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Using combined path integral-molecular dynamics simulation techniques, we analyze electronic solvation at the water/air interface. Superficial electrons present a considerable extent of spatial confinement, somewhat less marked but still comparable to that found in bulk. The characteristics of the interfacial polarization promote an overall structure for the solvated electron-polymer which looks flatter along the direction perpendicular to the interface. Spatial and orientational responses of different slabs in the close vicinity of the interface were also investigated. Solvent configurations obtained from the simulations have been used to analyze electronic excited states and the optical absorption spectrum of superficial electrons. Compared to bulk results, the distribution of bound electronic states at the surface presents similar characteristics, that is, a ground s-state and three, quasi-degenerate, p-like excited states. The reduction of the energy gap between the ground state and the rest of excited states leads to a approximately 0.52 eV red-shift in the position of the absorption maximum.  相似文献   

The interfacial behaviour of highly charged cationic polyelectrolytes (PEs) (by alkylation of poly-4-vinylpyridine with C8-, C12- or C16-alkyl halogenides) was investigated at the air/water interface. Great care must be taken with respect to the experimental technique for recording the isotherms. Only a stepwise procedure, applying small pressure increments and checking and recording potential area relaxations, reveals the intrinsic monolayer characteristics. After a true equilibrium range in the isotherm, starting from the onset of first film pressure to the almost closed packed layer, it could be demonstrated that at certain states of compression, a spontaneous kinetically controlled area relaxation is induced, which coincides with a mono- to triple-layer state transition. This region is visible as large shifts in area if the film is kept at constant pressure. The presence and coexistence of well-defined triple-layer states could be proved by Langmuir–Blodgett (LB) transfer and ellipsometric thickness measurements as well as by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Typical features of all area relaxations are induction periods and sigmoidal courses of the plots. According to these relaxations and the characterisation by AFM, the new phase formation is characterised by progressive nucleation and one-dimensional growth. Based on relaxation measurements, a saturation pressure can be derived, constituting the reference for defining supersaturation for nucleation and growth. All experimental findings together can be understood, if one assumes a stretched, stiff and rod-like structure as the most plausible and simple model for the PE in the presence of hard counterions. For the case of soft and polarisable counterions, for electrostatic reasons, the polymer behaviour changes to a worm-like structure. The rate of nucleation of the well-defined phase formation became highly irreproducible in this case.  相似文献   

Polymer monolayers spread at the air/water interface were obtained for: poly(monooctyl itaconate) (PMOI), poly(monodecyl itaconate) (PMDI), poly(monododecyl itaconate) (PMDoI), poly(monobenzyl itaconate) (PMBzI), poly(methyldodecyl itaconate) (PMeDoI) and the alternating copolymer (monooctyl itaconate-alt-maleic anhydride) (MOI-alt-MA). By monolayer compression at constant temperature, the respective Langmuir isotherms for these polymers were obtained. For all polymers the zero-pressure limiting area per repeating unit (ru) Ao, and the collapse pressure πc were determined. At low surface polymer concentrations, the monolayers characterization was carried out according to the surface pressure expressed as a function of the surface concentration. The behavior observed was described by the virial expansion development. At the semidilute region, the surface pressure variation was expressed in terms of the scaling laws as a power function of the surface concentration.  相似文献   

In the present study, the structure and morphology of single sodium poly(styrenesulfonate) (PSS) molecules adsorbed to mica surface from the natural aqueous solution is investigated using atomic force microscopy technique. Results show that single PSS molecules are observed which show a morphology of wormlike coils. Meanwhile, single sodium poly(styrenesulfonate) (PSS)/Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) complexes deposited on mica from the air–water interface are also observed. However, the PSS/CTA+ complexes show different conformations by appearing in the morphology of circular patches. Experimental data are in fair agreement with the theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

