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利用热带气旋最佳路径数据集、FNL全球再分析资料、FY-2G卫星TBB资料和日本气象厅海温资料,对“黑格比”台风近海急剧增强特征和成因进行了分析。结果表明:“黑格比”台风呈现出明显的非对称性结构特征,对流发展主要位于台风中心东侧,导致其东侧云顶亮温更低、垂直上升运动更强;随着“黑格比”强度急剧增强,其正涡度区和暖心高度不断向上伸展,涡旋特征和暖心结构均得到加强;高层强烈辐散、低层强烈辐合的高低空散度配置增强了台风中心附近的垂直上升运动,这是“黑格比”急剧增强的原因之一;在“黑格比”急剧增强期间,东西两侧上升运动区逐渐合并下移,对流发展高度有所下降,台风结构趋于紧实;“黑格比”强度突然增强与南亚高压、副热带高压强度及位置变化关系密切;较弱的环境风垂直切变(基本小于10 m/s)、高海温(29℃以上)、有利的高层气流流出条件和强烈的低层水汽输送为“黑格比”强度突然增强提供了有利的环境条件。  相似文献   

利用常规气象观测资料、卫星云图和NECP再分析资料,采用天气学诊断分析方法,对2017年第13号台风"天鸽"在近海急剧增强并达到超强台风级的特征进行了分析,讨论了其强度在近海急剧增强的原因。结果表明,南亚高压、西太平洋副高和低空急流的相互作用是"天鸽"近海急剧增强的主要影响系统;低层辐合与高层辐散、弱的环境风垂直切变和异常偏暖的近海海面温度是"天鸽"近海急剧加强的原因;100h Pa南亚高压南侧的东风急流显著加强有利于高层辐散和台风高层的出流。  相似文献   

台风“彩虹”(1522)近海急剧加强的特征分析   总被引:2,自引:11,他引:2  
采用多种大气和海洋资料对1522号台风"彩虹"近海急剧加强的特征进行了诊断分析。结果表明大气环流形势的变化、海洋环境的维持和台风内部结构的变化都有利于台风的近海加强。具体表现为:高层南亚高压西部型转东部型和中层西太平洋副热带高压加强西伸引起的环流形势的变化,使得台风区域高层辐散增强,中低层气旋性环流增强,低层台风东侧的水汽通量增强;低层北方弱冷空气侵入台风外围区域促进辐合抬升,环境风切变的减弱及弱切变的维持有利于台风加强,这些都是有利于台风增强的环流和动力条件。台风路径海域高海表温度和海洋暖涡的存在对台风急剧增强起了重要作用。此外,由于环流变化引起的潜热加热增大,导致了双中心位涡柱的形成和高层暖心的增加,台风内部结构的变化也有利于台风的进一步加强。  相似文献   

超强台风“桑美”(2006)近海急剧增强特征及机理分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对超强台风“桑美”(2006)在中国近海急剧增强的特征及机理进行分析。结果表明, “桑美”台风强度变化与南亚高压、副热带高压的强度变化呈反相变化关系;介于-4~4 m/s弱的200 hPa和850 hPa高低层环境风垂直切变是“桑美”台风急剧增强的必要条件;台风中心附近对流层高层辐散的增强、中心附近正涡度的增大和正涡度柱向对流层中上层伸展导致“桑美”台风急剧增强,对流层中层辐散和涡度的增大与台风的减弱密切相关;“桑美”台风急剧增强过程中,对流层高层动能的下传是对流层低层动能补充的重要途径之一;“桑美”台风近海急剧增强具有前兆性,急剧增强对风垂直切变、850 hPa角动量和动能区域平均值变化的响应时间大约为18 h,这些可为提前预测我国近海台风的强度急剧变化提供参考。  相似文献   

超强台风“威马逊”近海急剧加强特征及诊断分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘蕾  陈茂钦  李煜  邢蕊 《气象科技》2015,43(6):1149-1156
利用NCEP/NCAR提供的全球客观分析资料对1409号超强台风“威马逊”近海急剧加强的特征进行了诊断分析。结果表明:南海较高的海表温度、中低层丰富的水汽净流入为“威马逊”增强提供了有利的能量条件;维持近22 h对流层深层、高层及低层介于0~4 m/s弱环境风垂直切变是“威马逊”两次以超强台风登陆的必要条件;台风中心附近对流层高层强烈辐散、中低层正涡度值的增大和正涡度柱向对流层上层的伸展导致“威马逊”急剧增强;“威马逊”台风急剧增强具有一定前兆性,急剧增强与环境风垂直切变及对流层中低层涡度值的响应时间分别为12 h和9 h。  相似文献   

