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解剖面神经下颌缘支的颌下腺切除术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:探讨解剖面神经下颌缘支的颌下腺切除术,对治疗部分颌下腺疾病的技术操作的可行性、安全性及疗效。方法:选择颌下腺疾病病人25例,分别为①术前考虑恶性。②二次手术。③慢性炎症局部浸润重。④下颌缘支神经走行位置偏低。⑤病变腺体位置深在近下颌骨等病例。均采用主动解剖下颌缘支神经切除颌下腺。结果:术后18例无面神经损伤症状;6例轻度口角歪斜,1~2周恢复正常;1例主动切断并吻合下颌缘支神经。3例颌下腺癌及2例二次手术的多形性腺瘤随访2~3年,无局部复发及远处转移;20例良性病变随诊6~48个月,术区无异常改变。结论:颌下腺疾病具有上述5种情况手术治疗时,主动的解剖面神经下颌缘支的颌下腺切除术,较传统的不解剖或不主动解剖下颌缘支神经的颌下腺切除术相比,其优点是:可使下颌缘支神经更趋安全,减少了神经损伤带来的并发症,手术效果满意。  相似文献   

目的观察研究腮腺导管与面神经颊支的解剖关系,为术中用腮腺导管作为面神经探查标记物提供解剖依据。方法在腮腺良性肿瘤切除术中观察和测量42例患者的腮腺导管和面神经颊支的解剖关系,包括深浅、成角和距离关系。结果在深浅关系上,颊支位于腮腺导管浅面占69.05%(29/42),同层面占14.29%(6/42),深面占16.67%(7/42)。从二者走形角度上,基本平行占76.19%(32/42),明显成角的占23.81%(10/42)。以出腮腺处测量距离来看,上颊支位于腮腺导管上0.2~1.0 cm,平均(0.61±0.13)cm;下颊支位于导管下0.2~1.5 cm,平均(0.77±0.27)cm。结论腮腺导管与面神经上下颊支解剖关系相对恒定,可以用于腮腺肿瘤术中寻找解剖面神经的标志物。  相似文献   

目的 比较两种面神经解剖方法在腮腺浅叶良性肿瘤切除术中的临床疗效。方法 选择手术治疗的腮腺浅叶良性肿瘤患者62例,随机分成两组。观察组(32例)选择沿下颌缘支的逆行法解剖面神经并切除肿瘤,对照组(30例)选择顺行法解剖面神经并切除肿瘤。比较两组患者的手术时间、术中失血量、术后面神经麻痹、涎瘘、Frey综合征、耳周麻木及面部凹陷畸形的发生率。结果 观察组手术时间、术中失血量、术后面神经麻痹、涎瘘、Frey综合征、耳周麻木及面部凹陷畸形的发生率分别为(33.57±21.44)min、(31.14±28.36)ml、6.25%、12.50%、15.63%、6.25%和6.25%,对照组分别为(47.31±18.52)min、(44.22±23.82)ml、6.67%、10.00%、20.00%、16.67%和6.67%。与对照组比较,观察组手术时间短,术中失血量少,术后耳周麻木的发生率低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),而术后面神经麻痹、涎瘘、Frey综合征及面部凹陷畸形,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 在腮腺浅叶良性肿瘤切除术中,沿下颌缘支的逆行法相比顺行法可缩短手术...  相似文献   

对面神经梳理术的进一步探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为进一步提高颅内面神经干梳理术治疗面肌痉挛的手术疗效,对1991~1994年亲自做的110例患者的手术记录和随访情况进行分析。术中发现蛛网膜肥厚、粘连22例(20.0%),无血管压迫35例(31.8%),有明显血管压迫66例(60.0%),较Jannett等报道血管压迫率达95%以上者为低。其中血管穿行于Ⅶ、Ⅷ颅神经间者16例,如采用显微血管减压术将十分困难或有一定危险。手术100%有效;随访1~4年,复发6例(5.4%)与早期手术经验不足或因血管包绕影响梳理程度有关。现认为面神经梳理最少应在20个层面以上,使术后面神经反应最小刺激阈达10mA为度。  相似文献   

