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The regulation of the histidine-degrading pathway is known to involve induction and repression. Our studies have shown that succinate may control the histidine-degrading pathway by sequential negative feedback inhibition. Succinate inhibited urocanase, and urocanate in turn inhibited histidase. Crude preparations of the two enzymes were made from Pseudomonas putida grown on l-histidine. Succinate was a competitive inhibitor of urocanase (K(i), 1.8 mm). Lactate, pyruvate, alpha-ketoglutarate, and glutamate did not inhibit urocanase. Urocanate inhibited histidase competitively (K(i), 0.13 mm). A multienzyme system (histidine to glutamate), when incubated with histidine and succinate, exhibited the combined effect. Succinate caused the level of accumulated urocanate to increase and indirectly blocked histidine disappearance. Growth of cells on urocanate as a nitrogen source was inhibited by 1% succinate. Succinate may play a physiological role in the biological regulation of histidine metabolism.  相似文献   

The 6-fluorotryptophan resistant MR1 mutant was obtained from Pseudomonas putida M30 (Tyr- Phe-) strain. The mutant was able to excrete tryptophan (60 micrograms/ml) and has derepressed aroF gene encoding 3-deoxy-D-arabinoheptulosonate-7-phosphate synthase. The mutation isolated was identified as aroR with the help of cloning early aroF gene of P. putida. On the next step of selection, regulatory mutant MR2 was obtained producing 240 micrograms/ml of tryptophan. The MR2 has derepressed unlinked trpE and trpDC genes and represents a mutant of the trpR type. Expression of the trpE gene of P. putida MR2 weakened in the presence of tryptophan excess in the medium, which points to attenuation of this gene. From the prototrophic variant of P. putida MR2 the MRP3 mutant producing 850 micrograms/ml of tryptophan was obtained. This mutant was characterized by twofold increase in the activity of the anthranilate synthase encoded by the trpE gene. The assay of the activity of tryptophanyl-tRNA synthase in P. putida MRP3 demonstrated that the mutant has TrpS+ phenotype.  相似文献   

Dehydroalanine is present in the histidine ammonia-lyase (histidase) from Pseudomonas putida ATCC 12633 as shown by reaction of purified enzyme with K14CN or NaB3H4 and subsequent identification of [14C]aspartate or [3H]alanine, respectively, following acid hydrolysis of the labeled protein. When labeling with cyanide was conducted under denaturing conditions, 4 mol of [14C]cyanide was incorporated per mol of enzyme (Mr 220 000), equivalent to one dehydroalanine residue being modified per subunit in this protein composed of four essentially identical subunits. In native enzyme, inactivation of catalytic activity by cyanide was complete when 1 mol of [14C]cyanide had reacted per mol of histidase, suggesting that modification of any one of the four dehydroalanine residues in the tetrameric enzyme was sufficient to prevent catalysis at all sites. Loss of activity on treatment with cyanide could be blocked by the addition of the competitive inhibitor cysteine or substrate if Mn2+ was also present. Cross-linking of native enzyme with dimethyl suberimidate produced no species larger than tetramer, thereby eliminating the possibility that an aggregation phenomenon might explain why only one-fourth of the dehydroalanyl residues was modified by cyanide during inactivation. A labeled tryptic peptide was isolated from enzyme inactivated with [14C]cyanide. Its composition was different from that of a tryptic peptide previously isolated from other histidases and shown to contain a highly reactive and catalytically important cysteine residue. Such a finding indicates the dehydroalanine group is distinct from the active site cysteine. Treatment of crude extracts with [14C]cyanide and purification of the inactive enzyme yielded labeled protein that release [14C]aspartate on acid hydrolysis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of the hutH gene, encoding histidine ammonia-lyase (histidase), in Pseudomonas putida ATCC 12633 has been determined from the appropriate portions of the hut region that had been cloned into Escherichia coli. The resulting DNA sequence revealed an open reading frame of 1,530 base pairs, corresponding to a protein subunit of approximate molecular weight 53,600, in the location previously identified for the histidase gene by Tn1000 mutagenesis. Translation began at a GTG codon, but direct protein sequencing revealed that the initiating amino acid was removed posttranslationally to provide an N-terminal threonine; 11 additional residues completely agreed with the predicted amino acid sequence. This sequence excluded the possibility that a dehydroalanine unit, the postulated coenzyme for histidase, is attached at the N terminus of histidase subunits. Comparison of the P. putida histidase gene sequence with that of a Bacillus subtilis region encoding histidase revealed 42% identity at the protein level. Although the hutU (urocanase) and hutH (histidase) genes are induced by urocanate and normally are transcribed as a unit beginning with hutU, analysis of the region immediately upstream of the histidase gene revealed a potential weak promoter that may possibly be used to maintain a basal level of histidase for the generation of inducer (urocanate) when histidine levels are elevated.  相似文献   

