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【背景】鸽新城疫是由鸽Ⅰ型副黏病毒(pigeon paramyxovirus type Ⅰ,PPMV-1)感染引起的危害最严重的疫病之一,至今尚无有效的防控制剂。【目的】分析鸽新城疫病毒BJ-C株的基因组信息及系统发育关系,为鸽新城疫的防控提供科学依据。【方法】设计首尾重叠的6对特异性引物,利用分段扩增的方法,以鸽新城疫病毒BJ-C株基因组cDNA为模板,分别扩增、测序后进行全基因组序列拼接。以NCBI数据库中发布的新城疫病毒序列为参考,针对鸽新城疫病毒BJ-C株的基因组、F基因建立系统发育树。【结果】鸽新城疫病毒BJ-C株的基因组全长为15192nt。基于全基因组的系统发育分析发现其与PPMV-1/BJ-01/CH株的系统发育关系最近,核苷酸相似性为99.96%,氨基酸相似性高达100%,属于同一个分支,而与LaSota疫苗株等其他新城疫毒株的亲缘关系相对较远。基于F基因序列的系统发育树分析发现BJ-C株F基因与我国的BJP2013株同属一个分支。ClassⅡ类Ⅵ亚型F基因高变区序列(47-420nt)比对结果显示,安徽株Pigeon/Anhui/2369/2012、广东株Pigeon/Guangdong/GZ288/2013、北京株BJP13、浙江株Pigeon/Zhejiang/2036/2012及比利时株PPMV-1/Belgium/11-09620/2011等与BJ-C毒株处于同一个分支,同属Ⅵb亚型。【结论】本研究获得了鸽新城疫病毒BJ-C株全基因组序列,分析了其系统发育关系,确定其属于ClassⅡ类Ⅵb型,为后续防控产品的开发提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

根据GenBank上所公布的新城疫病毒(NDV)的全基因组序列,设计了8对引物,运用RT-PCR方法获取了3株广西地方强毒株GX7/02、GX9/03和GX11/03的全基因组序列,并对其进行了比较分析。此3株病毒的全基因组序列均由15192个碱基组成,与GenBank公布的ZJ1、U.S/Largo/71、Italy/2736/00等7个毒株的全基因组序列长度相同,比LaSota、Clone-30和B1的全基因组序列多出6个核苷酸,此6个核苷酸位于np基因的非编码区内,相对与NDV毒株LaSota、Clone-30和B1序列的1647~1648nt位。通过序列的比较分析,发现GX7/02、GX9/03和GX11/03与ZJ1毒株的同源性较高,而与LaSota、Clone-30和B1等毒株的同源性较低。  相似文献   

三株新城疫广西分离株全基因组序列的测定与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据GenBank上所公布的新城疫病毒(NDV)的全基因组序列,设计了8对引物,运用RT-PCR 方法获取了3株广西地方强毒株GX7/02、GX9/03和GX11/03的全基因组序列,并对其进行了比较分析.此3株病毒的全基因组序列均由15192个碱基组成,与GenBank公布的ZJ1、U.S/Largo/71、Italy/2736/00等7个毒株的全基因组序列长度相同,比LaSota、Clone-30和B1的全基因组序列多出6个核苷酸,此6个核苷酸位于np基因的非编码区内,相对与NDV毒株LaSota、Clone-30和B1序列的1647~1648nt 位.通过序列的比较分析,发现GX7/02、GX9/03和GX11/03与ZJ1毒株的同源性较高,而与LaSota、Clone-30和B1等毒株的同源性较低.  相似文献   

为了研究导致致病性大肠杆菌致病力差异的主要因素,本试验以分离自仔猪腹泻样的五株致病性大肠杆菌(P211、P555、P32、P444和P111)和两株参考大肠杆菌(S10670、E24190)为实验材料,通过小鼠感染试验鉴别菌株的致病力,并对菌株进行全基因组测序,分析菌株基因组.结果显示,强毒株S10670和E24190...  相似文献   

从患病肉鸡群分离到一株新城疫病毒(NewcastleDiseasevirus,NDV)SQZ04。经蚀斑纯化后接种40日龄SPF鸡可诱发典型病变。经蚀斑纯化前和后的MDT为50·5h和51·2h,ICPI为2·0和1·92,IVPI为2·8和2·68,表明属强毒株。但F基因分型表明SQZ04属基因Ⅱ型,而且其与已知基因Ⅱ型的疫苗株LaSota、B1和Texas48的同源性分别为99·3%、98·7%和96·9%,显著高于与基因Ⅶ或Ⅸ型强毒株的同源性88·3%~88·6%或91·3%~92·1%。这是国内第一株属于基因Ⅱ型的NDV强毒株。SQZ04F多肽氨基酸裂解位点的序列为111GGRQGRL117,与弱毒株序列完全相同,这也是国内外首次报道具有这一氨基酸序列的强毒野毒株。然而,SQZ04株与其他已知强毒株的HN氨基酸同源性高达95·3%~97·3%,显著高于与弱毒株LaSota等的同源性87·8%~89·5%。  相似文献   

