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Ascaris suum infection in calves. I. Clinical signs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Clinical signs consistent with those of atypical interstitial pneumonia (AIP) were induced in calves sensitized with infective Ascaris suum eggs at seven to 20 weeks of age and challenged at three-week intervals one or more times. These signs usually appeared on the sixth or seventh day postinfection and reached maximum severity between the tenth and 13th days following infection. Prominent signs were: dyspnea, often with expiratory grunt, coughing, mouth breathing and emphysema as well as increased respiration and heart rates. In general, the intensity of signs was dependent upon dose size, although a single small dose resulted in acute signs and death in one calf. Intermittent coughing and vesicular sounds were induced in calves given A. suum eggs continually over prolonged periods. No respiratory abnormalities resulted from challenge with Toxocara canis after sensitization with A. suum. Antihistamine therapy did not alter the clinical signs in A. suum infected calves.  相似文献   

An increment in the number of circulating eosinophils occurred between the 11th and 14th days after infection with Ascaris suum and this increase was generally greater after a challenge infection. Continual infection with small numbers of A. suum eggs over prolonged periods resulted in circulating eosinophil levels which fluctuated and were dose-dependent. The per cent marrow eosinophils always increased after a primary infection and a greater increase usually followed a challenge infection. The maximum increment of marrow eosinophils occurred between the tenth and 12th days and preceded the rise in circulating eosinophils by 36 hours. Antihistamine therapy did not alter eosinophil responses to A. suum. Circulating eosinophilia was not usually reflected by drastic changes in differential white cell counts. However, an increase in total white cell count often followed infection with A. suum and frequently parallelled changes in eosinophil counts. Hemoglobin and P.C.V. values remained within normal limits in A. summ infected calves.  相似文献   

To determine the development of Ascaris suum after a primary and a secondary infection, 18 calves were inoculated with 2,000,000 infective eggs and examined from 18 hours to 13 days postinfection. At 18 hours larvae were recovered from the wall of the abomasum, duodenum and jejunum. They were found in small intestine lymph nodes on the third day, in the liver at five days and were most abundant in the lungs on days 7 and 9. The pattern of recovery of larvae from the lung between days 5 and 13 postinfection was similar after a primary or a secondary infection. Slower growth of larvae following a secondary infection was the only evidence of resistance to A. suum. There were no pathological changes observed in the alimentary canal. White foci were found on the surface of the liver as early as the third day. The rapid decline in the number of A. suum in the lungs after the ninth day was considered to be related to immobilization or death of larvae soon after the reaction to them commences.  相似文献   

Naturally occuring outbreaks of Ascaris suum infection in calves have usually beeen found in animals nine to 12 months of age. The circumstances surrounding these outbreaks suggest that yearling calves are either particularly susceptible to a primary exposure to A. suum or react strongly to A. summ after sensitization early in life to this or some related ascarid. To determine the effect of reinfection with A. suum nine to 12 months after varying levels of exposure to this nematode, six calves were inoculated with 200,000 to 9,000,000 eggs. Neither death nor, in general, severe clinical signs resulted from reinfection. All calves were examined 15 days after reinfection with pathological changes noted only in the lungs and consisting of emphysema, alveolar wall thickening as well as accumulations of fibrin, eosinophils and hemorrhage in the lumina of alveoli. The findings suggested that exposure to A. suum early in life is not a factor in the development of disease in calves infected at one year of age. It was also found that the eosinophilia that develops following a primary infection with A. suum evidently persists for at least one year.  相似文献   

目的研究适合猪蛔虫幼虫体外培养的最佳条件。方法将猪蛔虫幼虫在不同培养液(KW-2、RPMI-1640、DMEM(含酚红)、DMEM(不含酚红))中进行培养,并观察其存活、生长以及发育情况。结果幼虫在KW-2培养液中生长情况最好,虫体活力很强,3d后成活率最高达87.67%,其次是在RPMI-1640培养液中。在培养液DMEM(含酚红)、DMEM(不含酚红)中生长情况较差,存活不超过7d。其中KW-2培养液中在4~5d出现虫体头端有松动的鞘出现,在RPMI-1640培养液中7~8d出现鞘松动,DMEM(含酚红)、DMEM(不含酚红)中未发现有脱鞘现象出现。结论猪蛔虫的体外培养的最佳条件还需要进一步探索,从而为研究寄生线虫的发育生物学以及特异性发育的功能基因组学奠定基础。  相似文献   

