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基于建立的需求-排放-成本模型,结合情景分析,评估海南省房间空调行业温室气体协同减排潜力与成本。研究表明,海南省房间空调器行业在氢氟碳化物(HFCs)制冷剂转型的同时推进能效提升,既可大幅度减少直接和间接排放,实现房间空调制冷剂近零排放,同时通过节电获得相对收益。在基加利修正案能效情景与加速转型能效情景中,2021—2060年海南省房间空调器行业可分别累计减排50~62MtCO2-eq和77~94MtCO2-eq,直接减排量占比分别约为30%和55%,平均减排成本分别为-219.3~-219.1元/t和-115.6~-112.8元/t。  相似文献   

CO2减排的宏观经济代价对处于不同发展阶段的国家有着巨大的差异,对此给出科学的估计具有重要的科学和现实意义。本文运用基于投入产出的多目标规划对中国CO2减排的宏观经济成本进行了估算。结果表明:CO2排放控制对我国经济的影响十分显著,在目前条件下,我国2010年CO2减排的宏观经济成本为3100~4024元/t CO2;而且减排的力度越大,相应的单位减排的宏观经济成本越高。采掘业、石油行业、化学工业、金属冶炼等行业和部门是CO2的高排放部门,但同时也是实现减排较有潜力的部门。  相似文献   

随着发展观的转变,经济增长质量和效益已成为人们关注的热点问题.从经济增长质量内涵的界定出发,结合江苏经济增长实际,建立了由7个2级指标、16个3级指标组成的经济增长质量与效益综合评价指标体系,采用主成分-聚类分析和改进的灰色关联分析方法相结合,对江苏省经济增长质量进行实证分析研究.结果表明:2004-2009年江苏省各年度经济增长质量与效益整体上呈逐年趋好态势.当前,江苏发展所面临的主要问题是经济增长效益不高,必须采取有效措施加以解决,确保经济持续稳定增长.  相似文献   

选取2014年11月6—11日一次典型污染过程,以北京城区为重点关注的目标区域,基于印痕分析技术判别对该区域影响较大的敏感源区,设计重点区域减排试验和敏感源区逐日动态减排试验,利用区域化学传输模式WRF-Chem进行模拟对比。结果显示:上述两种方案对源强较高的减排当地PM2.5浓度降低均有明显的改善作用,且在传输作用下会辐射影响到下游地区;但仅就目标区域而言,敏感源区减排方案的减排效率要远远高于重点区域减排方案。为了验证基于敏感源分析的动态减排方法的适用性,进一步开展了不同季节以及不同背景浓度的个例模拟。结果表明:基于敏感源区分析结果制定动态逐日减排措施,可降低削减成本、提高减排效率,以达到最具经济环境效益的减排效果。  相似文献   

黄安宁  张耀存  朱坚 《大气科学》2009,33(6):1212-1224
利用PσRCM9区域气候模式, 分析了中国夏季不同强度降水模拟对不同积云对流参数化方案的敏感性。结果表明, 采用四种积云对流参数化方案, 模式能够模拟出小雨、 大雨和暴雨的雨量百分比和雨日百分比空间分布的一致性特征, 但不能模拟出中雨雨量百分比和雨日百分比空间分布的相似性, 这是由于模式不能模拟中雨雨量百分比的空间分布形式所致。还发现模拟的我国夏季降水以小雨和中雨为主, 四种积云对流参数化方案均低估了中国夏季大雨和暴雨对总降水的贡献, 尤其是在我国西部、 东北和华北地区更明显。不同积云对流参数化方案下模拟的极端强降水阈值的空间分布形式基本与观测一致, 但强度与观测存在较大差异。相比较而言, Grell方案较Kuo、 Anthes-Kuo和Betts-Mille积云对流参数化方案更适合中国东南部地区夏季极端强降水的模拟。  相似文献   

用GRAPES_meso数值模式和LAPS中尺度局地分析资料,对2.5 km和5 km两种分辨率,采用NCEP 3-class降水方案和2种混合降水方案,给定不同的spin up时间,设计18种组合方案,对2008年7月一次西南涡暴雨过程做数值模拟。在模拟可信的前提下,对西南涡暴雨的天气学成因进行分析。模拟试验表明,L...  相似文献   

