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新学科的诞生是社会发展的需要,人类社会发展到今天,由于人类面临的资源与环境问题,使占全球面积71%的海洋成为21世纪开发的重点领域。然而,各成体系的海洋化学、海洋生物、海洋地质和海洋水文,已难以适应认识和解决当前面临的全球变化问题的需要。80年代初,随着国际地圈生物圈计划(IGBP)、全球海洋通量联合研究(JGOFS)、全球海洋生态系统动力学(GLOBEC)、全球海洋真光层研究(GOEZS)、海岸带陆海相互作用(LOICZ)等重大国际合作计划的兴起,处于这些学科交叉点上的海洋生物地球化学这新的分支学科应运而生,至90年代,这一边缘交又研究方向已成为海洋学研究的前沿领域。 我国的海洋生物地球化学研究虽起步较晚,但已取得飞速发展。至今,已开展实施了渤海生态系统动力学、东海海洋通量、台湾海峡生源要素生物地球化学过程、南海碳通量、南沙群岛珊瑚礁生态系物质循环等一系列重点项目的研究,强有力地推动了这一边缘交叉学科的发展。 海洋生物地球化学是利用化学、地质、生物、物理的观点综合研究海洋中物质循环的过程与规律,突出的特点是研究生物作用下的地球化学过程,研究的主要对象是生源要素(C,N,P,S,Si等)及与生物过程有关的其他元素。 本文从真光层内生源要素的循环、海水中颗粒物的生物地球化学过程、沉积物-海水界面过程中的生源要素,以及微型生物在生源要素的海洋生物地球化学循环中的作用等方面阐述了生源要素的海洋生物地球化学过程研究进展,以期推进我国该领域研究水平的提高。  相似文献   

由中国科学院海洋研究所宋金明博士完成88万字的我国第一部海洋生物地球化学研究专著——《中国近海生物地球化学》已由山东科技出版社出版发行。作为国家杰出青年科学基金(No.49925614)主体成果和中国科学院知识创新重大项目(KZCXI—SW—01—08)部分成果体现的《中国近海生物地球化  相似文献   

硅的生物地球化学过程的研究动态   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
陆地物质不断地随河流等载体输入海洋 ,经过海洋几千万种的生物吸收后 ,一起随海洋生物沉降到海底 ,展现了物质从陆地到海底的迁移过程。为了研究这个动态过程 ,本文通过海洋中硅藻的特性和迁移 ,阐述了硅的生物地球化学过程。并与氮、磷进行比较分析 ,讨论了海洋中营养盐的限制和水华产生的原因 ,并认为海洋在生态系统中保持着营养盐和浮游植物的动态平衡。1海洋中硅藻是浮游植物的优势种浮游植物是水生环境中从无机到有机物质转换的主要承担者 ,即主要的初级生产者。它们的变化直接影响着食物链中其他各环节的变化。因此 ,研究浮游植物的…  相似文献   

由中国科学院海洋研究所宋金明研究员编著完成的英文版专著日前已由德国Springer出版公司和浙江大学出版社联合出版发行.该英文专著作为浙江大学-施普林格合作出版的优秀学术专著系列--<中国科技进展>丛书(Advanced Topics in Science and Technology in China)之一,由浙江大学和德国Springer公司共同出资建立的浙江大学-施普林格科学出版基金资助出版,德国Springer出版公司负责中国港澳台地区及国外的发行,浙江大学出版社负责中国大陆地区的发行.该英文专著是我国第一部在国外发行的有关中国边缘海生源要素生物地球化学过程的研究专著,由6章29节组成,共计101万字,662页.  相似文献   

以研究铁锰结核表层(〈2mm)以及采自结核周围沉积物表层(0-7cm)中4个粒级锰质微结核为例,探讨了赤道太平洋北部沉积物中自生锰矿石的生成过程。展示了结核成分的不均一性。采自其侧翼水一沉积物边界上的样品中Mn/Fe的比值最大。  相似文献   

