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Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Because of health concerns regarding the presence of enteric viruses in wastewater effluents, this study was designed to investigate the occurrence of...  相似文献   

All aquatic invertebrates take up and accumulate trace metals whether essential or not, and subsequent body concentrations of trace metals show enormous variability across metals and invertebrate taxa. Accumulated metal concentrations are interpreted in terms of different trace metal accumulation patterns, dividing accumulated metals into two components--metabolically available metal and stored detoxified metal. Crustaceans are used as examples of different accumulation patterns that will have a general applicability to all aquatic invertebrates. Toxicity is related to a threshold concentration of metabolically available metal and not to total accumulated metal concentration. The significance of accumulated metal concentrations is discussed in terms of the biological significance, including the attempted recognition of a high or low concentration, and of the applied use of aquatic invertebrates in biomonitoring programmes assessing geographical and temporal variation in trace metal bioavailabilities in aquatic systems.  相似文献   

Dental amalgam in fillings exposes workers to mercury. The exposure to mercury was investigated among 1871 dental health care workers. The aim of the study was to evaluate the risk of mercury exposure among dental compared to nondental health care workers and to determine other risk factors for mercury exposure. Respondents answered questionnaires to obtain demographic, personal, professional, and workplace information and were examined for their own amalgam fillings. Chronic mercury exposure was assessed through urinary mercury levels. In total, 1409 dental and 462 nondental health care workers participated in the study. Median urine mercury levels for dental and nondental health care workers were 2.75 μg/L (interquartile range [IQR] = 3.0175) and 2.66 μg/L (IQR = 3.04) respectively. For mercury exposure, there were no significant risk factor found among the workers involved within the dental care. The Mann–Whitney test showed that urine mercury levels were significantly different between respondents who eat seafood more than 5 times per week compared to those who eat it less frequently or not at all (p = 0.003). The urinary mercury levels indicated significant difference between dental workers in their practice using squeeze cloths (Mann–Whitney test, p = 0.03). Multiple logistic regression showed that only the usage of cosmetic products that might contain mercury was found to be significantly associated with the urinary mercury levels (odds ratio [OR] = 15.237; CI: 3.612–64.276). Therefore, mean urinary mercury levels of health care workers were low. Exposure to dental amalgam is not associated with high mercury exposure. However, usage of cosmetic products containing mercury and high seafood consumption may lead to the increase of exposure to mercury.

Implications: Exposure to the high levels of mercury from dental amalgam can lead to serious health effects among the dental health care workers. Nationwide chronic mercury exposure among dental personnel was assessed through urinary mercury levels. Findings suggest low urinary mercury levels of these health care workers. Exposure to dental amalgam is not associated with high mercury exposure. However, the usage of cosmetic products containing mercury and high seafood consumption may lead to the increase of exposure to mercury.  相似文献   

We explored how hepatic [metal]s in Anguilla anguilla at a contaminated estuarine site are influenced by body size, age and season, and the extent that [Cu], [Cd] and [Zn]s are reflected in [metallothionein (MT)]s. Although each [metal] and [MT] increased significantly with length, weight and age, those biotic variables explained <10% of the variation in each [metal] and only 11-16% for [MT]. Seasonal changes in [Cu] and [Cd] were paralleled by [MT]. The variation in [MT] explained by Cu (42%) was greater than by Zn (16%) and Cd (13%), and seasonally lay between 43 and 69% for those metals collectively. Thus, hepatic [MT] in eels is closely correlated with hepatic [heavy metal]s. However, the great variability among [MT]s for eels of similar sizes and ages, which reflects marked variability in hepatic [heavy metal]s, means that this variable reflects imprecisely the contamination level at a particular site.  相似文献   

Distribution of mercury in the aquatic environment at Almadén,Spain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The world's largest mercury mine is placed at Almadén, Spain. However, there is a lack of information about the environmental impact of these mining activities in the ecosystem that surrounds this area. The aim of this article is to document the concentration of mercury in waters, sediments and bivalves of the aquatic system impacted by historic mine wastes. Simultaneously, a comprehensive study has been undertaken to characterise this hydrosystem and to determine the influence of some major physico-chemical parameters on the fate of mercury. Samplings were carried out for the last few years. Concentration of mercury in waters ranged from not detectable to 20 microg/l. For the sediments study, samples have been taken both from contaminated and non-contaminated sites within the basin. The regional background mercury concentration is higher than values typically cited for natural backgrounds. At exposed sites the mercury concentrations between 5 and 1000 microg/g were measured. These values are one to four order of magnitude greater than regional background levels. In the comparison between the results obtained at the present moment and those available for the 1974-1977 period, a general diminution of mercury levels is observed. Mercury concentrations in fresh water bivalves ranged between 1 and 4 microg/g (d.w.), with around 30% as monomethylmercury. In the discussion of the implications for risk assessment data available for other areas affected both for mine activities and mercuriferous belt are included.  相似文献   

