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伍斌  吴乃琴 《第四纪研究》2008,28(5):901-908
通过对黄土高原西峰黄土剖面S5古土壤层的蜗牛化石组合研究发现,西峰地区在S5形成时(对应海洋氧同位素MIS1513期)气候环境经历了几次显著的波动。MIS15期地层中绝大多数蜗牛壳体被溶蚀,气候非常暖湿,夏季风强盛;MIS14是个弱冰期,蜗牛组合显示气候以凉湿为主,仍然有较强的夏季风影响;MIS13期以暖湿的气候为主,夏季风增强。对温湿蜗牛种类冠状砂螺(Gastrocopta coreana)含量变化的功率谱分析显示出明显的23ka周期,表明岁差轨道驱动的低纬太阳辐射是控制黄土高原夏季风变化的主导因素;冷干种类杂色虹蛹螺(Pupilla aeoli)含量变化具有明显的100ka和弱的43ka周期,说明即使在气候特征总体暖湿的背景下,冬季风仍具有以全球冰量(100ka)为主导周期的变化特征。在海洋和冰芯记录中MIS13和MIS15时期并不是最温暖的间冰期,但在黄土高原受到强夏季风的持续影响,这可能与此时北半球夏季太阳辐射量的增强和北大西洋深层流强度的加强有关。S5中S5SS1与S5SS3两层强烈发育的古土壤可能有着不同的发育机制,S5SS1因其较发育的母质、超长的成壤期,形成了比S5SS3更强的成壤特征。分析认为全球冰量与轨道驱动的北半球太阳辐射对MIS1513时期黄土高原气候环境的演替和冬、夏季风的消长起了主导作用。  相似文献   

通过对黄土高原西峰和洛川黄土剖面末次冰期较高分辨率的蜗牛化石组合研究发现,深海氧同位素第3期(MIS3)(59~29kaB.P.)黄土高原的气候变化可分为3个阶段:MIS3c时期,气候总体相对温暖湿润,但暖湿程度远不及全新世时期,这一阶段出现两次比较温湿的气候波动,西峰最温湿的时期发生在约48~46kaB.P.,其次在约54kaB.P.,洛川较温湿的时期出现在约57kaB.P.;MIS3b时期,西峰气候比较寒冷,但具有一定的湿度,洛川总体上气候比较冷湿,但较之于西峰无论是温度还是湿度都要高一些;MIS3a时期,西峰的气候从温凉变得冷干,洛川出现频繁的气候波动。研究认为黄土高原MIS3c时期较温湿气候状况可能是受控于这一时期地轴倾角控制的太阳辐射梯度的变化,地轴倾角增大,中纬度夏季太阳辐射强度高于低纬度的辐射强度,使得中低纬度之间夏季太阳辐射梯度增加,低纬度海洋向中纬度大陆传输的热量和湿度增加,夏季风加强,从而改善了黄土高原的温湿度状况,喜暖湿的蜗牛种类得以在冰期的环境中生长发育。蜗牛化石的研究结果显示MIS3时期黄土高原不同地区存在明显的区域性差异,与现今气候格局不同的是这一时期黄土高原存在更大的气候环境梯度。  相似文献   

中国全新世4.2ka BP气候事件及其对古文明的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用近年来发表的全新世高分辨率古气候记录,如湖泊、泥炭、石笋及其他古气候地质载体记录,对4.2ka BP气候突变事件在中国的表现进行了分析,认为该气候事件在中国普遍表现为干旱,伴随部分地区的降温,体现了东亚地区对全球4.2ka BP气候事件的响应。结合考古学研究成果,认为这一气候事件所导致的中国北部大范围、持续性的干旱,是造成中国北部新石器文化衰落的主要原因;所导致的南部持续干旱、局部频繁洪涝,以及气候剧烈频繁的波动,是造成中国南部新石器文化衰落的主要原因。对于该气候事件的触发机制,洋流变化的贡献很可能小于大气环流变化的贡献。太阳辐射减弱造成的北半球降温所引起的半球间洋面温度梯度的变化,可导致赤道辐合带(ITCZ)南移,并使得北半球中低纬度地区季风减弱;同时季风与厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)间的相互作用可进一步诱发季风突变,造成北半球中低纬度地区大面积干旱。  相似文献   

