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We study the October 18, M W = 7.1, 1992 Atrato earthquake, and its foreshocks and aftershocks, which occurred in the Atrato valley, northwestern Colombia. The main shock was preceded by several foreshocksof which the M W = 6.6, October 17 earthquacke was the largest. Inparticular, we examine foreshocks and aftershocks performing joint-hypocenter relocations using high quality Pn and Sn wave readingsfrom permanent regional networks. We observed a few hours prior to the main shock a sudden increase of foreshocks. Maybe this could be used as a predictor since foreshocks have been known for other major events in the region. Our locations align for 90 km with a trend of 5° ±4° in agreement with the Harvard CMT solution showing the faultplane trending 9° to be the plane of rupture. In relation to theepicenter of the main shock, maximum intensities were located to thesouth, consistent with a rupture that traveled from north to south witha larger energy release in the south as suggested by an empirical Green'sfunction study (Li and Toksöz, 1993; Ammon et al., 1994). The boundarybetween the Panama and North Andes blocks has been placed close to thePanama-Colombia border as either a sharp boundary or a diffuse zone. TheAtrato earthquake, however, shows that the plate boundary between thePanama and North Andes microblocks is a diffuse deformation zone. Thiszone has a width of at least 2° stretching from 78°W to 76°W. Quantification of earthquake moment release (during the past30 years) in this zone shows a similar amount of moment release in thewestern and eastern parts of this zone.  相似文献   

This short communication presents the assessment of seismic inelastic and elastic displacement demands computed from earthquake ground motions (EQGMs) recorded in Mexico City during the intermediate‐depth intraslab Puebla‐Morelos earthquake on 19 September 2017 (Mw = 7.1). Evaluation is conducted by means of peak elastic and inelastic displacement demand spectra, inelastic displacement ratio, CR, spectra, and generalized interstory drift spectra computed for selected recording stations located in different soil sites of Mexico City, including those located in areas of reported collapsed buildings. Results of this study confirm previous observations made from interplate (subduction) EQGMs that peak inelastic displacement demands are greater than corresponding elastic counterparts for short‐to‐medium period structures, while the opposite is true for medium‐to‐long period structures. Possible basin site effects were identified from generalized interstory drift spectra. It is also shown that an equation introduced in the literature to obtain estimates of CR developed from interplate EQGMs provides also a good estimate for mean CR computed from the intermediate‐depth intraslab EQGMs.  相似文献   

This paper presents, within the performance‐based earthquake engineering framework, a comprehensive probabilistic seismic loss estimation method that accounts for main sources of uncertainty related to hazard, vulnerability, and loss. The loss assessment rigorously integrates multiple engineering demand parameters (maximum and residual inter‐story drift ratio and peak floor acceleration) with consideration of mainshock–aftershock sequences. A 4‐story non‐ductile reinforced concrete building located in Victoria, British Colombia, Canada, is considered as a case study. For 100 mainshock and mainshock–aftershock earthquake records, incremental dynamic analysis is performed, and the three engineering demand parameters are fitted with a probability distribution and corresponding dependence computed. Finally, with consideration of different demolition limit states, loss assessment is performed. From the results, it can be shown that when seismic vulnerability models are integrated with seismic hazard, the aftershock effects are relatively minor in terms of overall seismic loss (1–4% increase). Moreover, demolition limit state parameters, uncertainties of collapse fragility, and non‐collapse seismic demand prediction models have showed significant contribution to the loss assessment. The seismic loss curves for the reference case and for cases with the varied parameters can differ by as large as about 150%. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

