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Thrombocytopenia is frequently associated with dengue virus infection in humans. Although antiplatelet immunopathogenic processes have been implicated in the origin of dengue-associated thrombocytopenia, the effect of dengue viruses on megakaryocyte differentiation remains incompletely understood. In this study, we examined the effect of human dengue 2 virus isolates on the in vitro growth and differentiation of thrombopoietin-induced megakaryopoiesis of cord blood CD34+ cells. Dengue 2 viruses, but not Japanese encephalitis virus, showed a dose-dependent inhibition of CFU-Mk. Viral antigens could be detected by an immunohistochemical technique in 3-5% of the early megakaryocytic progenitors by the 5th postexposure day in liquid cultures with cell loss, increased annexin V binding and active caspase-3 expression. In summary, dengue 2 viruses can inhibit in vitro megakaryopoiesis, as well as infect and induce apoptotic cell death in a subpopulation of early megakaryocytic progenitors. These events might contribute towards the origin of thrombocytopenia in dengue disease.  相似文献   

We investigated PPF (proplatelet formation) in the human megakaryocytic cell line UT-7/TPO in vitro and signal transduction pathways responsible for PPF. The megakaryocytic cell lines are useful for studying megakaryocyte biology, although PPF is induced only in the presence of phorbol ester. TPO (thrombopoietin) stimulates megakaryocyte proliferation and differentiation; however, no PPF occurred in the megakaryocytic cell lines, even after the addition of TPO. Therefore, factors other than TPO may play an important role in the process of PPF. As PPF occurs in the bone marrow in vivo, we noted extracellular matrix proteins and found that soluble FN (fibronectin) induced potent PPF in UT-7/TPO without phorbol ester. A Western blot analysis showed that the expression of integrins was not increased by FN treatment. Anti-β1 antibody and the RGD (arginine-glycine-aspartate) peptide inhibited FN-induced PPF. This result indicates that the signal originated from integrin β1, which is essential to inducing PPF in UT-7/TPO. Results of the experiments using several inhibitors suggest that activation of the MEK [MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase)/ERK (extracellular-signal-regulated kinase) kinase]-ERK and PI3K (phosphoinositide 3-kinase) pathways are necessary for PPF. The phosphorylation of ERK gradually increased for 2 h after the addition of soluble FN, which suggests that activation of ERK is essential for the initial induction of FN-induced PPF in UT-7/TPO. UT-7/TPO is a useful cell line that enables us to study the signals of PPF without effects of chemical compounds.  相似文献   

We found that mononuclear phagocytes formed a distinct number of clusters and colonies on the bottom of a culture dish 7 days later but granulocytes did not, when a large number of human spleen cells were cultured in liquid medium. In all gastric cancer bearers and patients with portal hypertension operated on, however, colony formation was restricted to spleen cells from patients with advanced gastric cancer and from a group of patients with portal hypertension. These spleen cells formed mononuclear phagocyte colonies without the help of exogeneous colony stimulating factor (CSF). We further demonstrated that the colony-forming cells were glass non-adherent and nylon wool adherent, and that spontaneous colony formation required cooperation between the colony-forming cells and colony-stimulating cells adherent to a plastic surface.  相似文献   

Groundworks on Microcystis colony formation and morphological variation are critical to understanding the whole eco-cycle of Microcystis blooms. In this study, we tested the cell adhesion effect, an important pathway for colony formation, among Microcystis colonies of different morphotypes, and examined the potential linkage between cell properties and morphological plasticity. Results showed that cell adhesion significantly contributed to the aggregation of Microcystis colonies, but such adhesion only occurred in colonies belonging to the same morphotype. This suggests that Microcystis cannot form large colonies through a direct adhesion effect among different morphotypes, possibly due to substantial differences in the chemical structures and compositions of their extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). Cell functional features also varied substantially with morphotypes, implying high intraspecific variation in competitive and defensive strategies of Microcystis. Our results offer new insights into colony formation of Microcystis and substantiate the importance of fundamental chemical characteristics of EPS in determining the morphological plasticity.  相似文献   

Stimulation of murine hemopoietic colony formation by human IL-6   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
A novel hemopoietic CSF has been identified in the medium conditioned by lectin-stimulated human T cells. The cDNA clone encoding this factor, isolated by functional expression cloning in monkey cos-1 cells, proved to be identical with the cDNA encoding the cytokine B cell stimulatory factor-2/IFN-beta 2, a factor now known as IL-6. In the murine system, IL-6 indirectly supports the formation of several different types of hemopoietic colonies, including those derived from early blast cells, and directly supports the proliferation of granulocyte/macrophage progenitors. These results expand the range of known target cells of IL-6 to include hemopoietic progenitors in addition to B cells, T cells, and fibroblasts and provide further evidence that this cytokine plays an important role within a network of interacting cytokines that regulates many different biologic responses.  相似文献   