猪蛔虫不同发育期幼虫的收集方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的研究猪蛔虫不同发育期幼虫的收集方法。方法采用7.5%次氯酸钠氧化感染期蛔虫卵,37℃过夜后,用灭菌生理盐水离心数次,充分洗去次氯酸钠,将沉淀用玻璃珠在振荡器上振荡至全部卵壳破裂,幼虫孵出。用淋巴细胞分离液通过密度梯度离心法将幼虫与卵壳分离,最后收集底层的脱鞘第三期(L3)幼虫。在贝尔曼原理的基础上,在漏斗中加入低浓度(0.4%)琼脂凝胶,分别将绞碎的含幼虫的猪肝、肺和小肠内容物及其肠粘膜平均分装在数个漏斗中,放入40℃温箱中孵育3h,待大部分幼虫游离到管底,最后用400目分样筛过滤分离肝中的L3,用300目分样筛过滤分离肺中的L3,用200目分样筛过滤分离肠内容物及其粘膜上的第四期幼虫(L4)。结果次氯酸钠氧化加玻璃珠震荡法能够使感染期蛔虫卵几乎完全脱壳,配合淋巴细胞分离液的密度梯度离心法能收集到纯度较高且活力较强的体外脱鞘幼虫。与传统贝尔曼氏分离法相比,采用低浓度琼脂糖凝胶液能获得杂质少、高纯度的猪内脏中的不同发育期幼虫。结论次氯酸钠氧化加玻璃珠震荡法是体外脱鞘分离感染期幼虫的一种较为理想的方法,通过在漏斗内加低浓度的琼脂凝胶的方法是从猪内脏中获得高纯度的不同发育期幼虫的一种有效的方法。本方法不仅适用于猪蛔虫,而且对其它动物和人的寄生线虫幼虫的收集也有参考价值。  相似文献   

目的 了解甘肃省人体蛔虫病流行状况和态势,评估防治效果,为制定蛔虫病防治对策提供依据。方法 采用分层整群随机抽样,以生态区和各县农民年人均纯收入为副层抽样,采用改良加藤厚涂片法调查。感染率比较采用χ2检验。结果 10市(州)24个县(市、区)70个抽样点共调查17 937人,蛔虫感染326人,阳性率1.82%,326份人体蛔虫感染阳性样本,轻度感染320例,中度感染5例,高度感染1例,构成比分别为98.24%、1.47%、0.29%。男性感染率为1.81%,女性为1.82%,不同性别差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。人群普遍易感蛔虫,蛔虫感染率0~<5岁组最高(4.39%),年龄组感染率采用趋势χ2检验,随年龄增加蛔虫感染率降低(Z=36.48,P<0.001),差异有统计学意义;学龄前文化程度感染率高于其他组(P<0.01);山区地形感染率高于其他3类地形(P<0.005)。黄土高原-江河源区-甘南生态区人群蛔虫感染率低于其他生态区,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。人群蛔虫感染率较高的地区是武威市、定西市、酒泉市、陇南市,感染率分别是4.40%、3.20%、2.44%和1.96%。结论 甘肃省人群蛔虫感染率和感染度显著下降,但蛔虫病仍是危害儿童健康的重点寄生虫病。 土源性线虫病在甘肃省局部特别是边远山区流行严重,应广泛开展健康教育,加强山区及儿童人群防控措施。  相似文献   

Experimental adenovirus infection in calves   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Twenty-four dairy calves ranging in age from six to 15 weeks were divided so that 10 were inoculated with bovine adenovirus serotype 1 (BA-1), eight were inoculated with bovine adenovirus serotype 3 (BA-3), and six were inoculated with control tissue culture and fluids.Post-inoculation serum samples from most of the calves presented evidence of adenovirus infection, but none of the animals exhibited signs of respiratory or enteric disease. Histopathological examination of lung tissue was not considered to be specific for adenovirus pneumonia, but was characterized by peribronchial cuffing and slight aspiration pneumonia. BA-1 was not isolated from any of the inoculated calves, and BA-3 was only recovered from the feces of two animals.Reasons for the discrepancy between these results and those of other workers are considered, and the etiology of peribronchial cuffing is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

