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浅论长江中下游干流河道岸线的合理利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长江中下游干流河道岸线是有限的宝贵资源,随着长江经济带的建设和发展,各部门、各地区都对岸线利用提出了新的更高要求。全面分析了长江中下游干流河道岸线开发利用现状和存在的主要问题。提出合理利用长江中下游干流河道岸线资源必须要有一个兼顾国民经济各部门、各行业、各地方、上下游、左右岸,全面反映国民经济发展要求的岸线利用总体规划来指导长江中下游岸线开发利用工作。  相似文献   

黄鹤鸣  黎刚 《人民长江》2012,43(17):90-94
随着长江三角洲地区社会经济的高速发展,长江河口岸线的开发利用活动越来越多,而现有法律法规对长江河口地区岸线的管理还缺乏具体规定,致使岸线管理工作缺乏具有法律效力和可操作性的依据,不利于该地区岸线的科学利用和管理。目前,长江河口岸线管理存在的主要问题包括河海划界不清、综合管理薄弱、缺乏统一规划、涉河项目建设管理职责交叉等问题。针对长江口岸线管理存在的问题,提出了合理河海划界、加强立法建设、实行综合管理等建议。  相似文献   

高霞 《陕西水利》2009,(2):101-102
讨论了塔里木河上游阿拉尔市城区段河道现状特点、稳定性分析、存在的问题,综合国内成功的岸线管理和利用方法,提出了本区岸线管理和利用的对策,但是就岸线管理而言还有许多技术问题需要作专题研究,如河道输沙、径流变化对岸线侵蚀的严重程度、岸线防护方案的投入和产生的经济生态效益、合理的岸线功能区划分等.  相似文献   

三峡工程建成后,沿江地区对库区岸线利用与保护的要求越来越高.通过现场实地查勘与对库区资料的收集整理分析,在汇集总结国内外有关河道岸线和水库岸线利用与管理研究成果的基础上,根据三峡库区实际岸线资源的特点,明确了库区岸线的基本概念,分析了库区岸线管理存在的问题,提出了库区岸线利用与管理的原则以及保障措施和建议.可为进一步研究三峡岸线利用和管理问题作参考.  相似文献   

随着经济社会的发展,广东省主要河道河势已发生较大变化,已有的行洪控制线难以适应现状河道管理,为加强省内主要河道的岸线管理,广东省水利厅印发了《广东省主要河道水域岸线保护与利用规划》。通过论述广东省主要河道岸线保护与利用现状、岸线利用存在的主要问题、岸线功能区划,分析河道管理范围与已划定的岸线控制线相互位置关系,并以1座拟建桥梁工程为例,分析涉河建设项目与岸线保护区管理要求的适应性、与岸线控制线管理要求的适应性,通过论证涉河建设项目在岸线管理中的准入条件以及满足管控要求的设计方案,说明了岸线规划在河道管理范围内建设项目防洪评价中的作用,为其他同类型的涉河建设项目提供了论证思路。表明岸线规划对于解决河道开发利用与保护之间的矛盾及对广东省河道管理工作的重要意义。  相似文献   

钦州市武思江干流作为连接浦北县小江街道、官垌、六硍、寨圩4个乡镇(街道)的重要水系,是沿河各乡镇社会经济发展不可替代的基础支撑,是自然生态环境不容或缺的保障系统,为区域经济社会发展做出了突出贡献。为了发挥岸线对沿岸地区生态文明建设和经济社会发展的重要作用,迫切需要加强岸线空间管控,推动岸线有效保护和合理利用。本文通过对钦州市内武思江干流岸线利用现状进行调查和整理,全面分析了岸线控制利用条件及沿江经济社会发展对岸线保护利用的要求,在此基础上总结出岸线保护和利用目标,并提出岸线保护和利用建议。  相似文献   

苏波 《人民珠江》2013,34(Z1):1-2
介绍了珠江流域河道岸线利用管理规划的背景与规划工程历程,分析了珠江流域岸线利用现状,简要介绍了岸线规划成果与管理要求。  相似文献   

岸线控制利用方法主要包括两个方面的内容:岸线控制和保护及岸线利用。岸线控制和保护是开发利用的前提和保证,岸线资源的开发利用是控制保护的动力。岸线控制和保护有五种常用方法:平顺抛石、丁坝工程、退堤还滩、裁弯工程、堵支强干。根据前沿水深,岸线分为深水岸线、中深水岸线和浅水岸线,且每种岸线各有其开发利用的条件。“深水深用,浅水浅用”、开发利用与治理保护相结合及经济、社会和生态效益兼顾是岸线开发利用总的原则。  相似文献   

以珠江三角洲为例,论述内河岸线的控制、保护和利用问题.介绍了内河岸线控制和保护的5种常用方法:平顺抛石、丁坝工程、退堤还滩、裁弯工程、堵支强干.从前沿水深和利用方式两方面对内河岸线资源利用加以阐述,提出了“深水深用,浅水浅用”、开发利用与治理保护相结合以及经济、社会和生态效益兼顾的岸线开发利用原则.  相似文献   

