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Gasoline is considered as a high caloric value fuel with high potential for commercial applications such as transportation, electricity generation and production of chemicals. Currently, the majority of gasoline at industrial scale is supplied from the distillation of crude oil. In the present paper, an experimental study of catalytic pyrolysis of oil sludge was carried out to produce gasoline. The influence of low-temperature operation on the char conversion was also studied. Results showed that the Ni content has also a positive effect on the char conversion; however, the reaction temperature has a higher effect. The effect of heating rate on the char conversion and gasoline yield was also studied, and concluded that the heating rate plays a major role in the char conversion and gasoline production.  相似文献   

内蒙古油砂抽提沥青的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进行了热碱水抽提内蒙古油砂中沥青的实验研究。结果表明,最佳抽提条件为:碱液浓度0.3%,抽提温度90℃,碱液/油砂质量比1.5~2.0,搅拌速度75~100r/min,抽提时间20min。在抽提得到的粗沥青中加入质量分数为20%的石油醚(馏程60—90℃),于45℃下进行了进一步的脱砂处理。结果表明,砂粒与沥青基本分离,所得沥青中沥青质的质量分数达43.40%。  相似文献   

A study of reaction mechanisms and chemical kinetics of pressurized pyrolysis of Chinese Liushuhe oil shale in the presence of water were conducted using an autoclave for simulating and modeling in-situ underground thermal degradation.It was found that the oil shale was first pyrolyzed to form pyrobitumen,shale oil,shale gas and residue,then the pyrobitumen was further pyrolyzed to form more shale oil,shale gas,and residue.It means that there are two consecutive and parallel reactions.With increasing temperature,the pyrobitumen yield,as intermediate,first reached a maximum,then decreased to approximately zero.The kinetics results show that both these reactions are first order.The activation energy of pyrobitumen formation from oil shale is lower than that of shale oil formation from pyrobitumen.  相似文献   

The pyrolysis experiments on the oil sands from Kazakhstan were carried out in a batch reactor. The FT-IR spectrum and the 1H-NMR spectrum of pyrolysis oil under different temperatures were carried out to investigate the changes of functional group with temperature. The TGA experiments of oil sand were performed at different heating rates of 5, 10, 15, and 20°C/min up to 600°C. The Coats–Redfern method was accepted to calculate the kinetic parameters (apparent activation energy E and frequency factor A) of the desorption stage and the thermal cracking stage, respectively.  相似文献   

油砂中沥青的热碱水萃取分离及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
油砂作为非常规石油资源,在能源需求不断增加和石油价格持续走高的情形下将成为重要的接替能源之一.研制了一套热碱水萃取分离装置,对中国2个地区的油砂开展了沥青的热碱水分离实验,探讨了分离过程中温度和碱的加入量、通气条件及加工助剂等因素对沥青有效分离的影响.内蒙古扎赉特旗油砂的分离实验结果表明,随着萃取热碱水温度的升高,浮选...  相似文献   

油砂胶结剂防砂技术在稠油开采中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在高效复合油砂胶结剂现场应用研究中,先后进行了工艺参数应用试验及配套工艺改进与完善,总结出该技术在稠油井防砂中的规律。使防砂平均有效期达到157d。措施成功率100%,有效率98.3%。累增原油77582t,创经济效益6752.3万元。  相似文献   

超声波对油砂的分离作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在内蒙古兴安盟扎赉特旗图牧吉地区生产的油砂中加入油砂分离剂,借助超声波作用分离油砂。结果表明,在超声波与无超声波作用下,前者分离效果较后者显著;在超声波作用下,最佳分离条件为:温度60℃,时间13 min,油砂分离剂/油砂(质量比)0.80∶1.00;在此条件下,各试样出油率达91.0%以上,含砂率低于2.2%。  相似文献   

P油田在开发早期油藏评价阶段试油、试采过程中,部分井、层有出砂现象。为减缓油井出砂对生产、作业带来的不良影响,确保油田开发方案顺利实施,在研究地层出砂机理的基础上,结合油藏地质特征开展了一系列的研究,建立了符合P油田的出砂判识模式,提出了临界生产压差和临界采油强度,不但为控砂采油提供了理论依据,而且提出了油井进行防砂的正确时机,对现场生产具有良好的指导作用,同时还可为同类油田的开发提供良好的借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

