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贾平 《国际太空》2016,(8):66-70
近年来,美、欧、日等国家或组织的立方体卫星已从演示验证和教学科研,发展到初期功能应用阶段,并开始探索挖掘立方体卫星的军事航天能力。  相似文献   

After deployment from a rocket, a CubeSat is detumbled using magnetorquer rods bringing the norm to the point where the reaction wheels take over to reduce the angular velocity to null. Therefore, utilizing reaction wheels for satellite detumbling at higher initial velocities is vital but they are heavy and occupy significant space on a spacecraft having challenging control. To address this challenge, this paper features a disruptive approach that conducts the control only by the PCB-integrated magnetorquers with various geometries using a diverse non-unity track width ratio. The trace widths are parametrized such that the optimal torque to power dissipation ratio is investigated. The optimizations are then simulated for various geometric distributions and validated through comprehensive measurement setups that establish a framework for selecting the best-case coil configuration according to mission requirements. The detumbling rates of multiple asymmetric coil configurations are compared with the embedded designs in published literature and state of the art. It is found that the proposed asymmetric embedded magnetorquers can detumble the vehicle at high initial angular velocities. Lastly, the simulation results of thermal analysis are validated for selecting the application-specific optimal coils configuration. At the end, the proposed system is compared with the embedded magnetorquers available in the literature and commercial attitude control systems.  相似文献   

针对立方星在轨服务任务中的近距离相对导航问题,提出一种相对位姿测量视觉传感器设计.为应对空间复杂的光照条件,设计一种具有多层结构的立体靶标,选取波长为850nm的LED灯作为立体靶标的光源.在相机镜头处安装850nm的红外窄带滤镜以提高立体靶标成像质量.为提高视觉传感器的测量精度,提出一种迭代直接求解(iterativ...  相似文献   

立方星是一种模块化的微小卫星,在科学探测与专业人才培养等方面具有重要意义。针对目前立方星任务逐渐从近地轨道向深空扩展的发展趋势,以立方星月球深空任务为背景,利用商业器件设计并实现了初步的立方星姿态控制系统,以及姿态控制系统所必需的结构、电源、计算机等立方星子系统,同时给出了姿态测试平台的设计方案及其硬件实现。在所搭建硬件平台上,通过测量飞轮控制器的阻尼系数,对控制模型进行参数辨识与标定,获得了与数值仿真一致的实物测试结果。针对姿态控制系统设计了PD控制律,并在控制实验中实现了至任意姿态角的机动控制。  相似文献   

使用面包板模型和仿真方法,在实验室内研究月球指向就位测量望远镜(ILOM)的基本特征,如望远镜星像中心点位置精度、温度效应、倾斜以及地面震动的影响。使用这个技术预期在月球表面观测月球自转时可以达到1ms的精度。将在地面上开展测试验证观测以全面评价达到优于0.1″观测精度目标所需条件和特征。  相似文献   

载人火星和小行星探测任务初步分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
载人火星和小行星探测是未来深空探测的重要发展方向,以美国为代表的航天强国正在积极开展相关方案论证和技术攻关。由于任务规模庞大,受制于目前以化学推进为主的运输系统能力限制,要进行火星、小行星探测,必须发展重型运载火箭、轨道转移级等运载工具。从载人火星、小行星探测任务规划的角度出发,对总体任务进行了初步分析,提出了初步的系统方案。  相似文献   

着重于寻找月核证据并将月核模型引入月球天平动理论中,探讨如何将多种空间探测技术应用于毫角秒精度的月球天平动观测,进而测定液态和固态月核参量。通过讨论多层月球的月球物理参数、流体核的几何与动力学椭率、松散黏滞的月幔,可获得月球相关详细信息与参量,这些参量对评估多层结构的月球自由天平动很重要。物理天平动的解析理论还可应用于未来多种月球工作中,期望在近代月球科学研究基础上能有进一步发展。  相似文献   

国外“一箭多星”发射现状及关键技术分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>"一箭多星"是用一枚运载火箭将两颗以上的卫星发射至预定轨道。"一箭多星"发射能使单颗卫星的发射费用降低,有助于用大、中型运载火箭发射多颗中、小型以及微纳卫星。对于由中小型卫星组建全球通信与导航卫星网络系统,从费用、时间以及火箭运载能力来看,最可行的方案是"一箭多星"发射。伴随着微小卫星技术的快速发展,"一箭多星"发射任务的需求将越来越多。1发射统计分析1960年,美国首次用一枚火箭发射了两颗卫星,1961年又实现了"一箭三星"发射。随后苏联、欧洲航天局实现了"一箭多星"发射,我国于  相似文献   

