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下颌前突外科手术前后的正畸治疗   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
目的 总结、分析口腔正畸-正颌外科联合矫治下颌前突畸形的治疗经验,以指导临床工作。方法 对40例年龄为17 ̄38岁的下颌前突患者经口腔正畸与正颌外科联合矫治的资料进行分析。结果 40例下颌前突患者平均术前正畸治疗时间9个月(2 ̄25个月),术后正畸治疗时间7.6个月(2 ̄15个月)。整个治疗过程平均16个月(4 ̄25个月)。术前正畸治疗的目标为排齐上下牙列,完成切牙和磨牙的去代偿治疗,整平牙例,协  相似文献   

偏颌畸形正畸-正颌外科治疗的临床护理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 :总结偏颌畸形的临床护理特点。方法 :3 8例偏颌畸形患者中 18例进行正畸矫治 ,2 0例进行正颌外科治疗。结果 :采用正畸方法矫治 ,患者和家长对治疗效果满意 ;采取正颌外科治疗 ,面型改善明显。结论 :良好的护理是偏颌畸形治疗成功的重要环节  相似文献   

正畸和正颌手术联合矫治牙颌畸形   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 探讨正畸和正颌手术联合矫治牙颌畸形对于提高疗效、减少复发的临床意义。方法 对45例牙颌畸形患者术前正畸-正颌手术-术后正畸模式的矫治,并与同期未进行术前、术后正畸的64例正颌手术病例比较,观察矫澡后的颌面外科、咬合关系及疗效稳定性。结果 正畸和正颌手术联合矫治组治疗后咬合关系良好,咀嚼功能改善率为62.6%,畸形复发率为2.2%;单纯正颌手术组咀嚼功能改善率为42.2%,畸形复发率为7.8%  相似文献   

正颌外科矫治骨性Ⅲ类错He中的正畸治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

目的:探讨正颌正畸联合治疗下颌前突伴偏颌畸形的临床疗效.方法:回顾性分析采用正颌正畸联合治疗的15例下颌前突伴偏颌畸形的临床资料,分析治疗方案、疗效,总结临床经验.结果:15例中有1例术后出现下唇麻木感,1年后症状消失.全部患者术后均无复发,并获得良好的咬合关系及满意的面形.结论:正颌正畸联合治疗下颌前突伴偏颌畸形术后临床效果好、并发症少,可最大程度恢复患者正常的口腔生理功能及面部外形.  相似文献   

正颌外科和正畸联合治疗下颌前突畸形   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
目的:总结分析下颌升支部和下颌体部截骨矫正下颌前突畸形的手术和正畸治疗特点。方法:根据手术设计需要,将125例下颌前突畸形患者分下颌升支部截骨和下颌骨体部截骨两组,并分别进行内容不同的术前术后的正畸治疗。结果:两种术式均获得满意的治疗效果。下颌升支部截骨和下颌骨体部截骨满意率分别为88.3%和83.3%。2例下颌体部截骨术后2年复发,行二次手术予以矫正。结论;必需根据不同的术工,设计不同的术前术后正畸方案。一方面保证下颌前突畸形患者获得满意的美学改善,同时在新建的颌位上应具有良好的he关系。  相似文献   

目的应用计算机咬合分析系统,评价正颌手术前后骨性Ⅲ类错  相似文献   

目的:观察正颌联合正畸治疗骨性双颌前突畸形的临床疗效。方法:22例骨性双颌前突患者,采用正颌联合正畸的治疗方法进行矫形治疗。结果:22例患者术后均无牙齿变色坏死等并发症发生,且根据X线测量分析及临床所见,牙、颌、面关系协调取得较好的效果,咬合关系良好,经过临床观察和随访,效果稳定。结论:正颌联合正畸治疗可以有效地保证骨性双颌前突患者肌肉等软组织对新的颌骨位置的适应和改变,并且有利于咬合关系的稳定。  相似文献   