玉树MS7.1级地震部分余震重新定位及发震构造分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
综合利用玉树震区应急流动台站观测数据和青海地震台网固定台站观测数据,依据最新的人工地震宽角反射/折射剖面的速度模型,采用Hypo2000地震定位法,对2010年4月18日至4月29日期间玉树震区发生的部分余震进行了重新定位.重新定位后,震源位置的水平和垂直方向平均误差分别为1.35 km和4.68 km,走时残差为0.49 s.震源深度分布范围为1.48~19.85 km,平均震源深度为10.28 km.定位研究结果表明:玉树地震余震沿北西-南东向的甘孜-玉树断裂带的北支,即玉树-隆宝断裂分布,长约97 km.余震分布特征在主震(微观震中)两侧存在差异,可能反映了两侧构造特征存在差异.截止到4月29日,主震东南仍是应力的主要释放区域,余震强度大且活动密集的区域位于主震东南距主震约5 km、横向范围约20 km.主震破裂区的大部分应力在主震过程中得以释放,主震时应力未释放的区域成为主要的余震分布区.余震的连续发生可能已造成主震破裂区相互连通,且破裂范围向西北方向扩展.玉树主震及余震的发震构造为甘孜-玉树断裂的北支,即玉树-隆宝断裂段,断层性质为北东倾向的高角度左旋走滑断层.发震断层的倾角和宽度在帮洞两侧有所不同,帮洞以东发震断层宽度约为12 km,倾角约为83°;而帮洞以西发震断层宽度约为6.5 km,断层倾角约减缓为63°.  相似文献   

After the Yushu M S 7.1 earthquake on April 14,2010,a large number of aftershocks were recorded by the surrounding permanent network and temporary seismic stations.Due to the distribution of stations,knowledge about velocity structure,the reliability of seismic phases,and so on,the location result from conventional method is usually of low precision,from which it is difficult to recognize the spatial and temporal distribution and the trends of aftershock activity.In this paper,by using teleseismic waveforms recorded by permanent station,the seismic velocity structure beneath the vicinity is obtained from receiver function stacking and inversion methods.And the Yushu earthquake sequences are relocated from seismic phase data by HypoDD.The results show that the Yushu M S 7.1 earthquake occurred at 13 km depth;the aftershock sequences were distributed mainly in the NWW along the Garzê-Yushu fault,and most aftershocks were concentrated in a 100 km length and 5-20 km depth.Combined with the velocity structure,it can be inferred that the earthquake mainly destroys the high-velocity layer of the upper crust.In the west of the seismic fault near(33.3°N,96.2°E),the aftershock sequences were distributed like a straight column,suggesting there was a comminuted break from 25km depth to the ground.  相似文献   

The 2010 Yushu MS7.1 earthquake occurred in Ganzi-Yushu fault, which is the south boundary of Bayan Har block. In this study, by using double difference algorithm, the locations of mainshock (33.13°N, 96.59°E, focal depth 10.22 km) and more than 600 aftershocks were obtained. The focal mechanisms of the mainshock and some aftershocks with MS>3.5 were estimated by jointly using broadband velocity waveforms from Global Seismic Network (GSN) and Qinghai Seismic Network as well. The focal mechanisms and relocation show that the strike of the fault plane is about 125° (WNW-ESE), and the mainshock is left-laterally strikeslip. The parameters of shear-wave splitting were obtained at seismic stations of YUS and L6304 by systematic analysis method of shear-wave splitting (SAM) method. Based on the parameters of shear-wave splitting and focal mechanism, the characteristics of stress field in seismic source zone were analyzed. The directions of polarization at stations YUS and L6304 are different. It is concluded that after the mainshock and the MS6.3 aftershock on April 14, the stress-field was changed.  相似文献   

A sequence of 98 teleseismically recorded earthquakes occurred off the east coast of Kamchatka at depths between 10-90 km around latitude 52.5°N and longitude 160°E on May 16–23, 2013. The swarm occurred along the northern limit of the rupture area of the 1952 Mw 9.0 great Kamchatka earthquake, the fifth largest earthquake in the history of seismic observations. On May 24, 2013 the strongest deep earthquake ever recorded of Mw 8.3 occurred beneath the Sea of Okhotsk at a depth of 610 km in the Pacific slab of the Kamchatka subduction zone, becoming the northernmost deep earthquake in the region. The deep Mw 8.3 earthquake occurred down-dip of the shallow swarm in a transition zone between the southern deep and northern shallow segments of the Pacific slab. Several deep aftershocks followed, covering a large, laterally elongated part of the slab. We suppose that the two described earthquake sequences, the May 16–23 shallow earthquake swarm and the May 24–28 deep mainshock-aftershock series, represent a single tectonic event in the Pacific slab having distinct properties at different depth levels. A low-angle underthrusting of the shallow part of the slab recorded by the shallow earthquake swarm activated the deep part; this process induced the deep mainshock-aftershock series only three days after the swarm. The domain of the subducting slab activated by the May 2013 earthquake occurrence was extraordinarily large both down-dip and along-strike.  相似文献   

