morphological and quantitative aspects of cellular and humoral cooperation during nodule formation in Chrysomya megacephala hemolymph against Saccharomyces cerevisae yeast cells were demonstrated for the first time. The analyses were performed in non-injected larvae (NIL), saline-injected larvae (SIL) and yeast-injected larvae (YIL). The hemolymph of injected groups was collected 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 12, 24, 36, or 48-h post-injection. Morphological aspects of YIL nodulation were investigated using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Quantitative analyses consisted of total (THC) and differential hemocyte counts (DHC) in all the groups and total yeast count (TYC) in YIL, which were performed in an improved Neubauer chamber. Nodule formation was initiated at approximately 2-h post-injection. Twelve hours after the injection, TEM revealed the presence of an amorphous membrane, at the same time that circulating hemocyte number decreased significantly contrasting the increase of yeast number. Our results showed the ability of C. megacephala hemolymph to perform humoral encapsulation when hemocyte population is insufficient to eliminate the microorganisms, warranting consideration in future investigations on the relative roles played by cellular and humoral elements of innate immunity of this calliphorid.  相似文献   

In the microRNA (miRNA) pathway, Dicer processes precursors to mature miRNAs. For efficient processing, double-stranded RNA-binding proteins support Dicer proteins. In flies, Loquacious (Loqs) interacts with Dicer1 (dmDcr1) to facilitate miRNA processing. Here, we have solved the structure of the third double-stranded RNA-binding domain (dsRBD) of Loqs and define specific structural elements that interact with dmDcr1. In addition, we show that the linker preceding dsRBD3 contributes significantly to dmDcr1 binding. Furthermore, our structural work demonstrates that the third dsRBD of Loqs forms homodimers. Mutations in the dimerization interface abrogate dmDcr1 interaction. Loqs, however, binds to dmDcr1 as a monomer using the identified dimerization surface, which suggests that Loqs might form dimers under conditions where dmDcr1 is absent or not accessible. Since critical sequence elements are conserved, we suggest that dimerization might be a general feature of dsRBD proteins in gene silencing.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The OVATE gene encodes a nuclear-localized regulatory protein belonging to a distinct family of plant-specific proteins known as the OVATE family proteins (OFPs). OVATE was first identified as a key regulator of fruit shape in tomato, with nonsense mutants displaying pear-shaped fruits. However, the role of OFPs in plant development has been poorly characterized.


Public databases were searched and a total of 265 putative OVATE protein sequences were identified from 13 sequenced plant genomes that represent the major evolutionary lineages of land plants. A phylogenetic analysis was conducted based on the alignment of the conserved OVATE domain from these 13 selected plant genomes. The expression patterns of tomato SlOFP genes were analysed via quantitative real-time PCR. The pattern of OVATE gene duplication resulting in the expansion of the gene family was determined in arabidopsis, rice and tomato.

Key Results

Genes for OFPs were found to be present in all the sampled land plant genomes, including the early-diverged lineages, mosses and lycophytes. Phylogenetic analysis based on the amino acid sequences of the conserved OVATE domain defined 11 sub-groups of OFPs in angiosperms. Different evolutionary mechanisms are proposed for OVATE family evolution, namely conserved evolution and divergent expansion. Characterization of the AtOFP family in arabidopsis, the OsOFP family in rice and the SlOFP family in tomato provided further details regarding the evolutionary framework and revealed a major contribution of tandem and segmental duplications towards expansion of the OVATE gene family.


This first genome-wide survey on OFPs provides new insights into the evolution of the OVATE protein family and establishes a solid base for future functional genomics studies on this important but poorly characterized regulatory protein family in plants.  相似文献   

Blowflies use discrete and ephemeral substrates to feed their larva. After they run out of food, the larvae begin to disperse in order to find adequate places for pupation or additional food sources, a process named post-feeding larval dispersal. Briefly state the aspects and why they are important were studied in a circular arena of 25 cm in diameter and covered with wood shavings to a height of 40 cm allowing post-feeding dispersal from the center of the arena. Larvae of both Chrysomya albiceps and C. megacephala were used in five experiments for each species. For each pupa location, determined as distance from the center, depth, and weight were evaluated. Statistical tests were done to verify the relation between weight, depth and distance for pupation and for larvae of two species shows that the media distance is significantly different for two species and for C. megacephala this distance is greater than the distance for C. albiceps. The depth too is different for each species, as the larvae of C. megacephala buries deeper than C. albiceps. With relation of weight, there is no statistic evidence that have any difference between weights for pupation for each species.  相似文献   

Rates of ovarian development in relation to temperature were determined for autogenous females of the screw-worm fly, Chrysomya bezziana. Percentage durations of the different ovarian stages (scaled 2–10) were estimated on the basis of observed lengths of the developing oocytes. Mean durations (h) of each ovarian stage was determined at 20, 25, 28 and 35°C. A model of ovarian development rate (%/d) in relation to temperature (T) is presented, the fitted curve being give by R(T)=EXP (–2.73+0.362T–0.0055T2).  相似文献   



The reliable identification of proteins containing 50 or fewer amino acids is difficult due to the limited information content in short sequences. The 37 amino acid CydX protein in Escherichia coli is a member of the cytochrome bd oxidase complex, an enzyme found throughout Eubacteria. To investigate the extent of CydX conservation and prevalence and evaluate different methods of small protein homologue identification, we surveyed 1095 Eubacteria species for the presence of the small protein.


