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First SIR-C ScanSAR results   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the two space shuttle missions in 1994, the Space-borne Imaging Radar-C (SIR-C) acquired several experimental datatakes: using the ScanSAR mode. Same of these ScanSAR data have been processed into images of swath wider than 200 km. Example images are shown. These early results demonstrate that ScanSAR operation is not only feasible, but also represents a potentially useful tool for regional and global scale imaging by the future SAR missions  相似文献   

In preparation for the Shuttle Imaging Radar-C/XSAR (SIR-C/XSAR) flights, the University of Michigan has been involved in the development of calibration procedures and precision calibration devices to quantify the complex radar images with an accuracy of 0.5 dB in magnitude and 5 degrees in phase. In this paper, the preliminary results of the SIR-C calibration and a summary of the University of Michigan's activity in the Raco calibration super-site is presented. In this calibration campaign an array of point calibration targets including trihedral corner reflectors and polarimetric active radar calibrators (PARCs) in addition to a uniform distributed target were used for characterizing the radiometric calibration constant and the distortion parameters of the C-band SAR. Two different calibration methods, one based on the application of point targets and the other based on the application of the distributed target, are used to calibrate the SIR-C data and the results are compared with calibrated images provided by JPL. The distributed target used in this experiment was a field of grass, sometimes covered with snow, whose differential Mueller matrix was measured immediately after the SIR-C overpass using The University of Michigan polarimetric scatterometer systems. The scatterometers were calibrated against a precision metallic sphere and measured 100 independent spatial samples for characterizing the differential Mueller matrix of the distributed target to achieve the desired calibration accuracy. The L-band SAR has not yet been adequately calibrated for inclusion here  相似文献   

X-SAR radiometric calibration and data quality   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In April and October, 1994 the X-SAR was flown as part of the SIR-C/X-SAR space radar laboratory missions (SRL-1/2) on the Space Shuttle. Amongst other activities DLR is responsible for the calibration of all X-SAR data products and is running the German Processing and Archiving Facility (D-PAF). Calibration activities included three major parts. Before the first mission, the authors performed a detailed analysis of the overall system to localize the main error sources and developed algorithms and procedures to correct these errors. During the missions they concentrated their efforts on calibration campaigns at the Oberpfaffenhofen super test site. Post mission activities included the determination of the antenna pattern and the absolute calibration factor as well as detailed performance analyses. This paper describes the overall approach to radiometrically calibrate the X-SAR and provides information on system performance and data quality to users in the different application fields  相似文献   

A polarimetric calibration experiment of Shuttle Imaging Radar C (SIR-C) is carried out using several different calibration targets. These are C-band polarimetric active radar calibrators (PARCs), polarization selective dihedrals (PSDs), 22.5° rotated dihedrals, and a trihedral. A novel polarimetric calibration algorithm is proposed that combines existing algorithms and uses one PARC and two PSDs. An error evaluation example is shown to estimate the typical hardware error value of the calibration targets allowable for a given calibration error. The novel algorithm gives polarimetric calibration results comparable to those obtained using the existing algorithm for three PARCs. Since PSDs work at frequencies lower than design frequency, and hence can be commonly used at multiple frequency bands, the simple addition of just one more frequency band PARC allows polarimetric calibration of a dual-frequency polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (SAR) by means of the proposed algorithm  相似文献   

MISR prelaunch instrument calibration and characterization results   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Each of the nine cameras that compose the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) has been rigorously tested, characterized, and calibrated. Requirements on these tests include a 3% (1σ) radiometric calibration requirement, spectral response function determination of both the in- and out-of-band regions, and distortion mapping. The latter test determines the relative look-angle to the ground corresponding to each focal plane detector element. This is established to within one-tenth of the instantaneous field-of-view. Most of the performance testing was done on the cameras as they completed assembly. This was done to take advantage of the serial delivery of the hardware, minimize the required size of the thermal-vacuum facilities, and allow testing to occur early in the schedule allocated for the hardware build. This proved to be an effective strategy, as each of the test objectives was met. Additional testing as an integrated instrument included verification of the data packetization, camera pointing, and clearances of the fields-of-view. Results of these studies have shown that the MISR cameras are of high quality and will meet the needs of the MISR science community. Highly accurate calibration data are on-hand and available for conversion of camera output to radiances  相似文献   

The Spaceborne Imaging Radar-C, X-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SIR-C/X-SAR) was launched on the Space Shuttle Endeavour for two ten day missions in the spring and fall of 1994. Radar data from these missions are being used to better understand the dynamic global environment. During each mission, radar images of over 300 sites around the Earth were obtained, returning over a terabit of data. SIR-C/X-SAR science investigations were focused on quantifying radar's ability to estimate surface properties of importance to understanding global change; and focused studies in geology, ecology, hydrology and oceanography, as well as radar calibration and electromagnetic theory studies. In addition, the second flight featured an interferometry experiment, where digital elevation maps were obtained by interfering data from the first and second shuttle flight, and from successive days on the second flight. SIR-C/X-SAR data have been used to validate algorithms which produce maps of vegetation type and biomass; snow, soil and vegetation moisture; and the distribution of wetlands, developed with earlier aircraft data  相似文献   