为了解析基因型相同但宿主来源不同的新城疫病毒的全基因组差异。本文采用RT-PCR方法分别获得4株(JS/3/09/Ch,ZJ/3/10/Ch,AH/2/10/Du,JS/9/08/Go)Class I 基因3型病毒的全基因组核苷酸序列,并与GenBank中已公布的Class I基因3型病毒全基因组序列进行比对分析。本实验4株病毒的基因组长度均为15198bp,在基因组1607~1608位有6碱基的缺失,在2381~2382位有12碱基的插入,裂解位点为112EQ/RQE/GRL117是标准弱毒特征。5株Class I基因3型病毒之间全基因组同源性超过93%;而与Class II弱毒株同源性最低只有72.2%;比较6个结构蛋白基因的同源性,NP基因的同源性最高(98.3%~96.4%),而P基因最低(96.1%~91.9%)。结果表明不同宿主来源的Class I基因3型新城疫病毒在遗传信息方面差异不大,但NP/F/L基因的变异幅度较P/M/HN基因明显。  相似文献   

2009~2011年从北方发病鸡群和鸭群中分离出3株新城疫病毒(Newcastle disease virus,NDV)。通过致病性指数测定及交叉血凝抑制试验初步分析了3个毒株的毒力和相互之间的同源性。选取鸡源分离株SDLY01与新城疫疫苗株(LaSota)进行了交叉保护试验,选取鸭源毒株SD03对樱桃谷鸭进行攻毒实验,同时设计引物对3个毒株进行了全基因组测序,并与36株NDV参考株进行了分子进化分析。结果表明3个分离株F蛋白裂解位点的氨基酸序列均为112R-R-Q-K-R-F117符合强毒株的序列特征,并与致病性指数测定结果相符。交叉血凝抑制试验发现3个分离株与疫苗株LaSota 的抗原同源性较低为82.5%~89.4%,两个鸡源分离株间的抗原同源性为90%,而鸭源毒株SD03与鸡源毒株SDSG01同源性为100%。交叉保护试验和攻毒实验结果显示传统的LaSota疫苗能对SDLY01流行株提供100%免疫保护,但第5天仍检测到排毒;鸭源毒株SD03对樱桃谷鸭不致病,但能检出排毒,排毒期最长为5d。全基因组测序与分析表明3个毒株基因组长度均为15192bp,属于基因Ⅶd型毒株,与同期流行的鹅源及鸭源NDV毒株之间全基因组核苷酸序列具有高度的同源性,揭示鸭源、鹅源NDV与鸡源NDV在遗传学和流行病学上密切相关。  相似文献   

【背景】沙门氏菌(Salmonella spp.)是重要的人畜共患病原菌,其毒力和耐药性的不断增强引起广泛关注。【目的】了解从通辽市一犊牛死亡病例中所分离牛源都柏林沙门氏菌的毒力及耐药性情况。【方法】以病死犊牛肺脏为材料,经细菌分离纯化及16S rRNA基因测序,鉴定病原为沙门氏菌。采用动物试验、药敏试验和PCR方法对分离菌进行毒力、耐药性,以及毒力基因和耐药基因检测,并对其进行全基因组测序分析。【结果】分离菌具有较强毒力,对小鼠半数致死量为2.8×106 CFU/mL。分离菌为多重耐药菌,仅对多粘菌素B和噻孢霉素敏感,对强力霉素和恩诺沙星中度敏感。检测13种沙门氏菌常见毒力基因,检出率为92.3%。对分离菌进行全基因组测序分析,该菌株为都柏林沙门氏菌,基因组大小为4 965 370 bp,GC含量为52.12%,同时携带2个质粒,大小分别为79 524 bp (pTLS-1)和45 301 bp (pTLS-2)。分离菌中共携带996个毒力基因和24个毒力岛;共携带42个耐药基因,其中4个为可水平转移基因,基因组中存在9个可移动遗传元件,包括插入序列和转座子等。【结论】分离牛源都柏林沙门氏菌菌株具有较强毒力且为多重耐药株,携带大量毒力基因及耐药基因。  相似文献   