A forecast of expected evolution of carbon dioxide (CO(2)) emissions in Portugal between 1988 and 2010 is presented. Predictions show that CO(2) emissions will almost double in the next twenty years. The equivalent potential CO(2) emissions from nitrogen oxides (NO(x)) and volatile organic compounds (VOC), for a time horizon of 20 years, is also presented. NO(x) and VOC emissions seem to make a significant contribution to the global warming potential of Portuguese emissions. Estimates of CO(2) emissions due to forest fires have been made, oriented towards the study of the Portuguese contribution to the global warming. If the burned area exceeds 100 000 ha this contribution could reach 7% of the total Portuguese CO(2) emissions. The global warming potential of Portuguese forest emissions were also calculated. The climate change predicted to Portugal could be responsible for an increase in the forest fires and consequently for a greater contribution of its emissions to the total values. It was concluded that it is important to quantify emissions of the greenhouse gases, including the contribution of forest fire emissions, not only in Portugal, but in all the Southern European countries.  相似文献   

This notebook paper provides a brief overview of attribution estimates for some key lung cancer risk factors, focusing on indoor radon gas exposure in the U.S., UK, and Canada. Tobacco smoking represents the primary cause of lung cancer worldwide. Radon is regarded as the second leading lung cancer risk factor in the U.S. and Canada. It can be observed, however, that the reported estimates appear not to add up to the maximum cumulative attribution of 100%.

Implications: Limitations and uncertainties associated with published epidemiological studies and the observed lack of consistency in lung cancer attribution estimates for radon and other non-smoking lung cancer risk factors should be taken into consideration by policy makers in setting population health protection priorities.  相似文献   

We followed the net accumulation of As, Cu and Zn in the deposit-feeding polychaete Arenicola marina exposed in the laboratory to natural metal-contaminated sediments, one exposure leading to mass mortality between day 10 and 20, and the other not causing lethality over a period of 60 days of exposure. The worms showed lower total accumulated metal concentrations just before mortality occurred (<20 days) at the lethal exposure, than after 30 days of exposure to sediments not causing mortality. Moreover rates of accumulation of As, Cu and Zn were significantly higher in the lethal exposure than in the sublethal exposure. Our results show that it is not possible to link mortality to a critical total body concentration, and we add to a growing body of literature indicating that metal toxicity occurs when organisms cannot cope with overwhelming influx and subsequent accumulation rates.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Nitrifying trickling filters (NTFs) are often introduced to pre-treat waters before chlorination process, to reduce the ammonia-driven chlorine...  相似文献   

Triclosan (TCS) is a broad-spectrum bactericide, highly toxic to algae, which is released into the environment via wastewater effluents. Predicted no-effect concentrations (PNECs) for aquatic biota have been proposed in the literature, varying from 1.4 to 1,550 ng/L, reflecting contradicting protection goals. In this work, six rivers in the state of São Paulo were monitored for TCS and caffeine, a tracer for untreated sewage disposal, over a period of more than 1 year. From 71 samples analyzed, 32 contained TCS at concentrations above the limit of quantification, ranging from 2.2 to 66 ng/L, corresponding to a frequency of exceedance of the lowest PNEC of 86 % (six out of seven sites). No correlation between TCS and caffeine was observed, and one of the reasons for that could be the different use patterns in the local populations. Given the high values found in the investigated rivers, TCS seems to be a strong candidate in the priority list of compounds that should be regulated in Brazil to preserve the aquatic environment.  相似文献   

Weyhenmeyer GA 《Ambio》2001,30(8):565-571
Winters in Sweden have become warmer in the 1990s, and as a consequence the timing of ice break-up and the growth and decline of spring phytoplankton has shifted, starting earlier. Even spring temperatures have become warmer, leading to an earlier beginning of the summer phytoplankton growth. The spring-ward shift in phytoplankton population growth has resulted in an extension of the growing season by at least one month. Although mean total phytoplankton biomass from May to October has not increased, the spring and early summer biomass of temperature-sensitive phytoplankton groups, such as cyanobacteria and chlorophytes, has increased in the 1990s. No increase was noted for other phytoplankton groups. Considering that some species of cyanobacteria that commonly occur during a summer bloom, such as Anabaena, Aphanizomenon, and Microcystis, can be toxic, the effect of warmer winters on aquatic ecosystems is potentially far-reaching.  相似文献   