源自东风波动的0915号台风"巨爵"在自东向西靠近广东沿海时出现了近海急剧加强的异常现象。利用热带气旋定位资料、NCEP全球同化分析资料、卫星云图以及海上平台自动站探测资料等对"巨爵"近海加强特征和成因进行了诊断分析。结果表明:"巨爵"形成源自于西太副高南侧的东风波动,副高演变及引起的"北高南低"和"东高西低"的形势与"巨爵"环流增强发展密切相关;弱的垂直风切变、高空明显的辐散出流以及台风中心正涡度增大并向对流层中上层拓展有利于"巨爵"强度增强;低层弱冷空气南下,一方面从增加气压梯度和温度梯度来加强台风环流和暖心结构,另一方面通过触发外围对流云团发展并往台风中心输送进而对"巨爵"近海加强产生重要的触发作用;孟加拉湾西南季风气流、105°~110°E附近越赤道气流和西太副高西侧东南气流3支气流汇合为"巨爵"近海加强提供了充沛水汽条件。  相似文献   

利用欧洲中心ERA-Interim逐6 h再分析资料(水平分辨率0.125°×0.125°)、NOAA逐日海表温度资料(水平分辨率0.25°×0.25°)、日本HMW8卫星逐时黑体亮温TBB (水平分辨率0.05°×0.05°)资料对对流非对称台风"天鸽"近海急剧增强原因进行了分析。结果表明:(1)"天鸽"是在其对流呈非对称分布的前提下发展起来的,近海急剧增强过程其对流也呈非对称分布。"天鸽"强度增强时,TBB一波非对称振幅逐渐减小,非对称程度减弱。(2)南海北部28.5~30℃异常偏暖的海表温度有利于"天鸽"快速增强,是"天鸽"近海急剧增强的原因。(3)"天鸽"近海强度变化与南亚高压、副热带高压的强度变化呈正相关系,"天鸽"近海急剧增强发生在200 hPa南亚高压加强东移,同时500 h Pa副热带高压加强西伸、低层西南季风加强的有利条件下。200 hPa南亚高压反气旋环流加强东移导致台风上空向西南方向出流加强,台风中心南侧高层辐散与低层辐合的显著加强及其导致的非对称分布的强对流的发展,是"天鸽"急剧增强的重要原因之一。200hPa南亚高压加强东移与低层西南季风加强同步导致环境风垂直切变明显增大,对"天鸽"内的对流分布和台风强度均有重要影响,环境风垂直切变低于阻碍台风发展的阈值(12.5 m·s~(-1))是台风急剧增强的一个重要条件。(4)"天鸽"强度的快速加强与副热带高压加强西伸和西南季风加强造成的台风内部的非对称环流结构密切相关,"天鸽"水平风速的非对称分布导致台风中心附近正涡度增大,水平风速非对称分布变深厚引起台风中心附近正涡度大值区向对流层中上层伸展,也是"天鸽"急剧增强的重要原因。  相似文献   

热带风暴“米克拉”异常路径特征及原因分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用高空和地面常规资料、地转引导气流及热带风暴受力平衡中各力的分解,对“米克拉”异常路径进行分析,指出东移的西风槽影响着副高的进退,热带风暴移动路径主要受大型气压梯度力所牵引,并在台风内力作用下右偏于地转引导气流方向;热带风暴沿着高空正涡度的长轴移动。  相似文献   

高安宁  李菁  陈见  祁丽燕 《气象科技》2016,44(4):653-658
利用MICAPS常规资料、中尺度自动站资料以及NCEP、ECMWF等数值预报产品资料,采用天气学诊断分析方法,对1409号超强台风"威马逊"近海加强、造成广西异常暴雨的成因进行分析。结果表明:1"威马逊"经过的海域温度异常偏高,西南季风急流增强,以及垂直风切变小,有利于"威马逊"近海加强;2"威马逊"与季风急流在海南文昌近海相遇,促使台风中心附近潜热能持续增大,暖心结构更趋于完整,是"威马逊"强度突然加强的重要原因;3充沛的水汽输送和水汽辐合、强烈的上升运动是造成"威马逊"异常暴雨的重要原因。  相似文献   