为了比较不同微物理方案、边界层方案和陆面方案对大雾过程模拟效果的影响,本文利用WRF模式(Weather Research and Forecasting Model)对江苏省高速公路网2011—2013年发生的21场大雾过程进行了数值模拟,探讨了模式不同参数化方案对大雾过程数值模拟的影响,确定了基于模式输出结果的成雾判别指标。研究结果表明:(1)综合考虑微物理方案、边界层方案和陆面方案对地面气象要素、高空温度及雾区分布等要素的影响,微物理方案选用WDM6方案,边界层方案选用QNSE方案,陆面方案选用SLAB方案时,雾的数值模拟效果最优;(2)在最优参数化方案设置下,兼顾气象业务部门有限的计算资源和较高的模式垂直分辨率,对21个大雾个例发生的大气背景进行数值模拟和诊断分析后发现:江苏省境内雾的预报指标应为模式最低层(30~40 m高度)液态含水量0.015 g·kg~(-1),或2 m相对湿度95%,且10 m风速3 m·s~(-1)。  相似文献   

采用分辨率为1 °×1 °的NCEP全球格点再分析资料,应用新一代中尺度数值预报模式WRF V3.2,对比分析了不同微物理方案和边界层方案对2010年1013号超强台风“鲇鱼”路径和强度模拟的影响。结果表明:相对于边界层方案,微物理方案对台风路径的影响较大,其中与Ferrier方案相组合的试验中模拟的台风路径平均偏差最小;边界层方案对台风强度有明显影响,其中MYNN2方案模拟的台风强度变化与实况更接近。进一步对比分析了不同微物理方案和边界层方案对大尺度环流形势场、水汽通量场及台风暖心结构模拟的异同,探讨不同参数化方案对台风路径和强度模拟差异的动热力原因。分析表明:不同微物理方案在模拟副热带高压和东亚长波槽的演变特征上是不同的,于是导致对台风路径模拟的差异;不同边界层方案对边界层中水汽通量大小的模拟存在显著差异,而水汽供应的强弱会影响台风上层暖心结构的不同,从而导致对台风强度模拟的差异。   相似文献   

通过降尺度模式CALMET不同参数化方案对江西山地风场测风塔风速风向模拟结果的对比分析,选取出适合山地风场模拟的最优参数化方案,并进行连续一年的模拟效果检验。结果表明:CALMET模式以不采用地形动力效应参数调整和Froude数调整,采用下坡气流效应调整和O’Brien垂直风速调整时,对江西省境内山地风场50 m以上高度层风场模拟效果最佳。最优参数化方案不仅能较好地模拟出山地风场测风塔逐时风速,并且对全年风速段分布模拟有较好的结果。CALMET模式能模拟出实际测风塔全年主导风向,但模拟与实测结果主导风向分布约有一个方位的偏差,主导风向频率有7%~8%的偏差。  相似文献   

不同参数化方案对安徽一次暴雨过程模拟的影响分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
使用WRF v3.4模式对2012年7月12—14日安徽的一次暴雨进行模拟。保持其他参数如辐射、陆面过程等不变, 将不同微物理过程(Eta、Kessler、Lin方案)与积云参数方案(KF、BMJ、GD方案)进行组合成9个试验。将试验模拟结果与实况进行对比分析, 发现:微物理方案的选取对于降水的雨强、位置、雨区范围的模拟都有一定的影响。积云参数化方案对于降水的范围, 雨带的位置模拟也都有影响, 但对于雨强的影响不大。将各试验模拟的逐小时降水与实况进行比较, 发现试验Eta-GD和Lin-GD模拟降水日变化与实况更接近。通过TS评分、ETS评分和系统偏差分析, 表明试验Eta-GD在此次暴雨过程的降水模拟中表现最好。  相似文献   

Sven Bode 《Climate Policy》2013,13(2):253-256

In the context of combating climate change, renewable energies are considered to play an important role. As these energies are currently not fully competitive compared with conventional power generation technologies, (minimum) quotas have been proposed as one means of overcoming this problem. However, when implementing any instruments at the national level, one should bear in mind that the efficiency of most types of renewable energies is dependent on the location. Thus, leaving the national perspective and investing abroad may result in improved efficiency. Against this background, the integration of the CDM into the European renewable energy policy is proposed.  相似文献   

