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We sampled 30 lakes in Costa Rica in the wet season (July–August) of 1991 for phytoplankton (with integrated and whole water samples), and 17 for zooplankton (with net tows). Taxa of plankton and community richness were poorly related to geography, morphology, chemistry, and other biota. Neither the zooplankton nor the phytoplankton appeared to influence the composition of the other, and neither were apparently influenced by the presence of fish.Phytoplankton richness reflected primarily sampling method, but also tended to decrease with elevation and with Secchi disk depth, and tended to increase with pH and alkalinity. Chlorophytes were the most abundant division in 14 lakes; these lakes tended to be unstratified, turbid, and located at higher elevation. Diatoms were common in 4 of the 7 lakes with elevated silica (over 30 ppm). Each lake showed at least a 3 : 1 dominance by copepods, cladocera, or insect larvae. Copepods dominated 7 of the 17 lakes, most of which were shallow, turbid, and had low alkalinity. Cladocera dominated 7 lakes that were typically deeper and located at low-to mid-elevations. Insect larvae dominated two small, turbid lakes.  相似文献   

The seasonality of phytoplankton in African lakes   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
J. F. Talling 《Hydrobiologia》1986,138(1):139-160
Although some study of the subject began in 1899, wide-ranging information from African water-bodies has only become available since 1950. Important developments included the establishment of long-term centres of research, the adoption of improved methods for quantitative algal sampling, the more intensive study of environmental conditions, the beginnings of experimental testing, and the improvement of taxonomic knowledge.At higher latitudes (> 20 °) examples of pronounced algal seasonality are long-established; they are accompanied and influenced by marked changes in radiant energy income and so water temperature, and often by effects of seasonal water input. Illustrations are given from lakes in Morocco and South Africa.More generally in Africa, including the tropical belt, annual patterns of phytoplankton seasonality are usually either dominated by hydrological features (water input-output) or by hydrographic ones (water-column structure and circulation). Examples of both types are discussed, together with instances (e.g. L. Volta) of combined hydrological and hydrographic regulation. In both the seasonal abundance of diatoms is often distinct and complementary to that of blue-green algae, with differing relationships to vertical mixing and water retention.Horizontal variability in the seasonal cycle is especially pronounced in the larger or morphometrically subdivided lakes. Some inshore-offshore differentiation is also known to affect phytoplankton quantity (e.g. L. George) and species composition (e.g. L. Victoria). Longitudinal differentiation is common in elongate basins especially when with a massive or seasonal inflow at one end (e.g. L. Turkana, L. Nubia, L. Volta); occasional terminal upwelling can also be influential (e.g. southern L. Tanganyika). Such examples grade into the longitudinally differentiated seasonality of flowing river-reservoir systems, as studied on the Blue and White Niles.The annual amplitude of population density, expressed in orders of magnitude (=log10 units), is one measure of seasonal variability. It can exceed 3 orders both in systems subject to hydrological wash-out (e.g. Nile reservoirs) and in the more variable species components of lakes of long retention (e.g. L. Victoria). Low amplitudes can be characteristic of some components (e.g. green algae in L. Victoria) or of total algal biomass (e.g. L. George, L. Sibaya).Seasonal changes may be subordinated to inter-annual ones, especially in shallow and hydrologically unstable lakes (e.g. L. Nakuru).  相似文献   

Understanding the effects of intensification of Amazon basin hydrological cycling—manifest as increasingly frequent floods and droughts—on water and energy cycles of tropical forests is essential to meeting the challenge of predicting ecosystem responses to climate change, including forest “tipping points”. Here, we investigated the impacts of hydrological extremes on forest function using 12+ years of observations (between 2001–2020) of water and energy fluxes from eddy covariance, along with associated ecological dynamics from biometry, at the Tapajós National Forest. Measurements encompass the strong 2015–2016 El Niño drought and La Niña 2008–2009 wet events. We found that the forest responded strongly to El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO): Drought reduced water availability for evapotranspiration (ET) leading to large increases in sensible heat fluxes (H). Partitioning ET by an approach that assumes transpiration (T) is proportional to photosynthesis, we found that water stress-induced reductions in canopy conductance (Gs) drove T declines partly compensated by higher evaporation (E). By contrast, the abnormally wet La Niña period gave higher T and lower E, with little change in seasonal ET. Both El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events resulted in changes in forest structure, manifested as lower wet-season leaf area index. However, only during El Niño 2015–2016, we observed a breakdown in the strong meteorological control of transpiration fluxes (via energy availability and atmospheric demand) because of slowing vegetation functions (via shutdown of Gs and significant leaf shedding). Drought-reduced T and Gs, higher H and E, amplified by feedbacks with higher temperatures and vapor pressure deficits, signaled that forest function had crossed a threshold, from which it recovered slowly, with delay, post-drought. Identifying such tipping point onsets (beyond which future irreversible processes may occur) at local scale is crucial for predicting basin-scale threshold-crossing changes in forest energy and water cycling, leading to slow-down in forest function, potentially resulting in Amazon forests shifting into alternate degraded states.  相似文献   