间齿螺(Metodontia)是我国现生陆生蜗牛的常见属, 也是黄土地层中常见的蜗牛化石, 汉山间齿螺(Metodontia huaiensis)和烟台间齿螺(Metodontia yantaiensis)是该属的两个常见种。我国现生间齿螺的地理分布调查取得了丰硕的成果, 为间齿螺化石作为夏季风气候变化的代用指标提供了依据, 但对现生间齿螺的数量分布和生态因子最适区域, 还缺少系统的研究, 限制了对间齿螺古生态古气候意义的深入理解。通过对黄土高原及周边地区356个表土蜗牛组合的研究, 揭示了间齿螺及其优势种的数量分布与气候参数的关系, 以及与经纬度和海拔高度的关系, 并利用加权平均方法定量估算了汉山间齿螺和烟台间齿螺的温度和降水量最适范围。结果表明, 在我们的研究区域内, 含量大于20% 的间齿螺, 主要分布在年均温大于11℃、年降水量550~850mm的地区, 36°N以南、110°E以东的地区, 海拔在750m以下的地区; 含量低于10% 的间齿螺, 在年均温5~15℃、年降水量380~700mm的地点都有分布, 主要分布在 33°~40.5°N、103.7°~117.5°E范围内, 海拔在2000m以下的地区; 年均温低于5℃、年降水量低于380mm的地区, 海拔2000m以上的地区, 基本上没有间齿螺生长; 汉山间齿螺和烟台间齿螺年均温度最适范围分别为10.2~14.1℃左右和8.9~14.0℃左右(实测值与推导值R2=0.70, 推导误差RMSEP=1.99), 年降水量最适范围分别为530~800mm左右和470~750mm左右(R2=0.81, RMSEP=90.87)。上述结果为间齿螺的古生态古气候研究和物种多样性保护提供了基础生态数据。  相似文献   

将前人对黄土高原黄土地层划分的研究成果进行全面总结、分析,结合洛川、宝鸡、西峰3个经典剖面,利用土壤 地层学、沉积学、磁性地层学、古生物学、年代学、地球化学等研究方法对黄土高原的黄土地层进行详细对比以及进一步 细分。将早、中更新世界线调整为B/M极性倒转开始的对应层位——L9顶部。根据岩性和气候旋回周期的差异性等,将离 石黄土三分,S8/L9作为离石黄土内部划分的一条新界线,S1~L5划分为上离石黄土,S5~S8划分为中离石黄土,L9~L15划分为 下离石黄土。在分析过程中发现关键层位(S0,L1,S1,S5,L9,L15,L33) 的年龄具有差异性。  相似文献   

为掌握黄土高原土壤干燥化程度的空间分布特征,定量评价雨季前、后土壤干燥化程度,于2013年在黄土高原南北方向布设一条样带(N=86),获取雨季前、后0~5 m剖面土壤含水量。采用地统计学方法分析了土壤干燥化指数的空间分布规律及变异特征。结果表明:在黄土高原地区,土壤干燥化程度存在明显的纬度地带性,且雨季前土壤干燥化指数的空间变异程度高于雨季后;经过雨季降水的补给,土壤干层在一定程度上得到修复,且中部地区的修复效果明显优于南部及北部地区;土壤干燥化指数剖面分布特征在雨季前、后的差异主要表现在浅层0~2.3 m土层,这主要归因于降水对浅层土壤水分的补给。  相似文献   

