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引入D2D通信的蜂窝网上行资源分配算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文研究了引入Device-to-Device (D2D)通信的蜂窝网系统中的上行资源分配问题。首先将该问题建模为一个简洁的二值整数规划问题。然而整数规划仍是NP难问题。该文利用Canonical对偶理论,得到其对偶形式。该对偶问题是一个连续域内的凸问题。证明了在特定的条件下,可以通过求解对偶问题得到原问题的最优解,且对偶间隙为零。提出了一个基于Barrier方法的算法来求解对偶问题。仿真结果表明,该文的算法优于现有算法,且性能接近最优。  相似文献   

With increasing the demand for transmitting secure information in wireless networks, deviceto-device(D2D) communication has great potential to improve system performance. As a well-known security risk is eavesdropping in D2D communication, ensuring information security is quite challenging. In this paper, we first obtain the closed-forms of the secrecy outage probability(SOP) and the secrecy ergodic capacity(SEC) for direct and decodeand-forward(DF) relay modes. Numerical results are presented t...  相似文献   

Device-to-Device (D2D) communications have drawn considerable attention with the obvious advantages of a higher data rate and spectrum efficiency. However, this also brings intra-cell interference due to resource sharing with traditional Cellular users (CUs). An effective resource allocation scheme for D2D communications to maximize the system throughput is developed. This scheme first utilizes the guard area model to restrict the interference between D2D users (DUs) and CUs. Then, a max-flow algorithm is used to match the pair of CUs and DUs and maximize the total sum rate of the communication system. Numeral results demonstrate that the proposed scheme can yield significant throughput gain while maintaining quality for both CUs and DUs.  相似文献   

该文研究了多小区混合非正交多址接入(MC-hybrid NOMA)网络的资源分配.为满足异构用户的服务体验,以最大化全网综合平均意见评分(MOS)累加和为目标,考虑基站选择、信道接入和功率资源分配的联合优化问题,该文提出一种用户、基站和信道3方的2阶段转移匹配算法,并根据用户MOS进行子信道功率优化.仿真结果表明所提多小区混合NOMA网络资源分配方案能有效提升全网用户服务体验和公平性.  相似文献   

Huang  Dan  Gao  Yuan  Li  Yi  Hou  Mengshu  Tang  Wanbin  Cheng  Shaochi  Li  Xiangyang  Sun  Yunchuan 《Mobile Networks and Applications》2022,27(3):1131-1138
Mobile Networks and Applications - Wireless personal communication has become popular with the rapid development of 5G communication systems. Critical demands on transmission speed and QoS make it...  相似文献   

该文研究了多小区混合非正交多址接入(MC-hybrid NOMA)网络的资源分配。为满足异构用户的服务体验,以最大化全网综合平均意见评分(MOS)累加和为目标,考虑基站选择、信道接入和功率资源分配的联合优化问题,该文提出一种用户、基站和信道3方的2阶段转移匹配算法,并根据用户MOS进行子信道功率优化。仿真结果表明所提多...  相似文献   

为了研究基于深度强化学习(Deep Reinforcement Learning, DRL)的5G异构网络模型的性能,同时在最小化系统能耗并满足不同类型终端用户的服务质量要求的基础上制定合理的资源分配方案,提出了一种基于DRL的近端策略优化算法,并结合一种基于优先级的分配策略,引入了海量机器类型通信、增强移动宽带和超可靠低延迟通信业务。所提算法相较于Greedy和DQN算法,网络延迟分别降低73.19%和47.05%,能耗分别降低9.55%和6.93%,而且可以保证能源消耗和用户延迟之间的良好权衡。  相似文献   

对于无线多跳网络跨层资源分配算法的研究大多是建立在假定每个节点能获得网络中其他节点的完美的信道状态信息(CSI)的基础上。但是由于信道的时变特性和CSI的反馈延时,在动态变化较快的无线网络中,节点所获得的CSI很可能是过时或者部分过时的。基于这个前提,该文首次在动态无线多跳网络跨层资源优化分配算法中考虑了CSI这种变化的影响,并提出了一种相应的分布式联合拥塞控制和功率分配算法。仿真结果证明该算法能够极大地提高网络效用和能量效用。  相似文献   