The species composition and phytoplankton biomass of Lake Awassa, Ethiopia were studied from September 1985 to July 1986 in relation to some limnological features of the lake. During the study period, three phases of thermal stratification were recognized: a period of unstable stratification and near-complete mixing was followed by a stable stratification period and another period of complete mixing. Complete mixing was associated with cooling of air temperature with an influx of cool rain and high rainfall. The underwater light penetration showed a similar pattern over the whole period with the highest in the red, and the lowest in the blue spectral region. Euphotic depth varied between 1.6 and 3.0 meters with the highest measurements corresponding to the stable stratification period. PO4-P concentrations ranged between 23 and 45 µg l–1 and NO3-N concentrations varied between 7 and 14 µg l–1 during the study period. Both nutrients showed increasing values associated with mixing periods and/or the rainy season.A total of 100 phytoplankton species were identified with 48% of the taxa represented by green algae, 30% by blue-green algae, 11% by diatoms, and the rest by chrysophytes, dinoflagellates, cryptomonads and euglenoids. The dominant phytoplankton species were Lyngbya nyassae, Botryococcus braunii and Microcystis species. Seasonal biomass variation was pronounced in the first two species but not in Mycrocystis. Phytoplankton biomass increased following the mixing period in December, and thermal destratification during May to July which was also a period with high rainfall and relatively high nutrient concentration. While the seasonal variation of the total phytoplankton community in Lake Awassa was relatively low (coefficient of variation < 20%), it was higher in some of the individual component species.  相似文献   

Some aspects of the seasonal distribution of flagellates in mountain lakes   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
E. Rott 《Hydrobiologia》1988,161(1):159-170
In a larger regional survey in Tyrol, phytoplankton species composition and biovolume of mid-altitude and high-mountain lakes was studied. Results from eight lakes showed that flagellates (mainly Chrysophyceae, Dinophyceae, and Cryptophyceae) are important components of the phytoplankton.In the mid-altitude lakes a spring and an autumn maximum of Chrysophyceae as well as a summer maximum of large dinoflagellates are observed, whereas Cryptophyceae and Dinophyceae show irregular distributions. In the high-mountain lakes the seasonal variations of phytoplankton, including flagellates, are limited by the long duration of the winter situation. However similar sequences of phytoplankton assemblages as in the midaltitude lakes can be observed. Flagellates in high-mountain lakes are important to sustain phytoplankton standing crop under the winter snow and ice cover.In order to show similarities and differences of high-mountain and mid-altitude lakes, vertical profiles of phytoplankton from three lakes and seasonal patterns of Gymnodinium uberrimum from two lakes are compared. In addition the patterns of cryptomonads differing in their ecological requirements (Cryptomonas spp. and Rhodomonas minuta) are shown for a meromictic mid-altitude lake.  相似文献   

A statistical analysis is presented of patterns of variation in some physical, chemical, and biological variables for a 6 year series of data from the tropical, high altitude Lake Titicaca (Peru-Bolivia). ANOVA techniques and autocorrelation analyses were used to partition the variance in Titicaca, and in some comparison tropical and temperate series, into components with repeatable annual cycles and components attributable to other kinds of patterns.In Titicaca, insolation and stratification are highly seasonal in pattern of variation, although the amount of variance relative to means is small compared to temperate lakes. However, the seasonal pattern of physical variation is only weakly imposed on chemical and biological processes, to judge from analyses of silicate, oxygen, and primary production series. Comparable temperate series of primary production and chlorophyll a are much more seasonal.  相似文献   

