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We prove the additivity theorem for the K-theory of triangulated derivators. This solves one of the conjectures made by Maltsiniotis in [G. Maltsiniotis, La K-théorie d'un dérivateur triangulé, in: Alexei Davydov, Michael Batanin, Michael Johnson, Stephen Lack, Amnon Neeman (Eds.), Categories in Algebra, Geometry and Physics, Conference and Workshop in honor of Ross Street's 60th Birthday, in: Contemp. Math., vol. 431, Amer. Math. Soc., 2007, pp. 341-368]. We also review some basic definitions and results in the theory of derivators in the sense of Grothendieck.  相似文献   

Using an equivariant version of Connes? Thom isomorphism, we prove that equivariant K-theory is invariant under strict deformation quantization for a compact Lie group action.  相似文献   

In [Amnon Neeman, Andrew Ranicki, Noncommutative localisation in algebraic K-theory I, Geom. Topol. 8 (2004) 1385-1425] we proved a localisation theorem in the algebraic K-theory of noncommutative rings. The main purpose of the current article is to express the general theorem of the previous paper in a more user-friendly fashion, in a way more suitable for applications. In the process we compare our result to the existing theorems in the literature, showing how the previous paper improves all the existing results.It should be pointed out that there have been two very interesting recent preprints on related topics. The reader is referred to the beautiful papers of Krause [Henning Krause, Cohomological quotients and smashing localizations, http://wwwmath.upb.de/~hkrause/publications.html. [8]] and Dwyer [William G. Dwyer, Noncommutative localization in homotopy theory, preprint, http://www.nd.edu/~wgd/. [4]]. Krause studies the lifting of chain complexes and the relation with the telescope conjecture, and Dwyer generalises to the homotopy theoretic framework.  相似文献   

The Isomorphism Conjecture is a conceptional approach towards a calculation of the algebraic K-theory of a group ring , where Γ is an infinite group. In this paper we prove the conjecture in dimensions n<2 for fundamental groups of closed Riemannian manifolds with strictly negative sectional curvature and arbitrary coefficient rings R. If R is regular this leads to a concrete calculation of low dimensional K-theory groups of in terms of the K-theory of R and the homology of the group.  相似文献   

For an orbifold X and αH3(X,Z), we introduce the twisted cohomology and prove that the non-commutative Chern character of Connes-Karoubi establishes an isomorphism between the twisted K-groups and the twisted cohomology . This theorem, on the one hand, generalizes a classical result of Baum-Connes, Brylinski-Nistor, and others, that if X is an orbifold then the Chern character establishes an isomorphism between the K-groups of X tensored with C, and the compactly-supported cohomology of the inertia orbifold. On the other hand, it also generalizes a recent result of Adem-Ruan regarding the Chern character isomorphism of twisted orbifold K-theory when the orbifold is a global quotient by a finite group and the twist is a special torsion class, as well as Mathai-Stevenson's theorem regarding the Chern character isomorphism of twisted K-theory of a compact manifold.  相似文献   

We extend the notion of Poincaré duality in KK-theory to the setting of quantum group actions. An important ingredient in our approach is the replacement of ordinary tensor products by braided tensor products. Along the way we discuss general properties of equivariant KK-theory for locally compact quantum groups, including the construction of exterior products. As an example, we prove that the standard Podle? sphere is equivariantly Poincaré dual to itself.  相似文献   

The paper is devoted to the study of the KK-theory of Bruhat-Tits buildings. We develop a theory which is analogous to the corresponding theory for manifolds of nonpositive sectional curvature. We construct a C *-algebra and a Dirac element associated to any simplicial complex. In the case of buildings, we construct, moreover, a dual Dirac element and compute its KK-products with the Dirac element. As a consequence, we prove the Novikov conjecture for discrete subgroups of linear adelic groups. In our study, we develop a KK-theoretic Poincaré duality for non-Hausdorff manifolds.Dedicated to Alexander Grothendieck on his sixtieth birthday  相似文献   

We compute the K-theory, groups of the C *-algebra of the groupoid of a manifold with corners, in which the analytic index takes its values.  相似文献   

Les Reid 《K-Theory》1987,1(2):197-205
We construct examples of normal affine k-algebras of dimension N with an isolated singular point and nonzero K –N , giving counter-examples to a conjecture of Weibel.  相似文献   