The basic principles behind friction force microscopy are described. Applications of friction force microscopy to self-assembled monolayers are reviewed. Work in the author’s laboratory on the frictional properties of self-assembled monolayers is described, and the findings applied in the characterisation of a much more complex material, plasma-treated polyester. Friction force microscopy is found to be a powerful tool for the analysis of the chemical composition and molecular organisation of molecular materials at the nanometre scale.  相似文献   

郭洪霞 《高分子科学》2014,32(10):1298-1310
We present a coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation study of phase behavior of amphiphilic monolayers at the liquid crystal (LC)/water interface. The results revealed that LCs at interface can influence the lateral ordering of amphiphiles. Particularly, the amphiphile tails along with perpendicularly penetrated LCs between tails undergo a two-dimension phase transition from liquid-expanded into a liquid-condensed phase as their area density at interface reaches 0.93. While, the liquid-condensed phase of the monolayer never appears at oil/water interface with isotropic shape oil particles. These findings reveal the penetration of anisotropic LC can promote ordered lateral organization of amphiphiles. Moreover, we find the phase transition point is shifted to lower surface coverage of amphiphiles when the LCs have larger affinity to the amphiphile tails.  相似文献   

Mesostructured silica films have attracted interest as potential platforms for sensing, molecular sieving, catalysis, and others. The fabrication of free-standing silica films on water, however, is challenging due to the need for scaffolding agents that would constitute effective templates. We describe the assembly of thin film at the air/water interface comprising quaternary silicates and polydiacetylene (PDA), a unique chromatic polymer forming two-dimensional conjugated networks, and the use of these films for biological sensing. PDA exhibits a dual role in the system-both as the amphiphilic matrix facilitating immobilization of the silicate colloidal units at the air/water interface and additionally a chromatic reporter that undergoes visible blue-red transitions, accompanied by fluorescence transformations, in the presence of analytes. We demonstrate the application of the silicate/PDA thin films for the detection of bacterial proliferation.  相似文献   

An organo-soluble, peptide-polymer conjugate that combines poly(n-butyl acrylate) with a beta-sheet-forming peptide is spread at the water surface to investigate peptide-guided self-assembly in a two-dimensional environment. Single layers of the conjugate are studied to gain information on the packing, orientation, and structure of the conjugate molecules using standard monolayer techniques: isotherms, grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXD), and infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (IRRAS). At all conditions studied, the stabilizing beta-sheet network consists of antiparallel beta-sheets oriented parallel to the air/water interface. The incorporation of temporary switch defects in the peptide segment enables beta-sheet assembly to be triggered at different packing densities. Stable monolayers, with low compressibilities similar to peptide monolayers, form when beta-sheet assembly occurs in monolayers that contain closely packed conjugate molecules. Langmuir-Schaefer transfer of the switched monolayer seeded with 1/1000 part stearic acid results in a transferred monolayer containing ordered domains with 7 nm wide stripes, a width in agreement with the end-to-end distance of the conjugate molecule. In this interfacial system, high packing densities and a hydrophobic seed molecule play an important role in beta-sheet network and structure formation. Both effects likely direct the highly ordered beta-sheet structure because of beta-strand prealignment. Insights gained from self-assembly in this system can be applied to peptide aggregation mechanisms in more complex interfacial environments.  相似文献   

Adsorption and desorption dynamics of lysozyme and β-casein at the air/water interface were investigated through stress relaxation experiments. The resulting surface tension changes due to a step-type surface area disturbance, as a function of time, were measured through a capillary wave probe. The adsorption data, obtained after a surface area expansion, can be well fitted to a diffusion-controlled adsorption model. However, desorption relaxation following a surface compression is much slower and cannot be modeled by the diffusion theory. Characteristic diffusion frequency and high-frequency dilational elasticity for protein layers were also obtained and found to be consistent with data reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Ultrathin films of ferroelectric copolymer vinylidenefluoride and trifluoroethylene, P(VDF-TrFE), were successfully obtained by spin-coating and their nanoscale structures and electrical properties were studied utilizing atomic force microscopy (AFM). We succeeded in obtaining ultrathin copolymer films on graphite whose thickness ranged from 1 nm to several tens of nanometers by controlling concentration of copolymer solutions in methylethylketone. We found that ultrathin films thinner than 4 nm showed layered structures whose layer thickness was about 0.5 nm. On the other hand, films thicker than 4 nm formed typical edge-on lamellar crystal structures. Furthermore, we investigated surface potential distribution and piezoelectric property by AFM-based techniques and discussed interaction between electrical dipoles in the molecular chains and graphite substrate.  相似文献   