The two flights of the Shuttle Imaging Radar (SIR-C/X-SAR) in April and October 1994 provided a wealth of new image data over many of the world's volcanoes, including 13 of the 15 International Decade Volcanoes. A first look at these data shows that mapping of remote volcanoes (e.g., Nyiragongo and Nyamuragira in Africa) will now be easier, especially when aided by the collection of multi-parameter radar data over better known analogous volcanoes such as Kilauea, HI. The utility of the radar to identify different types of lava flows is shown for Fernandina volcano, Galapagos Islands. Growth of mudflow deposits (“lahars”) that were emplaced on Mount Pinatubo, Philippines, during the six months between the two missions is also illustrated. Additionally, interferometric radar data were collected over several active volcanoes; the potential uses of these data for topographic mapping and ground deformation studies are discussed  相似文献   

An attempt at determining the science requirements for polarimetric calibration for SIR-C is reported. A model describing the effect of miscalibration is presented, followed by an example showing how to assess the calibration requirements specific to an experiment. The effects of miscalibration on some commonly used polarimetric parameters are also discussed. It is shown that polarimetric calibration requirements are strongly application dependent. In consequence, the SIR-C investigators are advised to assess the calibration requirements of their own experiment. A set of numbers summarizing SIR-C polarimetric calibration goals is given  相似文献   

Vicarious calibration of GLI by ground observation data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We conducted vicarious calibration of the Global Imager (GLI) in visible to near-infrared channels over different targets. For calibration over the ocean, we used the normalized water-leaving radiance derived from the Marine Optical Buoy (MOBY) and the aerosol optical properties (aerosol optical depth, size distribution, and refractive index) obtained through the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET). For calibration over land, we used the ground-based measurement data at Railroad Valley Playa. The following GLI characteristics are recognized from the calibration results. First, GLI underestimates the radiance in channels 1, 2, 4, and 5. Next, in the near-infrared channels, there is good agreement between the observed and simulated radiance over bright targets. On the other hand, it is suggested that the GLI overestimates the radiance over dark targets (e.g., on the order of 15% at 4.0 W/m/sup 2///spl mu/m/sr in channels 18 and 19). Furthermore, we evaluated these calibration results over different targets taking into account the difference in the target radiance and in the accuracy between the two results. This combined evaluation of vicarious calibration results suggests the possibility that the GLI-observed radiance has offset radiance versus the simulated radiance.  相似文献   

基于场景的热红外高光谱数据光谱定标   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
谢锋  刘成玉  邵红兰  张长兴  杨贵  王建宇 《红外与激光工程》2017,46(1):138001-0138001(6)
传感器每个波段的中心波长和半高全宽(Full Width at Half Maximum,FWHM)随成像环境变化会发生较大的系统性漂移。这种漂移最终会影响发射率和温度的反演精度,尤其是在大气吸收波段附近的发射率反演精度。选择水汽在11.73 m处的吸收通道作为参考波段,提出了适用于热红外高光谱数据的光谱定标技术流程。模拟实验表明:光谱分辨率为50 nm,中心波长偏移在-50~50 nm、FWHM变化在-25~25 nm时,大气水汽含量对光谱定标误差的影响最大。同时,对误差分布曲面进行拟合得到描述误差分布模型,用于误差的估计。当大气水汽含量足够大时,光谱中心波长偏移估算误差可达到1 nm以内。最后,将所提方法应用于机载热红外高光谱数据光谱定标。结果显示,热红外高光谱成像仪中心波长偏移为28.4 nm,FWHM变化为-18.5 nm。  相似文献   

The SIR-C/X-SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar system   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The Spaceborne Imaging Radar-C/X-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SIR-C/X-SAR) was a joint United States/German/Italian space agency imaging radar system successfully flown aboard the shuttle Endeavor in April 1994 and again in September/October 1994. The multifaceted SIR-C/X-SAR represents a major technological step forward in radar remote sensing and is the first spaceborne multifrequency, polarimetric SAR. The United States developed SIR-C operated at L- and C-band, each with quad polarization. The SIR-C antenna was an active phased array, with the capability for electronic beam steering and multiple swath width illumination. The German/Italian X-SAR operated at X-band with a single polarization using a slotted waveguide antenna, mechanically steerable in elevation. SIR-C and X-SAR were designed to operate synchronously, collecting data over common sites synchronously. A total of 143 hours (93 terabits) of SAR data were recorded on tape  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of an intercomparison of spectroradiometers for measuring global normal incidence and direct normal incidence spectral irradiance in the visible and in the near infrared, together with an assessment of the impact these results may have on the calibration of the short circuit current (Isc) of triple‐junction photovoltaic devices and on the relevant spectral mismatch calculation. The intercomparison was conducted by six European scientific laboratories and a Japanese industrial partner. Seven spectroradiometer systems, for a total of 13 different instruments/channels using two different technologies and made by four different manufacturers were involved. This group of systems represents a good cross section of the instrumentation for solar spectrum measurements available to date. The instruments were calibrated by each partner prior to the intercomparison following their usual procedure and traceability route in order to verify the entire measurement and traceability chain. The difference in measured spectral irradiance showed to have an impact on the calibration of a set of Iso‐Type cells varying from ±2% to ±14% for middle and bottom cell, respectively. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文分析了航天测控系统几类测轨数据的时间校正问题及相应的校正计算方法,指出在同一系统时标形成的测轨数据不一定是同一时的目标参数,提出了使各测轨数据同步的一种方案.  相似文献   