Francis J  Nilsson A  Waruinge D 《Ambio》2002,31(7-8):503-511
This article reviews the governance and management of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), and the coral reefs they contain, in the eastern African Region. This includes the Comoros, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Tanzania, and the Seychelles. Three generations or categories of MPAs are distinguished: i) small areas for protection of a single species or unique marine habitat; iii) large multiple use MPAs designed for coastal development as well as biodiversity protection; and iii) MPAs managed by a nongovernmental organization (NGO) or the private sector. Each of these MPA types is examined according to the policies, legislation, and management systems they entail as well as the economic and community situation they operate within. The paper also provides a review of some eastern African MPAs in terms of their size and location, the type of MPA, zonation schemes, and financial status. The successes of the different types of MPAs are discussed based on specific indicators, such as changes in biodiversity, infrastructure, compliance to regulations and the level of involvement of primary stakeholders in the management. From the review it is clear that a fourth generation of MPAs may be forthcoming; community-based MPAs. Although lack of data makes it difficult to assess the effectiveness of these different categories of MPAs, it is clear that no MPA can succeed without support of the local communities. Generally, the results of the analysis are promising for MPAs, however a lack of data is hampering a deeper analysis. The major issues facing MPAs in the region are highlighted, as well as some regional initiatives striving to address these issues. A number of recommendations are made, aiming to strengthen the establishment and management of MPAs in the eastern African region.  相似文献   

Westerly winds arriving at the Australian Clean Air Baseline Station Cape Grim at the North Western tip of Tasmania have exceedingly long trajectories over the Indian Ocean. In these air masses we found the n-alkanes C9-C28 to be always present in the gas phase and also in the aerosols. In aerosols we also measured total organic matter and its general composition. All these concentrations agree fairly well with our earlier data in marine air over the North Atlantic Ocean. Calculations of the life time of the gas phase n-alkanes due to reaction with OH radicals lead to the conclusion that these n-alkanes must be of oceanic origin in Indian Ocean air and — to a large extent — also in the North Atlantic air. The same conclusion is reached for the organic component in aerosols. Water Analyses show that the n-alkanes C9-C28 seem to be normal constituents of the oceans.  相似文献   

Effects of patchy soil contamination on decomposer organisms, their community regulation and nutrient mineralization were studied in a microcosm experiment. Coniferous forest soil was patchily contaminated with three concentrations of sodiumpentachlorophenate PCP (0, 50 and 500 mg PCP kg(-1) of dry soil). Abundance of microbes, enchytraeids, nematodes, small oribatids and predatory mites were reduced by the PCP. Direct toxicity of PCP and lowered microbial biomass seemed to affect animal community composition in the most contaminated patches. Some large oribatids which seemed to be tolerant to PCP increased their numbers in the most contaminated patches. Although predatory mites suffered from PCP, no altered predator-prey interactions were observed. At the beginning of the experiment more nutrients were released in the patches with highest PCP concentration and the nutrients accumulated in the soil. Soil decomposer food webs seemed to be mainly bottom-up controlled: PCP strongly affects microbes and hence caused changes in the community structure of soil animals and nutrient cycling. Hence top-down orientated ecological models on community regulation and food web dynamics seem to be unsuitable when assessing effects of pesticides on soil communities.  相似文献   

This review focused on seven psychoactive drugs being six benzodiazepines (alprazolam, bromazepam, clonazepam, diazepam, lorazepam, and oxazepam) and one antidepressant (citalopram) widely consumed by modern society and detected in different aqueous matrices (drinking water, surface water, groundwater, seawater, estuary water, influent and effluent of wastewater treatment plants). The review included 219 selected scientific papers from which 1642 data/entries were obtained, each entry corresponding to one target compound in one aqueous matrix. Concentrations of all investigated drugs in all aqueous matrices varied from 0.14 to 840,000 ng L?1. Citalopram presented the highest concentrations in the aqueous matrices. Based on the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test, differences between wastewater influents and effluents were not significant for most wastewater categories, suggesting that conventional wastewater treatment systems as such do not remove or remove partially these compounds. High-income countries showed much lower concentrations in surface water than the group formed by upper-middle-, lower-middle-, and low-income countries. Regarding analytical methods, solid-phase extraction (SPE) was by far the most used extraction method (83%) and performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) (73%) coupled to mass spectrometry (99%) the most common analytical method. Changes in behavior and in survival rates were the most common effects reported on bioindicators (aquatic species) due to the presence of these drugs in water. Concentrations of psychoactive drugs found in surface waters were most of the time within the range that caused measurable toxic effects in ecotoxicity assays.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The study investigated the volatility connectedness of GCC stock market return and S&amp;P global oil index returns using Diebold and Yilmaz...  相似文献   

Through a comparative analysis of prices in capture fisheries and aquaculture sectors, the objectives of this paper are a) to investigate three the trends in prices of forage catches to feed the aquaculture species, b) to analyze the amount of fish species need to feed aquaculture species in order to assess the level of efficiency in resource use, and c) to examine the degree of economic concentration either in wild-catch industry and aquaculture sectors. The results show that prices of cultivated species are higher than prices of the same species when harvested from the sea. We explain this fact by the interplay of three forces. First, the amount of wild fish to feed aquaculture species continues to improve over time. Second, the pressure of fishing activities has not been reduced since catches of most forage fishes are declining, which induce higher prices of capture species that feed aquaculture production. Third, the level of seafood market concentration is significantly higher in aquaculture than in wild catches, which generates higher prices in aquaculture.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - A Correction to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-14448-7  相似文献   

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