介绍了XGL-2×3型三通道固定流化床催化裂化实验装置的组成、工艺流程及运行情况。在调试和试运行过程中曾出现裂化气产率的平行性较差、水泵出口压力偏高、再生烟气红外分析仪出现偏差等问题,采取适当措施后装置可稳定运行。催化剂评价及工艺条件考察效率比单套固定流化床装置高2倍。试用结果表明:干气、液化气、汽油、柴油、重油、焦炭收率最大相对误差分别为1.47%,0.78%,0.37%,0.25%,1.55%,1.25%;产物总收率最大相对误差为0.16%。  相似文献   

The product distribution of pyrolysis of heavy oil in the supercritical methanol (SC-MeOH) was studied. It could be found that the pyrolysis reaction rate enhanced with the increase of temperature. Compared with reaction in N2, the coking formation was promoted in SC-MeOH. It was attributed to “cage effect” caused by methanol. The aromatics and resins which can dissolve asphaltenes were isolated by cages. Therefore, more coke was formed by condensation of asphaltenes. A lumped reaction kinetic model modified by equilibrium mass fraction of aromatics and resins was established, which could describe and predict the products distribution in SC-MeOH.  相似文献   

Contraction behavior of a liquid-solid fluidized bed has been investigated numerically. Based on a simple hydrodynamic model proposed by Brandani and Zhang (2006), a case study for solid particles with a density of 3,000 kg/m3 and a diameter of 2.5×10-3 m is simulated in a two-dimensional fluidized bed (0.50 m height and 0.10 m width). Due to the continuity of numerical computation, there is a transition region between two zones of different solid holdups when the liquid velocity is suddenly changed. The top, middle and bottom interfaces are explored to obtain a reasonable interface height. The simulated results show that the steady time of the middle interface is more close to Gibilaro’s theory and suitable for describing the contraction process of a phase interface. Furthermore, the effect of liquid velocity and particle diameter is simulated in the other two-dimensional fluidized bed (0.10 m height and 0.02 m width) where the solid particles are glass beads whose properties are similar to those of the catalyst particles used in the alkylation process. The results also show good agreement with Gibilaro’s theory, and that larger particles lead to a more obvious bed contraction.  相似文献   

采用气相色谱-质谱联用仪对玉米秸和锯木屑流化床热裂解的气相产物进行检测,利用直观推导式演进特征投影法(HELP)对分析所得二维数据进行多元分辨解析,并进一步利用标准质谱图库检索进行定性分析,利用色谱峰峰面积进行定量分析。结果表明,生物质热裂解气相产物含有45个单一组分,主要成分为氩气和水,其中氩气的相对含量为95.619 4%,其余为有机烃类、低碳醛类、低碳酮类、杂环类和苯系化合物等。  相似文献   

对四川油砂油进行了模拟蒸馏分析,获得了馏程分布。对油砂油的直馏柴油(200~350℃)、减压馏分油(350~500℃)和减压渣油(大于500℃)进行了物理性质测定。结果表明,以沸腾床LC-Fining法加氢裂化与延迟焦化组合工艺为四川油砂油的加工方案,可以获得收率(达到76.62%)较高、质量较好的轻质燃料油,同时柴汽比(质量比)为4.10。  相似文献   

Pyrolysis, so-called devolatilization, is one of the first steps of all thermochemical processes occurring in an inert atmosphere. The authors discuss the main kinetic features of heavy oil pyrolysis, on the basis of the data derived m from a TGA analysis and by using a kinetic model. The samples were heated over a range of temperature from 400 K to 430°C at various heating rates between 10 and 80°C/min. Experimental results showed that the effect of time is considerable in the case of tar conversion, compared to char and gases.  相似文献   