面神经迷向再生会造成失靶支配。现报告切断作躯体运动神经可提高达靶支配正确性的临床实践。166例面瘫患者的手术分为非躯体运动神经“切断”和“木切断”二组。按House面神经恢复品级系品评,在面神经不完全损害(Bell面瘫,Hunt综合症和外伤等)经全程或次全程减压(101例)后,切断组(平均为1.66±0.74级)较未切断组(平均为2.81±0.87级)为佳。在面神经完全性损害(外伤,肿瘤和化学伤等)经神经移植(65例)后,切断组改善(平均为2.63±0.73级)比未切断组(平均为3.65±0.78级)佳。  相似文献   

目的 探讨近发际缘内头皮冠状切口手术径路在耳鼻咽喉头颈外科手术中的临床意义。方法 采用经近发际缘内头皮冠状切口入路,行颧骨复合体骨折切开复位内固定术20例;额窦巨大囊肿4例;额窦骨瘤2例;额部良性肿块2例,分析、观察总结此切口的优缺点。结果 28例疗效满意,所有切口均Ι期愈合,无面部切口瘢痕遗留、术后面神经瘫痪、脑膜撕裂脑脊液漏出现。结论 近发际缘内头皮冠状切口手术入路,在颅脑及颌面外科经常使用。在耳鼻咽喉头颈外科手术中应用此切口,术野显露充分,对比颜面部中上份一些传统入路难以操作的手术更方便,更能提高手术质量。直视下的手术能避免在该区域手术操作中的面神经损伤脑膜损伤脑脊液鼻漏的并发症,同时也隐藏了颜面部的手术切口瘢痕达到术后面部美观之功效。该切口是面中上份手术切口径路的理想选择,值得在耳鼻咽喉头颈外科手术中应用推广。  相似文献   

目的分析颞骨内段面神经移位对于面神经功能的影响,总结颞骨内段面神经移位外科技术要点。方法回顾性分析我单位2015年5月至2018年1月行侧颅底手术中未受肿瘤侵犯或轻度侵犯的患者面神经前移的临床资料,选择术前House-Brackmann(H-B)面瘫分级系统I级,且影像学评估面神经未被肿瘤包绕或包绕小于180°的病例,评估其术后面部运动(H-B分级)情况。结果共14例患者,其中颞下窝进路TypeA 9例,TypeA+B 5例。病理类型包括副神经节瘤10例(71.43%),神经鞘瘤3例(21.43%),岩尖胆脂瘤1例(7.14%)。平均随访时间23.42月(12个月至44个月)。14例(100%)术后平均5.67月时恢复至H-B I-II级。结论在面神经未收肿瘤侵犯或轻度侵犯的情况下,移位面神经导致术后永久面瘫的几率很小。面神经移位过程中保持神经被膜完整、避免神经张力过大、轻柔止血等手术技术是保护面神经功能的保证。  相似文献   

报告1987~1996年间收治27例损伤性面瘫病例的治疗经验。男19例,女8例,年龄5~40岁。面神经损伤原因包括颞骨骨折10例,医源性损伤7例,砒霜腐蚀伤10例。治疗方式除1例迟发性面瘫经药物治疗外,余26例均经手术处理,术式为:经迷路;中颅窝;面神经隐窝等径路,进行病灶清除术(损伤性,炎性)及面神经减压术,或神经移植术。术后随访半年~6年,22例明显好转,其中以颞骨骨折组疗效最佳。文内详细讨论了各种术式及原则。  相似文献   