针对2020-2040年载人小行星探测任务,研究了探测目标选择与轨道优化设计问题。首先,针对已编目的近地小行星,综合考虑绝对星等、燃料消耗等多方面因素与约束,给出了适合载人探测任务的候选小行星序列;然后,构建了载人小行星探测任务轨道的设计模型,采用参数优化算法对探测轨道进行了设计;进一步,为了获得最优探测轨道,利用主矢量原理对探测轨道进行了优化。该研究可为载人小行星探测任务设计提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

平动点任务转移轨道中途修正研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
平动点在深空探测中具有重要作用. 由于发射中不可避免地会存在误差, 平动点卫星往往需要考虑转移轨道的中途修正. 本文从工程实用角度出发, 根据以往平动点任务的中途修正经验, 确定中途修正序列,综合以往文献对误差的处理, 给出了误差的分布参数; 将转移轨道中途修正问题转化为转移轨道设计问题, 使用微分修正算法求解转移轨道中途修正问题; 利用蒙特卡洛模拟给出统计性数据. 仿真结果验证了方法的有效性. 对于日地系 110天类型的转移轨道, 在95 %的置信水平下, 只需要78.0 m/s的机动速度, 即可以保证位置误差在66.1 km之内.  相似文献   

研究了空间对地观测中配备多个有效载荷时的观测任务规划问题。首先建立了该问题的组合优化数学模型,优化指标考虑了科学和经济利益的最大化和各项资源约束;然后应用遗传算法对该问题进行了求解,并与贪婪算法结果进行比较;最后,验证了模型的有效性和算法的优越性。  相似文献   

在小天体任务中,雷达技术可用于浅表层探测和全球内部结构探测。总结了国内外雷达技术在天体探测任务中的应用现状,分析了单站和双站雷达系统的不同应用场景,对比了单站雷达中的轨道器雷达、表面巡视器雷达的不同特点。在此基础上,研究了小天体的可能结构、可能物质,介绍了单站、双站雷达的基本工作原理,提出了针对不同结构小天体可采用的雷达探测体制。针对尺寸较大的分层结构小天体,可采用单站雷达探测天体的浅表层,获取表层和浅表层的介电常数以及表层的深度;对于尺寸较小的碎石堆结构小天体,可采用双站雷达观测天体透射波,获取天体的介电常数和全球内部结构。最后通过仿真实验,验证了双站雷达对于探测碎石堆状小行星全球内部结构的有效性。  相似文献   

It is estimated that more than 22,300 human-made objects are in orbit around the Earth, with a total mass above 8,400,000 kg. Around 89% of these objects are non-operational and without control, which makes them to be considered orbital debris. These numbers consider only objects with dimensions larger than 10 cm. Besides those numbers, there are also about 2000 operational satellites in orbit nowadays. The space debris represents a hazard to operational satellites and to the space operations. A major concern is that this number is growing, due to new launches and particles generated by collisions. Another important point is that the development of CubeSats has increased exponentially in the last years, increasing the number of objects in space, mainly in the Low Earth Orbits (LEO). Due to the short operational time, CubeSats boost the debris population. One of the requirements for space debris mitigation in LEO is the limitation of the orbital lifetime of the satellites, which needs to be lower than 25 years. However, there are space debris with longer estimated decay time. In LEÓs, the influence of the atmospheric drag is the main orbital perturbation, and is used in maneuvers to increment the losses in the satellite orbital energy, to locate satellites in constellations and to accelerate the decay.The goal of the present research is to study the influence of aerodynamic rotational maneuver in the CubeSat?s orbital lifetime. The rotational axis is orthogonal to the orbital plane of the CubeSat, which generates variations in the ballistic coefficient along the trajectory. The maneuver is proposed to accelerate the decay and to mitigate orbital debris generated by non-operational CubeSats. The panel method is selected to determine the drag coefficient as a function of the flow incident angle and the spinning rate. The pressure distribution is integrated from the satellite faces at hypersonic rarefied flow to calculate the drag coefficient. The mathematical model considers the gravitational potential of the Earth and the deceleration due to drag. To analyze the effects of the rotation during the decay, multiple trajectories were propagated, comparing the results obtained assuming a constant drag coefficient with trajectories where the drag coefficient changes periodically. The initial perigees selected were lower than 400 km of altitude with eccentricities ranging from 0.00 to 0.02. Six values for the angular velocity were applied in the maneuver. The technique of rotating the spacecraft is an interesting solution to increase the orbit decay of a CubeSat without implementing additional de-orbit devices. Significant changes in the decay time are presented due to the increase of the mean drag coefficient calculated by the panel method, when the maneuver is applied, reducing the orbital lifetime, however the results are independent of the angular velocity of the satellite.  相似文献   

