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电磁场中带电粒子在非对易相空间的能级   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
非对易空间效应是出现在弦的尺度下的一种物理效应。 首先扼要介绍了非对易相空间中的量子力学代数、 Moyal Weyl乘法和广义Bopp变换, 然后讨论了电磁场中带电粒子的Hamiltonian算符, 最后给出了其在非对易相空间中的能级情况。  相似文献   

We show that a system with two particles of equal masses and opposite electric charge on a plane subject to a constant magnetic field perpendicular to this plane is a completely integrable system. In the classical case, the separation of variables can be performed in oblate coordinates. In the quantum case, we obtain two independent Hill equations of fourth order. Some approximations lead to Mathieu equations, for which the solutions are well known.  相似文献   

We consider deterministic and stochastic perturbations of the motion of a charged particle in a noisy magnetic field. The noise in the magnetic field leads to the mixing on the energy surfaces and allows to apply averaging principle. We describe long-time energy evolution and its metastable states for a given initial energy and a time scale.  相似文献   

We consider a system of $N$ particles living on the noncommutative plane in the presence of a confining potential and study its thermodynamics properties.Indeed, after calculating the partition function, we determine the corresponding internal energy and heat capacity where different corrections are obtained. In analogy with the magnetic field case, we define an effective magnetization and study its susceptibility in terms of the noncommutative parameter $\theta$. By introducing the chemical potential, we investigate the Bose-Einstein condensation for the present system. Different limiting cases related to the temperature and $\theta$ will be analyzed as well as some numerical illustration will be presented.  相似文献   


Solutions of the Schrödinger equation for a particle with a tensor-like mass are considered. It is shown that the problem of determination of the coherent states in this case is reduced to integration of the nonlinear system of ordinary differential equations.  相似文献   

In three-dimensional noncommutative phase space, the energy spectrum and wave functions for the motion of a charged particle in a magnetic field are derived. Due to the momentum–momentum noncommutativity, the particle feels an effective magnetic field in a new direction. When an external electric field perpendicular to this effective magnetic field is applied, the Hall conductivity can be calculated. To get the Hall conductivity, one should define the electric currents from the probability currents in quantum mechanics rather than extending the classical electric currents to quantum mechanics directly. When the electric field is not perpendicular to the effective magnetic field, it is difficult to define the Hall conductivity.  相似文献   

The equations which determine the response of a spinning charged particle moving in a uniform magnetic field to an incident gravitational wave are derived in the linearized approximation to general relativity. We verify that 1) the components of the 4-momentum, 4-velocity and the components of the spinning tensor, both electric and magnetic moments, exhibit resonances and 2) the co-existence of the uniform magnetic field and the GW are responsible for the resonances appearing in our equations. In the absence of the GW, the magnetic field and the components of the spin tensor decouple and the magnetic resonances disappear.  相似文献   

基于狄拉克方程中γ矩阵有结构、可分解的观点, 把γ矩阵分解为自旋空间和正反粒子空间的算子的直积, 确定了均匀恒定磁场中带电狄拉克粒子的哈密顿量的动力学超对称性和可互易的完备的物理量算子集及其量子数集, 求得了用上述量子数完全集标志的该哈密顿量的解析的本征解,讨论了系统的哈密顿H的动力学超对称性中自旋对称性和正反粒子对称性破缺的不同情况,确定了自旋剩余超对称性导致的自旋简并子空间的超对称性变换群算子.  相似文献   

We construct a new model for relativistic particle on the noncommutative plane, using the symplectic formalism of constrained systems. We suggest a shortcut approach to construct the gauged Lagrangian, using the Poisson algebra of constraints, without calculating the whole procedure of symplectic formalism. We also propose an approach for the systems, in which the symplectic formalism is not applicable, due to the truncation of production of secondary constraints at the first level. After gauging the model, we obtain the corresponding generators of gauge transformations of the physical system. Finally, by extracting the Poisson structure of all constraints, we show the effect of gauging on the canonical structure of the phase spaces of both primary and gauged models.  相似文献   

We consider small mass asymptotics of the motion of a charged particle in a potential combined with a magnetic field. After an appropriate regularization, a Smoluchowski-Kramers type approximation is established. This approximation allows to study long-time influence on the motion of various perturbations, deterministic and stochastic. In particular, even in the case of pure deterministic perturbations, the long-time evolution of the perturbed system can be stochastic.  相似文献   

