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在本文中提出了在激波管中,利用真实气体效应来提高激波阶跃压力的新方法,该方法对获得阶跃特性好的高阶跃压力(例如,动压标定等)是非常好。它是借助在高压下计及分子之间作用力、分子体积效应和激励效应而获得压力增益。经分析和试验表明,该方法得到.阶跃压力是比理想气体高出30%,该方法在国内外尚未进行系统研究,是一个有发展前途的方法。  相似文献   

为研究幂律型浆液注浆时注浆压力的变化情况,考虑盾尾断面新注入浆液与已注入浆液间阻碍作用,假设壁后注浆时盾尾形成三维环形空隙,提出了幂律型浆液扩散压力环向分布模型,并利用流体力学理论推导了幂律型浆液扩散压力环向分布式,分析了公式适用范围以及各参数的实际意义。与实际工程数据对比,验证了模型和计算式的正确性。结果表明,计算式可以反映注浆时环向分布各个位置压力值的大小;当公式中稠度系数n=1时,该式即为牛顿流体计算式,环向压力扩散模型同样适用,且幂律型流体环向扩散压力小于牛顿流体;受浆液自重影响,注浆孔注浆时向上表现为减压,向下表现为加压;压力环向分布断面呈现出上窄下宽的不规则环形;同一注浆孔幂律型浆液水灰比越大,浆液扩散压力越小。  相似文献   

汤文岗  李晓昭  黄慷 《力学学报》2005,13(4):551-556
结合用注浆沉降法并辅以高压旋喷注浆对某小区典型不均匀沉降建筑物进行纠偏和地基加固的工程实例,着重分析了注浆沉降法纠偏加固的技术原理,并讨论该工法的控制要点;对注浆浆液配合比、注浆孔平面位置、加固深度、注浆量、注浆压力、高压旋喷注浆等设计参数的影响进行了研究探讨,提出加强纠偏加固施工动态控制的重要性。研究和工程实践表明,用注浆沉浆法并选用合适的注浆参数进行建筑物纠偏和地基加固,能使建筑物不均匀沉降得到调整的同时,复合地基承载力得到提高,具有较好的建筑物纠偏和地基加固效果。  相似文献   

现有的压力试验机升降温效率低且不便于实时观察试件形态变化,较难实现岩石高低温环境下的力学实验。针对上述不足,本文设计了与普通压力试验机适配的高低温环境试验箱,该试验箱包括制热系统、制冷系统、控制系统和测试系统等部分,可提供-40~200℃的稳定温度环境。本文首先介绍了设备的技术原理及技术方案,然后用该设备进行了高低温环境下软岩相似材料的单轴压缩实验,结果显示,随着温度的增加,相似软岩的抗压强度和弹性模量整体逐渐下降。研究结果表明该设备具有操作观察方便、温度变化速率快、实验效率高的优点,可广泛应用于有关高低温环境影响下的岩石力学实验,包括岩石冻融损伤实验、高温高压下的岩石力学实验等,对于研究温度作用下的岩石力学行为有一定的帮助作用。  相似文献   

非饱和土的广义朗肯土压力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姚攀峰  张明  戴荣  张振刚 《力学学报》2004,12(3):285-291
本文从 4条基本假设出发 ,建立了非饱和土的广义朗肯土压力公式 ,采用理想试验对该公式进行了验证 ,在北京地铁13号线的东直门车站基坑工程中理论分析结果和实测值非常接近 ,证明了该理论的有效性。土的广义朗肯土压力公式建立了土的试验指标与原位指标的关系 ,从理论上给出了用土的试验指标得到原位主动 (被动 )土压力的方法。对于非饱和土 ,采用简单易得的直剪试验指标应用广义朗肯土压力公式就可以得到相当精确的结果 ,弥补了扩展朗肯土压力理论的不足。而且广义朗肯土压力公式能够合理利用已有的工程经验和工程数据 ,为非饱和土力学的工程实用化提供了一条新的思路。  相似文献   

