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Employing clean and quantitative techniques, a marine monitoring programme succeeded in detecting large surface elevations in the concentrations of dissolved Cu, Zn and Pb in the marine surface waters of Puget Sound adjacent to Seattle and Tacoma, Washington. Physical mixing with cleaner waters was the controlling factor in reducing the dissolved concentrations of Cu downstream of these contaminated regions. Comparisons between Puget Sound waters and coastal waters adjacent to Puget Sound suggest that a portion of this Cu, Zn and Pb pollution is being advected out of Puget Sound. The low Ni and Cd concentrations found in this study indicate that these trace metals are not a significant pollution problem in the main basin of Puget Sound.  相似文献   

Dil Deresi stream is a highly contaminated stream passing through the most heavily industrialized area of Izmit Bay. In this research, surface sediments in the <63-microm fraction collected from 34 sites at western part of Izmit Bay, Northeastern Marmara Sea, Turkey were analyzed by ICP-AES for Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sn and Zn. Metal concentrations were compared with the marine sediment quality standards (SQS) and literature data to assess the pollution status of the sediments. Enrichment factors (EFs) were calculated to assess whether the concentrations observed represent background or contaminated levels. The analysis revealed three groups of elements: (1) Sn is the most enriched element; (2) As, Cd, Pb and Zn are minor enriched elements; and (3) Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn and Ni are at background concentrations. The distribution maps of the concentrations and enrichment factors for all heavy metals were also produced as a contour plot based on Geographic Information System (GIS) technology.  相似文献   

In this study, remediation results of trace metals in natural water and treated water using three functionalized nanofiber mats of cellulose and chitosan are reported. The nanofiber materials, packed in mini-columns, were employed for the remediation of five toxic trace metals (Cd, Pb, Cu, Cr and Ni) from natural water samples. Trace metals in real water samples were undetectable as the concentrations were lower than the instrument’s detection limits of 0.27 × 10−3 (Cd) and 4.2 × 10−2 (Pb) μg mL−1, respectively. However, after percolation through the functionalised biosorbents in cartridges, detectability of the metal ions was enhanced. The starting volume of the natural water sample was 100 mL, which was passed through a column containing the nanofibers sorbent and the retained metals eluted with 5 mL of 2.0 M nitric acid. The eluate was analyzed for metals concentrations. An enrichment factor of 20 for the metals was realized as a result of the pre-concentration procedure applied to handle the determination of the metals at trace levels. The order of remediation of the studied metals using the nanofibers was as follows: chitosan/PAM-g-furan-2,5-dione < cellulose-g-furan-2,5-dione < cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione. The modified biopolymer nanofibers were able to adsorb trace metals from the river water and treated water, thereby confirming their capability of water purification. These materials are proposed as useful tools and innovative approach for improving the quality of drinking for those consumers in small scale households.  相似文献   

The influence of soil interstitial waters on the physicochemical characteristics of major, minor and trace metals in stream waters of an alpine watershed, Front Range, Colorado was assessed. Dissolution of Ca-aluminosilicate minerals, ion exchange reactions and the magnitude of solute flux within the alpine soil environment account for most of the observed concentrations of major, minor and trace metals in the alpine stream waters. The rate of mineral dissolution and magnitude of solute flux during the summer of 1989 was greatly affected by anthropogenic disturbance which resulted in large amounts of colloidal material and freshly exposed mineral surfaces. The alpine ecosystem responded very quickly to this disturbance. The magnitude of solute flux in the soil environment was also highly dependent on the duration and intensity of rain events, as well as the location of the site along the slope. Transport of most trace metals in the stream waters was achieved by adsorption onto colloidal surfaces of Al–Si hydroxides smaller than 0·45 μm.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a 6-year (1998–2003) survey of trace toxics in the intertidal mussel Perna viridis conducted by the Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department. Concentrations of heavy metals and trace organics were measured in the soft bodies of P. viridis collected from five sites in Hong Kong waters, i.e. Wu Kai Sha (Tolo Harbour), Ma Wan (Northwest), Tsim Sha Tsui (Victoria Harbour), Tai Tam (Hong Kong South) and Lamma Island (Southern Waters) in order to establish the spatial patterns of contaminants in mussels. Among the metals analysed, Cd showed a significant concentration gradient in Hong Kong waters. The levels of Cd in P. viridis were significantly higher at Ma Wan as compared to the other sites studied. Ma Wan also had relatively higher concentrations of Pb. Mn concentrations were particularly prominent at Wu Kai Sha. Significantly higher concentrations of Hg and Cu were recorded at Tai Tam and Tsim Sha Tsui. Tai Tam and Wu Kai Sha had higher levels of V; whereas higher Ni concentrations were recorded at Lamma Island and Tai Tam. No clear spatial patterns for Al, As, Cr, Fe and Zn were observed.

