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Purpose. Standard prehospital practice includes frequent immobilization of blunt trauma patients, oftentimes based solely on mechanism. Unnecessary cervical spine (c-spine) immobilization does have disadvantages, including morbidity such as low back pain and splinting, increased scene time and costs, and patient-paramedic conflict. Some emergency physicians (EPs) use clinical criteria to clear trauma patients of c-spine injury. If paramedics were able to apply clinical criteria in the out-of-hospital setting, then unnecessary c-spine immobilization could be safely avoided. The authors designed a prospective, randomized, simulated trial to determine the level of agreement between paramedic and EP assessments of clinical indicators of c-spine injury, hypothesizing that there would be substantial agreement between them.

Methods. A convenience sample of ten paramedics and ten attending EPs participated. Ten standardized patients, with various combinations of positive and negative findings, were examined simultaneously by EP-paramedic pairs. Each pair evaluated five randomly assigned patients for six clinical criteria: 1) alteration in consciousness, 2) evidence of intoxication, 3) complaint of neck pain, 4) cervical tenderness, 5) neurologic deficit or complaint, and 6) distracting injury. If any criterion was positive, clinical clearance was considered to have failed, and the simulated patient would have been immobilized. Fifty pairs of examinations were performed. The kappa statistic was utilized to determine level of agreement between the two groups for each criterion and for the immobilization decision. A kappa of 0.40 to 0.75 denotes good agreement and >0.75 denotes excellent agreement.

Results. The kappas for the six criteria were: 1) 0.77; 2) 0.68; 3) 0.62; 4) 0.73; 5) 0.68; and 6) 0.62. The kappa statistic for the immobilization decision was 0.90. In only one case did the immobilization decisions differ; the paramedic indicated immobilization, whereas the physician did not.

Conclusion. In this model, there was excellent agreement between paramedics and physicians when evaluating simulated patients for possible c-spine injury. No patient requiring immobilization would have been clinically cleared by paramedics. These data support the progression to a prospective field trial evaluating the use of these criteria by paramedics.  相似文献   

目的探讨系统护理在脊柱骨折合并脊髓损伤患者中的应用效果。方法随机将2017年10月至2018年10月68例脊柱骨折合并脊髓损伤患者分为观察组(34例,系统护理)与对照组(34例,常规护理)。比较两组患者的护理效果。结果观察组出院后3、6个月的SCIM-Ⅲ评分高于对照组(P<0.05)。观察组患者的并发症总发生率低于对照组(P<0.05)。出院后3个月,两组患者的各项生活质量评分均升高,且观察组高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论将系统护理应用于脊柱骨折合并脊髓损伤患者中,可降低患者的并发症发生率,提高患者生活质量。  相似文献   

目的 研究急性脊髓刀扎伤的磁共振成像(MRI)特征。方法 对12例急性脊髓刀扎伤患者的MRI进行回顾性分析。结果 12例均可见入路信号,椎管外一椎管内的刀迹金属伪迹影;此外,亦可见脊髓内的刀迹金属伪迹影、脊髓损伤信号、水肿信号、脊髓出血信号、硬膜外、下血肿出血信号。硬膜下、外血肿的鉴别可通过硬膜在血肿与脊髓间的关系来鉴别;矢状T1、T2加权相可以清晰地显示黄韧带、后纵带及硬膜的损伤或断裂。结论 MRI可准确诊断脊髓刀扎伤的部位,髓内、髓外及韧带、硬膜的损伤,尤其是矢状T2W相可清晰、准确地显示刀扎入的路径。  相似文献   