In this work, we study the relativistic oscillators in a noncommutative space and in a magnetic field. It is shown that the effect of the magnetic field may compete withthat of the noncommutative space and that is able to vanish the effect of the noncommutative space.  相似文献   

Based on the opinion that the γ-matrices in Dirac equation have structure and are decomposable, we decompose the γ-matrices into the direct product of the operators in the spin space and the particle-antiparticle space. By using this method, we attain a complete set of commutative operators, a set of quantum numbers and the correspondingly eigen solutions of the Hamiltonian for a charged Dirac particle moving in a uniform constant magnetic field. In addition, the dynamic supersymmetry of the Hamiltonian is unveiled. Spin symmetry breaking and particle-antiparticle symmetry breaking are discussed, and the supersymmetric group operator of the degenerate spin subspace resulting from the spin residual supersymmetry is found.  相似文献   

Is time travel possible? While this paper doesnot answer the question, it does put forward a modelthat may one day answer it. The decoherent-historiesapproach to quantum mechanics is used in a nontrivial background provided by a wormhole whose mouthsreside in the same universe, but have a time differencebetween them. A charged scalar particle approaches thewormhole mouth in the present and is decohered spatially through the interaction with theCoulomb field of the wormhole mouth.  相似文献   

带电粒子在磁场中运动的几个特征及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对带电粒子在磁场中的运动问题,学生对直接用公式解题,一般尚能应付. 但对于较复杂的问题,往往显得办法不多,束手无策.本文介绍几个有关特征,供学生解题时应用.1 带电粒子在磁场中做匀速圆周运动的几个基本特征  相似文献   

Using a direct substitution method, Klein-Gordon oscillator in a uniform magnetic field is researched in the noncommutative phase space (NCPS), the corresponding exact energy is obtained, and the analytic eigenfunction is presented in terms of the confluent hypergeometric. It is shown that the Klein-Gordon oscillator in uniform magnetic field in noncommutative phase space has the similar behaviors to the Landau problem in commutative space. In addition, the non-relativistic limit of the energy spectrum is obtained.  相似文献   

Based on the shape invariance property we obtain exact solutions of the three-dimensional relativistic Klein Gordon equation for a charged particle moving in the presence of a certain varying magnetic field, and we also show its non-relativistic limit.  相似文献   

A relativistic phase-space representation for a class of observables with matrix-valued Weyl symbols proportional to the identity matrix (charge-invariant observables) is proposed. We take into account the nontrivial charge structure of the position and momentum operators. The evolution equation coincides with its analog in relativistic quantum mechanics with nonlocal Hamiltonian under conditions where particle-pair creation does not take place (free particle and constant magnetic field). The differences in the equations are connected with the peculiarities of the constraints on the initial conditions. An effective increase in coherence between eigenstates of the Hamiltonian is found and possibilities of its experimental observation are discussed.  相似文献   

In the present paper, compact expressions are derived for the probability of photon emission by a scalar particle and for the probability of creating pairs of scalar particles in an arbitrary plane electromagnetic wave field. Based on these general expressions, the amplitude of elastic scattering of a scalar particle and the amplitude of elastic scattering of a photon are derived by the method of dispersion relations (in the first-order approximation for the fine-structure constant 0 = e 2/4). The real components of these amplitudes determine the radiative corrections for particle masses in the examined fields. Some particular cases of the plane wave field are examined. In particular, the above-indicated amplitudes in the external electromagnetic field being a superposition of a constant crossed field and a plane elliptically polarized electromagnetic wave propagating along the direction orthogonal to the magnetic and electric components of the constant crossed field are investigated. The amplitude of elastic scattering of a scalar particle in an arbitrary plane electromagnetic wave field is also obtained by direct calculations of the corresponding mass operator of the scalar particle in this field.  相似文献   

Charged-particle trajectories in the MAVR high-resolution magnetic spectrometer [1] are simulated. The latter has been constructed at the U400 accelerator for purifying the incident beam and identifying the products of nuclear reactions induced by the beams of stable and radioactive nuclei. In this paper we present the MAVRPC software package, aimed at reconstructing the spectrometer focal plane, optimizing the fields of quadrupole and dipole magnets, and estimating the solid-angle acceptance for secondary particles.  相似文献   

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