Elucidation of the 3D structure of histidine ammonia-lyase (HAL, EC from Pseudomonas putida by X-ray crystallography revealed that the electrophilic prosthetic group at the active site is 3,5-dihydro-5-methylidene-4H-imidazol-4-one (MIO) [Schwede, T.F., Rétey, J., Schulz, G.E. (1999) Biochemistry, 38, 5355-5361]. To evaluate the importance of several amino-acid residues at the active site for substrate binding and catalysis, we mutated the following amino-acid codons in the HAL gene: R283, Y53, Y280, E414, Q277, F329, N195 and H83. Kinetic measurements with the overexpressed mutants showed that all mutations resulted in a decrease of catalytic activity. The mutants R283I, R283K and N195A were approximately 1640, 20 and 1000 times less active, respectively, compared to the single mutant C273A, into which all mutations were introduced. Mutants Y280F, F329A and Q277A exhibited approximately 55, 100 and 125 times lower activity, respectively. The greatest loss of activity shown was in the HAL mutants Y53F, E414Q, H83L and E414A, the last being more than 20 900-fold less active than the single mutant C273A, while H83L was 18 000-fold less active than mutant C273A. We propose that the carboxylate group of E414 plays an important role as a base in catalysis. To investigate a possible participation of active site amino acids in the formation of MIO, we used the chromophore formation upon treatment of HAL with l-cysteine and dioxygen at pH 10.5 as an indicator. All mutants, except F329A showed the formation of a 338-nm chromophore arising from a modified MIO group. The UV difference spectra of HAL mutant F329A with the MIO-free mutant S143A provide evidence for the presence of a MIO group in HAL mutant F329A also. For modelling of the substrate arrangement within the active site and protonation state of MIO, theoretical calculations were performed.  相似文献   

p-cymene pathway in Pseudomonas putida: initial reactions.   总被引:12,自引:10,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Initial reactions of the p-cymene pathway induced in Pseudomonas putida PL have been reinvestigated. Oxidation of the methyl group attached to the nucleus occurs in three steps to give p-cumic acid. The substrate for the ring cleavage of 2,3-dihydroxy-p-cumate is formed from p-cumate in two reactions via a dihydrodiol intermediate (2,3-dihydroxy-4-isopropylcyclohexa-4,6-dienoate) and not as previously postulated via 3-hydroxy-p-cumate. There are three pieces of evidence for the physiological role of the dihydrodiol intermediate. (i) a mutant of P. putida PL-pT-11/43, which is unable to grow with p-cumate, accumulates a compound from p-cumate, which was identified as 2,3-dihydroxy-4-isopropylcyclohexa-4,6-dienoate. (II) This metabolite is enzymically oxidized by a nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-dependent dehydrogenase that is present in crude extracts of the wild type and a revertant strain (PL-pT-11/43-R1) but not in the mutant. (iii) 3-Hydroxy-p-cumate does not support growth of P . putida PL-W, and it is not oxidized by cells or extracts. 3-Hydroxy-p-cumate was readily isolated as before from culture supernatants, due to its ready formation from the dihydrodiol in acid solution. Mass spectral analysis of the dihydrodiol accumulated in 18O2-enriched atmospheres showed that both hydroxyl atoms are derived from the same molecule of O2. The formation and absorbance maxima of dihydrodiols that accumulated during the growth of the mutant PL-pT-11/43 in the presence of various benzoates (or toluenes) that have substituents at the carbon 4 atom also is reported.  相似文献   