Objectives: To identify the predictors of traumatic spinal cord injury (TSCI) and describe the differences between confirmed and potential TSCI cases in the prehospital setting. Methods: A retrospective cohort study including all adult patients over a six-year period (2007–12) with potential TSCI who were attended and transported by Ambulance Victoria (AV). We extracted potential TSCI cases from the AV data warehouse and linked with the Victorian State Trauma Registry to compare with final hospital diagnosis. Results: We included a total of 106,059 patients with potential TSCI in the study, with 257 having a spinal cord injury confirmed at hospital (0.2%). The median [First and third Quartiles] age of confirmed TSCI cases was 49 [32–69] years, with males comprising 84.1%. Confirmed TSCI were mainly due to falls (44.8%) and traffic incidents (40.5%). AV spinal care guidelines had a sensitivity of 100% to detect confirmed TSCI. There were several factors associated with a diagnosis of TSCI. These were meeting AV Potential Major Trauma criteria, male gender, presence of neurological deficit, presence of an altered state of consciousness, high falls (> 3 meters), diving, or motorcycle or bicycle collisions. Conclusion: This study identified several predictors of TSCI including meeting AV Potential Major Trauma criteria, male gender, presence of neurological deficit, presence of an altered state of consciousness, high falls (> 3 meters), diving, or motorcycle or bicycle collisions. Most of these predictors are included in NEXUS and/or CCR criteria, however, Potential Major Trauma criteria have not previously been linked to the presence of TSCI. Therefore, Emergency Medical Systems are encouraged to integrate similar Potential Major Trauma criteria into their guidelines and protocols to further improve the provider's accuracy in identifying TSCI and to be more selective in their spinal immobilization, thereby reducing unwarranted adverse effects of this practice.  相似文献   

目的 分析多维度优质护理在手术治疗的脊柱骨折合并脊髓损伤患者中的应用效果.方法 选取2017年8月至2019年8月我院收治的96例脊柱骨折合并脊髓损伤患者作为研究对象,将其随机分为对照组(48例,常规护理)和观察组(48例,多维度优质护理).比较两组的护理效果.结果 观察组的护理满意度显著高于对照组(P﹤0.05).出...  相似文献   

目的:探讨无骨折脱位型颈髓损伤(CSCIWFD)的治疗策略及临床疗效。方法:回顾性分析我科自2005年8月-2010年12月收治的51例CSCIWFD患者,根据日本骨科学会评分系统(JOA评分)分析CSCIW-FD患者治疗的短中期疗效。结果:全部患者随访6~60个月,平均24个月。43例患者采取手术治疗,JOA评分的平均改善率和优良率分别为(46.5±5.8)%和48.8%,均显著高于8例采取保守治疗患者JOA评分的平均改善率(25.6±3.1)%和优良率25.0%(P<0.01)。7d内手术的35例患者JOA评分的平均改善率和优良率分别为(50.6±3.6)%和54.3%,均明显高于7d后手术的8例患者JOA评分的平均改善率(37.5±2.9)%和优良率25.0%(P<0.01)。采用前路或后路手术的JOA评分平均改善率和优良率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:根据CSCIWFD患者的影像学结果,选择合适的术式,尽早手术,可较好地改善颈脊髓功能,获得较满意的临床疗效。  相似文献   

Objective: This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of two different spinal immobilization techniques on cervical spine movement in a simulated prehospital ground transport setting. Methods: A counterbalanced crossover design was used to evaluate two different spinal immobilization techniques in a standardized environment. Twenty healthy male volunteers (age = 20.9 ± 2.2 yr) underwent ambulance transport from a simulated scene to a simulated emergency department setting in two separate conditions: utilizing traditional spinal immobilization (TSI) and spinal motion restriction (SMR). During both transport scenarios, participants underwent the same simulated scenario. The main outcome measures were cervical spine motion (cumulative integrated motion and peak range of motion), vital signs (heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation), and self-reported pain. Vital signs and pain were collected at six consistent points throughout each scenario. Results: Participants experienced greater transverse plane cumulative integrated motion during TSI compared to SMR (F1,57 = 4.05; P = 0.049), and greater transverse peak range of motion during participant loading/unloading in TSI condition compared to SMR (F1,57 = 17.32; P < 0.001). Pain was reported by 40% of our participants during TSI compared to 25% of participants during SMR (χ2 = 1.29; P = 0.453). Conclusions: Spinal motion restriction controlled cervical motion at least as well as traditional spinal immobilization in a simulated prehospital ground transport setting. Given these results, along with well-documented potential complications of TSI in the literature, SMR is supported as an alternative to TSI. Future research should involve a true patient population.  相似文献   