提出一种基于比较法的自动式高冲击台的高g值加速度传感器动态校准方法,并针对校准环境的复杂性,标准加速度传感器本身具有的误差性,对校准结果的不确定度进行灰色评定。该方法将校准系统看成为灰色系统,先用灰色准则剔除粗大误差,然后利用灰色方法对校准结果的不确定度进行评定,最后与A类不确定度进行比较,验证了灰色评定方法的可靠性。  相似文献   


Understanding of data quality is essential for choosing suitable analysis methods and interpreting their results. Investigation of quality of movement data, due to their spatio-temporal nature, requires consideration from multiple perspectives at different scales. We review the key properties of movement data and, on their basis, create a typology of possible data quality problems and suggest approaches to identify these types of problems.  相似文献   

High throughput data links from low Earth orbit satellites through a geostationary orbit satellite data relay have been proposed to increase the available contact times to ground stations. Accurate antenna beam pointing and tracking of moving targets are key requirements for the relay satellite. In this work, we propose an adaptive calibration and beamforming methodology on the basis of least mean squares, which is suitable for a geostationary orbit data relay. The target system consists of the combination of a high gain reflector fed by a digitally steerable patch antenna array. The proposed method is first presented by numerical cosimulation of the antenna and the calibration algorithm. The results are then validated in an outdoor experimental setup with all digital signal processing implemented in a field‐programmable gate array. We demonstrate the tracking ability and pointing performance of the digitally enhanced reflector antenna with gain fluctuations smaller than 3 dB over a field of view of at least 2,5°. The demonstrated performance shows that the digitally enhanced reflector antenna is a suitable candidate for long‐distance space communications.  相似文献   

A general polarimetric model for orbital and Earth synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems that explicitly includes key radar architecture elements and is not dependent on the reciprocity assumption is developed. The model includes systems whose receiving configuration is independent of the transmitted polarization (one configuration), as well as systems with two distinct receiving configurations, depending on the commanded transmitted polarization (H or V). Parameters that are independent of target illumination angle and those with illumination angle dependence are considered separately, allowing calibration approaches which are valid for targets at different illumination angles. The calibration methods presented make use of the model linearity to provide tests for the radar model accuracy and for SAR data quality. X-band polarimetric SAR are used to validate the theory and illustrate the calibration approach. The extension of the model and calibration method to other radar systems is discussed  相似文献   

The geometry of a single pinhole SPECT system with circular orbit can be uniquely determined from a measurement of three point sources, provided that at least two inter-point distances are known. In contrast, it has been shown mathematically that, for a multi-pinhole SPECT system with circular orbit, only two point sources are needed, and the knowledge of the distance between them is not required. In this paper, we report that this conclusion only holds if the motion of the camera is perfectly circular. In reality, the detector heads systematically slightly deviate from the circular orbit, which may introduce non-negligible bias in the estimated parameters and degrade the reconstructed image. An analytical linear model was extended to estimate the influence of both data noise and systematic deviations on the accuracy of the calibration and on the image quality of the reconstruction. It turns out that applying the knowledge of the distances greatly reduces the reconstruction error, especially in the presence of systematic deviations. In addition, we propose that instead of using the information about the distances between the point sources, it is more straightforward to use the knowledge about the distances between the pinhole apertures during multi-pinhole calibration. The two distance-fixing approaches yield similar reconstruction accuracy. Our theoretical results are supported by reconstruction images of a Jaszczak-type phantom scan.  相似文献   

There are ever increasing demands for additional capacity in wireless communications to handle voice, data, and wideband Internet applications. These demands are constrained by the bandwidth that was allocated to wireless communications. The spectral efficiencies in present day wireless systems hover around 1 bit/s/Hz. Bell-labs Layered Space-Time (BLAST) is a communication technique for achieving very high spectral efficiencies in highly scattering environments using multiple transmit and receive antennas. A measurement campaign was undertaken to assess the BLAST gains in spectral efficiency in the suburban outdoor environment for stationary subscribers. The measurements employed directive antennas to better control interference from adjacent cells. The measurements were performed over a narrow band at 2.44 GHz with five transmitting and seven receiving antennas, respectively. Extensive calibration methods, assisted by simulations, were developed to assure accurate results for the BLAST capacities of the measured remote subscriber sites. Initial results indicate that BLAST capacities of C B⩾38 bits/s/Hz at 20% of the measured locations and CB⩾24 bits/s/Hz at 50% of these locations are feasible, for reasonable link parameters and negligible interference  相似文献   

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