98例唇腭裂患者牙颌面畸形的正畸-正颌外科联合治疗分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 评价正畸-正颌外科联合治疗唇腭裂伴牙颌畸形的效果。方法 回顾分析1990年1月-2000年6月期间在上海第二医科大学和香港大学口腔颌面外科收治的98例唇腭裂伴牙颌面畸形患者,男性52例,女性46例,年龄16—40岁,平均年龄20.5岁。所有患者均在手术前完成正畸治疗,排齐牙列,关闭间隙等。上颌骨手术采用标准化截骨前移手术,伴牙槽裂的患者同期行髂骨取骨植骨术。手术方法包括:①牙槽裂已植骨修复者。采用标准Le fortⅠ型截骨前移术;②牙槽裂未植骨修复的单侧腭裂患者,采用改良上颌骨截骨手术,即非裂侧用Le Fort Ⅰ型截骨术,裂隙侧采用牙槽骨截骨手术(Schuchardt法),同期行牙槽裂植骨术;③牙槽裂未植骨修复的双侧腭裂患者,采用前颌骨截骨手术(Wunderer法)和双侧上颌骨后份牙槽骨截骨手术(Schuchardt法),同期行牙槽裂植骨修复术。骨间采用小钛板坚强内固定。随访时间1/2—5a。平均2.6a。结果 术后患者的面型均取得了明显的改善,面部比例协调,咬合关系相对稳定。结论 正畸-正颌外科联合治疗唇腭裂伴牙颌面畸形的效果稳定,应该作为这类畸形治疗的常规方法。  相似文献   

Objectives:To examine the stability of combined surgical and orthodontic bite correction with emphasis on open-bite closure. All study patients were treated with strict and consistent orthodontic and surgical protocols.Materials and Methods:Study inclusion required all patients to have anterior open bites, maxillary accentuated curve of Spee, 36-month minimum follow-up, and no temporomandibular joint pathology. Thirty patients met the inclusion/exclusion criteria. Importantly, segmental upper arch orthodontic preparation (performed by EG) was used. Surgery consisted of a multisegment Le Fort I (MSLFI) combined with a bilateral sagittal osteotomies (BSSO). Surgery was performed (by ADA and LT) at the Department of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery of the University of Verona, Italy.Results:The long-term open bite and overjet relapse were not statistically significant. The mean transverse relapse of the upper and lower molars was statistically significant. Of great importance, the upper and lower arch widths narrowed together, maintaining intercuspation of the posterior dentition which prevented anterior open bites from developing.Conclusions:This study revealed stability of three-dimensional occlusal correction including anterior open bite. Stable open bite closure was achieved by using rigid protocols for orthodontic preparation, surgical techniques, surgical follow-up, and orthodontic finishing.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to assess the vertical changes occurring in skeletal open bite patients treated orthodontically with different extraction patterns. The study was conducted using lateral cephalometric radiographs taken before and after treatment. Fifteen patients who had an anterior open bite (AOB) only were treated with first premolar extractions (Group E4). Seventeen patients with an AOB extending to the posterior teeth were grouped according to the extractions: extraction of second premolars (Group E5) and first molars (Group E6). Cephalometric data were analysed according to the 'two-factor experiment with a repeated measure on one factor' model. The treatment group factor had three levels, E4, E5, and E6, and the time factor two levels, pre- and post-treatment. The differences between the pre- and post-treatment periods were statistically significant for all the cephalometric variables (P < 0.001, P < 0.0001), except for ANS-Me/Na-Me. The time and group interaction were found to be statistically significant for the variables where the time factor is important, such as SN-GoGn angle, SGn-NBa angle, ANS-Me dimension, Na-Me dimension, forward movement of the maxillary and mandibular molars, and the distance to the mandibular plane of the lower molars. The severity of vertical dysplasia did not change in group E4. Generally, however, within the appropriate indications, extraction of the second premolars or the first molars led to a closing rotation of the mandible in subjects with a skeletal AOB extending to the posterior teeth.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to illustrate the effects of the rapid molar intrusion appliance, a treatment alternative that does not require patient compliance, for counteracting excessive vertical dimensions in growing patients and adults. The rapid molar intrusion appliance has 2 elastic modules that are secured on the maxillary and mandibular first-molar tubes. It is used in combination with maxillary and mandibular soldered lingual arches. Patient acceptance is good, and the patient's only responsibilities are to keep the appliance clean and avoid breakage.  相似文献   