Higher concentrations of PAHs in P. viridis were observed around urban centres impacted by sewage discharges (e.g. Tsim Sha Tsui); whereas higher PCB levels were found not only in Tsim Sha Tsui but also in less urbanised areas such as Lamma Island and Tai Tam, suggesting that these may be due to non-sewage related inputs. The study also shows that Northwest and Southern waters are subject to a higher degree of DDT pollution compared with other sites. Of the 17 dioxin compounds analysed, positive data were mostly recorded for two compounds which are of low toxicity (i.e. OCDD and 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD) whereas the most toxic congeners (i.e. 2,3,7,8-TCDD and 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD) were not detected in the 6 years of monitoring. In general, the levels of OCDD in P. viridis were found to be higher in Tai Tam and Lamma Island in Southern Waters of Hong Kong.

This study found that the levels of some highly toxic heavy metals (i.e. Cd, Hg and Pb) in the mussel P. viridis did not exceed the recommended limits for shellfish as food in Hong Kong (i.e. Cd: 2.0 ppm; Hg: 0.5 ppm; Pb: 6.0 ppm wet weight). The levels of As and Ni in P. viridis were also well below the action limits set by the US FDA (i.e. As: 86 ppm; Ni: 80 ppm wet weight). DDT and PCB contaminations in P. viridis were below the concentrations of concern. Compared with data obtained in the 1980s, the current levels of DDTs in P. viridis were 4–16 times lower; whereas Pb concentrations recorded in Tsim Sha Tsui have also been lowered significantly. This is mainly related to reduction in local and regional pollution sources in the past 20 years.  相似文献   

A total of 95 surface water samples (6 m depth) was collected during a transect from the Bothnian Bay to Kiel between 28 August and 5 September 1982. This report presents the dissolved trace metal (<0.4 μm) and the associated hydrographic and nutrient data. Except for aluminium, all other metals determined (Zn, Cd, Cu, Ni, Fe, Mn) showed a rather homogeneous distribution within the subregions, with highest values in the Bothnian Bay (except for Mn) and net variations of the individual samples of about 20%. Cadmium, copper and nickel reveal conservative behaviour when values from this study and literature data from the Kattegat and North Sea area are plotted against salinity.  相似文献   

