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Photoelectric and photographic photometry of twenty-nine stars was done in the field of the open cluster Collinder 97 ≡ OC1 506. Of these stars, a total of twenty-four have been found to be possible members. There is apparently no interstellar extinction in the direction of this cluster which is in the constellation of Monoceros: itsE(B-V) = 0.0 mag. This cluster is situated at a distance of 0.63 ± 0.01 kpc, which is well within the local arm of our Galaxy. The age of this cluster is in the range of 1 × 108 to 5.9 × l08 yr, which puts it in an older age group. Thus, it cannot be specifically considered as a spiral-arm tracer in the study of our Galaxy.  相似文献   

Photoelectric and photographic photometry of 72 stars was done in the field of the not-well-studied open cluster Czernik 20= OCl 427 in the direction of the Auriga constellation. Of these stars, a total of 43 have been found to be probable members down tom v− 15.75 mag. There is apparently a variable extinction across the field of the cluster withE(B-V) ranging from 0.53 to 0.38 mag. The cluster stars show a range in their ages from 1.0 × 107 to 7.1 × 107 years, indicating that Czernik 20 is young enough to be considered as a spiral-arm tracer in the study of our Galaxy. The distance of this cluster is found to be 4.27 ±0.14 kpc and it is located inside the outer Perseus arm of the Milky Way  相似文献   

We use data on open star clusters (OSCs) from the Homogeneous Catalog of OSC Parameters to determine some of the parameters of the spiral structure of our Galaxy: the pitch angle of the spiral arms \(i = 21\mathop .\limits^ \circ 5\), the pattern speed Ωp = 20.4 ± 2.5 km s?1 kpc?1, and the initial phase of the spiral θ0 = 206°. The spiral pattern of the Galaxy proves to have been virtually unchanged over the last billion years, and signatures of the concentration of objects toward the spiral arms can be traced back to this age. However, the number of spiral arms in the structure cannot be determined from OSCs.  相似文献   

Data on the positions, radial velocities, and proper motions of open star clusters and OB stars are used to obtain the rotation curve of the Galaxy fitted by a polynomial in inverse powers of the distances from the Galactic rotation axis. We determine the locations of the corotation region and the inner and outer Lindblad resonances using a previously estimated pattern speed. Based on data for objects of the Carina-Sagittarius and Orion arms, we have determined the distortion amplitudes of the velocity field of the Galactic disk, ?R = ?3.97±4.79 km s?1 and fθ=+13.27±2.57 km s?1.  相似文献   

We consider the age distributions of open star clusters attributed to three segments of Galactic spiral arms. The smoothed distributions of clusters on the age-Galactocentric angle plane show a great nonuniformity. The time dependence of the formation rate of Galactic disk clusters recovered by taking into account selection effects and dynamical evolution of clusters shows that, on average, the formation rate of open star clusters decreases with time. This is in agreement with the increase in star formation rate into the past, as follows from the study of this process by the method of stellar population synthesis. The present time is the epoch of a current maximum of the cluster formation rate. In addition to the current maximum, there have been at least three more maxima with a period of 300–400 Myr and a duration of no more than 300 Myr. The age distributions are consistent with the pattern of star formation governed by the successive passages of density waves through each examined volume of the Galactic disk. The spiral structure becomes more complex when passing from the inner regions of the Galaxy to its outer regions.  相似文献   

UBVRI CCD photometry in a wide field around two young open clusters, NGC 663 and 654, has been carried out. Hα and polarimetric observations for the cluster NGC 654 have also been obtained. We use the photometric data to construct colour–colour and colour–magnitude diagrams, from which we can investigate the reddening, age, mass and evolutionary states of the stellar contents of the these clusters. The reddening across the cluster regions is found to be variable. There is evidence for anomalous reddening law in both clusters; however, more infrared and polarimetric data are needed to conclude about the reddening law. Both clusters are situated at about a distance of 2.4 kpc. Star formation in both clusters is found to be a continuous process. In the case of NGC 663, star formation seems to have taken place sequentially, in the sense that formation of low-mass stars precedes the formation of most massive stars. Whereas, in the case of NGC 654, formation of low-mass stars did not cease after the formation of most massive stars in the cluster.  相似文献   