针对背压路由算法容易造成大量队列积压和收敛速度慢的缺陷,该文研究了无线多跳网络中节点功率受限情况下的联合拥塞控制、路由和功率分配的跨层优化问题。以最大化网络效用为目标,以流平衡条件、功率等为约束条件建模,基于牛顿法提出了一种具有超线性收敛性能的算法,并运用矩阵分裂技术使该算法能够分布式实施。仿真结果表明,该算法在实现网络效用最大化的同时,能够有效提高网络中的能量效用,且能将网络中的队列长度稳定在一个较低水平,降低包传输延时。  相似文献   

OFDMA Femtocell网络中混合接入方式下的资源分配策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张宝  邱玲 《电子与信息学报》2011,33(11):2569-2574
Femtocell(飞小区)能够有效加强室内覆盖和系统容量。混合接入(hybrid access)方式可以兼顾授权用户和非授权用户的业务体验。针对下行混合接入方式下的正交频分复用接入(OFDMA) Femtocell网络,该文提出带权重的比例公平(WPF)调度算法,为不同类型的用户提供不同的调度权重。该文提出两种算法确定用户的调度权重,一种是自适应权重的比例公平算法,实时调整调度权重;另一种是静态权重的比例公平算法,基于WPF调度的渐近性分析得到静态最优调度权重。仿真结果表明该文提出的两种算法均能在授权用户和非授权用户间合理分配资源,保证不同用户的速率需求。  相似文献   

无线供电技术是延长无线网络节点寿命的有效方案。该文研究一个由基站和多个分簇用户组成的无线供电混合多址接入系统。系统的传输分为两个阶段。在第1阶段,基站向用户广播能量;在第2阶段,用户向基站传输信息。用户簇和用户簇之间采用时分多址接入,分时传输;同一簇内多个用户采用非正交多址接入,同时传输。该文研究联合优化系统的各阶段的传输时间、基站的发射功率、用户的发射功率等资源,分别以优化网络频谱效率和用户簇之间的公平性为目的,提出最大化网络吞吐量和最大化用户簇的最小吞吐量的联合资源分配算法。研究结果表明所提的两种算法分别能有效提高系统的频谱效率和保证用户簇之间的公平性。  相似文献   

The Multicarrier CDMA Transmission Techniques for Integrated Broadband Cellular Systems (MATRICE) project addresses a candidate solution for a Beyond 3G (B3G) air-interface based on Multi-Carrier Code Division Multiple Access (MC-CDMA). It investigates dynamic resource allocation strategies at the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer to support the transport of Internet Protocol (IP) packets over the air-interface in a cost effective manner and maximise the cell capacity with a target QoS. A candidate Dynamic Resource Allocation (DRA) protocol architecture is proposed that is based on cross-layer signalling to provide reactive resource allocation according to the fast channel and traffic variations. In-line with B3G expectations, the proposed DRA handles a very large number of users with inherent flexibility and granularity necessary to support heterogeneous traffic, and still with limited complexity. Thanks to the modular architecture of the DRA, various scheduling policies are investigated and compared in terms of capacity and reactivity to the system environment. Simulation results have shown that the MATRICE system has the potential to deliver broadband heterogenous services in a cost-effective manner, and emerge as a propespective candidate air-interface for B3G cellular networks.  相似文献   

Efficient design of device-to-device (D2D) communication calls for D2D users to propose adaptive power allocation strategy and to establish reliable communication links while protecting the QoS of cellular communications. In this paper, we consider the D2D communication as an underlay to relay-assisted cellular networks. To maximize the ergodic capacity, we derive an optimal transmission power under an average power constraint. With the derived optimal transmission power, a transmission period selection strategy for D2D communication is firstly introduced to improve reliability. We derive the outage probability in closed forms and evaluate the ergodic capacity to show performances of the proposed system. Numerical results show that the D2D system can achieve high capacity gains by flexibly allocating transmission power based on channel state information and significantly enhance reliability by selecting a transmission period, while satisfying various QoS conditions for cellular communication.  相似文献   