利用欧洲中期天气预报中心ERA-Interim再分析资料、中国气象局台风最佳路径资料、 NOAA逐日最优海表温度(OISST)、Himawari-8卫星观测资料以及中国地面自动气象站观测资料等,分析了台风“米克拉”近海强度预报的难点,并研究了导致“米克拉”在台湾海峡南部快速增强的环境因子,探讨了“米克拉”在较强环境风垂直切变下快速增强过程中对流非对称分布特征。结果表明:(1)台风“米克拉”在较强200—850 hPa环境风垂直切变下在台湾海峡南部海域发生了快速增强,并以峰值强度在福建登陆,非常少见,造成预警时间短,强度预报难度大;(2)有利的海洋热状况和大气环流环境条件,如中国南海北部海温异常偏高,南亚高压南侧东风急流与“米克拉”相互作用引起的强烈高层出流以及强劲稳定西南季风气流带来的充沛水汽输送,均对台风“米克拉”在台湾海峡南部海域快速增强起重要作用;(3)台风“米克拉”快速增强过程中,传统业务主要关注的200和850 hPa之间的环境风垂直切变较强,但从环境风的垂直结构分析发现切变主要集中在对流层中、高层,而中、低层切变较小,且中、高层环境风垂直切变对台风增强的抑制作用相对中、低层...  相似文献   

近海突然加强台风能量场的诊断分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用欧洲中心格点资料计算分析了近海三类突然加强台风加强过程中的能量学过程。结果表明:(1)台风突然加强过程中,旋转风动能的增加主要在低层,位能增加主要在高层。台风突然加强主要是低层的旋转风动能增加所引起的,它远大于辐散风动能的增加。(2)环境场通过边界平流输入台风内部的能量只是其增量的30%左右,内部的转换量比增量大一个量级。(3)三类台风内部能量的转换机理不同。(4)环境场对近海台风突然加强的作用  相似文献   

Employing the mesoscale WRF (Weather Research and Forecast) model, Super Typhoon Saomai (2006) is simulated. The variation of track and intensity and its offshore rapid intensification process are well demonstrated by the model, and the temperature and humidity patterns associated with the dry cold air activity and their impact on and mechanism of the offshore rapid intensification of Saomai are mainly studied in this paper. The results indicate that high-resolution water vapor imagery can visually reveal the development, evolution, interaction as well as the mutual complementation of the dry cold air activity accompanied with the development of Saomai. The offshore rapid intensification phenomenon of Saomai is closely related to the dry cold air which originates from the upper- and mid- troposphere. Besides, the dry cold air from the upper troposphere is stronger than that from the mid-troposphere. Saomai intensifies as the dry cold air from the northwest moves toward its circulation but weakens when the dry cold air from the southwest is drawn into the storm. Dry cold airflows and their cold advection effect caused by the downward motion across the isentropic surface are favorable to the development of Saomai. The dry cold air always moves along an isentropic surface from the upper troposphere to the mid-troposphere around the typhoon circulation and contributes to Saomai’s abrupt intensity change.  相似文献   

Forecasting the rapid intensification of tropical cyclones over offshore areas remains difficult. In this article, the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model was used to study the rapid intensification of Typhoon Haikui (1211) off the shore of China. After successful simulation of the intensity change and track of the typhoon, the model output was further analyzed to determine the mechanism of the rapid change in intensity. The results indicated that a remarkable increase in low-level moisture transportation toward the inner core, favorable large-scale background field with low-level convergence, and high-level divergence played key roles in the rapid intensification of Typhoon Haikui in which high-level divergence could be used as an indicator for the rapid intensity change of Typhoon Haikui approximately 6 h in advance. An analysis of the typhoon structure revealed that Typhoon Haikui was structurally symmetric during the rapid intensification and the range of the eyewall was small in the low level but extended outward in the high level. In addition, the vertically ascending motion, the radial and tangential along wind speeds increased with increasing typhoon intensity, especially during the process of rapid intensification. Furthermore, the intensity of the warm core of the typhoon increased during the intensification process with the warm core extending outward and toward the lower layer. All of the above structural changes contributed to the maintenance and development of typhoon intensity.  相似文献   