To assess seasonal changes in phytoplanktonic chlorophyll distributions in Amazon floodplain lakes, a linear mixing model was applied to Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) reflectance data acquired at four river stages: rising (April), high (June), decreasing (September), and low (November). The study area is located in a floodplain reach from Parintins (Amazonas) to near Almeirim (Pará). A three-end-member mixing model designed to uncouple three fractions [high suspended inorganic matter (ip), low inorganic suspended matter (w), and high chlorophyll a (Chl)] was tested in Lake Curuaí (1.5°S 55.43°W) based on field sampling done almost concurrently with satellite overpasses. During high water, phytoplankton patches are confined to lakes closer to terra firme under the influence of clear water inflow, whereas during the low and decreasing water stages, the patches are more evenly distributed over the floodplain.  相似文献   

1. Results are analysed from 11 experiments in which effects of fish addition and nutrient loading on shallow lakes were studied in mesocosms. The experiments, five in 1998, six in 1999, were carried out in six lakes, distributed from Finland to southern Spain, according to a standard protocol. 2. Effects of the treatments on 29 standard chemical, phytoplankton and zooplankton variables are examined to assess the relative importance of bottom‐up (nutrient enrichment) and top‐down (fish predation) effects. For each year, the experiments in different locations are treated as replicates in a meta‐analysis. Results of individual experiments are then compared in terms of the patterns of significant influences of nutrient addition and fish predation with these overall results (the baseline), and between years in the same location. 3. The overall meta‐analysis gave consistent results across the 2 years, with nutrient loading influencing all of the chemical variables, and on average 31% of primary producer and 39% of zooplankton variables. In contrast, fish influenced none of the chemical variables, 11% of the primary producer and 44% of the zooplankton variables. Nutrient effects on the system were thus about three times greater than fish effects, although fish effects were not inconsiderable. 4. The relative importance of nutrients and fish in individual experiments often differed between years at the same location and effects deviated to varying degrees from the baseline. These deviations were treated as measures of consistency (predictability) of conclusions in repeat experiments. Consistency increased southwards and this is interpreted as a consequence of more variable annual weather northwards. 5. The influence of nutrient loading was greater southwards and this was probably manifested through naturally greater annual macrophyte abundance in warmer locations in consequence of the longer plant growing‐season. There was no trend in the relative importance of fish effects with latitude but this may partly be an artefact of the simple fish community used. These findings suggest that nutrient control should be a greater priority than biomanipulation in the restoration of eutrophicated shallow lakes in warm temperate regions. 6. Starting conditions affected the outcome of experiments. High initial concentrations of total phosphorus and planktonic chlorophyll a concentration (created by local conditions prior to the experiment) led to de‐emphasis of the importance of nutrient loading in the experiment.  相似文献   

We investigated if fish assemblages in neotropical floodplain lakes (cienagas) exhibit nestedness, and thus offer support to the managers of natural resources of the area for their decision making. The location was floodplain lakes of the middle section of the Magdalena river, Colombia. We applied the nested subset analysis for the series of 30 cienagas (27 connected to the main river and three isolated). All fish were identified taxonomically in the field and the matrix for presence-absence in all the lakes was used for the study of the pattern of nestedness. The most diverse order was Characiformes (20 species), followed by Siluriformes (19 species). Characidae and Loricaridae were the richest families. The species found in all the lakes studied were migratory species (17), and sedentary species (33). Two species (Caquetaia kraussii and Cyphocharax magdalenae) were widespread across the cienagas archipelago (100% of incidence). Nestedness analysis showed that the distribution of species over the spatial gradient studied (840 km) is significantly nested. The cienagas deemed the most hospitable were Simiti, El Llanito, and Canaletal. Roughly, 13 out of the 50 species caught show markedly idiosyncratic distributions. The resulting dataset showed a strong pattern of nestedness in the distribution of Magdalenese fishes, and differed significantly from random species assemblages. Out of all the measurements taken in the cienagas, only the size (area) and local richness are significantly related to the range of order of nested subset patterns (r=-0.59 and -0.90, respectively, at p < 0.01). Differential species extinction is suggested as the cause of a nested species assemblage, when the reorganized matrix of species occurring in habitat islands is correlated with the island area. Our results are consistent with this hypothesis.  相似文献   