The treatment of two-dimensional system of three components of molecules of different molecular sizes, adapted from statistical thermodynamics, is used to derive parameters which could be derive parameters which could be related to the interaction between molecules in the mixed Langmuir films formed at the water/air interface.  相似文献   

黄酮类化合物广泛存在于植物中,具有抗氧化、抗肿瘤和抗病毒等多种生物活性[1-3]。许多研究表明,具有相同苷元的黄酮类化合物比其糖苷具有更优秀的抗氧化活性,这是由于苷元亲脂性强能嵌入生物膜流水层的内核发挥作用,以及糖基的空间位阻减弱了黄酮化合物和生物分子的结合能力[4  相似文献   

DMPC与蛋白质在气-液界面上复合组装过程研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对磷脂DMPC与蛋白质(β-lactoglobulin,β-casein或humanserumalbumin)组成的复合单分子膜在压缩过程中的相变进行了研究,同时通过Brewster角显微镜观察了磷脂与蛋白质在空气-水界面处发生的自组装过程。发现当低表面压时在DMPC/β-casein,DMPC/humanserumalbumin和DMPC/β-lactoglobulin复合单分子膜上分别出现线状和块状微区,而在较高表面压时只有DMPC/β-casein体系出现钩状的微区。说明微区的形貌与蛋白质的种类及构象变化有关。  相似文献   

The superposition-additive approach developed previously was shown to be applicable for the calculations of the thermodynamic parameters of formation and atomization of conjugate systems, their dipole polarizability, molecular diamagnetic susceptibility, π-electronic ring currents, etc. In the present work, the applicability of this approach for the calculation of the thermodynamic parameters of formation and clusterization at the water/air interface of alkanes, fatty alcohols, thioalcohols, amines, nitriles, fatty acids (CnH2n+1X, X is the functional group) and cis-unsaturated carboxylic acids (CnH2n−1COOH) is studied.Using the proposed approach the thermodynamic quantities determined agree well with the available data, either calculated using the semiempirical (PM3) quantum chemical method, or obtained in experiments. In particular, for enthalpy and Gibbs’ energy of the formation of substituted alkane monomers from the elementary substances, and their absolute entropy, the standard deviations of the values calculated according to the superposition-additive scheme with the mutual superimposition domain Cn−2H2n−4 (n is the number of carbon atoms in the alkyl chain) from the results of PM3 calculations for alkanes, alcohols, thioalcohols, amines, fatty acids, nitriles and cis-unsaturated carboxylic acids are respectively: 0.05, 0.004, 2.87, 0.02, 0.01, 0.77, and 0.01 kJ/mol for enthalpy; 2.32, 5.26, 4.49, 0.53, 1.22, 1.02, 5.30 J/(mol K) for absolute entropy; 0.69, 1.56, 3.82, 0.15, 0.37, 0.69, 1.58 kJ/mol for Gibbs’ energy, whereas the deviations from the experimental data are: 0.52, 5.75, 1.40, 1.00, 4.86 kJ/mol; 0.52, 0.63, 1.40, 6.11, 2.21 J/(mol K); 2.52, 5.76, 1.58, 1.78, 4.86 kJ/mol, respectively (for nitriles and cis-unsaturated carboxylic acids experimental data are not available). The proposed approach provides also quite accurate estimates of enthalpy, entropy and Gibbs’ energy of boiling and melting, critical temperatures and standard heat capacities for several classes of substituted alkanes.For the calculation of thermodynamic functions of clusterization of dimers, trimers and tetramers of fatty alcohols, thioalcohols, amines, carboxylic acids and cis-unsaturated carboxylic acids two superposition-additive schemes are proposed which ensure the correct superimposition of the molecular graphs, including intermolecular hydrogen-hydrogen interactions in the clusters. The calculations involve the thermodynamic parameters of clusterization obtained earlier by the PM3 method. It is shown that the proposed approach reproduces quite accurately the values calculated earlier and is applicable for the prediction of the thermodynamic parameters of the formation of surfactant monolayers.  相似文献   