The geochemical components of the leachate from loess-paleosol deposits can provide information about climate-related post-depositional processes. For example, leachate lithium ([Li]leachate) is a potential paleoclimate proxy because lithium is a typical lithophile element that is readily adsorbed by clay minerals during weathering and pedogenesis, and thus stratigraphic variations in [Li]leachate can reflect these processes. We investigated the [Li]leachate values of two loess-paleosols profiles (the Luochuan and Weinan sections), on a north–south climatic gradient on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Independent paleoclimate information was provided by measurements of magnetic susceptibility, grain size, Rb/Sr ratios, and clay mineral content. During the last glacial-interglacial period, [Li]leachate increased from 0.39 to 1.97 μg/g at Luochuan and from 0.67 to 2.45 μg/g at Weinan, mainly due to increasing pedogenesis. Based on these results we developed a conceptual model to explain the variations in [Li]leachate. Li+ within loess layers is mainly derived from dust input and the decomposition of primary minerals, influenced by the East Asian winter monsoon, while in paleosol layers Li+ is mainly derived from clay mineral adsorption during pedogenic processes, influenced by the East Asian summer monsoon.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2005,24(10-11):1123-1149
A prominent, abrupt climate event about 8200 years ago brought generally cold and dry conditions to broad northern-hemisphere regions especially in wintertime, in response to a very large outburst flood that freshened the North Atlantic. Changes were much larger than typical climate variability before and after the event, with anomalies up to many degrees contributing to major displacement of vegetative patterns. This “8k” event provides a clear case of cause and effect in the paleoclimatic realm, and so offers an excellent opportunity for model testing. The response to North Atlantic freshening has the same general anomaly pattern as observed for older events associated with abrupt climate changes following North Atlantic freshening, and so greatly strengthens the case that those older events also reflect North Atlantic changes. The North Atlantic involvement in the 8k event helps in estimating limits on climate anomalies that might result in the future if warming-caused ice-melt and hydrologic-cycle intensification at high latitudes lead to major changes in North Atlantic circulation. Few model experiments have directly addressed the 8k event, and most studies of proxy records across this event lack the time resolution to fully characterize the anomalies, so much work remains to be done.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Research》2014,81(3):433-444
A high-resolution rock magnetic investigation was performed on the Chaona Quaternary loess/paleosol sequences in the Central Chinese Loess Plateau. Based on a newly developed independent unturned time scale and magnetic records, we reconstructed the history of the East Asia monsoons during the last 3 Ma and explored the middle Pleistocene climate transition (MPT). Rock magnetic results show that the loess layers are characterized by relatively high coercivity and remanent coercivity, lower magnetic susceptibility (MS), and that the paleosol layers are characterized by relatively high MS, saturation magnetization and remanent saturation magnetization. Spectrum analyses indicate that there are various periods in addition to orbital periodicities. According to the onset and stable appearance of 100 kyr period, we consider that the MPT recorded in this section began at ~ 1.26 Ma and was completed by ~ 0.53 Ma, which differs from previous investigations based on orbitally tuned time scales. The forcing mechanism for the MPT was more complicated than just the orbital forcing. We conclude that the rapid uplift of the Tibetan Plateau may have played an important role in the shift of periodicities during the middle Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Buried gullies exposed in road excavations along the margin of a loess tableland on the Loess Plateau of central China lie within a thick loess-paleosol succession that spans ≥780,000 years. Constraining ages for gully cutting and filling are provided by dates of loess and soil units cut by and capping the paleogullies. An episode of gully cutting begins at the onset of an interglaciation and ceases as the gullies begin to fill with colluvium and airborne dust during the transition to full-glacial conditions. The episodic cutting and filling of gullies implies a basic astronomical (orbital) control of gully evolution involving cyclic changes in dominant summer and winter monsoon climates, surface hydrology, and vegetation cover.  相似文献   

米兰科维奇理论从地球轨道要素周期性变化驱动气候波动的角度出发,对第四纪时期古气候的周期性特征做出了成功的解释。近年来对更长尺度的贝加尔湖古气候记录的研究结果表明,晚中新世-上新世的气候变化具有40ka的周期性变化,气候环境演变和太阳辐射量的变化密切相关[1,2]。古气候的周期性演化研究要求研究材料具有较准确的时间标尺、连续记录的地层和较高的样品分辨率。中国黄土高原地处中纬度地区,对太阳辐射的变化比较敏感,保存连续完整的晚第三纪风成沉积为研究长尺度的气候变化周期提供了可能,但限于一些气候代用指标在晚第三纪地层中的适用性,古气候变化周期方面的研究还比较少。  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(14):1861-1876
Currently mechanisms for the onset of the widespread aeolian dust accumulation in the Chinese Loess Plateau since 8–7 Ma remain elusive. In this study, we compile 11 records of climate (14–7 Ma) and tectonic activity of the Tibetan Plateau and its adjacent areas (15–6 Ma). The results suggest that strong tectonic activity in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau has produced massive debris and dust, which was deposited in the piedmont basins and reworked by weathering and fluviolacustrine erosion. At the same time, global cooling and uplift of the Tibetan Plateau over the period of 14–7 Ma intensified the East Asian winter monsoon and westerly winds (westerlies) while weakening the Asian summer monsoon, which led to the spread of dry land vegetation and aridification in interior China. Sediments in the piedmont basins were then exposed in the aridity and transported by the westerlies to the Chinese Loess Plateau and the North Pacific. We suggest that tectonic activity in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau and shifting global climate together triggered the widespread aeolian dust accumulation in the Chinese Loess Plateau and the North Pacific since 8–7 Ma.  相似文献   

中国黄土-古土壤序列记录了距今约2.6 Ma以来的环境变迁。孢粉作为恢复植被演替的敏感指标,被广泛用于古植被重建,但是针对高原中部地区长时间尺度植被演替历史的孢粉学研究还较缺乏。通过对黄土高原洛川剖面S5以来的黄土-古土壤序列开展较高分辨率的孢粉学工作,揭示出该区约0.6 Ma以来的植被演化历史。孢粉谱分析表明,洛川地区0.6 Ma以来以温带草原植被为主,不支持塬区历史时期存在大范围落叶阔叶林的观点。现代黄土高原缺少森林植被主要是由自然原因引起,因此塬区的现代生态恢复应以退耕还草为主。  相似文献   

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