Objective. To determine whether EMS providers can accurately apply the clinical criteria for clearing cervical spines in trauma patients. Methods. EMS providers completed a data form based on their initial assessments of all adult trauma patients for whom the mechanism of injury indicated immobilization. Data collected included the presence or absence of neck pain/tenderness; altered mental status; history of loss of consciousness; drug/alcohol use; neurologic deficit; and other painful/distracting injury. After transport to the ED, emergency physicians (EPs) completed an identical data form based on their assessments. Immobilization was considered to be indicated if any one of the six criteria was present. The El's and EMS providers were blinded to each other's assessments. Agreement between the EP and EMS assessments was analyzed using the kappa statistic. Results. Five-hundred seventy-three patients were included in the study. The El' and EMS assessments matched in 78.7% (n = 451) of the cases. There were 44 (7.7%) patients for whom EP assessment indicated immobilization, but the EMS assessment did not. The kappa for the individual components of the assessments ranged from 0.35 to 0.81, with the kappa for the decision to immobilize being 0.48. The EMS providers' assessments were generally more conservative than the EPs'. Conclusion. EMS and EP assessments to rule out cervical spinal injury have moderate to substantial agreement. However, the authors recommend that systems allowing EMS providers to decide whether to immobilize patients should follow those patients closely to ensure appropriate care and to provide immediate feedback to the EMS providers.  相似文献   

目的:探讨脊髓损伤后并发骨折的原因、预防及治疗措施。方法:1988-2001年22例 脊髓损伤后并发骨折患者的临床资料,进行回顾总结。结果:22例脊髓损伤后并发骨折患者均有不同程度的骨质疏松或骨量减少,骨折在无意或较小外力时发生,骨折时无症状,往往忽略,难以及时发现。15例经过手术治愈。结论:脊髓损伤后骨质疏松是脊髓损伤后患者发生骨折的病理基础,被动关节活动时骨干承受超负荷应力是本组患者下发生下肢骨折的主要外因,强调早期预防和治疗骨质疏松及健康宣教的重要性。  相似文献   

目的:探讨颈椎骨折伴脊髓损伤患者的临床护理方法。方法:通过对颈脊髓损伤患者22例的临床观察和康复指导,总结护理要点和康复护理措施。结果:1例患者术后出现肺部感染,其余21例患者住院期间没有出现感染或压疮,均治愈出院。结论:针对颈脊髓损伤患者的特点,采取切实有效的康复护理措施,可减少并发症,提高患者的生活质量。  相似文献   

持续性脊髓压迫对脊髓损伤程度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨脊髓损伤(SCI)后脊髓压迫时间对损伤程度的影响。方法 以大脑皮层诱发电位(CSEP)和不同压迫时间为参数,自行设计一种犬的运动—静止压迫型SCI模型,选择T13为损伤中心,压迫脊髓,当 CSEP波幅下降达基础值的 50%时,维持静止压迫。将28只犬随机分为A、B、C、D 4组,A、B、C组脊髓分别受压30 min、90 min和180 min,D组为对照组,观察各组动物的组织病理学、影像学和行为学变化。结果 损伤组脊髓组织学均有损害,MRI显示损害程度随脊髓受压时间的延长逐渐加重( P<0.01);至术后28 d,各损伤组动物后肢功能均有恢复,BBB分级评分法评估组间有显著性差异( P <0.05)。结论 SCI后持续性脊髓压迫能加重损伤程度,应尽早解除脊髓压迫。  相似文献   

目的 探讨脊柱骨折类型与脊髓损伤程度的关系。方法 对200例胸腰段脊髓损伤患者的MRI表现进行回顾性研究和分析。结果 200例患者中,压缩骨折49例,爆裂骨折60例,骨折脱位79例,脊柱后成角畸形158例,基保全瘫患者依次分别为14例,39例,54例和94例。结论 胸腰段脊髓损伤患者损伤部位以T12、L1最多见(123例,74%),脊柱骨折类型与瘫痪程度有关,爆裂骨折和骨折脱位者更易导致完全性瘫痪,其中尤以骨折合并脱位者发生率最高。  相似文献   