Thermogravimetric (TG) analyses were used to characterize the products and quantify the extent of serpentinization as a stepwise weight loss during heating (TG loss) or its derivative (DTG). Multivariate analyses are powerful tools for extracting information from complicated spectrum data; however, no studies have applied them to characterize serpentinites. In this study, hydrothermal experiments of olivine-H2O, olivine–orthopyroxene-H2O and orthopyroxene-H2O were conducted at 250–400°C and under vapor-saturated pressure. The product minerals observed were serpentine+brucite+magnetite in the olivine-H2O experiments and serpentine±talc in the orthoyroxene-H2O and olivine-orthopyroxene-H2O experiments. These results are consistent with those of previous studies; however, the positions and width of DTG peaks for individual minerals were varied depending on the experimental conditions. To extract systematics from the TG spectra, non-negative matrix factorization (NMF), an unsupervised machine learning technique, was applied to the DTG spectra of the experimental products. NMF revealed that the DTG profiles were explained by a linear combination of six basis spectra, which corresponded to the characteristic products, including three types of serpentine minerals (low-, medium-, and high-T), two types of brucite (low-and high-T), two type of talc (talc+serpentine mixture, well-crystallized talc) with different crystallinity, and noise during the TG measurement. Systematic changes in the factor loading revealed that, in the olivine-H2O systems, the products changed from medium-T serpentine+low-T brucite to high-T serpentine+high-T brucite as serpentinization progressed. In the olivine-orthopyroxene system, low-T serpentine or poorly crystallized talc+serpentine mixture was initially formed, followed by the formation of well-crystallized talc, resulting in dehydration. Applying NMF to DTG showed the mineralogical differences between olivine and orthopyroxene systems and increases of the crystallinity during the progress of serpentinization, suggesting its potential for characterizing various serpentinites within oceanic lithospheres that suffer from several stages of alteration and weathering at different temperatures.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a 6-year (1998–2003) survey of trace toxics in the intertidal mussel Perna viridis conducted by the Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department. Concentrations of heavy metals and trace organics were measured in the soft bodies of P. viridis collected from five sites in Hong Kong waters, i.e. Wu Kai Sha (Tolo Harbour), Ma Wan (Northwest), Tsim Sha Tsui (Victoria Harbour), Tai Tam (Hong Kong South) and Lamma Island (Southern Waters) in order to establish the spatial patterns of contaminants in mussels. Among the metals analysed, Cd showed a significant concentration gradient in Hong Kong waters. The levels of Cd in P. viridis were significantly higher at Ma Wan as compared to the other sites studied. Ma Wan also had relatively higher concentrations of Pb. Mn concentrations were particularly prominent at Wu Kai Sha. Significantly higher concentrations of Hg and Cu were recorded at Tai Tam and Tsim Sha Tsui. Tai Tam and Wu Kai Sha had higher levels of V; whereas higher Ni concentrations were recorded at Lamma Island and Tai Tam. No clear spatial patterns for Al, As, Cr, Fe and Zn were observed.Higher concentrations of PAHs in P. viridis were observed around urban centres impacted by sewage discharges (e.g. Tsim Sha Tsui); whereas higher PCB levels were found not only in Tsim Sha Tsui but also in less urbanised areas such as Lamma Island and Tai Tam, suggesting that these may be due to non-sewage related inputs. The study also shows that Northwest and Southern waters are subject to a higher degree of DDT pollution compared with other sites. Of the 17 dioxin compounds analysed, positive data were mostly recorded for two compounds which are of low toxicity (i.e. OCDD and 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD) whereas the most toxic congeners (i.e. 2,3,7,8-TCDD and 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD) were not detected in the 6 years of monitoring. In general, the levels of OCDD in P. viridis were found to be higher in Tai Tam and Lamma Island in Southern Waters of Hong Kong.This study found that the levels of some highly toxic heavy metals (i.e. Cd, Hg and Pb) in the mussel P. viridis did not exceed the recommended limits for shellfish as food in Hong Kong (i.e. Cd: 2.0 ppm; Hg: 0.5 ppm; Pb: 6.0 ppm wet weight). The levels of As and Ni in P. viridis were also well below the action limits set by the US FDA (i.e. As: 86 ppm; Ni: 80 ppm wet weight). DDT and PCB contaminations in P. viridis were below the concentrations of concern. Compared with data obtained in the 1980s, the current levels of DDTs in P. viridis were 4–16 times lower; whereas Pb concentrations recorded in Tsim Sha Tsui have also been lowered significantly. This is mainly related to reduction in local and regional pollution sources in the past 20 years.  相似文献   