We investigate the evolutionary effect of dynamical mass segregation in young stellar clusters. Dynamical mass segregation acts on a time-scale of order the relaxation time of a cluster. Although some degree of mass segregation occurs earlier, the position of massive stars in rich young clusters generally reflects the cluster's initial conditions. In particular, the positions of the massive stars in the Trapezium cluster in Orion cannot be due to dynamical mass segregation, but indicate that they formed in, or near, the centre of the cluster. Implications of this for cluster formation and for the formation of high-mass stars are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper we present chromospheric emission levels of the solar-type stars in the young open clusters IC 2391 and IC 2602. High-resolution spectroscopic data were obtained for over 50 F, G and K stars from these clusters over several observing campaigns using the University College London Echelle Spectrograph on the 3.9-m Anglo-Australian Telescope. Unlike older clusters, the majority (28/52) of the solar-type stars in the two clusters are rapid rotators  ( v  sin  i > 20 km s−1)  with five of the stars being classified as ultra-rapid rotators  ( v  sin  i > 100 km s−1)  . The emission levels in the calcium infrared triplet lines were then used as a measure of the chromospheric activity of the stars. When plotted against the Rossby number ( N R), the star's chromospheric emission levels show a plateau in the emission for  log( N R) ≲−1.1  indicating chromospheric saturation similar to the coronal saturation seen in previously observed X-ray emission from the same stars. However, unlike the coronal emission, the chromospheric emission of the stars shows little evidence of a reduction in emission (i.e. supersaturation) for the ultra-rapid rotators in the clusters. Thus we believe that coronal supersaturation is not the result of an overall decrease in magnetic dynamo efficiency for ultra-rapid rotators.  相似文献   

Für insgesamt 40 Stern im Gebiet des verfärbten offenen Haufens NGC 6871 erhieken wir eine uvby Photometric. 21 dieser Sterne klassifizierten definitely as members. From the photometric results we derived 1.2 × 107 years as the cluster age, 2440 pc as its distance, and E(b - y)) = 0.348 mag as mean reddening of the cluster. From the scatter around this mean colour excess and the deviation of a subgroup of stars by more than twice the standard deviation a varible intracluster reddening in order of 0.1 mag is indicated. The value of the colour excess ratio E(b - y)/E(B - V) = 0.705 for the cluster stars leads us to the conclusion that the very broadband structure (VBS) in the spectra of the cluster stars must be very weak. Für insgesamt 40 Stern im Gebiet des verfärbten offenen Haufens NGC 6871 erhielten wir eine uvby Photometrie. 21 dieser Sterne klassifizieren wir definitiv als Haufenmitglieder. Aus den photometrischen Ergebnissen leiteten wir ein Haufenalter von 1.2 × 107 Jahren, eine Entfernung von 2440 pc und eine Verfärbung E (b - y) = 0.348 mag ab. Aus der Streuung um diesen mittleren Farbexzeß und der Tatsache, daß eine Gruppe von Sternen um mehr als die doppelte Standardabweichung von diesem Wert differiert, läßt sich eine Verfärbung innerhalb des Haufens in der Größenordnung von 0.1 mag vermuten. Aus der Größe des Farbexzeßverhältnisses E(b - y )/E(B - V) = 0.705 schließen wir, daß die Breitbandstruktur (VBS) in den Spektren der Haufensterne nur sehr schwach ausgeprägt sein kann.  相似文献   

We present the results of multiple simulations of open clusters, modelling the dynamics of a population of brown dwarf members. We consider the effects of a large range of primordial binary populations, including the possibilities of having brown dwarf members contained within a binary system. We also examine the effects of various cluster diameters and masses. Our examination of a population of wide binary systems containing brown dwarfs, reveals evidence for exchange reactions whereby the brown dwarf is ejected from the system and replaced by a heavier main-sequence star. We find that there exists the possibility of hiding a large fraction of the brown dwarfs contained within the primordial binary population. We conclude that it is probable that the majority of brown dwarfs are contained within primordial binary systems which then hides a large proportion of them from detection.  相似文献   

Using analytical approximations of the mass spectra of molecular clouds and stellar systems including open clusters and associations a relation between the final star formation efficiency (final SFE) and the initial cloud mass is derived. The dependence of the SFE on cloud mass is estimated for two cases of molecular cloud destruction by stellar winds in spherical geometry. The result of growing SFE with rising cloud mass does not agree with current observations and the above relation. A decrease of the SFE is expected if the fraction of high-mass stars grows with increasing mass of the cloud.  相似文献   

Multicolor BVRI surface photometry of the low-luminosity (M V ≈?18m) spiral galaxy NGC 4136 is presented. The photometric parameters of its components and the color distribution over the galactic disk are estimated. The color indices and the corresponding effective ages are determined for the brightest star-forming regions. The disk-to-dark halo mass ratio is derived from the measured rotation curve of the galaxy. The disk mass dominates within the optical boundaries of the galaxy, so its disk can be considered as a self-gravitating system.  相似文献   