为研究黄土地区压力型锚索锚固机理,根据压力型锚索锚固段受力状态,基于三线型剪切-滑移模型,推导了注浆体与岩土体界面在弹性阶段所对应的剪应力及轴向应力分布的闭合解.根据相关压力型锚索锚固试验数据,采用推导的闭合解计算了不同张拉荷载作用下界面的剪应力分布,并与试验结果进行了对比.结果表明,各级张拉荷载作用下注浆体/岩土体界面剪应力的分布及其最大值与试验结果基本吻合,验证了本文提出解析模型的正确性与可靠性;压力型锚索锚固界面剪应力呈指数分布规律,在承压板附近剪应力分布集中且应力较大,随着离承压板距离的增大,剪应力逐渐减小;压力型锚索锚固界面剪应力峰值随外荷载增大而增大.研究结果可为压力型锚索的设计和计算提供一种理论参考.  相似文献   

周智  兰春光  欧进萍 《实验力学》2006,21(5):655-660
冰压力是高纬度地区结构的重要荷载,然而传统的基于电阻应变计开发的冰压力传感装置在稳定性与耐久性上遇到难以跨越的难题。光纤光栅是目前在智能材料系统与结构健康监测研究与应用最为广泛的敏感材料之一,具有分布式绝对测量、抗腐蚀能力强等优点。本文基于双光纤光栅应变测量原理,考虑冰压力测试装置的环境条件,设计开发出冰压力传感装置,详细推导和试验验证了该装置的传感特性,并将试验与理论结果进行了对比。研究结果表明该装置具有温度自补偿、测量值与荷载作用点无关、线性度和重复性好、精度较高等优点,具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

为降低环境温度对石英挠性加速度计测量精度的影响,从工程应用角度设计了加速度计温度建模试验环境和试验方法.为加速度计设计独立的温控装置,验证了加速度计温度特性具有重复性的基础上,在多个温度点下采用四位置翻滚试验对加速度计进行标定,利用线性拟合方法建立了加速度计零偏和标度因数的温度模型.应用该模型对加速度计进行温度补偿后,可使加速度计的测量稳定性精度提高5.55倍.将所建温度模型应用于捷联式惯性导航系统中,可有效提高系统的导航精度.  相似文献   

李小超  汤凯  张戈  蒋昌波 《实验力学》2015,30(6):749-756
弧形泄水闸是水利枢纽工程中常见的挡水、泄水建筑物,其在关闭或开启过程中或者局部开启运行时,在水流脉动压力作用下会产生振动,容易引起闸门结构破坏。本文针对边孔闸门与中孔闸门不同的水流边界条件特点,制作了带导流墙与无导流墙两个弧形闸门模型。在实验室内开展了不同库水位、不同闸门开度下的物理模型试验,并对两个模型上大量测点的水流脉动压力数据进行比较分析。试验表明,导流墙的存在对脉动压力主频的影响较小,但对脉动压力均方根值影响较大;在较高库水位下相对开度位于0.2至0.3区间内时,导流墙的存在不但不会改善闸门的受力状况,反而还会导致受力增强。  相似文献   

为研究不同围压条件下孔隙介质的渗透性能,利用新研制的高压渗流仪,对大尺寸低渗透性软弱岩进行了系统的试验测试。试验渗透压差波动幅度仅为0.02MPa,渗出端溶液体积变化量测试精度可达0.03mL。通过溶液体积变化与时间的线性关系,稳定渗流量大小可以精确测定。以稳定压差、流量法(即稳压法),试验验证了岩石的渗透系数随着围压的增加而下降,当围压降低时,岩石渗透系数回升,但回升路径低于原始路径。根据轴向应变的变化情况,提出了室内试验应力-渗流耦合过程中渗透性的变化主要是侧向压力使孔隙、喉道产生压缩变形所致。  相似文献   