An investigation has been undertaken into the dispersal of contaminants from the Irish Sea into coastal waters of Scotland via the North Channel. A total of 97 surface samples have been analysed for dissolved copper, cadmium and lead. Salinity and reactive phosphate have also been determined. Evidence is presented to suggest that copper, cadmium and reactive phosphate behave essentially conservatively on mixing into Scottish coastal waters. This behaviour is likened to the dispersal of137Cs from the Sellafield nuclear fuel reprocessing plant. It is suggested that this simple mechanism is inadequate to account for the lead distribution. It is proposed that this element is partly taken up by suspended particulates and sediments in the well-mixed turbid waters of the North Channel.It has been demonstrated elsewhere that contaminants from the Irish Sea, such as137Cs enter the Firth of Clyde from the North Channel. In the present study North Channel waters are demonstrated to be an important source of trace metals to the Firth of Clyde. At the time of this survey however high concentrations of trace metals were not entering the Firth of Clyde from the North Channel. This is principally attributed to a salinity front associated with the entrance of the Firth which hinders transport across the sill.  相似文献   

An optimal linear estimator is constructed to determine the concentrations of the dissolved oxygen (DO) and the biological oxygen demand (BOD). The mathematical model used is a set of modified Streeter-Phelps equations specified by partial differential equations. The noise corrupted measurements of the DO concentration are continuous in time but discrele in space. The optimal estimation is obtained by the application of the innovations approach. The resulting estimator equations (partial differential equations) are presented and their solution discussed.  相似文献   

Groundwater samples were collected from 11 springs in Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge in southern Nevada and seven springs from Death Valley National Park in eastern California. Concentrations of the major cations (Ca, Mg, Na and K) and 45 trace elements were determined in these groundwater samples. The resultant data were subjected to evaluation via the multivariate statistical technique principal components analysis (PCA), to investigate the chemical relationships between the Ash Meadows and Death Valley spring waters, to evaluate whether the results of the PCA support those of previous hydrogeological and isotopic studies and to determine if PCA can be used to help delineate potential groundwater flow patterns based on the chemical compositions of groundwaters. The results of the PCA indicated that groundwaters from the regional Paleozoic carbonate aquifers (all of the Ash Meadows springs and four springs from the Furnace Creek region of Death Valley) exhibited strong statistical associations, whereas other Death Valley groundwaters were chemically different. The results of the PCA support earlier studies, where potentiometric head levels, δ18O and δD, geological relationships and rare earth element data were used to evaluate groundwater flow, which suggest groundwater flows from Ash Meadows to the Furnace Creek springs in Death Valley. The PCA suggests that Furnace Creek groundwaters are moderately concentrated Ash Meadows groundwater, reflecting longer aquifer residence times for the Furnace Creek groundwaters. Moreover, PCA indicates that groundwater may flow from springs in the region surrounding Scotty's Castle in Death Valley National Park, to a spring discharging on the valley floor. The study indicates that PCA may provide rapid and relatively cost‐effective methods to assess possible groundwater flow regimes in systems that have not been previously investigated. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The biosorption capacity of different cortex fruit wastes including banana (Musa paradisiaca), lemon (Citrus limonum) and orange (Citrus sinensis) peel were evaluated. In order to perform these experiments, grinded dried cortexes were used as package in 100 mm high, 10 mm i.d. columns. The grinded material was powdered in a mortar and passed through a screen in order to get two different particle sizes, 2 and 1 mm, for all powders. To estimate the biosorption capabilities of the tested materials, different heavy metals were passed through the columns and the elution filtrate reloaded different times to increase the retention of metals. The heavy metals used were prepared as synthetic samples at 10 mg/L of Pb(NO3)2, Cd(NO3)2, and Cu(NO3)2·6H2O using primary standards. In preliminary experiments using banana cortex, it was found that material with 1 mm of particle size showed higher retention capability (up to12%) than the material with 2 mm of particle size. Considering these results, 1 mm particle size material was used in further experiments with the other waste materials. It was found that for Pb and Cu removal, lemon and orange cortex showed better biosorption capability when compared with banana cortex (up to 15% less for Pb and 48% less for Cu). For Cd, banana cortex showed better biosorption capability 57% (67.2 mg/g of cortex) more than orange (28.8 mg/g of cortex), and 82% more than lemon (12 mg/g of cortex). Reload of the columns with the filtrate after passing through the column improved the removal capability of all the materials tested from 10% to 50% depending on the cortex and metal tested.  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2013,71(1-2):266-273
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and aliphatic hydrocarbons (AHs) have been quantified for surface sediments collected from the East China Sea (ECS). Our results showed that relatively high levels of PAHs and AHs occurred in both the inner and outer mud areas, while their concentrations at the control site were much lower. AHs for all samples were dominated by the unresolved complex mixture (UCM). Results from diagnostic ratios revealed that sedimentary PAHs were mainly originated from mixed combustion residues of biomass, coal, and petroleum. Combustion residues of petroleum and oil were responsible for the presence of high AHs concentrations. We also conducted factor analysis (FA) to further characterize the PAH and AH sources. Four factors were identified based on the loading of components and attributed to coal and wood combustion (Factor 1), traffic-related sources (Factor 2), petrogenic source (Factor 3) and natural gas combustion (Factor 4).  相似文献   