70年来中国化学海洋学研究的主要进展   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
我国的海洋化学工作者通过70年来,特别是近30年来的化学海洋学研究,实现了我国与世界先进水平进入同步发展的快车道,其显著的特点是:(1)化学海洋学研究从元素地球化学分布系统转向了以揭示深层次海洋生物地球化学过程为核心的研究;(2)化学海洋学研究实现了多领域、多视点的综合交叉研究;(3)更加关注了人为影响与自然变化共同作用下的海洋生态环境变化研究,对近海和海岸带而言,更加注重从海陆统筹一体化角度探析化学物质的分布迁移特征。本文从生源要素的海洋生物地球化学过程、微/痕量元素与同位素的海洋化学研究、生物过程作用下的化学海洋学过程等角度,重点总结归纳和分析了30年来我国海洋化学研究的重要进展和发展状况,以期对化学海洋学的进一步研究提供借鉴和启迪。  相似文献   

继多种溴代阻燃剂加入《斯德哥尔摩公约》持久性有机污染物黑名单后,有机磷酸酯(organophosphate esters, OPEs)作为替代品,生产和使用量日益增加。研究表明OPEs可通过大气长距离传输、河流输运等方式进入海洋环境,并对海洋生态系统产生一定风险。本文详细梳理了海洋大气、水体和沉积物介质,以及海洋生物体中OPEs的含量水平和分布特征,并探讨了OPEs的海气交换、大气沉降、洋流输运等物理过程,以及生物富集与转化、生物泵耦合和微生物降解等生物地球化学过程。考虑到OPEs仍在大量生产和使用并将持续进入海洋环境,系统的海洋OPEs连续监测和生态风险评估亟待开展。  相似文献   

胶州湾东部锡的输入、形态特征和生物地球化学过程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自1990年7月~1991年5月取样测量了胶州湾东部各形态锡的季节序列变化.溶解无机锡、有机锡和颗粒态锡的百分比表明了锡形态分布的区域特征及可能的输入.丰水期(7月),各形态锡出现异常高值(DISn76.7ng/dm3,DOSn546.1ng/dm3,PSn688.6ng/dm3),表明陆源输入的主要作用.随着湾内海水盐度升高,溶解态无机、有机锡呈现外海低值的特征,但颗粒锡占据了绝对比例.极高的颗粒物富集因子(8.5×104~2.2×105)和浮游生物富集因子(5.1×104~7.0×105),说明水体锡的强颗粒物活性和生物获得性,对排除无机、有机锡起重要作用.相反,沉积物中锡的甲基化则将是锡从沉积转入水体的重要途径.  相似文献   

近些年来,夏季黄海浒苔大规模暴发,并在青岛近岸海域大面积聚集,引起了广泛的关注。本文基于在夏季和冬季所获得的多学科调查资料,重点研究了青岛近海的水文-生物地球化学过程及其生态影响,阐明了该海域物理-化学-生物等多参数之间的耦合响应。研究显示,夏季黄海冷水团的边界可扩展至青岛近岸海域,并在局部涌升至上层水体,形成沿岸上升流;该上升流可对上层营养盐产生一定的补充,进而促进浮游植物的繁殖,并于底层海域对应形成溶解氧(DO)和pH的低值。夏季青岛近海的上升流可能还有利于随南风漂移至此的浒苔的生长,并在一定程度上引起浒苔的局地旺发;同时,夏季该海域特定的锋面系统对浒苔聚集的影响也不容忽视。冬季黄海暖流在苏北浅滩外侧向山东半岛南部海域延伸,扩展至青岛近海的暖水舌与近岸低温水之间的锋面特征明显,而且在向岸暖水与近岸冷水间还对应形成了明显的营养盐和叶绿素(Chl-a)锋面。该项研究从多学科交叉的视角,增进了对青岛近海物理、化学和生物过程之间耦合关系的认识。  相似文献   

海洋生物泵是海洋生态系统储碳的重要途径之一。生物泵研究在过去30 a取得显著进展,尤其在典型开阔大洋与若干边缘海真光层生物泵研究方面。本研究从浮游生物(浮游植物、浮游动物)群落结构对生物泵影响的角度综述了最新的若干研究进展,并归纳分析了生物泵对海洋暖化和酸化等全球变化的响应。最后指出应加强对边缘海和弱光层生物泵的深入研究,以及全球变化影响下的生物泵变化趋势研究。此外,应注重新方法新技术和生态模型在生物泵研究中的应用。  相似文献   