在固定流化床反应器上,采用 LCC-200型多产低碳烯烃催化剂,以大庆常压渣油为原料,考察了反应温度、重时空速、催化剂与原料油的质量比(剂油比)、水蒸气与原料油的质量比(水油比)对催化裂解产物分布的影响,并与提升管反应器的催化裂解实验结果进行了对比。实验结果表明,反应温度和剂油比对低碳烯烃收率的影响较大,重时空速和水油比的影响相对较小;较高的反应温度有利于多产低碳烯烃,低碳烯烃收率随剂油比的增大存在最佳。值在620℃、剂油比4、重时空速10 h~(-1)、水油比0.10的优化反应条件下,丙烯收率约为18%,乙烯、丙烯和丁烯的总收率约为35%。在相似的操作条件下,采用固定流化床反应器时,干气、液化石油气、汽油和焦炭的收率比提升管反应器离,而油浆和柴油的收率低;同时,乙烯、丙烯和丁烯的总收率也低。  相似文献   

细粉砂岩油藏稳砂剂的性能评价与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对胜利油区细粉砂岩油藏研制的SSA-1型稳砂剂具有地层伤害率低、固结强度较高、可进行油层深部稳砂的特点.其稳砂原理是侧链功能基团与二氧化硅表面大量的羟基发生化学反应形成稳定的氢键,通过Si-O-Si及C-O-C的共价化学键将二氧化硅无机相与稳砂剂分子有机相连接起来,并形成均匀的分子膜,从而将地层流砂或粘土颗粒固结在原地达到稳砂的目的.SSA-1型稳砂剂地下合成分子膜的性能将直接影响其稳砂能力,室内通过对成膜机理、结构表征、膜的溶胀性、机械性和粘结力等的实验研究,证实了SSA-1型稳砂剂地下合成分子膜性能优越.现场应用于8口井,防砂成功率达100%,至2007年5月,8口井累积增产原油1.1 × 107t.  相似文献   

大豆油及石脑油蒸汽裂解加工工艺的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以大豆油和石脑油为原料,分别进行了蒸汽裂解实验,考察了温度和水油质量比对产品收率的影响。结果表明,石脑油和大豆油生产乙烯、丙烯以及丁二烯时,产品收率变化趋势相同,随着裂解温度和水油比的升高,乙烯收率均增加,丙烯和丁二烯收率则先增加后降低。在裂解温度为750℃,水油比为0.8的条件下,大豆油的乙烯收率为22.8%,丙烯收率为9.5%,丁二烯收率为4.3%;石脑油的乙烯收率为21.8%,丙烯收率为14.2%,丁二烯收率为3.4%。  相似文献   

沥青砂开采方法综述   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
沥青砂资源开采可分为就地和地表开采2类.就地开采中常使用热采、冷采和化学剂法,其中热采法细分为蒸汽吞吐、蒸汽驱和火烧油层等方法;地表开采中涉及到热碱水抽提、热碱水结合表面活性剂抽提、有机溶剂抽提和焦化法.将热采法与化学剂驱油方法相结合可以提高采油速度和采收率,是比较有前途的采油方法.热碱水提取法是地表开采中应用最广泛的方法,但它造成的环境污染比较严重;结合表面活性剂使用该方法可以提高沥青回收率,降低生产成本,减轻环境污染.  相似文献   

天然气组分、碳同位素组成以及气藏储层固体沥青的热变质成因,都说明飞仙关组古油藏确曾存在并发生了裂解,天然气主要为原油裂解气。通过高压封闭体系下的原油热裂解模拟实验,从气态烃组分及产率变化、焦沥青的生成等方面探讨了原油裂解生气特征。结合川东北地区飞仙关组的埋藏史、古地温史、构造演化等地质因素,将实验结果外推至地质条件下,建立了古油藏原油裂解生气的动力学地质模型,指出鲕滩天然气藏的形成经历了古油藏、古气藏和气藏调整定型3个演化阶段。通过动力学计算定量恢复了古油藏裂解生气的成藏过程,揭示出在不同地质年代和地质温度下甲烷(C1)、总烃类气体(C1-5)和焦沥青等原油裂解产物的转化率的变化。取得的动力学地质模型对古油藏原油裂解型天然气的成藏研究具有重要的实用价值。  相似文献   

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