目的 分析中耳乳突手术至致面神经损伤的原因,提出预防策略.方法 回顾性分析32例因中耳乳突手术发生面瘫的原因及治疗效果.结果32例中迟发性面瘫11例,经抽出术腔填塞物、给予糖皮质激素、抗生素和抗病毒药物治疗后,9例完全恢复,2例未恢复.速发性面瘫21例,经面神经减压、端端吻合等处理,10例恢复正常(I级),5例恢复到II级,2例恢复到III级,4例未恢复.造成面瘫的原因可能为:①术者经验不足、对颞骨解剖不熟悉,特别是出现天盖下垂、面神经解剖异常、乙状窦前移等解剖异常时手术易损伤面神经;②乳突气房发育不良而采用凿小孔方法 寻找鼓窦;③面神经管部分缺损、去除病变方法 不正确而损伤面神经.结论 熟悉面神经颞骨面神经解剖,遵循中耳乳突手术原则,是防止面神经损伤的主要手段.  相似文献   



The marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve must be protected during surgery for benign diseases of submandibular gland. Methods for protecting the marginal mandibular branch include the nerve identification method and the non-identification method.


We performed submandibular gland surgery in 138 patients with benign submandibular gland diseases using the non-identification method to preserve the marginal mandibular branch. In brief, the submandibular gland capsule is incised at the inferior border of the gland and detached along the gland parenchyma. The nerve is protected by this procedure without the need for identification.


Among 138 patients who underwent this surgical procedure, only 7 patients developed transient paralysis of the lower lip.


This method of resecting the submandibular gland without identifying the marginal mandibular branch is an effective procedure associated with a low incidence of transient paralysis. Moreover, no patient developed paralysis due to procedural errors.  相似文献   

Preserving the marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve is essential in submandibular neck dissection to avert disfiguring complications. Despite the high incidence of postoperative palsy, old-fashioned techniques of nerve identification remain widespread. The use of disposable plexus block nerve stimulators as a safe and accurate method to localize the nerve intraoperatively is suggested herein. Such devices are significantly more affordable and user-friendly than larger facial nerve monitoring devices, which are rather favored for those procedures more extensively jeopardizing the branches of the facial nerve. In this report, disposable stimulators led to successful identification of the nerve in 100% of 25 patients between 2003 and 2005, with no postoperative paralysis. In addition, stimulation devices are constantly gaining in reliability and safety, and the number of surgical fields supporting their use is expanding. Therefore, their routine use for surgery on the submandibular area is recommended by the authors.  相似文献   

头皮冠状和耳屏切口因其切口位置隐蔽、面部不留瘢痕、术野显露充分,已成为颌面外科治疗面中部骨折、眶上缘骨折、眶外侧缘骨折、颧骨颧弓骨折的常用方法。2006—03—2012—06期间我院采用头皮冠状和耳屏切口进路结合微型钛板坚强内固定治疗68例颌面部骨折患者,现就如何防止该术式的常见并发症——面神经损伤的方法探讨如下。  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo demonstrate the safety and efficiency of holmium laser-assisted lithotripsy during sialendoscopy of the submandibular gland using a retrospective, interventional consecutive case series.MethodsWe performed 374 sialendoscopies between 2008 and 2015 and evaluated all patients regarding clinical symptoms, clinical findings, therapy and outcome. We performed 109 procedures of holmium laser-assisted lithotripsy in 64 patients whose sialoliths measured 5 mm or more in diameter. In addition to retrospective case note reviews, we performed telephone interviews of all patients in January 2017.ResultsWe performed 374 consecutive submandibular gland sialendoscopy procedures in 276 patients between 2008 to 2015. Sialolithiasis had either previously been diagnosed, or symptoms highly suggestive of sialolithiasis of the submandibular gland presented in 197 patients.Holmium laser-assisted Laser lithotripsy was performed in 109 cases (64.9%). Smaller mobile concrement was removed directly either by forceps or wire basket, or following marsupialisation of the submandibular duct. This was the case in 88 patients (29.1%). Three patients (0.8%) required surgical removal of the submandibular gland due to early abscess. The majority of patients (n = 374 procedures; 90.1%) remained symptom-free after two or more years following intervention. In the remaining procedures (n = 37 procedures; 9.9%), patients reported discreet postprandial problems but did not seek medical attention. In total, we managed to preserve the submandibular gland and avoid open surgery in 99% of patients through endoscopic management of submandibular concrement and duct stenosis.ConclusionHolmium laser-assisted lithotripsy is a simple, safe, and effective procedure for treating patients with sialolithiasis of the submandibular gland. Removal of the gland is rarely required, and removing the gland without prior sialendoscopy is no longer recommended. It should be offered to all patients with submandibular gland sialolithiasis, or such patients should be referred to the appropriate centre for sialendoscopy before submandibulectomy is considered.  相似文献   