The salt effects on molecular orientation at air/liquid methanol interface were investigated by the polarization-dependent sum frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy(SFG-VS). We clarified that the average tilting angle of the methyl group to be u = 308 58 at the air/pure methanol surface assuming a d-function orientational distribution. Upon the addition of 3 mol/L Na I, the methyl group tilts further away from the surface normal with a new u = 418 38. This orientational change does not explain the enhancement of the SFG-VS intensities when adding Na I, implying the number density of the methanol molecules with a net polar ordering in the surface region also changed with the Na I concentrations. These spectroscopic findings shed new light on the salt effects on the surfaces structures of the polar organic solutions. It was also shown that the accurate determination of the bulk refractive indices and Raman depolarization ratios for different salt concentrations is crucial to quantitatively interpret the SFG-VS data.  相似文献   

The use of highly brilliant synchrotron light sources in the middle of the 1980s for X-ray diffraction has revolutionized the research of condensed monolayers. Since then, monolayers gained popularity as convenient quasi two-dimensional model systems widely used in biophysics and material science. This review focuses on structures observed in one-component phospholipid monolayers used as simplified two-dimensional models of biological membranes. In a monolayer system the phase transitions can be easily triggered at constant temperature by increasing the packing density of the lipids by compression. Simultaneously the monolayer structure changes are followed in situ by grazing incidence X-ray diffraction. Competing interactions between the different parts of the molecule are responsible for the different monolayer structures. These forces can be modified by chemical variations of the hydrophobic chain region, of the hydrophilic head group region or of the interfacial region between chains and head groups. Modifications of monolayer structures triggered by changes of the chemical structure of double-chain phospholipids are highlighted in this paper.  相似文献   

Ultra-thin films of and precursor polymers for polybenzimidazole (PBI), polybenzoxazole (PBO), or polybenzothiazole (PBT) were formed at air/water interface by spreading monomers and then polymerizing on the water surface. These thin films could be deposited onto appropriate substrates by using the LB method of horizontal lifting. Moreover, the heat-treatment of the built-up films of the precursor polymers of PBI, PBO, and PBT formed the ultra-thin films of high temperature polymers. The resulting ultra-thin films had uniform and controllable thickness, but remained fairly stable when subjected to temperature up to 300°C. They also had good solvent resistance.  相似文献   

 The surface pressure (Π) vs surface concentration (Γs) curves of the hydrogen-bonded polymer blend poly(vinylacetate)+ poly(4-hydro-xystyrene) (PVAc+P4HS) have been measured at 25 °C onto a water subphase at pH=2.0. While PVAc forms extended monolayers, and the free surface of water is found to be a good solvent for it, P4HS forms compressed monolayers, and the surface is a near Θ-type solvent for it. PVAc and P4HS form miscible non-ideal monolayers until near the collapse pressure through the whole concentration range. The composition dependence of the Π–Γs curves is rather complex. Contrary to what might be expected, the addition of PVAc to the blend does not reduce the rigidity of the monolayer until its weight fraction is larger than 0.5. The compressibility data of the P4HS-rich monolayers suggest the existence of a second maximum at high surface coverages, a result already observed in some polysiloxanes. Received: 11 March 1998 Accepted: 7 May 1998  相似文献   

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