The Al Hoceima Mw 6.4 earthquake of 24 February 2004 that occurred in the eastern Rif region of Morocco already hit by a large event in May 1994 (Mw 5.9) has been followed by numerous aftershocks in the months following the event. The aftershock sequence has been monitored by a temporary network of 17 autonomous seismic stations during 15 days (28 March–10 April) in addition to 5 permanent stations of the Moroccan seismic network (CNRST, SPG, Rabat). This network allowed locating accurately about 650 aftershocks that are aligned in two directions, about N10-20E and N110-120E, in rough agreement with the two nodal planes of the focal mechanism (Harvard). The aftershock alignments are long enough, about 20 km or more, to correspond both to the main rupture plane. To further constrain the source of the earthquake main shock and aftershocks (mb > 3.5) have been relocated thanks to regional seismic data from Morocco and Spain. While the main shock is located at the intersection of the aftershock clouds, most of the aftershocks are aligned along the N10-20E direction. This direction together with normal sinistral slip implied by the focal mechanism is similar with the direction and mechanisms of active faults in the region, particularly the N10E Trougout oblique normal fault. Indeed, the Al Hoceima region is dominated by an approximate ENE-SSW direction of extension, with oblique normal faults. Three major 10–30 km-long faults, oriented NNE-SSW to NW-SE are particularly clear in the morphology, the Ajdir and Trougout faults, west and east of the Al Hoceima basin, respectively, and the NS Rouadi fault 20 km to the west. These faults show clear evidence of recent vertical displacements during the late Quaternary such as uplifted alluvial terraces along Oued Rihs, offset fan surfaces by the Rouadi fault and also uplifted and tilted abandoned marine terraces on both sides of the Al Hoceima bay.However, the N20E direction is in contrast with seismic sources identified from geodetic inversions, which favour but not exclusively the N110-120E rupture directions, suggesting that the 1994 and 2004 events occurred on conjugate faults. In any event, the recent seismicity is thus concentrated on sinistral N10-20E or N110-120E dextral strike-slip faults, which surface expressions remain hidden below the 3–5 km-thick Rif nappes, as shown by the tomographic images build from the aftershock sequence and the concentration of the seismicity below 3 km. These observations may suggest that strain decoupling between the thrusted cover and the underlying bedrock and highlights the difficulty to determine the source properties of moderate events with blind faults even in the case of good quality recorded data.  相似文献   

The plate dynamics in the central western Mediterranean region is characterised by a collision between the Eurasian and African plates. In response to this dynamics, many systems of faults and folds having a NE-SW and E-W trending have been generated along the Tellian Atlas of Algeria. The Oranie region (north western Algeria) has experienced some significant earthquakes in the last centuries, the most important one is that of Oran city on February 9th 1790, Io = XI which destroyed the town completely and caused the loss of many lives. Since 1790 no other event was so disastrous except that of August 18th 1994, Mw = 5.7, which struck Mascara province (Algeria) at 01 h 13 mn GMT. Since the beginning of this century the region has been dominated by a seismic quietness. Thus, no event with magnitude larger than 5.5 have occurred in this area. In relation with this recent event, a seismotectonic framework summarising the tectonic, seismicity and focal solution results is presented. The Maximum Observed Intensities Map (MOI) made for Algeria (Bezzeghoud et al., 1996) is also used to show that the Mascara region is located in an VIII-X intensity zone, which explain partially the casualties caused by the 18/08/1994 (Mw = 5.7) earthquake. This earthquake is not anomalous compared to historical records but is unusual compared to recorded seismicity of this century. The seismotectonic map made in this study and also the review of the focal solutions given by the EMSC, Harvard, and other authors shows that our event is probably associated with a source belonging to a system of faults located in the vicinity of the village of Hacine where the maximum damage was observed.  相似文献   