结合前人的研究成果、相关最新统计资料以及有关专家的意见综合衡量,通过实地调查和论证,基于水源地岸线适宜性分析的目的,选择确定了岸线稳定性、岸前水深、流速、岸线利用情况等4大判定因素,制定了岸线评价的基本程序和主要步骤。通过运用GIS、统计分析、综合分析等定量、定性方法,完成了研究区域4大因素的评价。基于简化的层次分析法(AHP法),对长江南京段岸线进行水源地适宜性评价,给出了初步的定量评价结果。  相似文献   

河岸带特征和功能研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河岸带是河流生态系统中的重要生态过渡带,也是河流生态系统中物质输移、能量转化最活跃的区域。河岸带在河流生态系统中发挥着重要的作用,因此关于河岸带的相关研究是国内外河流生态研究的热点之一。该文通过对河岸带定义、范围、特征及其功能的研究进行综述,指出了目前关于河岸带此方面理论研究的进度和成果,为深入研究河岸带提供了更为丰富的理论依据。  相似文献   

为了满足河流滨水区域经济社会的全面发展,在分析河岸带功能和当前开发利用实践的基础上,指出河岸带开发利用存在的主要问题,并结合我国河岸带研究及开发利用的现状提出了城市河岸带开发利用的原则、规划布局方案和方法。分析结果表明,只有对河岸带进行生态型的开发利用,才能受益于河流对人类的综合功能,实现人、河流和谐相处及全流域的持续...  相似文献   

滦河流域河流岸边带健康状况快速评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以滦河流域为例,在流域生态分区的基础上,充分考虑岸边带功能的发挥,以岸边带内的植被覆盖、生物多样性和堤防形式三方面因素开展不同生态区域的河流岸边带快速健康评价。研究结果显示了不同生态区域内河流岸边带的健康状况。河流岸边带健康状况评价能够在较大尺度范围内快速、准确地反映岸边带的生态状态,针对区域特性提出相应的保护与修复措施。总之,本研究可为全面了解滦河流域河流岸边带现状以及今后的保护与修复提供参考,同时为其他流域的规划和管理提供参考。  相似文献   

生态河岸带功能区划的定性与定量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态河岸带功能区划是河流功能区划的重要组成部分,合理的功能区划有利于保护河岸带、河流以及整个流域的生态,有利于生态河岸带资源的合理开发利用,使其发挥最佳的效率,同时生态河岸带的功能区划也是生态河岸带管理的基础。生态河岸带是一个特殊区划,它包括很多类型的功能区。在纵向上,生态河岸带可以划分为近岸水域、河滨区域、近岸陆域等3个一级功能区;在横向上,它又可分为自然保护区、治理保护区、资源开发利用区以及特定功能区等4个一级功能区。为了较为精确地划分各功能区,必须对其进行定量区划。主要采用聚类分析法,先后经过确定分区指标、数据的标准化、确定分区指标权重系数、计算相似系数、构造谱系图等步骤,最终形成较为精确、合理的功能区划。  相似文献   

In arid regions, large-scale water diversion from rivers leads to significant changes in river flow regimes, which may have large impacts on ecological water uses of river-dependent ecosystems, such as river, lake, wetland, and riparian ecosystems. To assess the integrated impact of water diversion on ecological water uses, we proposed a hierarchy evaluation model composed of four layers representing the evaluation goal, sub-areas of the influenced region, evaluation criteria, and water diversion schemes, respectively. The evaluation criteria for different types of ecological water uses were proposed, and the analytical hierarchy process was used for the integrated assessment. For a river ecosystem, the percentage of mean annual flow was used to define the grade of environmental flow. For a lake ecosystem, water recharge to the lake to compensate the lake water losses was used to assess the ecological water use of a lake. The flooding level of the wetland and the groundwater level in the riparian plain were used to assess the wetland and riparian ecological water uses, respectively. The proposed model was applied to a basin in northern Xinjiang in northwest China, where both water diversion and inter-basin water transfer projects were planned to be carried out. Based on assessment results for the whole study area and two sub-areas, an appropriate scheme was recommended from four planning schemes. With the recommended scheme, ecological water uses of the influenced ecosystems can be maintained at an acceptable level. Meanwhile, economical water requirements can be met to a great extent.  相似文献   

