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患者,女,20岁。5个月前无明显诱因左小腿上端外侧酸痛不适,半个月后局部肿胀,当地以“小针刀”配合中药治疗,症状减轻。1个月后症状复发,治疗无效,并肿胀破溃。体检:左腓骨小头下方一横指处有一直径约8mm窦道,深约5mm,窦道周围软组织轻度肿胀,腓骨小头有压缩。  相似文献   

右侧腓骨近端骨巨细胞瘤误诊一例韩波兰世珍张雨患者男,12岁。右侧膝部受伤后自感疼痛不止,来院就诊。查体:右侧腓骨外侧近端肿胀,局部发热,但无红肿及压痛。触之有乒乓球感。全身无其他不适。实验室血、尿常规检查未见异常。X线检查:右侧腓骨近端有4cm×6....  相似文献   

<正>病例资料 患者,男,60岁,因“右侧眼睑下垂伴视物模糊1月余”收入本院。患者半年前于本院发现肝占位,于外院行进行病理诊断及介入治疗。病理检查示肝细胞肝癌。查体:血压130/84 mmHg, 神志清楚,双侧额纹对称,双侧瞳孔形状正常,左瞳孔直径3 mm、光敏,右瞳孔直径4 mm、对光反射消失。右睑下垂,左眼外展受限,右眼内收、上下视受限。头颅CT平扫(图1):右侧颞部占位伴颅骨多发破坏,并侵犯颅内、右眶、蝶窦及颞下窝,右侧颞叶累及可能,  相似文献   

王伟  李德美  张烽 《医学影像学杂志》2005,15(12):1048-1048,1052
患者男,37岁。右外踝肿块4年,逐渐增大1年,破溃、渗血水1个月而来院就医。检查:右外踝肿胀隆起,可触及一约鹅蛋大小肿块,不活动,无明显压痛,无搏动感,边界尚清,表皮无红肿,局部破溃有血水溢出。实验室检查未见异常。4年前X光片示右腓骨下段长约5.0cm×3.0cm囊状透光区,上下端边  相似文献   

双肺弥漫性细支气管肺泡癌长期误诊一例刘伟陈巨坤张绍夫患者男性,51岁。因咳嗽、咳痰8个月,进行性气短6个月入院。有发热,咳白色粘液状或泡沫状痰,间或痰中带血。胸片示两肺大片密度增高影。经皮穿剌肺活检(TCLB)、经支气管镜肺活检(TBLB)及反复多次...  相似文献   

病例 例1:男,13岁,与同学嬉闹时不慎从2楼坠下致人事不省1h入院。入院时大小便失禁,烦躁不安,恶心呕吐。查体:生命体征未见异常,GCS评分6分,面色苍白,前额部有5cm长、深及颅骨的伤口,活动性出血,眼球活动及双侧瞳孔3mm等大等圆,对光反射灵敏。口腔及耳鼻无流液,颈亢阴性,心肺检查未见异常,双肾区有轻微叩击痛,神经系统检查未见异常,入院时导尿有肉眼血尿,头颅SCT检查正常,腹部B超提示肾挫伤。诊断:脑震荡;  相似文献   

患者 女,62岁.因发现左侧大腿内侧肿物2个月,明显增大1周入院.患者于2个月前发现左侧大腿内侧肿物,约有花生米大小,近1个月肿物明显增大,约有鸡蛋大小,伴疼痛.半年前曾行左足拇指黑色素瘤截趾术.体检:左侧大腿内侧可见一8.0cm×4.0cm大小肿块,表面光滑,有触痛,无明显波动;局部皮肤可见瘀斑,压之不褪色.心肺未见异常,实验室检查:CEA5.8μg/L(正常值0~10μg/L).  相似文献   

患者女性.16岁。阵发性头涌20天,加重伴恶心、呕吐2天来诊。发病前无明显诱因出现头痛.呈阵发性.有时伴低烧.右眼视物模糊。无咳嗽、咳痰及痰中带血。CT诊断为“脑脏肿”而收入院治疗。患者既往健康。查体:T36.4C.P80次/分,R20次/分.BP15/8Kpa。少年女性.发育及营  相似文献   