A method is presented to study the carbohydrate composition of marine objects involved into sedimento- and diagenesis (plankton, particulate matter, benthos, and bottom sediments). The analysis of the carbohydrates is based upon the consecutive separation of their fractions with different solvents (water, alkali, and acid). The ratio of the carbohydrate fractions allows one to evaluate the lability of the carbohydrate complex. It is also usable as an indicator of the biogeochemical processes in the ocean, as well of the genesis and the degree of conversion of organic matter in the bottom sediments and nodules. The similarity in the monosaccharide composition is shown for dissolved organic matter and aqueous and alkaline fractions of seston and particulate matter.  相似文献   

Monsoon-driven biogeochemical processes in the Arabian Sea   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Although it is nominally a tropical locale, the semiannual wind reversals associated with the Monsoon system of the Arabian Sea result annually in two distinct periods of elevated biological activity. While in both cases monsoonal forcing drives surface layer nutrient enrichment that supports increased rates of primary productivity, fundamentally different entrainment mechanisms are operating in summer (Southwest) and winter (Northeast) Monsoons. Moreover, the intervening intermonsoon periods, during which the region relaxes toward oligotrophic conditions more typical of tropical environments, provide a stark contrast to the dynamic biogeochemical activity of the monsoons. The resulting spatial and temporal variability is great and provides a significant challenge for ship-based surveys attempting to characterize the physical and biogeochemical environments of the region. This was especially true for expeditions in the pre-satellite era.Here, we present an overview of the dynamical response to seasonal monsoonal forcing and the characteristics of the physical environment that fundamentally drive regional biogeochemical variability. We then review past observations of the biological distributions that provided our initial insights into the pelagic system of the Arabian Sea. These evolved through the 1980s as additional methodologies, in particular the first synoptic ocean color distributions gathered by the Coastal Zone Color Scanner, became available. Through analyses of these observations and the first large-scale physical–biogeochemical modeling attempts, a pre-JGOFS understanding of the Arabian Sea emerged. During the 1990s, the in situ and remotely sensed observational databases were significantly extended by regional JGOFS activities and the onset of Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-View Sensor ocean color measurements. Analyses of these new data and coupled physical–biogeochemical models have already advanced our understanding and have led to either an amplification or revision of the pre-JGOFS paradigms. Our understanding of this complex and variable ocean region is still evolving. Nonetheless, we have a much better understanding of time–space variability of biogeochemical properties in the Arabian Sea and much deeper insights about the physical and biological factors that drive them, as well as a number of challenging new directions to pursue.  相似文献   

南海北部深水区东西构造差异性及其动力学机制   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
This paper overviews research progress in observation, theoretical analysis and numerical modeling of submesoscale dynamic processes in the South China Sea(SCS) particularly during recent five years. The submesoscale processes are defined according to both spatial and dynamic scales, and divided into four subcategories as submesoscale waves, submesoscale vortexes, submesoscale shelf processes, and submesoscale turbulence. The major new findings are as follows.(1) Systematic mooring observations provide new insights into the solitary waves(ISWs) and the typhoon-forced near-inertial waves(NIWs), of which a new type of ISWs with period of 23 h was observed in the northern SCS(NSCS), and the influences of background vorticity, summer monsoon onset, and deep meridional overturning circulation on the NIWs, as well as nonlinear wave-wave interaction between the NIWs and internal tides, are better understood. On the other hand, satellite altimeter sea surface height data are used to reveal the internal tide radiation patterns and provide solid evidence for that the ISWs in the northeastern SCS originate from the Luzon Strait.(2) Submesoscale offshore jets and associated vortex trains off the Vietnam coast in the western boundary of the SCS were observed from satellite chlorophyll concentration images. Spiral trains with the horizontal scale of 15–30 km and the spacing of 50–80 km were identified.(3) 3-D vertical circulation in the upwelling region east of Hainan Island was theoretically analyzed. The results show that distribution patterns of all the dynamic terms are featured by wave-like structures with horizontal wavelength scale of 20–40 km.(4) Numerical models have been used for the research of submesoscale turbulence. Submesoscale vertical pump of an anticyclonic eddy and the spatiotemporal features of submesoscale processes in the northeastern SCS are well modeled.  相似文献   