Riparian zones are important for their contribution to biodiversity and ecosystem services, especially in the western USA where riparian zones occupy a small proportion of the landscape but support a majority of the biodiversity. However, few accurate datasets of riparian zone locations are available over broad spatial extents, and cost efficient methods to map riparian zones at fine spatial resolutions do not currently exist. We created a multi‐scale, hierarchical, and process‐guided method to map the location of riparian zones using readily available, national datasets. We demonstrate the applicably of this straightforward method in the Southern Rockies Ecoregion, where we mapped both current riparian zones (the riparian zone that is not strongly modified by human land uses and is assumed to support natural riparian vegetation) and potential riparian zones (the area that would likely support natural riparian vegetation in the absence of human activity). The overall accuracy of our method for potential and current riparian zones was 92%. The Southern Rockies Ecoregion is composed of 3.1% (±0.3%) potential and 2.5 (±0.2%) current riparian zones, indicating that roughly 21.0% (±0.5%) of riparian zones have been removed by human activities. This modelling approach can be used to create detailed maps of riparian zones to inform regional conservation and management decision‐making, and the methods can be applied to different regions at multiple scales from small watersheds to a national analysis. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Riparian forest vegetation is widely believed to protect riverbanks from erosion, but few studies have quantified the effect of riparian vegetation removal on rates of river channel migration. Measured historical changes in a river channel centreline, combined with mapped changes in floodplain vegetation, provide an opportunity to test how riparian vegetation cover affects the erodibility of riverbanks. We analysed meander migration patterns from 1896 to 1997 for the central reach of the Sacramento River between Red Bluff and Colusa, using channel planform and vegetation cover data compiled from maps and aerial photography. We used a numerical model of meander migration to back‐calculate local values for bank erodibility (i.e. the susceptibility of bank materials to erosion via lateral channel migration, normalized for variations in near‐bank flow velocities due to channel curvature). A comparison of migration rates for approximately 50 years before and after the construction of Shasta dam suggests that bank migration rates and erodibility increased roughly 50%, despite significant flow regulation, as riparian floodplains were progressively converted to agriculture. A comparison of migration rates and bank erodibilities between 1949 and 1997, for reaches bordered by riparian forest versus agriculture, shows that agricultural floodplains are 80 to 150% more erodible than riparian forest floodplains. An improved understanding of the effect of floodplain vegetation on river channel migration will aid efforts to predict future patterns of meander migration for different river management and restoration scenarios. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

‘River widenings’ are commonly used in river restoration to allow channel movement within a spatially limited area. Restoration seeks to restore fluvial processes and to re‐establish a more natural riparian community. This study investigates the performance of five river widenings in Switzerland, focusing on the re‐establishment of riparian (semi‐)terrestrial habitats and species, and highlights some factors that seem to influence their performance. The restoration projects are compared with pre‐restoration conditions and near‐natural conditions, which are assumed to represent the worst‐ and best‐case conditions along a gradient of naturalness. Fuzzy ordination of vegetation data and calculation of landscape metrics based on habitat maps revealed marked differences between the degree of naturalness achieved by each individual restoration project. However, in general river widenings were found to increase the in‐stream habitat heterogeneity and enhanced the establishment of pioneer habitats and riparian plants. Analyses of species pools based on a hierarchic list of indicator species and correspondence analysis showed that the ability of river widenings to host typical riparian species and to increase local plant diversity strongly depends on the distance to near‐natural stretches. Species dispersal and establishment might be hampered by decisions taken outside the scope of the restoration project. Therefore we conclude that action on the catchment scale is needed to maximize the benefits of local management. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

河流滨岸带在净化水体、截留污染、景观休闲等方面起着极为重要的作用。为了分析鄱阳湖五河不同河段滨岸带的生态水利功能,从自然功能和社会功能两大方面构建了滨岸带功能分类体系,综合运用遥感、GIS等空间信息技术,对鄱阳湖五河典型河段的滨岸带进行了地表覆盖解译和功能分区,进一步分析鄱阳湖五河典型河段滨岸带现状及横纵向的空间差异。基于典型河段滨岸带现状分析,探讨了滨岸带生态水利功能在河流纵、横向上的空间分区,最终结合不同河流不同河段的特点给出针对性的生态水利治理建议,为实施流域生态保护与生态建设的分区管理、区域产业布局、生态防灾减灾、环境保护与建设规划等提供科学依据。  相似文献   

和田河干流植被生态需水量是多少?河道渗漏水量能否满足两岸植被的生态需水?为了回答这两个事关和田河中下游河道整治必要性的基础问题,本研究定量分离河道损耗水量,探究河道渗漏水量与天然植被生态需水之间的定量响应关系,结果表明:(1)多年平均来水条件下,和田河干流河损量约为6.46×10~8m~3,其中,蒸发量与渗漏量分别为3.5×10~8和2.65×10~8m~3,各占河损量的58.88%和41.12%;(2)和田河干流天然植被的生态需水量1.37×10~8m~3,河道渗漏水量可以满足植被生态水量需求。因此,本研究认为开展河道整治,不仅不会影响干流植被生态需水,还可以减少水面蒸发,提高和田河输水能力,更有利于开展生态水量调度,保护和恢复干流天然植被。  相似文献   

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