Effects of recombinant human interferon alpha (HuIFN-alpha) on human megakaryocyte (CFU-MK) and fibroblast (CFU-F) colony-forming cell growth were studied. Concentration-dependent inhibition of both CFU-MK and CFU-F by HuIFN-alpha was demonstrated. Statistically significant suppression of both CFU-MK and CFU-F was seen at a HuIFN-alpha concentration of 1000 U/ml or greater. No significant difference was found between HuIFN-alpha treated cultures and controls for the distribution of CFU-MK types and for the size and cell morphology of CFU-F. When a concentration of 1000 u/ml HuIFN-alpha was added at varying time points during the marrow cultures, decreased numbers of megakaryocyte and fibroblast colonies only appeared at the early days of cultures. When bone marrow cells were incubated with HuIFN-alpha for different periods of time prior to initiation of cultures, a reduction of megakaryocyte colony formation also occurred. These studies demonstrate a suppressive effect of HuIFN-alpha on human CFU-MK and CFU-F growth. This effect seems to occur at the initial stages of CFU-MK and CFU-F development.  相似文献   

We describe a 26 year-old male with a pancytopenia possibly due to cimetidine. Using progenitor cell culture techniques we investigated the mechanism of this bone marrow toxicity. Our results show a cimetidine dose-dependent inhibition of normal human CFU-GM colony formation as described by Fitchen and Koeffler in 1980. No differences in growth inhibition were found between the patients' recovery marrow and the controls. Toxicity on normal human CFU-MIX colony formation was, however, far more pronounced. At concentrations as low as 5 micrograms/ml the numbers of CFU-MIX colonies were decreased by almost 20% and more than 30% in cultures of two normal bone marrow samples. A significant decrease in CFU-MIX colony size was measured even at therapeutic levels (0.5 micrograms/ml). No obvious decrease in CFU-GM colony size was noticed at low concentrations. Experiments with T-cell- and monocyte-depleted bone marrow samples gave similar results: a pronounced inhibition of the CFU-MIX colony formation at low concentrations of cimetidine whereas the CFU-GM formation was less affected. It is therefore very unlikely that Accessory cells play part in the cimetidine induced CFU-MIX inhibition. Our results suggest the existence of H2 histamine receptors on human CFU-MIX (= multipotent progenitor cell). Blocking these receptors prevents the multipotent progenitor cell from going into the DNA-synthesis phase of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

E D Allen  T C Gau  R B Natale 《Cryobiology》1984,21(2):240-245
The effect of cryopreservation on the ability of primary human cancer cells to form colonies in a two-layer agar system was examined. Although considerable variation occurred, concentrations of 5 or 10% dimethylsulfoxide employed with slow freezing rates allowed survival of colonies in the range 20-40% or greater of nonfrozen controls. The methods used in this study do not require elaborate freezing equipment, and can be used for the cryopreservation of a wide variety of types of cancers.  相似文献   

Foreign plasma injection induces a profound and somewhat complex change in the size and location of the colony forming unit (CFU) cell compartment. Injection of foreign plasma before irradiation induces an increase in CFU cells as judged by endogenous colonies as well as by a modification of the endogenous method which excludes spleen colony formation from in situ spleen cells. However, the enlargement does not take place in the most populous CFU cell areas, the spleen and marrow. The concentration and/or total number of CFU cells in spleen and marrow was not increased by plasma injection whether judged by the number of transplantable cells or by the number of migrating endogenous cells. These studies emphasize the complexity of this cellular system and suggest that the use of but one type of stem cell assay may yield results which do not reflect changes within the total compartment. Evidence for cell damage in vitro as a factor influencing results in studies involving transplantation was searched for but was not forthcoming.  相似文献   