In this paper changes in focal mechanisms) parameters of wave spectra, and stress drops for the Ms=5.0 forcshock and Ms=6.0 mainshock in February 2001 in Yajiang County, Sichuan, and seismicity in cpiccntral region are studied. Comparison of focal mechanisms for the Yajiang earthquakes with distribution patterns of aftcrshocks, the nodal plane Ⅰ, striking in the direction of NEN, of the Yajiang M=5.0 event is chosen as the faulting plane, the nodal plane Ⅱ, striking in the direction of WNW, of the M=6.0 event as the faulting plane. The strikes of the two faulting planes are nearly perpendicular to each other. The level of stress drops in the cpicentral region before the occurrence of the M=6.0 earthquake increases, which is consistent with increase of seismicity in the epicentral region. The rate decay of the Yajiang earthquake sequence, changes in wave spectra for foreshocks and aftershocks,and focal mechanisms are complex.  相似文献   

针对2010年4月14日玉树发生MS7.1地震,本文利用InSAR数据给出同震视线向位移确定出的发震断层空间展布,并以该同震位移为约束反演得到主震和最大余震的同震位错分布.结果表明,主震同震位错发生在东玉树断裂,最大余震同震位错发生在西玉树断裂东端;基于位错分布计算了同震库仑应力变化与西部余震集中区地震活动之间的关系,结果反映玉树主震后最为活跃的余震活动可能受控于近东西向的次级断层(走向约为85°),而非玉树主干断裂;玉树断裂带整体呈现为左旋走滑运动,但其具体断层运动形式表现出主干断裂典型走滑运动、走滑断裂间的拉张和逆冲性质的次级运动、次级断裂与主干断裂相互作用下更为复杂的多方向次级断层活动等等不同变形特征,而主震同震破裂与余震空间分布均与这些不同断层变形方式有着密切关系.  相似文献   

Using the earthquake sequences data with MS≥6.5 since 1966 in Sichuan-Yunnan region, we research the charac-teristic of the magnitude difference distribution between main shocks and their strong aftershocks; and then study the spatial distribution characteristic of the strong aftershocks away from their main shocks. The result shows that the magnitude difference distribution obeys intercepted exponential distribution, while the spatial distribution of strong aftershocks obeys normal distribution and the dominated distribution area of strong shocks is 10~39 km away from main shock. Finally the probability density function of the magnitude difference distribution and the spatial distribution of strong aftershocks is deduced.  相似文献   

Introduction An MS=6.0 earthquake occurred on February 23, 2001 in Yajiang county, Sichuan Province. The earthquake is located on the east of the southeast segment of the Litang-Dewu fault with strike of NW. Before the event, on February 14, an MS=5.0 earthquake took place nearly in the same place. In 1948 an MS=7.3 earthquake occurred on the northwestern segment of the Litang fault. The length of the surface rupture belt caused by the earthquake is 70 km, which extended from Litang to…  相似文献   

A seismic swarm of more than 7200 earthquakes occurred in Aysen Fjord, southern Chile, from January to June 2007. It started suddenly on 23 January 2007 with an earthquake of magnitude Mw=5.3, followed by five earthquakes with magnitudes increasing from Mw=5.2 to 6.2 within three months. Two large earthquakes of magnitudes Mw=6.1 and 6.2 occurred on 02 and 21 April 2007, respectively. The latest earthquake generated landslides that induced a tsunami within the fjord, killing 10 people. This swarm has been examined using international seismic catalogues and seismicity located with a local seismic network; in particular its double tectonic and volcanic origin has been explored. All the focal mechanisms are compatible with the long- and short-term tectonics of the Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault Zone, a major intra-arc fault system of the Patagonian fjord land. The space, time, and size distributions of these earthquakes, that occurred within an active volcanic area revealed by the presence of several Holocene monogenetic volcanoes, may be explained both by fluid-induced (magma and/or hydrothermal fluids) activity combined with tectonic activity. The co-existence of these two tectonic and volcanic phenomena is a good example of retroactive links between fluids and tectonic fractures.  相似文献   