Abstract The 2,3-butanediol dehydrogenase and the acetoin-cleaving system were simultaneously induced in Pseudomonas putida PpG2 during growth on 2,3-butanediol and on acetoin. Hybridization with a DNA probe covering the genes for the E1 subunits of the Alcaligenes eutrophus acetoin cleaving system and nucleotide sequence analysis identified acoA (975 bp), acoB (1020 bp), acoC (1110 bp), acoX (1053 bp) and adh (1086 bp) in a 6.3-kb genomic region. The amino acid sequences deduced from acoA , acoB , and acoC for E1α ( M r 34639), E1β ( M r 37268), and E2 ( M r 39613) of the P. putida acetoin cleaving system exhibited striking similarities to those of the corresponding components of the A. eutrophus acetoin cleaving system and of the acetoin dehydrogenase enzyme system of Pelobacter carbinolicus and other bacteria. Strong sequence similarities of the adh translational product (2,3-butanediol dehydrogenase, M r 38361) were obtained to various alcohol dehydrogenases belonging to the zinc- and NAD(P)-dependent long-chain (group I) alcohol dehydrogenases. Expression of the P. putida ADH in Escherichia coli was demonstrated. The aco genes and adh constitute presumably one single operon which encodes all enzymes required for the conversion of 2,3-butanediol to central metabolites.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas putida was able to grow at 0 C in a complex medium containing l-histidine and to synthesize histidine ammonia-lyase and urocanase. The activity of the former enzyme was assessed between -10 and 60 C in cells and in cell extracts. Activity was maximal from 20 to 35 C. Below 20 C, activity decreased with temperature but, significantly, the enzyme exhibited 30% of its maximal activity at 1.5 C. The temperature response was similar in both intact cells and cell extracts, which indicated that the cell membrane did not significantly limit the entry of histidine at low temperature. Above and below the maximal temperature range, the reduced activity was not caused by irreversible inactivation, as shown by preincubation experiments. Also, when the temperature was rapidly changed from 60 to 30 C during an assay, the reaction rate increased abruptly to the full 30 C activity without a lag. This demonstrated the rapid reversibility of inactivation. The apparent Michaelis constant increased with temperature. As the substrate concentration was decreased, the enzyme activity became less dependent on temperature. The efficiency of substrate entry and catalysis near 0 C are factors in the ability of this facultative psychrophile to grow in a histidine medium at 0 C.  相似文献   

The biodegradation of nitrobenzene was attempted by using Pseudomonas putida TB 103 which possesses the hybrid pathway combining the tod and the tol pathways. Analysis of the metabolic flux of nitrobenzene through the hybrid pathway indicated that nitrobenzene was initially oxidized to cis-1,2-dihydroxy-3-nitrocyclohexa-3,5-diene by toluene dioxygenase in the tod pathway and then channeled into the tol pathway, leading to the complete biodegradation of nitrobenzene. A crucial metabolic step redirecting the metabolic flux of nitrobenzene from the tod to the tol pathway was determined from the genetic and biochemical studies on the enzymes involved in the tol pathway. From these results, it was found that toluate-cis-glycol dehydrogenase could convert cis-1,2-dihydroxy-3-nitrocyclohexa-3,5-diene to catechol in the presence of NAD(+) with liberation of nitrite and the reduced form of NAD(+) (NADH) into the medium. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Abstract: 3-Nitrotoluene was degraded when incubated with the resting cells of Pseudomonas putida OU83. Most of the 3-nitrotoluene (70%) was metabolized via reduction of the nitro group to form 3-aminotoluene (3-AT). A minor portion (30%) was degraded through a novel pathway involving oxidation of 3-NT to form 3-nitrophenol through a series of intermediary metabolites: 3-nitrobenzyl alcohol, 3-nitrobenzaldehyde and 3-nitrobenzoic acid. Degradation of 3-nitrophenol occurred with the formation of a transient intermediary metabolite, hydroxynitroquinone, which was further degraded with the near stoichiometric release of nitrite into the medium. 3-Nitrotoluene-induced cells showed increased oxygen consumption with 3-nitrotoluene, 3-nitrobenzaldehyde, 3-nitrobenzoate, and 3-nitrophenol as substrates in comparison to uninduced cells. Cell extracts prepared from strain OU83 contained benzylalcohol dehydrogenase and benzaldehyde dehydrogenase activities. The experimental evidence suggests a novel pathway for the degradation of 3-NT in which C-1 elimination is catalyzed by a cofactor-independent deformylase, rather than a decarboxylase or dioxygenase.  相似文献   