The first investigations concerned with a problem of hydrogen jet ignition, during outflow from a high-pressure vessel were carried out nearly 40 years ago by Wolanski and Wojcicki. The research resulted from a dramatic accident in the Chorzow Chemical Plant Azoty, where the explosion of a synthesis gas made up of a mixture composed of three moles of hydrogen per mole of nitrogen, at 300°C and 30 MPa killed four people. Initial investigation had excluded potential external ignition sources and the main aim of the research was to determine the cause of ignition. Hydrogen is currently considered as a potential fuel for various vehicles such as cars, trucks, buses, etc. Crucial safety issues are of potential concern, associated with the storage of hydrogen at a very high pressure. Indeed, the evidence obtained nearly 40 years ago shows that sudden rupture of a high-pressure hydrogen storage tank or other component can result in ignition and potentially explosion. The aim of the present research is identification of the conditions under which hydrogen ignition occurs as a result of compression and heating of the air by the shock wave generated by discharge of high-pressure hydrogen. Experiments have been conducted using a facility constructed in the Combustion Laboratory of the Institute of Heat Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology. Tests under various configurations have been performed to determine critical conditions for occurrence of high-pressure hydrogen ignition. The results show that a critical pressure exists, leading to ignition, which depends mainly on the geometric configuration of the outflow system, such as tube diameter, and on the presence of obstacles.  相似文献   

刘红军  薛新华 《力学学报》2003,11(4):435-439
青岛港是我国北方一个很重要的港口码头,但由于年久失修,码头的使用出现安全隐患。经多种修补方案比较,最终采用垂直注浆加固方案。为了检测码头高压注浆加固处理效果,采用弹性波CT方法并结合岩芯波速测试及强度试验对其进行检测。本文简要叙述了弹性波CT法的原理与测试方法,探讨了该法在灌浆效果检测中的应用。试验证实,弹性波CT技术在探测水下高压注浆效果检测方面有其独特的效果。  相似文献   

In the maritime environment slamming is a phenomenon known as short duration impact of water on a floating or sailing structure. Slamming loads are local and could induce very high local stresses. This paper reports a series of impact test results and investigate the slamming loads and pressures acting on a square based pyramid. In this study the slamming tests have been conducted at constant velocity impact with a hydraulic high speed shock machine. This specific experimental equipment avoids the deceleration of the structure observed usually during water entry with drop tests. Three velocities of the rigid pyramid have been used (10, 13 and 15 m s−1). Time-histories of local pressures, accelerations and slamming loads were successfully measured. The relationship between the pressure magnitude and the impact velocity is obtained and the spatial distribution of pressures on pyramid sides is characterized. The impact velocity was found to have a negligible influence in predicting the maximum pressure coefficient.  相似文献   

The late Percy W. Bridgman emphasized the large increases in ductility made possible by a high-pressure environment. He also showed that many brittle materials became ductile under high pressures and could be plastically deformed without cracking or fracture. This work has led to tensile and compression testing as relatively routine under fluid pressures up to about 450,000 psi. Information so generated is employed to determine pressure levels at which working under pressure can be done without fracture or cracking. There is presented in this paper information on tensile and compressive tests under pressure and on application to the fluid-to-fluid extrusion process.  相似文献   

Experimental research relative to pressure effects on the mechanical behavior of materials is frequently handicapped by the difficulties associated with making load and deformation measurements in a hostile environment. The application of photoelasticity in high-pressure experiments provides a means for studying the effect of hydrostatic stress on varying stress fields. The purpose of this paper is to examine the feasibility of using the photoelastic method of stress analysis in a high-pressure environment. The unusual feature of this application is the finite elastic deformations suffered by the photoelastic model under high pressure. As a result, the mechanical and stress-optical properties of the model materials are functions of pressure. Another important feature in this study is the selection of a suitable model material. Since the model must come into contact with the liquid pressure media, chemical and absorption resistance are essential considerations. Although it was found that photoelastic investigations can be carried out at high pressure, limitations are imposed by the presence of the optical vessel and pressurized fluid.  相似文献   