对于火星探测巡航段的自主导航问题,提出了一种基于太阳及行星观测的自主导航方法。在巡航段初期及后期,根据探测器在太阳系中的位置关系,分别选择太阳、地球及太阳、火星作为观测目标,采用星载太阳敏感器和光学相机测量导航天体实现矢量,建立观测方程。利用非线性扩展卡尔曼滤波,分别建立两种观测方案对应的导航算法。仿真结果表明巡航段导航定位精度优于100 km,定速精度1 m/s。该方法实现简单,系统资源要求不高,对未来火星探测具有一定的工程参考价值。  相似文献   

在空间交会对接、在轨服务、近距离目标监视以及航天器编队飞行任务中,通常需要通过相对导航与控制技术对相互邻近的航天器进行控制.回顾了该领域典型的空间任务,特别关注任务、相对导航与控制方法、相对测量设备、推进系统等主要特征,并总结了该项技术的发展趋势.  相似文献   

深空探测作为人类航天活动的重要方向,是人类探索宇宙奥秘和寻求长久发展的必然途径,也是衡量一个国家综合国力和科学技术发展水平的重要标志。深空探测轨道控制技术作为决定深空探测任务成败的关键技术之一,越来越多地受到关注并得到应用,成为各国深空探测技术研究和发展的热点。以我国探月工程各次任务为脉络,简述了历次任务轨道控制的目标和实施效果,总结了主要技术创新,在此基础上,展望了我国未来深空探测轨道控制的发展趋势。  相似文献   

The submillimeter wavelength range (100 μm ≤ λ ≤ 1 mm) is exceptionally rich in atomic and molecular transitions that provide direct measures of the chemical composition, temperature, density, and cooling of the interstellar medium. In part, this is due to the fact that the most abundant oxygen- and carbon-bearing species as well as the most common hydrides have their lowest lying transitions within this wavelength region. However, because of the great abundance of many of these same species in our own atmosphere (e.g., H2O and O2), terrestrial absorption at submillimeter wavelengths is strong, rendering much of the sky inaccessible to ground- and even airborne observing platforms. In recognition of the scientific importance of the submillimeter range to astronomy and the limitations placed on its pursuit by the atmosphere, both NASA and ESA have embarked on ambitious programs to explore these wavelengths from space.  相似文献   

针对编队卫星任务中起重要作用的星间基线指标,在考虑精度需求的基础上对用于确定星间基线的空间状态量进行了选择,建立了空间状态量与星间基线的关联数学模型,提供了误差分析方法,仿真给出了一定场景设置下的精度影响因子等指标以定量刻画二者之间的误差传播关系。基线长度仅与编队卫星的相对空间状态有关,而基线姿态角还与主星的绝对姿态有关;且由卫星空间状态得到星间基线的过程中误差放大。  相似文献   

Four future missions for deep space exploration and future space-based exoplanet surveys on habitable planets by 2030 are scheduled to be launched. Two Mars exploration missions are designed to investigate geological structure, the material on Martian surface, and retrieve returned samples. The asteroids and main belt comet exploration is expected to explore two objects within 10 years. The small-body mission will aim to land on the asteroid and get samples return to Earth. The basic physical characteristics of the two objects will be obtained through the mission. The exploration of Jupiter system will characterize the environment of Jupiter and the four largest Moons and understand the atmosphere of Jupiter. In addition, we further introduce two space-based exoplanet survey by 2030, Miyin Program and Closeby Habitable Exoplanet Survey (CHES Mission). Miyin program aims to detect habitable exoplanets using interferometry, while CHES mission expects to discover habitable exoplanets orbiting FGK stars within 10 pc through astrometry. The above-mentioned missions are positively to achieve breakthroughs in the field of planetary science.  相似文献   

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