Abstract A simple and rapid method is described to determine the plasmid content of cyanobacteria. This procedure is a modification of the Eckhardt in-well lysis and agarose gel electrophoresis technique and can be used for both unicellular and filamentous cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

The isolation of several mutant strains blocked in l-lysine degradation has permitted an assessment of the physiological significance of enzymatic reactions related to lysine metabolism in Pseudomonas putida. Additional studies with intact cells involved labeling of metabolic intermediates from radioactive l- or d-lysine, and patterns of enzyme induction in both wild-type and mutant strains. These studies lead to the conclusions that from l-lysine, the obligatory pathway is via delta-aminovaleramide, delta-aminovalerate, glutaric semialdehyde, and glutarate, and that no alternative pathways from l-lysine exist in our strain. A distinct pathway from d-lysine proceeds via Delta(1)-piperideine-2-carboxylate, l-pipecolate, and Delta(1)-piperideine-6-carboxylate (alpha-aminoadipic semialdehyde). The two pathways are independent in the sense that certain mutants, unable to grow on l-lysine, grow at wild-type rates of d-lysine, utilizing the same intermediates as the wild type, as inferred from labeling studies. This finding implies that lysine racemase in our strain, while detectable in cell extracts, is not physiologically functional in intact cells at a rate that would permit growth of mutants blocked in the l-lysine pathway. Pipecolate oxidase, a d-lysine-related enzyme, is induced by d-lysine and less efficiently by l-lysine. Aminooxyacetate virtually abolishes the inducing activity of l-lysine for this enzyme, suggesting that lysine racemase, although functionally inactive for growth purposes, may still have regulatory significance in permitting cross-induction of d-lysine-related enzymes by l-lysine, and vice versa. This finding suggests a mechanism in bacteria for maintaining regulatory patterns in pathways that may have lost their capacity to support growth. In addition, enzymatic studies are reported which implicate Delta(1)-piperideine-2-carboxylate reductase as an early step in the d-lysine pathway.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas putida S-313 is able to desulphonate a broad range of aromatic sulphonates to provide sulphur for growth by monooxygenolytic cleavage to yield the corresponding phenol. After miniTn5 transposon mutagenesis of this strain, 11 mutants were isolated that were no longer able to utilize benzenesulphonate as a sulphur source. Three of these mutants were defective in the utilization of all aromatic sulphonates tested, but they grew normally with other sulphur sources. These strains contained independent insertions in the novel 4.2 kb asfRABC gene cluster, encoding a putative reductase (AsfA), a ferredoxin (AsfB), a putative periplasmic binding protein (AsfC), which was localized to the periplasm using alkaline phosphatase fusions, and a divergently oriented fourth gene, asfR, that encoded a LysR-type regulator protein. A further mutant was interrupted in the ssu locus, which includes the gene for a putative desulphonative monooxygenase. Transformation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa with the asfRAB genes was sufficient to allow arylsulphonate utilization by this species, which does not normally use these compounds, suggesting that the AsfAB proteins may constitute an arylsulphonate-specific electron transport system that interacts with a less specific oxygenase. Expression of the asfABC genes in P. putida was induced by benzenesulphonate or toluenesulphonate, and it was repressed in the presence of sulphate in the growth medium. AsfR was a negative regulator of asfABC expression, and toluenesulphonate induced expression of these genes indirectly by reducing the expression of the asfR gene.  相似文献   

We genetically characterized the Pseudomonas putida mutS gene and found that it encodes a smaller MutS protein than do the genes of other bacteria. This gene is able to function in the mutS mutants of Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis. A P. putida mutS mutant has a mutation frequency 1,000-fold greater than that of the wild-type strain.  相似文献   

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