Using the National Center for Environmental Prediction reanalysis data on 1.0°×1.0° grids and data from the Tropical Cyclone yearbook(2000),a diagnostic analysis and numerical simulation were performed to investigate the characteristics and mechanism underlying the rapid weakening of typhoon Xangsane.The results show that a sharp decline in the intensity of typhoon Xangsane resulted from its movement into the cool sea surface temperature area in the East China Sea,the intrusion of cold air from the mainland into the typhoon,and a rapid increase of the vertical wind shear in the surrounding environment.An important factor that led to the demise of the typhoon was a significant decrease in the moisture transport into the typhoon.Furthermore,the results of the numerical simulation and sensitivity experiments indicate that sea surface temperature largely modulated the rapid weakening of typhoon Xangsane.  相似文献   

In this study, we employed National Centers for Environmental Prediction(NCEP)/National Center for Atmospheric Research(NCAR) reanalysis data and records from the China Meteorological Administration(CMA)Yearbook of Tropical Cyclones to investigate three factors: sea-surface temperature(SST), vertical wind shear(VWS),and the density of the core convection(DCC), which are responsible for the rapid intensification(RI) of 1949-2013 offshore typhoons. Our analysis results of these composite factors show that in the environmental wind field the typhoons are far away from the outer strong VWS; in the SST field they are in the high SST area; and the core convective activity is robust and takes a bimodal pattern. The difference in RI between typhoons over the East China Sea(ECS) and the South China Sea(SCS) is a smaller VWS for the ECS typhoons, which may be one of the reasons why typhoons in the ECS are more intense than those in the SCS. Our study results indicate that SST, VWS, and DCC can result in an RI after a certain time interval of 36 h, 24 h to 30 h, and 24 h, respectively. The RI indicates a lag in the atmospheric response to oceanic conditions. This lag characteristic makes it possible to predict RI events. In summary, where the SST is high(≥28 ℃), the VWS is small, and the DCC is high, an RI will occur. Where mid-range SSTs occur(26 ℃≤SST≤28 ℃), with small VWS, and high DCC, the RI of typhoons is also likely to occur.  相似文献   

热带气旋的快速增强机制目前仍然不太清楚,不少研究开始关注快速增强过程中热带气旋内核结构的变化。通过比较模拟的西北太平洋超强台风Rammasun (2014)和大西洋5级飓风Wilma (2005)快速增强过程中内核结构的变化特点,理解内核结构在快速增强过程中的变化特点。飓风Wilma是一个典型的快速增强热带气旋,快速增强期间具有弱的环境垂直切变、对称的眼墙、较小的中心倾斜以及比较直立的眼墙。但是,台风Rammasun快速增强发生在较强切变(超过10 m/s)环境下,眼墙对流呈高度不对称,强对流基本固定在台风中心的南侧。整个快速增强期间,Rammasun在垂直方向上维持较大的中心倾斜以及较大的眼墙倾斜。结果表明,快速增强也可能在不完全对称的内核结构和倾斜垂直结构的情况下发生。  相似文献   

The energetics process of offehore typhoon in three kinds of explosive enhancement (TEE) are ana lyzed using ECMWF data. The results are as follows: (a) During the explosive development process,the enhancement of the rotational kinetic enersy (KW) is mainly in the lower troposphere while that ofthe potential energy (PE) is in the upper troposphere. The magnitude of rotational kinetic energy islargely bigger than that of divergent enersy (KΧ). (b) The environmental energy advected into the typhoon was about 30% of the internal increment of typhoon energy. The magnitude of energy was an order larger than increment of typhoon energy. (c) Among those three kinds of explosively developed typhoon, the enersy transformation mechanisms are different. (d) The influence of environment fields onabrupt intensification of typhoons couldn't be overestimated.  相似文献   