正颌外科矫治骨性下颌偏斜的术前及术后正畸治疗   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 分析、总结临床采用正畸 正颌外科方法联合治疗严重骨性下颌偏斜畸形时术前与术后正畸治疗中的难点和要点 ,为临床工作提供参考。方法 严重骨性下颌偏斜畸形患者 2 1例 ,年龄 19~ 2 8岁 ,平均年龄 2 5 5岁。ANB角 - 3°~ - 8° ,Wits值 - 7~ - 14mm ,颏点偏斜 3~ 7mm。所有患者均接受术前及术后正畸治疗。结果 术前正畸疗程为 10~ 2 0个月 ,平均 18个月。术后正畸疗程为 5~ 10个月 ,平均 7 5个月。术前正畸治疗必须要解决以下主要难点 :①去除患者三维方向的牙代偿 ;②协调其牙弓形态及宽度的不调 ;③双颌手术时模型外科分析与导板的制作。术后正畸治疗的主要目的是对咬合关系进行精细调整。结论 术前术后正畸治疗是正颌外科治疗下颌偏斜畸形取得良好效果的必要保证  相似文献   

Objectives:To investigate the incidence of and contributing factors to open gingival embrasures between the central incisors after orthodontic treatment.Materials and Methods:One hundred posttreatment patients (29 men and 71 women; mean age, 24.7 years) were divided retrospectively into occurrence and nonoccurrence groups based on intraoral photographs. Based on the severity, the occurrence group was further divided into mild, moderate, and severe groups. Parameters from periapical radiographs, superimposed lateral cephalograms, and study models were compared between the occurrence and the nonoccurrence groups by using independent t-tests and were also analyzed on the basis of severity via analysis of variance. Logistic regression analysis was performed to identify the contributing factors to open gingival embrasures.Results:The incidence of open gingival embrasures between the central incisors was 22% and 36% in the maxilla and the mandible, respectively. Lingual movement of the incisors, distance from the contact point to the alveolar crest after treatment, antero-posterior overlap of the two central incisors before treatment in the maxilla, and distance from the contact point to the alveolar crest after treatment in the mandible were significantly associated with the occurrence of open gingival embrasures (P < .05). In the mandible, the amount of intrusion was significantly related to severity (P < .05).Conclusions:The incidence of open gingival embrasures following orthodontic tooth movement is high. Therefore, attention should be paid to the contributing factors to prevent or reduce the occurrence of open gingival embrasures.  相似文献   

A case of prolonged unilateral temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dislocation, which was treated by open surgical reduction and post-surgical orthodontic therapy, is presented. A 58-year-old woman presented complaining of facial asymmetry and malocclusion. She had received surgery for a malignant tumour in the right retromolar region 7 years previously. It was considered that contraction of the pterygoid muscle by surgical injury caused anterior meniscal displacement and TMJ dislocation. Since manual manipulation failed, direct open reduction was performed after separation of the lateral pterygoid muscle from the condylar head and removal of the intra-articular scar tissues. Although the condylar head was returned to the glenoid fossa, optimal occlusion was not obtained because of compensatory tooth movement and inclination. Satisfactory occlusion and symmetric facial appearance were brought about by post-surgical orthodontic therapy.  相似文献   

目的 评价应用掩饰性正畸方法矫治轻度骨性偏(牙合)畸形的临床疗效.方法 收集20例轻度骨性偏(牙合)畸形患者进行正畸掩饰性矫治,并于矫治前后进行正中(牙合)位后前位头颅X线片头影测量分析和模型测量分析.结果 ①不对称面形均有一定程度的改善.②正中结构标志点ManDP、ManAC、Me、Me'明显向中线聚拢.③两侧对称性结构点A6、B6、Go、Go'、U3、U4、U6、L3、L4、L6治疗后均趋于对称.④面部横向宽度A6(R)-A6(L)、U3(R)-U3(L)、U4(R)-U4(L)、U6(R)-U6(L)增宽.⑤两侧下颌综合长度差减小.⑥偏斜侧上颌第一恒磨牙更加向颊侧倾斜,下颌第一恒磨牙更加向舌侧倾斜.结论 掩饰性正畸方法能够有效地矫治轻度骨性偏(牙合)畸形.  相似文献   

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