家蝇幼虫分泌物对猪蛔虫卵发育的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
目的:观察家蝇幼虫分泌物对猪蛔虫卵发育的影响。方法:从培养家蝇幼虫的猪粪中提取幼虫分泌物,制成虫卵培养液,观察培养液中猪蛔虫卵发育情况。同时,设立未培养家蝇幼虫的猪粪为阴性对照组。结果:实验组蛔虫卵的发育率较对照组低,两者比较差异有显著性(P<0.05)。结论:家蝇幼虫的分泌物中可能含有阻碍蛔虫卵发育的物质。  相似文献   

K M Brinkhous 《JAMA》1978,239(6):506-507

Pathology.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
G D Lundberg 《JAMA》1979,241(13):1381-1383

A detailed clinical examination was conducted and blood samples were collected from a total of 151 normal calves as soon as possible after birth and at two to three day intervals until the calves were ten days old.The mean venous pH values for calves from birth to ten days of age was 7.38 +/- 0.05.The mean serum sodium, potassium, magnesium, inorganic phosphate, calcium and chloride ion concentrations in normal calves from birth to ten days of age were 148 +/- 13, 5.4 +/- 0.8, 2.1 +/- 0.4, 4.3 +/- 0.8, 5.6 +/- 0.5, 95 +/-5, mEq/litre respectively. The mean serum osmolality in normal calves from birth to ten days of age was 280 +/- 12 mOsm/litre.  相似文献   

目的本研究检测半乳糖凝集素家族中galectin-3在正常增生期、复杂增生、不典型增生子宫内膜及子宫内膜腺癌组织中的表达情况,探讨其与子宫内膜腺癌的发生、发展的关系。方法采用S-P染色法,对10例正常增生期子宫内膜组织(NE),9例子宫内膜复杂增生组织(CH)、14例子宫内膜不典型增生组织(AH)及65例子宫内膜腺癌组织(EC)中的galectin-3表达进行检测。结果galectin-3在正常增生期、复杂增生、不典型增生子宫内膜及子宫内膜腺癌中的阳性表达率分别为3/10,1/3,78.57%和87.69%。galectin-3的表达从正常增生期子宫内膜到子宫内膜腺癌的发展过程中逐渐增高。EC组及AH组表达明显高于NE组及CH组(P<0.05)。galectin-3的表达与肿瘤的组织分化相关,低分化与高分化腺癌比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论galectin-3与子宫内膜腺癌的发生及肿瘤的病理学行为相关,过度表达提示预后不良。  相似文献   

Fluorescent antibody (FA) studies of tissues from three colostrum deprived calves inoculated intranasally with the SF-4 strain of bovine para-influenza 3 (PI-3) virus indicated that these calves developed a mild upper respiratory infection but infected cells were not identified in the lower respiratory tract. Three other calves inoculated intranasally and intratracheally with PI-3 virus developed more severe clinical signs of infection and virus was identified, by FA techniques, in the upper and lower respiratory tract of all three calves and in the spleen of one calf. PI-3 virus was detected in smears of nasal epithelium from five of six calves at some time during the observation period.  相似文献   

Lymphosarcoma in twin female calves, apparently the first to be observed in Canada, is reported here. Peripheral blood and cultured mononuclear cells of one of the calves showed aneuploidy of the chromosomes. No hematological or serological evidence of bovine leukemia virus infection was observed in the other members of the herd. Bovine leukemia virus infection of the leukemic cells could not be detected by electron microscopy or by tissue culture procedures. There is a need to clarify the relationship of the calf form of the disease to the adult form of enzootic bovine leukosis.  相似文献   

Mice were killed 2, 4, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 96 hours after intragastrical administration of 0, 5, 10, 20, or 40 mg/kg body weight of 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol. The animals became clinically ill after 12 hours and some animals in the highest dose group died. Histological examination of duodenal crypts, thymus and spleen revealed, in all dose groups, presence of the characteristic lesions that are known to be produced by trichothecenes, but the intensity of lesions in the 40 mg group corresponded to lesions known to be caused by 4 mg/kg of T-2 toxin. A rabbit skin bioassay with 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol gave negative results on one occasion and a mild reaction to 100 to 500 micrograms/mL on another. It is concluded that 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol is considerably less toxic than T-2 toxin, but causes acute effects in the dividing cells of the body in a manner characteristic of trichothecenes.  相似文献   

Newborn mice were inoculated intracerebrally with murine cytomegalovirus and studies were made of the pathological changes in the striate and cardiac muscle and brown fat. Widespread necrosis was seen in muscle and brown fat in the early stages of the infection. Necrotic lesions became calcified. By 56 days lesions were not resolved in the heart and brown fat but were completely resolved in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

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