气候变化与人类活动双重驱动的冷水湖泊富营养化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕笑天  吕永龙  宋帅  王铁宇 《生态学报》2017,37(22):7375-7386
富营养化对水生生态系统造成的负面影响已在世界范围内广泛发生,尤其对淡水水源地湖泊的水环境质量影响深远,进而引起当地居民的饮用水安全与健康隐患。在人类活动和气候变化的双重驱动下,富营养化辐射的范围不断扩大,从过去主要集中于温带大型浅水湖泊已经扩展到寒冷地区的冷水湖泊。分析了近年来世界范围内高寒地区冷水湖泊富营养化的趋势特征与研究进展,探讨了气候变化、人类干扰(农业活动、畜牧业生产、管理措施不当等)在不同地区冷水湖泊富营养化进程中的作用。在未来的研究中,应进一步加强对冷水湖泊富营养化机制的探讨,并对已有富营养化症状的湖泊进行生态修复,以确保冷水湖泊生态系统健康并改善饮用水源地的环境质量。  相似文献   

The potential loss or large-scale degradation of the tropical rainforests has become one of the iconic images of the impacts of twenty-first century environmental change and may be one of our century's most profound legacies. In the Amazon region, the direct threat of deforestation and degradation is now strongly intertwined with an indirect challenge we are just beginning to understand: the possibility of substantial regional drought driven by global climate change. The Amazon region hosts more than half of the world's remaining tropical forests, and some parts have among the greatest concentrations of biodiversity found anywhere on Earth. Overall, the region is estimated to host about a quarter of all global biodiversity. It acts as one of the major 'flywheels' of global climate, transpiring water and generating clouds, affecting atmospheric circulation across continents and hemispheres, and storing substantial reserves of biomass and soil carbon. Hence, the ongoing degradation of Amazonia is a threat to local climate stability and a contributor to the global atmospheric climate change crisis. Conversely, the stabilization of Amazonian deforestation and degradation would be an opportunity for local adaptation to climate change, as well as a potential global contributor towards mitigation of climate change. However, addressing deforestation in the Amazon raises substantial challenges in policy, governance, sustainability and economic science. This paper introduces a theme issue dedicated to a multidisciplinary analysis of these challenges.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton succession in Lake Valencia,Venezuela   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Phytoplankton counts and supporting physical and chemical data were taken on Lake Valencia, Venezuela, over a five-year interval. The data are used to test the validity of a successional paradigm for class-level taxa. According to the paradigm, formulated from previous studies of Lake Lanao, Philippines, and from data on temperate lakes, the order of taxa from early to late succession is: diatoms, chlorophytes, blue-green algae, dinoflagellates. A successional episode is considered to begin when stability of a water column is restored after deep mixing. As the episode progresses, there is a steady decrease in concentration of the limiting macronutrient (in this case, N). In a test of the validity of the paradigm for Lake Valencia, dates of exceptional population increase or decrease were obtained for each taxon. Since nitrate concentration declines steadily as succession progresses, the entry of a given taxon into the successional sequence is indicated quantitatively by the mean nitrate concentration on dates of exceptional increase in population density, and exit from the successional sequence is indicated by mean nitrate concentration on dates of exceptional population declines. The successional position of each major taxon, bounded by its entry and exit in the sequence, can be mapped on the complete spectrum of nitrate concentrations observed in the lake. For Lake Valencia, the nitrate mapping procedure agrees exactly with the predictions based on the successional paradigm. Conformance of Lake Valencia phytoplankton with predictions made a priori suggests that there is a generalized pattern in the phytoplankton succession of the mixed layers of temperate and tropical lakes.  相似文献   

1. Shallow lake ecosystems are normally dominated by submerged and emergent plants. Biological stabilising mechanisms help preserve this dominance. The systems may switch to dominance by phytoplankton, however, with loss of submerged plants. This process usually takes place against a background of increasing nutrient loadings but also requires additional switch mechanisms, which damage the plants or interfere with their stabilising mechanisms. 2. The extent to which the details or even major features of this general model may change with geographical location are not clear. Manipulation of the fish community (biomanipulation) has often been used to clear the water of algae and restore the aquatic plants in northerly locations, but it is again not clear whether this is equally appropriate at lower latitudes. 3. Eleven parallel experiments (collectively the International Mesocosm Experiment, IME) were carried out in six lakes in Finland, Sweden, England, the Netherlands and Spain in 1998 and 1999 to investigate the between‐year and large‐scale spatial variation in relationships between nutrient loading and zooplanktivorous fish on submerged plant and plankton communities in shallow lakes. 4. Comparability of experiments in different locations was achieved to a high degree. Cross‐laboratory comparisons of chemical analyses revealed some systematic differences between laboratories. These are unlikely to lead to major misinterpretations. 5. Nutrient addition, overall, had its greatest effect on water chemistry then substantial effects on phytoplankton and zooplankton. Fish addition had its major effect on zooplankton and did not systematically change the water chemistry. There was no trend in the relative importance of fish effects with latitude, but nutrient addition affected more variables with decreasing latitude. 6. The relative importance of top‐down and bottom‐up influences on the plankton differed in different locations and between years at the same location. The outcome of the experiments in different years was more predictable with decreasing latitude and this was attributed to more variable weather at higher latitudes that created more variable starting conditions for the experiments.  相似文献   