Analyses for Ti, Zr, Y, Nb and Sr in over 200 basaltic rocks from different tectonic settings have been used to construct diagrams in which these settings can usually be identified. Basalts erupted within plates (ocean island and continental basalts) can be identified using a Ti-Zr-Y diagram, ocean-floor basalts, and low-potassium tholeiites and calc-alkali basalts from island arcs can be identified using a Ti-Zr diagram (for altered samples) and a Ti-Zr-Sr diagram (for fresh samples). Y/Nb is suggested as a parameter for indicating whether a basalt is of tholeiitic or alkalic nature. Analyses of dykes and pillow lavas from the Troodos Massif of Cyprus are plotted on these diagrams and appear to the tholeiitic ocean-floor rocks.  相似文献   

The dissolved (<0.40 γm) fraction of water samples from Newark Bay, New Jersey was analysed for Zn, Cu and Pb content by differential pulse anodic stripping polarographic techniques. In the dissolved fraction, non-labile forms of Zn, Cu and Pb exist as shown by differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry analysis on acidified samples and acidified-UV irradiated samples. The particulate fraction (>;0.40 μm) contains metals in the form of sulphides (Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn), oxides and oxyhydroxides (Si, Al, Fe, Cu, Ni, Sn), phosphate (Ca, Ce, La), clay minerals (Fe, Zn, Cu, Ti) and carbonaceous material (Fe, Cu, Zn) as demonstrated by X-ray microanalysis. The solid phases are likely present in colloidal form in the dissolved fraction of the water column as well. The forms of the metals in the water column are partially due to the resuspension of bottom sediments by dredging and natural processes, to sewage outfall and to natural geochemical processes.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of various brackish-water biotopes has indicated certain characteristics of the community structure, and the colonization and adaptation of various species to very different ecological situations. A large diversity of the fauna in the various biotopes has been ascertained, each of them showing peculiar properties. Together with species typical of these environments, there are many others, often until now never collected in brackish waters, which, according to different local situations, characterize and distinguish various situations. A comparison of the fauna between brackish waters and sea waters polluted by organic wastes point out to what degree adaptive strategies are analogous. Genetic variability of the organisms makes standardization of monitoring methods difficult in these unpredictable environments.  相似文献   

Gao X  Li P 《Marine pollution bulletin》2012,64(8):1529-1536
Surface sediments from intertidal Bohai Bay were sampled for the geochemical and environmental assessment of six trace metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn). Results indicate that sediment grain size plays an important role in controlling the distribution and fractionation of them. Metal concentrations in clayey silt sediments are all clearly higher than in sand and silty sand ones. Cd and Pb in clayey silt sediments are more mobile than in sand and silty sand ones. Two sediment quality guidelines and two geochemical normalization methods (index of geoaccumulation and enrichment factor) were used to judge the potential risk and accumulation of metals. According to the mean probable effects level quotient, the combination of studied metals may have a 21% probability of being toxic. The sediments with high fraction of clay and silt have been contaminated by trace metals to various degrees, among which Cr contributes the most to contamination.  相似文献   

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