朱守彪  袁杰  缪淼 《地球物理学报》2017,60(10):3832-3843
由于2010年玉树地震(Ms=7.1)产生了超剪切地震破裂,所以地震灾害特别严重.国内外地球科学家对该地震产生超剪切破裂过程的物理机制一直非常关注,但至今没有给出满意的解答.为此,文中根据玉树地震发震断层的实际几何构建有限单元数值模型,模型中的断层由2个断层段构成,它们之间有约10°的夹角,形成断层拐折.模拟结果表明,玉树地震的破裂由2个子事件组成;当破裂在震源所在的断层上成核后,先在第一个断层段上传播,其速度为亚剪切波速度;当破裂一旦越过断层拐折,在第二个断层段上传播时,破裂速度就立即转变为超剪切波速度.计算结果显示,当断层发生超剪切破裂时,断层上的位错幅度、破裂产生的地震波速度及加速度都会显著增大,从而造成地震灾害大大增加,这很可能是玉树地震的震害特别严重的重要原因.从模拟实验中还看到,若是模型中的断层没有发生拐折,在模型的其他参数都保持不变的情况下,破裂速度不会发生变化.但是,若初始应力场的方位与断层之间的夹角发生变化,这时断裂系统中尽管存在断层拐折,也不是一定能产生超剪切破裂.只有当初始应力方位与断层之间的夹角以及断层走向变化的偏角二者之间的关系恰到好处时,断层拐折才有可能促使断层破裂由亚剪切转化为超剪切破裂.所以,玉树地震之所以能产生超剪切地震破裂,恰恰是发震断层几何与初始应力场方位之间的关系达到某种"最佳状态"的结果.这也可能是天然地震中超剪切破裂事件稀少的原因之一.因此,研究超剪切地震破裂过程的动力学机制,对于深入研究地震震源过程、地震灾害评估等有着非常重要的科学意义.  相似文献   

Site attenuation and source characteristics of 45 aftershocks of the 13 March 1992 Erzincan, eastern Turkey earthquake have been determined from SH-wave spectra using a least-squares best-fit method. Although the most of the seismograms were recorded on the ophiolitic rock sites and the average regional attenuation correction of Q(f) = 35 f0.83 was applied, the high fall-off rates ranging between 3.0 and 4.5 beyond the corner frequencies of 8–13 Hz were observed on the SH spectra. The site attenuation value, , has been calculated from the slope of the high frequency part of the SH spectra. It was found that varied in the range of 0.0124–0.0364 s and the average was 0.0246 s with a standard deviation of 0.0047 s. The high fall-off rates of observed spectra have decreased considerably as a result of site attenuation corrections and converged to an average value of 2.3. We concluded that the high fall-off rates of SH wave spectra are mainly controlled by highly deformed Miocene ophiolitic formations which covers a wide area in the North Anatolian Fault zone in the vicinity of Erzincan region. Using the spectra that were corrected for regional and site attenuation, and assuming a Brune's source model; seismic moment, source radius, and stress-drops of the aftershocks were computed. We found that stress-drops for some of the aftershocks in Erzincan area have slightly decreased after removal of site attenuation over SH wave observed spectra.  相似文献   

—A finite-source rupture model of the July 30, 1995, M w = 8.1 Antofagasta (Northern Chile) subduction earthquake is developed using body and surface waves that span periods from 20 to 290s. A long-period (150–290s) surface-wave spectral inversion technique is applied to estimate the average finite-fault source properties. Deconvolutions of broadband body waves using theoretical Green’s functions, and deconvolutions of broadband fundamental mode surface waves using empirical Green’s functions provided by a large aftershock, yield effective source time functions containing periods from 20 to 200s for many directivity parameters. The source time functions are used in an inverse radon transform to image a one-dimensional spatial model of the moment rate history. The event produced a predominantly unilateral southward rupture, yielding strong directivity effects on all seismic waves with periods less than a few hundred seconds. The aftershock information, spectral analysis, and moment rate distribution indicate a rupture length of 180–200km, with the largest slip concentrated in the first 120km, a rupture azimuth of 205°± 10° along the Chilean coastline, and a rupture duration of 60–68s with a corresponding average rupture velocity of 3.0–3.2km/s. The overall rupture character is quite smooth, accentuating the directivity effects and reducing the shaking intensity, however there are three regions with enhanced moment rate distributed along the rupture zone near the epicenter, 50 to 80km south of the epicenter, and 110 to 140km south of the epicenter.  相似文献   

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