D2D based communication holds a promising future for 5G networks as they are efficient and can yield high data rates, good signal to noise interference ratio, improved resource-block uploading time, minimized delay from one end to the other and conserved power for transmission. The traditional system of cellular type contains cell edge clients who need a larger resource blocks count as well as time to upload data. Hence the quality of service will be reduced. The relay scheme in the proposal for cooperative type D2D networks is pivoted on the value of channel gain as well as transmission link distance. For bringing down the resource blocks’ count as well as uploading time, the paper is proposing a capable scheme of selection of relays that employs communication of D2D in the situations of uplinking. To begin with, in a cell modeling is done. It contains D2D pairs of multiple types as well as cellular clients. Next, the analysis related to issues of allocating resources as well as control of power is done. In order to lessen the resource blocks as well as their uploading time, the paper in proposal suggests a better blocks management mechanism that uses D2D based communication. Simulated output infers that the method in the proposal is superior to the present methods as far as time to upload contents; resource blocks, SINR, throughput as well as rates of data and Energy Consumption are concerned. Added to that, the stated method conserves 43% of the Energy Consumption of the network clients and while doing that the time to upload the contents is not affected.


The third generation of mobile communication aims to transmit not only voice and text but also videos and multimedia data. Furthermore, in the future it is expected to involve web browsing, file transfer, and database access. This requires wireless cellular networks to efficiently support packet data traffic. Therefore, challenge in the design of wireless networks is to support both voice and packet data service of traffic with different QoS-parameters. On the other hand one aspect of this challenge is to develop an efficient scheme for assigning resources to new arriving calls or handoff of different traffic types. Since the blocking probability is one of the most important QoS- parameters, the QoS of wireless cellular networks are often measured in terms of two probabilities, the first is the new call blocking probability that a new call cannot be satisfied because of the unavailability of a proper free channel, and the second is the handoff blocking probability that a proper free channel is not available when a mobile station (MS) wants to move into a neighboring cell. To meet this aspect of the challenge, this proposal proposes a new assignment scheme based on intelligent methodologies to utilize frequency spectrum efficiently and to reduce call blocking probabilities. Jamal Raiyn received the first MS degree (Diplom) in applied mathematics from Siegen University in Germany, in 1998, and the second MS degree in mathematics and computer science from Hannover University in Germany, in 2000. From January 2001 to April 2002, he worked in institute for Data Communications System at the University of Siegen in Germany. Since September 2002 till now, he is a lecturer in computer science department at the Al-Kasemi Academy in Israel, and he is working toward PhD degree at BIU in Tel-Aviv/Israel. In addition a fellow researcher in school for electrical engineering Tel-Aviv University in Israel.  相似文献   

In the 5th generation(5G)wireless communication networks,network slicing emerges where network operators(NPs)form isolated logical slices by the same cellular network infrastructure and spectrum resource.In coverage regions of access points(APs)shared by slices,device to device(D2D)communication can occur among different slices,i.e.,one device acts as D2D relay for another device serving by a different slice,which is defined as slice cooperation in this paper.Since selfish slices will not help other slices by cooperation voluntarily and unconditionally,this paper designs a novel resource allocation scheme to stimulate slice cooperation.The main idea is to encourage slice to perform cooperation for other slices by rewarding it with higher throughput.The proposed incentive scheme for slice cooperation is formulated by an optimal problem,where cooperative activities are introduced to the objective function.Since optimal solutions of the formulated problem are long term statistics,though can be obtained,a practical online slice scheduling algorithm is designed,which can obtain optimal solutions of the formulated maximal problem.Lastly,the throughput isolation indexes are defined to evaluate isolation performance of slice.According to simulation results,the proposed incentive scheme for slice cooperation can stimulate slice cooperation effectively,and the isolation of slice is also simulated and discussed.  相似文献   

Benefit from the enhanced onboard pro-cessing capacities and high-speed satellite-terrestrial links,satellite edge computing has been regarded as a promising te...  相似文献   

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