中国6株狂犬病病毒街毒株全基因组测序与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验研究中对分离于中国的6株狂犬病病毒街毒株进行了全基因组测序,对基因组的5个结构基因(N、P、M、G和L)的核苷酸和推断的氨基酸序列以及非编码区序列进行了分析与比较,并与来自GenBank的40株毒株从全基因组水平进行了分子进化分析。所测6株中国狂犬病病毒街毒株的全基因组核苷酸序列长度介于11 907 nt(CQ92)和11 924 nt(SH06和gg4)之间,基因组结构相同,用全基因组和不同的结构基因构建的进化树拓扑结构相似,基因组3′和5′末端高度保守而且末端11个核苷酸互补配对,5个结构基因的保守性依次是NLMGP,核苷酸同源性的最小值依次分别是81.9%、81.7%、80.7%、78.3%和76.7%。  相似文献   

鹅源新城疫病毒ZJ1株微型基因组的构建及其初步应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在获得鹅源新城疫病毒ZJ1株全基因组序列的基础上,用增强型绿色荧光蛋白(eGFP)报告基因取代鹅源新城疫病毒ZJ1株整个编码区,只保留与病毒复制、转录和病毒粒子包装相关的调控序列,将其反向克隆入转录载体TVT7R(0.0)中,构建了该毒株的微型基因组。当转染用辅助病毒ZJ1株感染的Hep_2细胞时报告基因得到表达,表明此微型 基因组RNA可被辅助病毒提供的NP、P和L蛋白翻译。同时将该病毒NP、P和L蛋白基因分别克隆入真核表达载体pCI_neo中,构建了表达该病毒NP、P与L蛋白的辅助质粒,用此微型基因组对辅助质粒的表达产物进行了功能鉴定并对该病毒拯救过程中痘苗病毒的最适感染剂量进行了摸索。以上研究为该病毒的成功拯救及开展其它相关研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   



The genus Clavibacter harbors economically important plant pathogens infecting agricultural crops such as potato and tomato. Although the vast majority of Clavibacter strains are pathogenic, there is an increasing number of non-pathogenic isolates reported. Non-pathogenic Clavibacter strains isolated from tomato seeds are particularly problematic because they affect the current detection and identification tests for Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (Cmm), which is regulated with a zero tolerance in tomato seed. Their misidentification as pathogenic Cmm hampers a clear judgment on the seed quality and health.


To get more insight in the genetic features linked to the lifestyle of these bacteria, a whole-genome sequence of the tomato seed-borne non-pathogenic Clavibacter LMG 26808 was determined. To gain a better understanding of the molecular determinants of pathogenicity, the genome sequence of LMG 26808 was compared with that of the pathogenic Cmm strain (NCPPB 382). The comparative analysis revealed that LMG 26808 does not contain plasmids pCM1 and pCM2 and also lacks the majority of important virulence factors described so far for pathogenic Cmm. This explains its apparent non-pathogenic nature in tomato plants. Moreover, the genome analysis of LMG 26808 detected sequences from a plasmid originating from a member of Enterobacteriaceae/Klebsiella relative. Genes received that way and coding for antibiotic resistance may provide a competitive advantage for survival of LMG 26808 in its ecological niche. Genetically, LMG 26808 was the most similar to the pathogenic Cmm NCPPB 382 but contained more mobile genetic elements. The genome of this non-pathogenic Clavibacter strain contained also a high number of transporters and regulatory genes.


The genome sequence of the non-pathogenic Clavibacter strain LMG 26808 and the comparative analyses with other pathogenic Clavibacter strains provided a better understanding of the genetic bases of virulence and adaptation mechanisms present in the genus Clavibacter.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-392) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The aims of these studies were: genetic characteristic of street rabies virus strains isolated from different animal species in Poland and determination of phylogenetic relationships to reference laboratory strains of the street rabies viruses belonging to genotype 1 and 5. The variability of rabies isolates and their phylogenetic relationship were studied by comparing the nucleotide sequence of the virus genome fragment. The Polish strains of genotype 1 belong to four phylogenetic groups (NE, CE, NEE, EE) corresponding to four variants: fox-racoon dog (F-RD); European fox 1 (F1); European fox 2 (F2) and European fox 3 (F3). On the Polish territories there are no rabies strains representing the variant dog-wolf and typical for arctic fox variant. The similarity of nucleotide and amino acid sequences of street rabies strains belonging to genotype 1 and laboratory strain CVS is very high. It is about 91% similarity at nucleotide level and 95% at amino acid level. Rabies strain CVS is similar to genotype 5 bat strains (EBL 1) only in about 69% and 74% at nucleotide and amino acid level, respectively. The genetic divergence of rabies strains circulating in Poland raised the need of permanent epidemiological and virological surveillance. The genotype and variant of isolated strains should be determined (using PCR and RLFP methods).  相似文献   