We describe methods for broad characterization of the human plasma proteome. The combination of stepwise immunoglobulin G (IgG) and albumin protein depletion by affinity chromatography and ultrahigh-efficiency capillary liquid chromatography separations coupled to ion trap-tandem mass spectrometry enabled identification of 2392 proteins from a single plasma sample with an estimated confidence level of > 94%, and an additional 2198 proteins with an estimated confidence level of 80%. The relative abundances of the identified proteins span a range of over eight orders of magnitude in concentration (< 30 pg/mL to approximately 30 mg/mL), facilitated by the attomole-level sensitivity of the analysis methods. More than 80% of the observed proteins demonstrate interactions with IgG and/or albumin, and the human plasma protein loss in the affinity chromatography/strong cation exchange/reversed-phase liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry methodology was investigated in detail. The results of this study provide a basis for a wide range of plasma proteomics studies, including broad quantitation of relative abundances in comparative studies of the identification of novel protein disease markers, as well as further studies of protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

The role of interleukin 1 and interleukin 2 in human T colony formation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We investigated the roles of interleukin 1 (IL1) and interleukin 2 (IL2) on T colony formation by PHA-stimulated peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL). Purified T cells stimulated by PHA could not generate T colonies as did PBL. Media conditioned by PHA-stimulated PBL (PHA-LCM) contained IL2 and a T colony-promoting activity (TCPA) which induced T colony formation in PHA-stimulated purified T cells. IL2 and TCPA are coeluted in the same peak of 18,000 molecular weight after gel filtration chromatography. Moreover, TCPA present in the PHA-LCM could be absorbed on IL2-sensitive cells which possessed specific receptors for IL2. These results suggest that TCPA and IL2 are related entities. Monocytes or IL1 (a monokine released by activated monocytes) also induced T colony formation in purified T cells. Phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) could replace monocytes in the induction of T colony. Monocytes, IL1, or PMA are known to be crucial requirements for IL2 production by PHA-stimulated T cells. This combined with the fact that IL2 participates in T colony formation suggests that monocytes induce T colony formation through IL2 production.  相似文献   

The pace of restoration of phytohemagglutinin- (PHA) stimulated lymphocyte colony-forming response was investigated in 50 bone marrow transplant (BMT) recipients (49 allogeneic, 1 syngeneic) studied on 86 occasions. On the majority of occasions (28 of 48), patients studied early (3 to 8 wk) after BMT failed to make detectable lymphocyte colonies, whereas patients studied late (greater than 6 mo) after BMT displayed responses comparable to those of healthy adult volunteers. The sequential study of 10 of the 15 patients with positive lymphocyte colony-forming responses early after BMT revealed that this response is short-lived. The results of recipient donor mixing experiments and experiments involving the addition of the lymphokine interleukin 2 (IL 2) to recipient cells indicated that lymphocytes obtained from unresponsive recipients evaluated early after BMT can be driven to colony formation, and suggest that the major limiting component in such subjects is functional T help.  相似文献   

The immunosuppressive activities of two compounds, cyclosporin A and hydrocortisone, were evaluated using a human T lymphocyte colony assay. Both compounds produced a dose-related reduction in colony formation. With cyclosporin, concentrations of 1.0–100 μg/ml virtually abolished PHA-induced lymphocyte growth; as little as 0.01 μg/ml decreased clonal growth by 48%. Suppression was observed as late as 4 days after the addition of PHA. The addition of exogenous IL-2 did not completely restore clonal growth to normal. Similarly, hydrocortisone, in concentrations of 0.4 μg/ml, produced a 96% inhibition in clonal growth. Partial suppression could also be obtained if the drug was added as late as 4 days after PHA. Exogenous IL-2 completely reversed the inhibitory effects of hydrocortisone. By contrast, IL-1 was able to only partially restore growth potential. Parallel studies using TPA indicated that both immunosup-pressants inhibited responses to this mitogen. However, in plates containing both TPA and PHA, hydrocortisone failed to impair clonal growth.  相似文献   

Characterization of the hydroperoxide-reducing activity of human plasma   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A peroxidase was identified in human plasma using a novel peroxidase assay. In this assay both the substrate 5-phenyl-4-pentenyl hydroperoxide (PPHP) and its reduction product, 5-phenyl-4-pentenyl alcohol (PPA) are quantitated by HPLC. Substrate specificity studies indicated that the peroxidase requires glutathione as reducing substrate. No reduction was detected using the classical heme peroxidase reducing substrates, phenol and hydroquinone. Peroxidase activity was not due to glutathione transferases. Failure to saturate the peroxidase activity with reduced glutathione and inhibition by Cd+2 indicated that it is probably selenium dependent. The enzyme appears to be different from erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase based on kinetic and immunological experiments. The apparent Km values for PPHP are 25 microM for erythrocyte peroxidase and 54 microM for plasma peroxidase at 0.5 mM reduced glutathione. Anti-peroxidase prepared against bovine erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase partially inhibited human erythrocyte peroxidase but did not inhibit human plasma peroxidase.  相似文献   