Certified emission reductions (CERs) from Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects have traditionally served as an indirect link between cap and trade systems around the world. However, since 2010, import restrictions have increased. Reasons for import limitations include the supplementarity principle, genuine concerns about the environmental integrity of CERs and social benefits of CDM projects, pressure from domestic emissions mitigation industries, concerns about competition in the industries in which reductions take place, as well as the attempt to pressure advanced developing countries to accept national emissions commitments under a future international climate policy regime. It is shown that import limitations lead to a decrease in CER prices and a race to generate CERs as quickly as possible. Such effects are visible in the CDM market after the EU announced its import limitations. The exclusion of CERs from specific project types will distort the CDM supply curve and increase the CER price unless the marginal abatement costs of the excluded project type are above the CER world market price. Similarly, exclusion of CERs from specific host countries will increase the price. Substantial differences are found in CER access to national carbon markets around the world.Policy relevanceCDM regulators could try to improve access of CERs to cap and trade schemes through improvements to additionality testing, standardizing baseline and monitoring methodologies and stakeholder consultation. However, regulators should be aware that standardization is no panacea, and controversies may resurface if standardized additionality determination (e.g. through benchmarks or positive lists) are applied for a certain period and found to be problematic. However, domestic policy concerns such as an unwillingness to send money abroad to buy credits, an inability to control market prices, and competitiveness impacts cannot be resolved by CDM reforms. If, despite such reforms of the CDM, blatant protectionism continues, a challenge before the World Trade Organisation (WTO) could be launched to stop discrimination of service exports from specific countries.  相似文献   


Forestry projects under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) face specific challenges with regard to determination of a baseline for carbon sequestration. We propose a semi-standardized approach called PARAPIA for calculation of a baseline that is built on the concept of a reference area around the project area whose land-use characteristics determine the baseline scenario. The land-use shares in the reference area are checked at each verification. Baseline carbon stocks are then derived ex post using the average carbon content of each land-use type. The reference area is between five and ten times larger than the project area. To determine indirect effects (the so-called ‘leakage’), a political influence area such as province or state is assessed with regards to migration flows due to the project and related emissions.  相似文献   

《Climate Policy》2013,13(3):242-254
The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) under the Kyoto Protocol allows industrialized countries to use credits from greenhouse gas (GHG) abatement projects in developing countries. A key requirement of the CDM is that the emission reductions be real, measurable and additional. This article evaluates how the additionality of CDM projects has been assessed in practice. The analysis is mainly based on a systematic evaluation of 93 registered CDM projects and comes to the conclusion that the current tools for demonstrating additionality are in need of substantial improvement. In particular, the application of the barrier analysis is highly subjective and difficult to validate in an objective and transparent manner. Key assumptions regarding additionality are often not substantiated with credible, documented evidence. In a considerable number of cases it is questionable whether the emission reductions are actually additional. Based on these findings, practical recommendations for improving the assessment of additionality are provided.  相似文献   

Technology transfer is not an explicit objective of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). However, it constitutes a potential co-benefit by helping to improve living conditions in developing countries. Understanding the drivers and barriers of technology transfer in CDM projects is therefore essential to direct investment flows in host countries and enhance the current CDM framework. In this respect, the contribution of this article is twofold. First, it identifies stepping stones and stumbling blocks to technology transfer in the CDM. Higher applied tariff rates on environmental goods and services as well as burdensome administrative procedures to start a new business are found to be negatively associated with the likelihood of a technology transfer. The results are robust to the exclusion of large host countries such as China and India from the sample. Second, as an extension, the article analyses the correspondence of these supporting factors and barriers with the likelihood of a transfer of the different types of technology (equipment, knowledge, or both). The article concludes with policy recommendations for non-Annex I governments, and suggestions for improvements to the CDM to better assess technology transfer in offsetting projects.  相似文献   