Conclusions: The results indicate that the injury of the marginal mandibular branch improved the recovery of the buccal branch in a rat model.

Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate whether the injury or intactness of the marginal mandibular branch affects the regeneration of the facial nerve buccal branch in a rat model.

Methods: This experiment was conducted on 30 adult rats, which were randomly and equally divided into two groups. The buccal branch of the facial nerve was transected and reconstructed, with the marginal mandibular branch damaged (group A) or intact (group B). The vibrissae movement of rats was assessed since the 4th week after operation. At the 8th and 12th week, compound muscle action potentials (CMAPs) and morphological changes of injured buccal branches were evaluated.

Results: After the operation, vibrissae movement of rats was eliminated in group A, but it was similar to the health side in group B. CMAPs were recorded from regenerated buccal branches in group A since the 8th week, but no CMAPs could be recorded in group B at each time point. Additionally, the diameter of nerve fibers, the thickness of myelin sheath, and the density of regenerated fibers in group A were significantly larger than those in group B (p?相似文献   

目的 总结腮腺手术中安全快捷地寻找面神经的方法。方法 回顾分析1994年至2014年西安交通大学第一附属医院耳鼻喉科收治的810例良性腮腺肿瘤或囊肿的病例资料。结果 术中465例采用总干法寻找面神经, 其中11例未找到面神经总干而改用他法, 3例术中损伤面神经总干;138例采用颧支法寻找面神经, 均成功确认神经, 无术中医源性损伤;74例采用下颌缘支法, 均成功确认面神经, 8例术中损伤;133例采用颊支法, 均成功确认神经, 5例术中损伤。结论 腮腺手术中应以固定的解剖标志寻找面神经, 首选总干法及颧支法, 尽量避免下颌缘支法, 但也要根据患者的具体情况采用合适的方法。  相似文献   

《Auris, nasus, larynx》2019,46(5):779-784
ObjectiveSurgery for recurrent pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid gland is challenging since there is a considerable risk of facial nerve injury and a high re-recurrence rate. We investigated surgery for recurrent pleomorphic adenoma, focusing on management of the facial nerve.MethodsWe reviewed 29 patients who underwent surgery for recurrent benign pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid gland at our department between 1999 and 2018. We examined clinicopathologic features and risk factors for facial nerve injury during reoperation.ResultsFactors associated with difficulty in identifying the main trunk of the facial nerve during surgery were bilobar tumors, multiple tumors, and use of an S-shaped skin incision at the previous operation. When the facial nerve was identified intraoperatively, it could be preserved in 2/3 of patients, while the nerve was only preserved in 1/3 of patients when it was not identified. Factors related to permanent postoperative paralysis included recurrence in the deep lobe or both lobes and multiple tumors.ConclusionThe probability of successfully preserving the facial nerve is relatively high if the nerve can be identified during surgery for recurrent pleomorphic adenoma, although intentional resection is necessary in some patients. Factors associated with difficulty in identifying the facial nerve are similar to those related to permanent postoperative paralysis, including bilobar tumors and multiple tumors. In patients with recurrent pleomorphic adenoma, preservation of the facial nerve is difficult, when they may have undergone previous extensive resection or have multiple tumors requiring subtotal or more extensive resection.  相似文献   

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