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目的:通过对患儿进行药学服务方法的探索,制定出一套符合患儿特点,满足患儿需要的药学服务模式。方法:开展药物咨询、提供药物信息服务;药师参与查房,制定化疗药物协定医嘱,发现并努力减少药物不良反应;进行出院患儿用药教育;建立静脉药物配置中心。结果:通过临床药师有效的参与和干预,减少了不合理用药的发生率,增加了患儿使用药物的依从性,保证了药物疗效。结论:通过开展一系列临床药学服务,对提升医院合理用药水平有积极促进作用。  相似文献   

杜杰 《中国药店》2008,(8):90-91
药学服务的内容涵盖广泛,要做的事情很多,围绕售前,售中、售后做好“全程的、全员的、保姆式关怀的跟踪式服务”至关重要。  相似文献   

药学服务是药师应用药学专业知识向公众(医务人员、患者及家属)提供直接的、负责任的、与药物使用有关的服务,以期提高药物治疗的安全性、有效性与经济性,实现改善与提高人类生活质量的理想目标。儿童作为用药的特殊人群,其正处于生长发育时期,身体系统及各个脏器发育尚不完善,用药应更加谨慎[1]。而一般患儿家长对医学知识的掌握较少,因此做好儿科药学服务更加重要。笔者现将临床实践中的经验体会分析如下。  相似文献   

李静  郭运翠  迟学兰  孙伟 《齐鲁药事》2004,23(10):29-30
本文通过对医院药学部门各个工作岗位服务内容的具体阐述和分析,试图探讨一种有利于药物安全合理应用、提高患者用药依从性和药物治疗水平的药学全程服务模式。  相似文献   

目的:探讨临床药师在儿科开展药学服务的作用。方法:结合儿科工作经历和临床药学服务实践,介绍我院临床药师工作。结果与结论:临床药师应参与临床药物治疗团队的工作,与医师共同制订药物治疗方案,为提高临床治疗水平及保障患儿用药安全、有效起到促进作用。  相似文献   

梁月冬 《药品评价》2005,2(4):317-318
临床药学(Clinical pharmacy)自二十世纪60-80年代在国内外相继起步,是医院药学发展的方向。随着二十一世纪的到来,科学技术的不断发展.药师参与临床药物治疗,提供药学服务,已经成为临床药学发展的必然。临床药学的更高层次药学监护(Pharmaceutical Care PC)的概念是国际药学界于1988年提出,1993年国际药学会正式肯定的。PC是药学的又一次革命,是服务模式、责任目标、工作领域的一个转变。  相似文献   

儿科门诊调剂工作中的药学服务   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
药学服务的定义就是为得到改善患者生命质量的最佳结果而向患者提供直接的和负责任的药物的有关服势,也就是说药师通过提供直接的和负责任的与药物有关的服务,达到提高病人生活质量为目标,是药学服务在医院的药学实践中的体现。儿童医院的医疗对象是出生几天到14岁的婴幼儿童,  相似文献   

樊睿  张夏丽  代华灵  赵瑞玲 《中国药事》2022,36(11):1286-1294
目的:调查山西省146所设有儿科的医疗机构儿科药学服务现状及225名药师药学服务能力基本情况,研究目前山西省儿科药学服务存在的问题。方法:以“问卷星”的形式发放调查表,对山西省医疗机构儿科药学人员配备情况、硬件水平及药学服务能力水平等进行调查,并进行统计分析。结果:省内医疗机构未配备药学智能化设备占比53.42%,配备情况有待提高;儿科临床药师配备较少,仅占16.44%;受访医疗机构开展的药学服务在儿科患者用药交代、用药咨询及用药教育、处方(医嘱审核)、药学科普服务等方面占比较大,在开展儿童静脉药物集中调配、药学门诊、慢病管理及治疗药物监测(TDM)等药学服务占比较小,分别占比11.64%、10.27%、4.79%以及4.11%。结论:本次调查在一定程度上反映山西省目前医疗机构儿科药学服务存在的相关问题,药学服务水平需要整体提升,服务模式目前尚属于探索性阶段,需要逐渐模式化、规范化及统一化,为患者提供同质化的药学服务。  相似文献   

药学服务(pharmaceutical care)是药师应用药学专业知识向公众(含医务人员、病人及其家属)提供直接的、负责任的、与药物使用有关的服务,以期提高药物治疗的安全性、有效性与经济性,实现改善与提高人类生活质量的理想目标[1].  相似文献   

李郁  刘英  吴涤心  刘磊 《中国药房》2013,(2):179-182
目的:探讨儿科医院临床药师工作切入点及其在临床中发挥的作用。方法:回顾性总结临床药学服务实践中根据儿童患者特点及所使用药物的特点,预防药品不良反应(ADR)发生;纠正临床用药差错,减少药品不良事件(ADE)的发生;利用抗菌药物知识特长,参与治疗难治性感染;为医、护、患提供药学服务等方面。结果:通过临床药师的参与,使患者用药针对性加强,减少了ADE的发生,提高了用药安全性及救治成功率,防范了医疗纠纷。结论:临床药师与医护人员互补专业知识,对促进临床合理用药起到了重要作用,体现了药师参与临床药物治疗的可行性和必要性。  相似文献   