Over 300 homologues were identified, including 80 unannotated genes. The ability of both closely-related and divergent homologues to complement the E. coli ΔcydX mutant supports our identification techniques, and suggests that CydX homologues retain similar function among divergent species. However, sequence analysis of these proteins shows a great degree of variability, with only a few highly-conserved residues. An analysis of the co-variation between CydX homologues and their corresponding cydA and cydB genes shows a close synteny of the small protein with the CydA long Q-loop. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that the cydABX operon has undergone horizontal gene transfer, although the cydX gene likely evolved in a progenitor of the Alpha, Beta, and Gammaproteobacteria. Further investigation of cydAB operons identified two additional conserved hypothetical small proteins: CydY encoded in CydAQlong operons that lack cydX, and CydZ encoded in more than 150 CydAQshort operons.


This study provides a systematic analysis of bioinformatics techniques required for the unique challenges present in small protein identification and phylogenetic analyses. These results elucidate the prevalence of CydX throughout the Proteobacteria, provide insight into the selection pressure and sequence requirements for CydX function, and suggest a potential functional interaction between the small protein and the CydA Q-loop, an enigmatic domain of the cytochrome bd oxidase complex. Finally, these results identify other conserved small proteins encoded in cytochrome bd oxidase operons, suggesting that small protein subunits may be a more common component of these enzymes than previously thought.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-946) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Although S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH), a metabolic by-product of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), differs from SAM only by a single methyl group and an overall positive charge, SAH binds the SAM-II riboswitch with more than 1000-fold less affinity than SAM. Using atomistic molecular dynamics simulations, we investigated the molecular basis of such high selectivity in ligand recognition by SAM-II riboswitch. The biosynthesis of SAM exclusively generates the (S,S) stereoisomer, and (S,S)-SAM can spontaneously convert to the (R,S) form. We, therefore, also examined the effects of (R,S)-SAM binding to SAM-II and its potential biological function. We find that the unfavorable loss in entropy in SAM-II binding is greater for (S,S)- and (R,S)-SAM than SAH, which is compensated by stabilizing electrostatic interactions with the riboswitch. The positively charged sulfonium moiety on SAM acts as the crucial anchor point responsible for the formation of key ionic interactions as it fits favorably in the negatively charged binding pocket. In contrast, SAH, with its lone pair of electrons on the sulfur, experiences repulsion in the binding pocket of SAM-II and is enthalpically destabilized. In the presence of SAH, similar to the unbound riboswitch, the pseudoknot structure of SAM-II is not completely formed, thus exposing the Shine-Dalgarno sequence. Unlike SAM, this may further facilitate ribosomal assembly and translation initiation. Our analysis of the conformational ensemble sampled by SAM-II in the absence of ligands and when bound to SAM or SAH reveals that ligand binding follows a combination of conformational selection and induced-fit mechanisms.  相似文献   

Nodulation is the temporally and quantitatively most important cellular defense response to bacterial, fungal and some viral infections in insects. We tested the hypothesis that prostaglandins and other eicosanoids are responsible for mediating nodulation reactions to bacterial infection in larvae of the blowfly Chrysomya megacephala. Third-instar larvae treated with Ureaplasma urealyticum formed nodules in a challenge dose-dependent manner. Nodulation was evoked shortly after injection and reached a maximum of approximately 25 nodules/larva within 8 h. Larvae treated with the glucocorticoid, dexamethasone and the cyclooxygenase inhibitors, indomethacin and piroxicam were impaired in their ability to form nodules following U. urealyticum infection. The number of nodules decreased with increasing doses of piroxicam. Contrarily, treating larvae with the lipooxygenase inhibitor, esculetin, and the dual cyclooxygenase/lipooxygenase inhibitor, phenidone did not influence nodulation reactions to infection. Supplying dexamethasone-treated larvae with the eicosanoid precursor, arachidonic acid, reversed the inhibitory effect of dexamethasone on nodulation. We infer from these results that eicosanoids mediate nodulation reactions to infection of a bacterial species that lacks cell walls in larvae of the blowfly, C. megacephala.  相似文献   

Olfaction depends on the selectivity and sensitivity of olfactory receptors. Previous attempts at constructing a mammalian olfactory receptor-based artificial odorant sensing system in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae suffered from low sensitivity and activity. This result may be at least in part due to poor functional expression of olfactory receptors and/or limited solubility of some odorants in the medium. In this study, we examined the effects of two types of accessory proteins, receptor transporting protein 1 short and odorant binding proteins, in improving odor-mediated activation of olfactory receptors expressed in yeast. We found that receptor transporting protein 1 short enhanced the membrane expression and ligand-induced responses of some olfactory receptors. Coexpression of odorant binding proteins of the silkworm moth Bombyx mori enhanced the sensitivity of a mouse olfactory receptor. Our results suggest that different classes of accessory proteins can confer sensitive and robust responses of olfactory receptors expressed in yeast. Inclusion of accessory proteins may be essential in the future development of practical olfactory receptor-based odorant sensors.  相似文献   

With the expansion of saline land worldwide, it is essential to establish a model halophyte to study the salt‐tolerance mechanism. The salt glands in the epidermis of Limonium bicolor (a recretohalophyte) play a pivotal role in salt tolerance by secreting excess salts from tissues. Despite the importance of salt secretion, nothing is known about the molecular mechanisms of salt gland development. In this study, we applied RNA sequencing to profile early leaf development using five distinct developmental stages, which were quantified by successive collections of the first true leaves of L. bicolor with precise spatial and temporal resolution. Specific gene expression patterns were identified for each developmental stage. In particular, we found that genes controlling salt gland differentiation in L. bicolor may evolve in a trichome formation, which was also confirmed by mutants with increased salt gland densities. Genes involved in the special ultrastructure of salt glands were also elucidated. Twenty‐six genes were proposed to participate in salt gland differentiation. Our dataset sheds light on the molecular processes underpinning salt gland development and thus represents a first step towards the bioengineering of active salt‐secretion capacity in crops.  相似文献   

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