The existence of older stars within a young star cluster can be interpreted to imply that star formation occurs on time-scales longer than a free-fall time of a pre-cluster cloud core. Here, the idea is explored that these older stars are not related to the star formation process forming the young star cluster but rather that the orbits of older field stars are focused by the collapsing pre-cluster cloud core. Two effects appear: the focusing of stellar orbits leads to an enhancement of the density of field stars in the vicinity of the centre of the young star cluster; and due to the time-dependent potential of the forming cluster some of these stars can get bound gravitationally to the cluster. These stars exhibit similar kinematical properties to the newly formed stars and cannot be distinguished from them on the basis of radial velocity or proper motion surveys. Such contaminations may lead to a wrong apparent star formation history of a young cluster. In the case of the ONC, the theoretical number of gravitationally bound older low-mass field stars agrees with the number of observed older low-mass stars.  相似文献   

Emission-line stars in young open clusters are identified to study their properties, as a function of age, spectral type and evolutionary state. 207 open star clusters were observed using the slitless spectroscopy method and 157 emission stars were identified in 42 clusters. We have found 54 new emission-line stars in 24 open clusters, out of which 19 clusters are found to house emission stars for the first time. About 20 per cent clusters harbour emission stars. The fraction of clusters housing emission stars is maximum in both the 0–10 and 20–30 Myr age bin (∼40 per cent each). Most of the emission stars in our survey belong to Classical Be class (∼92 per cent) while a few are Herbig Be stars (∼6 per cent) and Herbig Ae stars (∼2 per cent). The youngest clusters to have Classical Be stars are IC 1590, NGC 637 and 1624 (all 4 Myr old) while NGC 6756 (125–150 Myr) is the oldest cluster to have Classical Be stars. The Classical Be stars are located all along the main sequence (MS) in the optical colour–magnitude diagrams (CMDs) of clusters of all ages, which indicates that the Be phenomenon is unlikely due to core contraction near the turn-off. The distribution of Classical Be stars as a function of spectral type shows peaks at B1–B2 and B6–B7 spectral types. The Be star fraction [N(Be)/N(B+Be)] is found to be less than 10 per cent for most of the clusters and NGC 2345 is found to have the largest fraction (∼26 per cent). Our results indicate there could be two mechanisms responsible for the Classical Be phenomenon. Some are born Classical Be stars (fast rotators), as indicated by their presence in clusters younger than 10 Myr. Some stars evolve to Classical Be stars, within the MS lifetime, as indicated by the enhancement in the fraction of clusters with Classical Be stars in the 20–30 Myr age bin.  相似文献   

The results of modified objective grating observations and photoelectric as well as photographic photometry of the open cluster NGC 2374 are presented. The cluster contains at least twenty stars as definite members down tom v ≈ 15mag. There is a uniform extinction ofE(B - V) = 0.175 mag and the distance is 1.2 ± 0.1 kpc. The most likely age of this cluster is 7.5 ×107 years.  相似文献   

Currently available data on the field of velocities V r , V l , V b for open star clusters are used to perform a kinematic analysis of various samples that differ by heliocentric distance, age, and membership in individual structures (the Orion, Carina-Sagittarius, and Perseus arms). Based on 375 clusters located within 5 kpc of the Sun with ages up to 1 Gyr, we have determined the Galactic rotation parameters ω 0 = ?26.0 ± 0.3 km s?1 kpc?1, ω0 = 4.18 ± 0.17 km s?1 kpc?2, ω0 = ?0.45 ± 0.06 km s?1 kpc?3, the system contraction parameter K = ?2.4 ± 0.1 km s?1 kpc?1, and the parameters of the kinematic center R 0 = 7.4 ± 0.3 kpc and l 0 = 0° ± 1°. The Galactocentric distance R 0 in the model used has been found to depend significantly on the sample age. Thus, for example, it is 9.5 ± 0.7 and 5.6 ± 0.3 kpc for the samples of young (≤50 Myr) and old (>50 Myr) clusters, respectively. Our study of the kinematics of young open star clusters in various spiral arms has shown that the kinematic parameters are similar to the parameters obtained from the entire sample for the Carina-Sagittarius and Perseus arms and differ significantly from them for the Orion arm. The contraction effect is shown to be typical of star clusters with various ages. It is most pronounced for clusters with a mean age of ≈100 Myr, with the contraction velocity being Kr = ?4.3 ± 1.0 km s?1.  相似文献   

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