The measurement of strain on a structural member in the presence of high-pressure water environment requires waterproofing of the gages as well as understanding of the pressure effect on the foil gages. Two new waterproofing methods are developed to protect the gage under these extremely high pressures. This study has resulted in a new compensating method which eliminates the effects of temperature and pressure simultaneously. The waterproofing materials studied during this investigation are superior to other earlier techniques reported in literature since they provide protection up to 11,500 psi (80 MPa) while previously existing techniques failed before this pressure. Also, these studies on the pressure effect deal with the realistic situation of coated strain gages in a water environment, as compared to previous studies which dealt with uncoated strain gages in an oil environment.  相似文献   

作者研制了一台可测试润滑油在高压下的粘度和密度的落柱式高压粘度装置。本装置采用了新型高压粘性动密封和新型高压流变平垫静密封,经1200MPa试压、1000MPa压力下48小时保压和使用试验证明均无泄漏。用本装置所获得的压粘数据的重现性好、灵敏度高、可比性强。  相似文献   

In general Stokes problems, no boundary conditions exist for the pressure. But pressure is an L2(Ω) function and can uniquely be represented as the divergence of a precisely defined vector field. In the 2-D case, this vector field can in turn be represented as the sum of a gradient (of a pressure-potential) and the curl of a second scalar potential. The latter potential is entirely determined by the first one. A variational equation is obtained for such pressure potential class, which exists and is uniquely characterized. This variational problem is well-posed. Finite element approximations can easily be realized and ensure high convergence rates for the L2(Ω) norm of the pressure.  相似文献   

In the present work, the effects of pressure on the viscosity and flow stability of four commercial grade polyethylenes (PEs) have been studied: linear-low-density polyethylene copolymer, high-density polyethylene, metallocene polyethylenes with short-chain branches (mPE-SCB), and metallocene polyethylenes with long chain branching (mPE-LCB). The range of shear rates considered covers both stable and unstable flow regimes. “Enhanced exit-pressure” experiments have been performed attaining pressures of the order of 500×105 Pa at the die exit. The necessary experimental conditions have been clearly defined so that dissipative heating can be neglected and pressure effects isolated. The results obtained show an exponential increase in both shear and entrance-flow pressure drop with mean pressure when shear rate is fixed and as long as flow is stable. These pressure effects are described by two pressure coefficients, βS under shear and, βE under elongation, that are calculated using time–pressure superposition and that are independent of mean pressure and flow rate. For three out of four PE, pressure coefficient values can be considered equal under shear and under elongation. However, for the mPE-LCB, the pressure coefficient under elongation is found to be about 30% lower than under shear. Flow instabilities in the form of oscillating flows or of upstream instabilities appear at lower shear rates as mean pressure increases. Nevertheless, the critical shear stress at which they are triggered remains independent of mean pressure. Moreover, it is found that the βS values obtained for stable flows do not differ much from the values obtained during upstream instability regimes, and differ really from pressure effects observed under oscillating flow and slip conditions.  相似文献   

Since the heat transfer performance of syngas cooler affects the efficiency of the power generating system with integrated coal gasification combined cycle (IGCC) directly, it is important to obtain the heat transfer characteristics of high-pressure syngas in the cooler. Heat transfer in convection cooling section of pressurized coal gasifier with the membrane helical coils and membrane serpentine tubes under high pressure is experimentally investigated. High pressure single gas (He or N2) and their mixture (He + N2) gas serve as the test media in the test pressure range from 0.5 MPa to 3.0 MPa. The results show that the convection heat transfer coefficient of high pressure gas is influenced by the working pressure, gas composition and symmetry of flow around the coil, of which the working pressure is the most significant factor. The average convection heat transfer coefficients for various gases in heat exchangers are systematically analyzed, and the correlations between Nu and Re for two kinds of membrane heat exchangers are obtained. The heat transfer coefficient of heat exchanger with membrane helical coils is greater than that of the membrane serpentine-tube heat exchanger under the same conditions. The heat transfer coefficient increment of the membrane helical-coil heat exchanger is greater than that of the membrane serpentine-tube heat exchanger with the increase of gas pressure and velocity.  相似文献   

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