Clustering is a popular data analysis and data mining technique. Since clustering problem have NP-complete nature, the larger the size of the problem, the harder to find the optimal solution and furthermore, the longer to reach a reasonable results. A popular technique for clustering is based on K-means such that the data is partitioned into K clusters. In this method, the number of clusters is predefined and the technique is highly dependent on the initial identification of elements that represent the clusters well. A large area of research in clustering has focused on improving the clustering process such that the clusters are not dependent on the initial identification of cluster representation. Another problem about clustering is local minimum problem. Although studies like K-Harmonic means clustering solves the initialization problem trapping to the local minima is still a problem of clustering. In this paper we develop a new algorithm for solving this problem based on a tabu search technique—Tabu K-Harmonic means (TabuKHM). The experiment results on the Iris and the other well known data, illustrate the robustness of the TabuKHM clustering algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the algebraic K-theory of locally convex C-algebras stabilized by operator ideals, and its comparison with topological K-theory. We show that if L is locally convex and J a Fréchet operator ideal, then all the different variants of topological K-theory agree on the completed projective tensor product , and that the obstruction for the comparison map to be an isomorphism is (absolute) algebraic cyclic homology. We prove the existence of an exact sequence (Theorem 6.2.1)We show that cyclic homology vanishes in the case when J is the ideal of compact operators and L is a Fréchet algebra whose topology is generated by a countable family of sub-multiplicative seminorms and admits an approximate right or left unit which is totally bounded with respect to that family (Theorem 8.3.3). This proves the generalized version of Karoubi's conjecture due to Mariusz Wodzicki and announced in his paper [M. Wodzicki, Algebraic K-theory and functional analysis, in: First European Congress of Mathematics, Vol. II, Paris, 1992, in: Progr. Math., vol. 120, Birkhäuser, Basel, 1994, pp. 485-496].We also consider stabilization with respect to a wider class of operator ideals, called sub-harmonic. Every Fréchet ideal is sub-harmonic, but not conversely; for example the Schatten ideal Lp is sub-harmonic for all p>0 but is Fréchet only if p?1. We prove a variant of the exact sequence above which essentially says that if A is a C-algebra and J is sub-harmonic, then the obstruction for the periodicity of K(ACJ) is again cyclic homology (Theorem 7.1.1). This generalizes to all algebras a result of Wodzicki for H-unital algebras announced in [M. Wodzicki, Algebraic K-theory and functional analysis, in: First European Congress of Mathematics, Vol. II, Paris, 1992, in: Progr. Math., vol. 120, Birkhäuser, Basel, 1994, pp. 485-496].The main technical tools we use are the diffeotopy invariance theorem of Cuntz and the second author (which we generalize in Theorem 6.1.6), and the excision theorem for infinitesimal K-theory, due to the first author.  相似文献   

Andreas Rosenschon 《Topology》2005,44(6):1159-1179
We solve the homotopy limit problem for two-primary algebraic K-theory of fields, that is, the Quillen-Lichtenbaum conjecture at the prime 2.  相似文献   

Jens Weidner 《K-Theory》1989,3(1):79-98
The extension of Kasparovs bivariant K-theory to inverse limits of C * -algebras admits exact Puppe sequences in both variables. Two exact sequences generalizing Milnor's lim-lim1 sequences are established. For CW complexes the extended K-theory is representable K-theory.  相似文献   

Anton Savin 《K-Theory》2005,34(1):71-98
Elliptic operators on smooth compact manifolds are classified by K-homology. We prove that a similar classification is valid also for manifolds with simplest singularities: isolated conical points and edges. The main ingredients of the proof of these results are: Atiyah–Singer difference construction in the noncommutative case and Poincaré isomorphism in K-theory for (our) singular manifolds. As an application we give a formula in topological terms for the obstruction to Fredholm problems on manifolds with edges.Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 58J05(Primary), 19K33 35S35 47L15(Secondary)(Received: June 2004)  相似文献   

We study the interplay of C?C?-dynamics and K  -theory. Notions of chain recurrence for transformations groups (X,Γ)(X,Γ) and MF actions for non-commutative C?C?-dynamical systems (A,Γ,α)(A,Γ,α) are translated into K-theoretical language, where purely algebraic conditions are shown to be necessary and sufficient for a reduced crossed product to admit norm microstates. We are particularly interested in actions of free groups on AF algebras, in which case we prove that a K-theoretic coboundary condition determines whether or not the reduced crossed product is a matricial field (MF) algebra. One upshot is the equivalence of stable finiteness and being MF for these reduced crossed product algebras.  相似文献   

A class of algebras forms a variety if it is characterised by a collection of identities. There is a well-known method, often called the standard construction, which gives rise to algebras from m-cycle systems. It is known that the algebras arising from {1}-perfect m-cycle systems form a variety for m∈{3,5} only, and that the algebras arising from {1,2}-perfect m-cycle systems form a variety for m∈{3,5,7} only. Here we give, for any set K of positive integers, necessary and sufficient conditions under which the algebras arising from K-perfect m-cycle systems form a variety.  相似文献   

We show that, for bounded sequences in C(K,E), the polynomial sequential convergence is not equivalent to the pointwise polynomial sequential convergence. We introduce several conditions on E under which different versions of the result are true when K is a scattered compact space. These conditions are related with some others appeared in the literature and they seem to be of independent interest.  相似文献   

We prove that whenever X is zero-dimensional metrizable with σ-compact set of accumulation points and K   is compact metrizable, the function space KXKX endowed with the compact-open topology is a compact-covering image of the product of the irrationals and the Cantor cube. In particular, for any metrizable E  , the iterated function space E(KX)E(KX) is perfectly normal and paracompact. However, there is a closed subgroup G   of {0,1}X{0,1}X with X   as above whose space of characters GG is not normal.  相似文献   

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