Despite ongoing faith in their ability to deliver meaningful reductions in GHG emissions as the Durban climate summit approaches in December 2011 and as the end of the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol in 2012 looms large, carbon markets have been adversely affected by low prices that are failing to drive necessary investment in low-carbon technology and a series of scandals about their integrity. Some Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects have nevertheless delivered reductions in GHG emissions and sustainable development benefits. However, these benefits are too few, and strong incentives still remain in place to go for ‘low-hanging fruit’ opportunities that bring few additional environmental and developmental gains. Although governance reforms have a part to play in addressing these issues, these are not teething problems that can be easily weeded out with further institutional learning and innovation. They touch on the deeper politics of carbon markets and the role politics play in responses to climate change that have to be addressed.  相似文献   

《Climate Policy》2013,13(1):62-74
What is the potential for developing small-scale CDM projects in India to reduce enteric methane emissions from cattle and buffaloes? The issue of baseline setting for prospective CDM projects is a complex one in the Indian context. The baselines constructed on the basis of aggregate emission rates at the national level are unlikely to be precise as methane emission rates are influenced by the livestock and feed characteristics, which vary widely across regions in an agro-climatically diverse country like India. This calls for establishing a project specific baseline underpinned with regional methane emission rates. The various aspects of sustainable development that merit consideration in formulating a CDM project in the Indian dairy sector include; increasing the productivity of animals, increasing the net income of producers, decreasing the cost of milk production and the transfer of safe technologies. The projects in the sector would be able to meet the ‘additionality’ conditions of the CDM. However, there are a number of constraints in implementing the enteric methane mitigation strategies through a CDM project at the field level. The article discusses these technical, financial, socio-cultural and institutional barriers along with possible responses to these constraints.  相似文献   

现有标准格式雷达基数据解析工具在设计上存在通用性和抽象性不足的问题,不便于雷达数据的解析和处理.为了解决这个问题,本文基于Unidata的CDM(Common Data Model),设计和构建了中国天气雷达基数据模型,在数据模型层面实现了对天气雷达标准格式基数据的访问,并以Unidata开源的NetCDF Java库...  相似文献   

The key outcomes of the 2006 Nairobi Conference on Climate Change are described, with a particular emphasis on adaptation, the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and the future of the United Nations climate change regime beyond 2012. Based on an analysis of the key issues being negotiated, the Nairobi Conference can be understood as an important step in the larger process towards a future climate change regime. Its significance is in establishing the confidence and trust between the key players that will be necessary for the successful completion of the current phase of negotiations and agreement on the post-2012 climate change regime.  相似文献   

Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project developers have long complained about the complexities of project-specific baseline setting and the vagaries of additionality determination. In response to this, the CDM Executive Board took bold steps towards the standardization of CDM methodologies, culminating in the approval of guidelines for the establishment of performance standards in November 2011. The guidelines specify a performance standard stringency level for both baseline and additionality of 80% for several priority sectors and 90% for all other sectors. However, an analysis of 14 large-scale CDM methodologies that use performance standard approaches challenges this top-down approach to the performance standard design. An appropriate performance standard stringency level strongly depends on sector and technology characteristics. A single stringency level for baseline and additionality determination is appropriate only for greenfield projects, but not for retrofit ones. Overly simple, highly aggregated performance standards are unlikely to ensure high environmental integrity, and difficult questions regarding stringency and updating frequency will eventually have to be addressed on a rather disaggregated level. A careful balance between data requirements and the practicability of performance standards is essential because the heavy data requirements of the existing performance standard methodologies have been the key barrier to their actual implementation.

Policy relevance

CDM regulators have been pushed by many stakeholders to standardize baseline setting and eliminate project-specific additionality determination. At first glance, performance standards seem to provide the perfect solution for both tasks. However, a one-size-fits-all political decision – e.g. the average of the top 20% performers as enshrined in the Marrakech Accords – is inappropriate. Substantial disaggregation of performance standards is required both technologically and geographically in order to limit over- and under-crediting and close loopholes for non-additional projects. As a lack of reliable and complete data has been and will be a key bottleneck for the development of performance standards, international support for data collection will be indispensable, but costly, and time-consuming. Empirically driven, techno-economic assessments of performance standard stringency levels must be the central task of the future work on standardized methodologies, and should not be sidelined by perceived needs of policy makers to take bold decisions under time pressures.  相似文献   

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