The biogeochemistry of a tropical shoal bay (Melville Bay, Australia) impacted by the effluent release, precipitation, and deposition of hydrotalcite from an alumina refinery was studied in both wet and dry seasons. Within the deposition zone, sulfate reduction dominated benthic carbon cycling accounting for ≈100% of total microbial activity, with rates greater than those measured in most other marine sediments. These rapid rates of anoxic metabolism resulted in high rates of sulfide and ammonium production and low C:S ratios, implying significant preservation of S in stable sulfide minerals. Rates of total microbial activity were significantly less in control sediments of equivalent grain size, where sulfate reduction accounted for ≈50% of total benthic metabolism. Rates of planktonic carbon cycling overlying the deposition zone were also greater than those measured in the control areas of southern Melville Bay. At the sediment surface, productive algal and cyanobacterial mats helped stabilize the sediment surface and oxidize sulfide to sulfate to maintain a fully oxygenated water-column overlying the impacted zone. The mats utilized a significant fraction of dissolved inorganic N and P released from the sea bed; some nutrients escaped to the water-column such that benthic regeneration of NH?+ and PO?3? accounted for 100% and 42% of phytoplankton requirements for N and P, respectively. These percentages are high compared to other tropical coastal environments and indicate that benthic nutrient recycling may be a significant factor driving water-column production overlying the deposition zone. With regard to remediation, it is recommended that the sea bed not be disturbed as attempts at removal may result in further environmental problems and would require specific assessment of the proposed removal process.  相似文献   

The role of surfactant organic matter in marine aerosol production has been studied under conditions in which there is a large coverage of whitecaps on the sea surface. To improve the knowledge of matter exchange and pollutant recycling from the sea surface into the atmosphere, a spray drop adsorption model (SDAM) was developed and the validity of the proposed model verified by the following experimental results: (1) an increase of surfactant matter on the sea surface during rough sea conditions (‘surface wave concentration'); (2) an (hyperbolic-like) increase of the enrichment ratio (ER) of surfactant fluorescent organic matter (SFOM), made up predominantly by humic substances (HS), as the particle size decrease; (3) a similar behaviour for elements with pollutant properties, and which are known to interact with HS and other surfactant materials, considered pollution tracers. An additional laboratory experiment, based on the adsorption model conditions, gives enrichment ratio greater than unity for K and Ca. The first results on marine aerosols trapped in marine clouds (at 1000 m above sea level and at 100 km from the coast) seem to further support the proposed model and its ability to predict the transition from saline to almost entirely organic particles for the smaller fractions of marine aerosols. The possible contribution of these particles to the recycling and to the long range transport of pollutants via marine aerosols has been considered.  相似文献   

中国海洋生物研究70年   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
随着中国“海洋强国”战略的提出,加快建设海洋类学科的发展成为历史必然,海洋生物是海洋不可分割的一部分,海洋环境和生物相互依存,相互作用,海洋生物研究重要性日益凸显。为纪念中国科学家在海洋生物领域的突出贡献,本文回顾了建国以来中国海洋生物相关的重要研究进展,梳理了中国科学家在海洋生物领域的突出贡献,系统总结并讨论了未来研究方向,抛砖引玉,希望籍此助推中国海洋生物研究的新高潮。  相似文献   

海洋生态系统修复研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
海洋生态系统是最具价值的人类资源之一,为沿海更多人们所依赖,尤其是具有极高生物多样性和生产力、为海洋生物提供产卵和养育的场所、保护海岸以防受到海浪和飓风侵蚀的红树林生态系统、珊瑚礁生态系统和海草床生态系统.但由于近年来经济的发展和人类活动的影响,这些生态系统都遭受到不同程度的退化,因此海洋生态系统的修复非常必要.回顾了红树林、珊瑚礁和海草床这3种典型且脆弱海洋生态系统的特点,生态修复的研究内容、方法及存在的问题,并在此基础上提出三者可通用的且更为系统的海洋生态系统修复模式和措施,未来能将三者的修复进行综合考虑,以为其他类似的海洋生态系统的修复提供借鉴.  相似文献   

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