On the basis of NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and yearbooks of CMA tropical cyclones, statistical analysis is performed for 1949—2013 offshore typhoons subjected to rapid decay(RD). This analysis indicates that RD typhoons are small-probability events, making up about 2.2% of the total offshore typhoons during this period. The RD events experience a decadal variation, mostly in the 1960 s and 1970 s(maximal in the 1970 s), rapidly decrease in the 1980 s and 1990 s and quickly increase from 2000. Also, RD typhoons show remarkable seasonal differences: they arise mainly in April and July-December, with the prime stage being in October-November. The offshore RD typhoons occur mostly in the South China Sea(SCS) and to a lesser extent in the East China Sea(ECS); however, none are observed over the Huang Sea and Bo Sea.Composite analysis and dynamic diagnosis of the RD typhoon-related large-scale circulations are performed.Physical quantities of the composite analysis consist of 500-h Pa height and temperature fields, vapor transfer, vertical wind shear(VWS), density of core convection(DCC), and high-level jet and upper-air outflow of the typhoon. The results suggest that(1) at the 500-h Pa height field, the typhoon is ahead of a westerly trough and under the effects of its passing trough;(2) at the temperature field, the typhoon is ahead of a temperature trough, with an invading cold tongue present;(3) at the vapor transfer field, water transfer into the RD typhoon is cut off; and(4) at higher levels, the related jet weakens and the outbreak of convection becomes attenuated in the typhoon core. In addition, VWS bears a relation to the RD typhoon; in particular, strong VWS favors RD occurrence.The differences in RD events between the SCS and ECS show that for the RD, the VWS of the ECS environmental winds is markedly stronger in comparison with its SCS counterpart. The cold advection invading into the typhoons is more intense in the SCS than in the ECS, and the low-level vapor transfer and high-level outflow are weaker in the SCS RD typhoons.Data analysis shows that sea surface temperature(SST), VWS, and DCC can be employed as efficient factors to predict RD occurrence. With appropriate SST, VWS, and DCC, a warning of RD occurrence can be given 36, 30-36,and 30 h, respectively, in advance. These values suggest that atmospheric SST responses lag. Owing to this time lag,the prediction of RD typhoons is possible.  相似文献   

By using WRF mesoscale model, this paper carries out a numerical simulation and diagnostic analysis of the structural characteristics of the asymmetric spiral rain bands around the landing of Typhoon Haitang during the period of July 19 to 20, 2005. The result indicated that the two rainbands associated with the precipitation centre was mainly located northeast of the typhoon centre. The movement and intensity of the southern rainband corresponded well with the 850-hPa positive vorticity band from 0200 to 1800 UTC July 19, 2005. Under the effect of cyclonic circulation, the positive vorticity band at 850 hPa connected with a southern rain band, leading to the intensification of rainfall in the southern centre of the precipitation. The southward rainband gradually moved toward and then merges with the northward one, strengthening the rainfall in the northern centre of the precipitation. Besides, the relationship between the heavy rainfall and the divergence field of vertical shear wind in the high altitude is analyzed. Finally, the relationship is revealed between the development of the vertical component of convective vorticity vector and the rainfall near the two centres of precipitation in the low altitude.  相似文献   

利用广东近海海上一座100 m高气象塔上设置的三维超声测风仪获取的强台风“黑格比”过程实测数据,分析研究海上风电机组在强台风影响下极端载荷参数的变化特征,通过仪器直接测量的参数与IEC 61400-1规范(由国际电工委员会制定)推荐方法计算结果的对比,研究该规范推荐的风电机组极端载荷参数计算方法在台风条件下的适用性。研究结果表明:(1) 强台风“黑格比”在近海海面上产生的极端操作阵风风速和极端风向变幅的过程变化均呈“M”型双峰分布,最大值均出现在台风眼壁强风区;(2) 由仪器直接测量的极端操作阵风风速和极端风向变幅值与根据IEC公式计算结果差别明显;(3) 台风强风影响产生的极端操作阵风和极端风向变幅参数均出现超越IEC给出的三种标准类型风电机组的设计上限标准;并且IEC公式计算值比仪器直接测量值显著偏大;(4) 在风电机组处于满发、切出和停机生存等工况下,IEC公式计算和仪器直接测量的极端操作阵风基本一致,但IEC公式对极端风向变幅的计算值要比仪器直接测量值大。与IEC的风电机组设计标准相比,仪器直接测量的极端操作阵风在时间周期1~3.5 s和7~10 s区间超出标准,但极端风向变幅一般不会突破IEC的风电机组设计标准。  相似文献   

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