目的 分析康复护理对脊柱骨折伴脊髓损伤患者日常生活能力及住院时间的影响.方法 将我院2018年1月至2019年12月收治的80例脊柱骨折伴脊髓损伤患者按照护理方案的不同分为对照组(n=40)与试验组(n=40).对照组给予常规护理干预,试验组在常规护理干预的基础上行康复护理.比较两组干预前、后的日常活动能力、运动功能改...  相似文献   

胚胎脊髓对损伤脊髓的修复作用研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
目的探讨不同条件下胚胎脊髓移值修复成鼠急性脊髓损伤(SCI)的能力。方法成鼠胸髓损伤后分别移植孕14d胚胎脊髓(FSC组)、游离正中神经加胚胎脊髓(P+F组)、带血管蒂正中神经加胚胎脊髓(V+F组),术后8周行组织学检查。结果V+F组胚胎脊髓与受体融合佳,体积增长速度、神经纤维和神经元数目显著高于P+F、FSC组(P<0.01),细胞分化比较好,突触较成熟,界面区也无明显的胶质增生。结论带血管蒂周围胚胎脊髓联合移植,对FSC的生长发育、对损伤神经元的再生能力均有一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

目的 探讨下颈椎骨折伴颈髓损伤患者的预见性护理要点.方法 在11例下颈椎骨折脱位伴颈髓损伤患者预见性护理中,加强病人及家属的心理护理术前做好相关准备同时加强并发症的预防,术后密切监测生命体征及病情变化,做好基础护理同时重视并发症的预防,加强康复训练.结果 通过各项预见性护理,11例下颈椎骨折脱位伴颈髓损伤患者中,有1例术后发生颈部血肿及时清除恢复顺利,1例肺部感染经综合治疗痊愈,1例低钠血症积极治疗后恢复正常.余无其他并发症发生.结论 良好有效的预见性护理能提高病人及家属的依从性及满意度,降低并发症及残障率,提高治愈率,促进病人康复.  相似文献   

目的:评价胸腰椎撑开支具在胸腰段脊髓损伤患者早期康复中的影像学表现。方法:自行研制胸腰椎撑开支具,25例患者均为胸腰段脊柱脊髓损伤术后第3-4周,分别在卧位无支具、卧位戴撑开支具和立位戴撑开支具等三种状态下拍摄胸腰椎正侧位CR片,分别测量损伤椎体的上一正常椎体前(后)下缘至上一正常椎体前(后)下缘的高度。结果:三种不同状态下损伤椎体的前缘高度分别是118.257±13.524mm、121.414±12.879mm、119.237±12.527mm,三者之间差异有显著性意义(P0.01)。卧位戴撑开支具与卧位无支具、立位戴撑开支具相比差异均有显著性意义(P0.01);卧位无支具与立位戴撑开支具相比差异无显著性意义(P0.05)。三种状态损伤椎体的后缘高度差异无显著性意义(P0.05)。结论:自行研制的胸腰椎撑开支具,能有效地与后路内固定器协同发挥减少自身体重对受损椎体的压力,增强受损脊柱的稳定性,保证早期康复训练的安全性。  相似文献   

脊髓损伤病人的康复护理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从心理护理、制定康复护理目标、饮食指导、体位护理、膀胱功能训练、并发症的预防和护理、肢体功能训练、康复教育等8个方面介绍了脊髓损伤病人的康复护理。  相似文献   

急性颈髓损伤患者的预见性护理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的探讨急性颈髓损伤患者预见性的护理措施。方法回顾性分析、总结41例急性颈髓损伤患者早期的治疗与护理。结果除1例死亡,1例放弃治疗外,余39例患者均能控制病情、治愈并发症后出院。结论有预见性、针对性地实施护理措施,能有效减少并发症的发生,促进患者康复。  相似文献   

目的寻找对外伤性脊髓损伤预后有促进作用的因素。方法采用回顾性方法对 12 1例脊髓损伤的患者恢复情况进行分析。结果采用专业康复治疗的患者的恢复率为 79 7% ,磁疗方法治疗的患者恢复二级的恢复率达 5 3 % ,明显高于其他方法。结论专业康复治疗对患者的恢复有明显的促进作用。磁疗对脊髓损伤患者预后有促进作用。  相似文献   

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