Objective To discuss the role of clinical pharmacists in providing pharmaceutical care in pediatric respiratory department.Methods Supply pharmaceutical information,participate in clinical rounds,provide the rationalization proposal,help doctors to formulate correctly dose regimen,enhance medication efficiency;establish medicine record for the patient,record the drugs which were used,provide pharmaceutical care for the patient such as disease propaganda,medicine-use education,medicine consultation and so on.Results Promote rational administration,enhance the security of medical practice,the clinical pharmacists' work obtains the doctors' approval;improve the medication compliance,reduce patients' economy and spiritual burden,and obtain the patients' trust.Conclusions The pharmaceutical care carried out in pediatric respiratory department can help reduce the incidence of medication errors,cut down the medication cost,shorten the time of patients to be hospitalized,raise the medication efficiency,and promote the doctor-patient relationship harmoniously.In a word the clinical pharmacists are indispensable.  相似文献   

随着经济的发展和医疗保健需求的提高,医院药学工作的内涵正在发生变化,由“以药品为中心”的模式逐渐转变到“以病人为中心”的模式。要求药师在药物治疗过程中应承担起响应责任,充分发挥自己的专业特长,提供专业性服务,避免用药失误,保证药物治疗的安全与有效。为了顺应医院药学工作模式的转变,我院从2001年底开展儿科药学监护工作,药师定期到病房参与会诊查房。本文是我们作为儿科药师开展药学监护工作的体会及会诊查房中解决临床问题的典型实例。1药学监护的日常工作负责本院《药学通讯》的编写工作,介绍药事法规、抗生素在儿科的临床应…  相似文献   

Objective — To develop and evaluate a medication management service. The service was based on the principles of pharmaceutical care and targeted patients at risk of medication misadventure, primarily elderly patients, in five community pharmacies. Methods — In phase one, pharmacists defined the service in consultation with consumers, medical practitioners and professional pharmacy organisations. Agreed characteristics of the service were: patient selection criteria, a structured patient care process, systematic documentation, a quality assurance process and a complementary relationship with services of other health professionals. Implementation and evaluation of the service occurred in the second phase. The service was provided over an 11-month period to 205 patients. Key findings — Of the patients who received the service, 179 (87 per cent) had one or more medication or health-related problems. Pharmacists identified a total of 526 problems. Follow-up was available for 432 problems and 75 per cent of these problems were well managed by the end of the study. Of the 115 consumers surveyed, 74 responded. Eighty-five per cent of respondents believed the service had made a “significant” or “great” contribution to their health and 64 per cent thought that their knowledge of their medication had improved. Health economic evaluation indicated that net cost benefits were delivered to the health system. The net annual cost savings per patient ranged from $A40 to $A311. Conclusion — Pharmacists were able to apply the principles of pharmaceutical care to meet the needs of at-risk consumers in the community. Further development of this service delivery model is under way and would appear to offer substantial advantages to consumers and the health system.  相似文献   

Lal LS  Anassi EO  McCants E 《Hospital pharmacy》1995,30(12):1107-8, 1111-2
Pediatric pharmaceutical care is still a new concept in the pharmacy profession. In our county institution with 35% of the beds reserved for pediatric patients, there existed no formal process for providing specialized pediatric pharmacy services. In an effort to rectify this situation, a study was conducted to determine the benefits of providing pharmaceutical services by having a clinical pharmacist round with physicians on a daily basis for 3 hours. All services provided were documented for 6 months and direct cost-savings were calculated. Five hundred four different interventions and services were provided, with over $7000 in savings. Because of these findings, the pharmacy and hospital administration agreed to provide a staff pharmacist to round in pediatrics on a regular basis. This approach is considered to be more cost effective than using a clinical pharmacist for daily rounds.  相似文献   

A variety of focuses are used in this article to discuss four types of perspectives; these focuses are self, others, drugs/issues and company/industry. There is a hierarchy of concern about the topics one deals with. This hierarchy ranges from identifying whether there is a question to address or whether the topic is more serious and there is an issue to consider. If the matter is even more serious, it may be a real problem or there may be an actual crisis. It is important to use one's senses to achieve optimal interactions with all individuals and groups one associates with. When focusing on perspectives of drugs and issues, it is important to obtain a broad perspective. This may often be achieved by viewing all drug development (or marketing, discovery, production, etc.) using multiple approaches (e.g., consider different customers and groups). Developing pharma sense and skills in pharma think must be achieved concomitantly with developing a pharmaceutical perspective. This is essential to fully achieve one's professional goals and enable the company to achieve its goals.  相似文献   

目的 探讨临床药师在重症感染病例救治中的作用。方法 临床药师通过参与1例小儿烫伤后感染治疗方案的会诊工作, 对抗感染药物的选择提出具体意见, 为患儿制定个体化的给药方案。结果 重症感染的患儿得到及时控制和治疗。结论 临床药师参与临床治疗, 有利于提高临床治疗水平, 促进合理用药。  相似文献   

李荣 《儿科药学杂志》2006,12(2):18-18,29
我院临床药学工作2001年起步.历经四年不懈努力,取得了较大发展,现总结介绍如下。  相似文献   

临床药学实验研究在药学服务中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
药学服务(pharmaceutical care)的概念已经被引入国内多年,正成为本世纪我国医院药学发展的方向[1,2].临床药学工作被认为是药学服务的主体[3],而以实验手段解释临床用药中的有关问题则是临床药学重要的工作内容之一.临床药学实验研究的选题、目的、研究范围、实验手段及其在药学服务中的作用具有自身的特点,本文结合自身工作的体会及相关文献探讨如下.  相似文献   

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