Infiltrative lesions of the optic chiasm and optic nerves are uncommon. The authors report such a case and discuss the differential diagnosis, paying particular attention to imaging. In the reported case high-resolution computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging revealed thickening of the optic chiasm and intracranial optic nerves, a pattern characteristic of an inflammatory or neoplastic process.  相似文献   

Hematogenous metastatic disease to skeletal muscle is a very unusual occurrence and is seldom diagnosed clinically. This case report demonstrates the CT findings of metastatic breast cancer to skeletal muscle of the neck.  相似文献   

Percutaneous computed tomographic (CT)-guided radiofrequency (RF) ablation is a minimally invasive and promising procedure for unresectable lung tumors. In general, the procedure is safe and its complications are minor. A few cases of serious complications, however, have been reported. The authors report on a case of air embolism during electrode insertion into a metastatic lung tumor. The patient became unresponsive; however, he recovered 10 minutes later and the air embolism disappeared spontaneously. Although air embolism during RF ablation of a lung tumor is a rare complication, radiologists performing the percutaneous procedure should be aware of this complication and be familiar with the appropriate management.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to review the imaging findings of the different expansile lesions of the thymus. Almost 50% of all mediastinal masses are located in the anterior mediastinum. The thymus is the most common site of origin of these masses. Several kinds of lesions can arise from this gland because it derives from the three embryonic germ cell layers. Primary neoplasms of the thymus are thymoma, thymolipomas, carcinoma, carcinoid, primary germ cell tumors, and lymphoma. The latter can also involve the organ in a secondary fashion. Other lesions that cause thymic enlargement and that can be confused with neoplasia are thymic cysts and thymic hyperplasia. Even though anterior mediastinal masses are first found on conventional radiographs, computed tomography and magnetic resonance are very useful additional studies for assessing the origin and extension of these masses. The basic concepts regarding embryology, anatomy, and histology relevant for the differential diagnosis of an enlarged thymic gland are also described.  相似文献   

G C Cook  J C Bjelland 《Radiology》1979,131(3):637-638
Acute traumatic bowing of bone has only recently been recognized. Although most of these unusual fractures have been described in the pediatric forearm, bowing fractures of other juvenile long bones have also been reported. The authors describe a case of an acute bowing fracture of the fibula in a young adult.  相似文献   

The classification of certain vascular bone tumors that show an epithelioid cytologic appearance remains confusing, with overlap in features of epithelioid hemangioma, hemangioendothelioma and epithelioid hemangioendothelioma. Radiographs of a 27-year-old woman who presented with ankle pain showed an expanded lytic-sclerotic lesion in the distal left fibula. Magnetic resonance imaging showed an intramedullary lesion with a small lateral intracortical component. The lesion was hypo- to isointense to muscle on T1-weighted images and heterogeneously hyperintense on T2-weighted images. Initial incisional biopsy was inconclusive. Open biopsy showed hemangioendothelioma with epithelioid morphology, and the lesion was completely resected with reconstruction using a peroneal fibular rotation graft. Examination of the resected specimen showed focal hemangioendothelioma with an epithelioid phenotype arising in a hemangioma. This case illustrates the difficulty and pitfalls of making the correct diagnosis on the basis of a small biopsy specimen.Presented (case no. 17) at the 26th Closed Meeting of the International Skeletal Society, Seattle, Washington, USA, August 1999  相似文献   

On the basis of a particular case of "atypical" hypernephroma the main differential diagnosis of solid renal masses are described with reference to the basis disease: testicle tumour causing metastasis. The problems of determining the dignity of the disease by methods of sonography, pyelogram and CT are pointed out as well as the differences between those characteristics of the said tumour revealed by x-ray diagnosis and the known characteristics of substantial kidney deformations as described in medical literature.  相似文献   

Mesomelic dwarfism of the hypoplastic ulna, fibula, mandible type   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
L O Langer 《Radiology》1967,89(4):654-660

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