H Wang  Y He  Q Shen  X Wang  S Yang  L Cui  L Ren  G Sun  X Hua  S Shao  W Zhang 《Journal of virology》2012,86(15):8334-8335
Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is a zoonotic pathogen of which several species of animal were reported as reservoirs. Swine stands out as the major reservoir for HEV infection in humans, as suggested by the close genetic relationship of swine and human viruses. In a previous study, we sequenced the complete genome of a human genotype 4 HEV strain (HM439284) that is prevalent in Jiangsu Province, China. Here we report the complete genome of one genotype 4 HEV strain which is prevalent in swine herds in Jiangsu Province. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the swine HEV strain in the present study has high sequence homology (>92%) with the genotype 4 HEV strains prevalent in the human population of Jiangsu Province. These results suggested that the genotype 4 HEV strain in the present study is involved in cross-species transmission between swine and humans in this area.  相似文献   

应用RT-PCR方法对鹅新城疫病毒安徽分离株WF00GP基因进行了RNA编辑分析,发现w‰GP基因在保守的编辑位点上插入一个G,使得P基因增加编码V蛋白,而且它的最大ORF的长度为1188bp,编码395个氨基酸的P蛋白。wkG株和参考毒株的P基因的同源性和系统发育分析表明,WF00G株与水禽源毒株NA.1、ZJ1、FPI/02、PX2/03、Duck/1/05和SF02等亲缘关系较近,与传统疫苗株或弱毒株HB92、LaSota和Clone30以及F48E9等的亲缘关系相对较远。进一步对其V蛋白羧基端序列分析发现,虽然编辑位点氨基酸序列(132KKG134)和羧基端的5个Cys残基位点是高度保守的,但是V蛋白c末端氨基酸存在较大变异,APMV-1毒株V蛋白羧基端氨基酸的突变呈现“基因型一致性”。  相似文献   

In this study, we determined the complete nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence of a primary isolate of rabies virus (SH06) obtained from the brain of a rabid dog. The overall length of the genome was 11 924 nucleotides. Comparison of the genomic sequence showed the homology of SH06 at nucleotide level with full-length genomes of reference vaccine strains ranged from 82.2% with the PV strain to 86.9% with the CTN strain. A full-length genome-based phylogenetic analysis was performed with sequences available from GenBank. Phylogenetic analysis of the complete genome sequences indicated that the SH06 exhibited the highest homology with rabies street virus BD06 and CTN vaccine strain originated from China.  相似文献   

The aim of these studies was the estimation of the influence of genetic divergence of reactivity with sera of people vaccinated against rabies of Polish rabies strains. Genetic similarity between CVS strain and street rabies strains of genotype 1 is relatively high. However, CVS strain showed the highest reactivity with standard immunoglobulin and sera of antirabies vaccinated people (measured by western blot method). It was completely different from street viruses. Cluster method based on genetic and serologic features indicated high difference between CVS strain and street rabies strains belonging to genotype 1 and genotype 5. On this basis CVS strain was classified as a separate cluster. The genetic divergence of rabies strains circulating in Poland suggests the need of permanent epidemiological and virological surveillance. Strains different in their genotypic and biotypic characteristics should be estimated according to their antigenic similarity to vaccine strain. In practice neutralisation test using mono- and polyclonal sera should be performed. Strains isolated from new or atypical animal species should be studied first of all.  相似文献   

Burkholderia glumae is the major causal agent of bacterial panicle blight of rice, a growing disease problem in global rice production. To better understand its genome-scale characteristics, the genome of the highly virulent B. glumae strain 336gr-1 isolated from Louisiana, USA was sequenced using the Illumina Genome Analyser II system. De novo assembled 336gr-1 contigs were aligned and compared with the previously sequenced genome of B. glumae strain BGR1, which was isolated from an infected rice plant in South Korea. Comparative analysis of the whole genomes of B. glumae 336gr-1 and B. glumae BGR1 revealed numerous unique genomic regions present only in one of the two strains. These unique regions contained accessory genes including mobile elements and phage-related genes, and some of the unique regions in B. glumae BGR1 corresponded to predicted genomic islands. In contrast, little variation was observed in known and potential virulence genes between the two genomes. The considerable amount of plasticity largely based on accessory genes and genome islands observed from the comparison of the genomes of these two strains of B. glumae may explain the versatility of this bacterial species in various environmental conditions and geographic locations.  相似文献   

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