Peptides containing fewer than 50 amino acids show little ordered structure under physiological conditions. In this paper it is shown that in the receptor environment, secondary structure could be induced in small peptides that involves 87% of all the amino acid residues. The statistical methods of Chou and Fasman are used to predict the conformation of 41 peptide hormones or neuromodulators in the proteinaceous environment of the receptor, and four distinct conformational groupings are elucidated. beta-bend, beta-structure and alpha-helical conformation are possible for distinct groups of linear peptides, and disulfide bridge containing peptides show a common beta-bend beta-structure conformation at the receptor. In the predicted receptor conformation, the peptides show hydrophobic and hydrophilic domains that must reflect the distribution of corresponding regions in the ligand-binding site of the receptor. The predicted ligand conformation should allow a more rational approach to interpreting existing structure activity studies and the design of new analogs of pharmacological interest.  相似文献   

Hyperhomocysteinemia is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Greater than 70% of homocysteine in circulation is protein-bound. An in vitro model system using human plasma has been developed to study mechanisms of protein-bound homocysteine formation and establish the equilibrium binding capacities of plasma for homocysteine. Addition of homocysteine to plasma caused an initial rapid displacement of cysteine and a subsequent increase in protein-bound homocysteine. This rapid reaction was followed by a slower oxygen-dependent reaction forming additional protein-bound homocysteine. To determine the equilibrium binding capacity of plasma proteins for homocysteine, plasma was treated with 0.5-10 mM dl-homocysteine for 4 h at 37 degrees C under aerobic conditions. Under these conditions the equilibrium binding capacity was 4.88 +/- 0.51 and 4.74 +/- 0.68 micromol/g protein for male (n = 10) and female (n = 10) donors, respectively. The mechanism of protein-bound homocysteine formation involves both thiol-disulfide exchange and thiol oxidation reactions. We conclude that plasma proteins have a high capacity for binding homocysteine in vitro.  相似文献   

Optimization of in vitro culture system for the expansion and the maturation of male germ cells to post meiotic stages is a valuable tool for studies exploring spermatogenesis regulation and the management of male infertility. Several studies have reported promising results of mouse spermatogonial stem cells culture in three-dimensional (3D) culture systems and a subsequent production of sperm. In the present study, we investigated the capacity of a three-dimensional soft agar culture system (SACS) supplemented with Knockout Serum Replacement (KSR) in colony formation and inducing human germ cells to reach post-meiotic stages. Testicular cells from testes of brain -dead donors were first cultured for three weeks in proliferation medium. The cells were subsequently cultured in the upper layer of the SACS (3D group) in a medium supplemented with KSR and hormones, and the results were compared with that of a two-dimensional (2D) culture system. We found that the number and diameter of colonies and the levels of expression of Scp3 and Integrin α6 in the 3D culture group were significantly higher than in the 2D group. Our findings indicate that SACS can reconstruct a microenvironment capable of regulating both proliferation and differentiation of cell colonies.  相似文献   

The calpain-binding components on the plasma membrane were characterized using calpain I. 125I-labeled calpain was bound to inside-out membrane vesicles from human erythrocyte in a Ca2(+)-dependent manner, but not to right-side-out membrane vesicles. The maximum binding was observed at more than 5 microM Ca2+. The binding amount of calpain to the inside-out membrane vesicles was decreased when the vesicles were pretreated with 100 micrograms/ml of trypsin, chymotrypsin, elastase, or pronase P for 30 min at 37 degrees C, although the binding to the vesicles pretreated with 200 micrograms/ml of phospholipase A2 or C was not affected. Calpain-binding proteins in the membrane were analyzed by using a modified immunoblotting for calpain. Immunostained bands of 240, 220, 89, 72, 52, and 36 kDa were detected as the calpain-binding proteins in the native membrane. All of these bands had disappeared in trypsin-treated membrane. The disappearance of bands was dose-dependent with respect to trypsin and paralleled the reduction of binding amount of calpain to the trypsinized membrane. In calpain-treated membrane, the 240 and 36 kDa bands were retained in the blotting, though the other bands disappeared dose-dependently with respect to calpain. These results suggested that the significant component in the inner surface of plasma membrane for binding of calpain was proteinaceous and the calpain-binding proteins could be classified into two species, i.e. substrates of calpain (220, 89, 72, and 52 kDa protein) and non-substrates (240 and 36 kDa protein).  相似文献   

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