Determinants of seston C : P-ratio in lakes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. The ratio of carbon to phosphorus (C : P) in seston is a major determinant of energy transfer in aquatic food webs and may vary more than an order of magnitude owing to various extrinsic and intrinsic factors. In this study, the determinants of C : P‐ratios in lake particulate matter (seston) was assessed in 112 Norwegian lakes, covering a C : P (atomic ratio) from 24 to 1842 (mean 250). 2. No overall effects of lake area, season or latitude on C : P was detected. Particulate P, but not particulate C, correlated with C : P. Multivariate analysis including a range of lake properties revealed total dissolved P, as the major determinant of sestonic C : P, with the fraction of detritus in total seston, chlorophyll or Secchi depth and lake colour as significant contributors. Together these parameters explained 30% of observed variance if using dissolved P and 81% if using total P as input variable to the multivariate model. 3. Chlorophyll and Secchi depth were highly correlated and substitutable in the analysis. Phytoplankton community composition did not affect seston C : P, probably reflecting the fact that live phytoplankton generally contributed <25% of the seston pool. 4. Total P correlated positively with C : P and is the key determinant of phytoplankton biomass and thus Secchi depth; the latter parameters contributed negatively to seston C : P, probably owing to increased light attenuation. These lake data thus support the light : nutrient ratio hypothesis, i.e. that high light and low P cause skewed uptake ratios of C to P. 5. Zooplankton biomass in general and Daphnia biomass in particular, was negatively correlated with C : P, probably reflecting a negative impact of poor seston quality at high C : P. Zooplankton grazing and nutrient recycling may also have contributed to a negative correlation between zooplankton biomass and sestonic C : P.  相似文献   

Although studies of ancient lake fauna have provided important insights about speciation patterns and processes of organisms in heterogeneous benthic environments, evolutionary forces responsible for speciation in the relatively homogenous planktonic environment remain largely unexplored. In this study, we investigate possible mechanisms of speciation in zooplankton using the freshwater diaptomids of the ancient lakes of Sulawesi, Indonesia, as a model system. We integrate phylogenetic and population genetic analyses of mitochondrial and nuclear genes with morphological and genome size data. Overall, our results support the conclusion that colonization order and local adaptation are dominant at the large, island scale, whereas at local and intralacustrine scales, speciation processes are regulated by gene flow among genetically differentiated and locally adapted populations. In the Malili lakes, the diaptomid populations are homogenous at nuclear loci, but show two highly divergent mitochondrial clades that are geographically restricted to single lakes despite the interconnectivity of the lake systems. Our study, based on coalescent simulations and population genetic analyses, indicates that unidirectional hybridization allows gene flow across the nuclear genome, but prevents the introgression of mitochondria into downstream populations. We suggest that hybridization and introgression between young lineages is a significant evolutionary force in freshwater plankton.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. There is little information on the impacts of deforestation on the fish fauna in neotropical streams, and on parameters influencing species diversity and community structure of fish. We analysed these aspects in 12 stream sites in the Ecuadorian Amazon. The stream sites represented a large gradient in canopy cover and were located in an area of fragmented forest. While some streams had been deforested, they had not suffered gross degradation of the habitat.
2. The species richness of stream fish was not related to deforestation. Local fish diversity (Fisher's Alpha) was positively related to the surface area of stream pools (m2). Beta diversity was higher among forested than deforested sites, indicating greater heterogeneity in species composition among forested than deforested sites. The percentage of rare species was positively correlated with canopy cover.
3. Total fish density increased with deforestation, and the fish community changed from dominance by omnivorous and insectivorous Characiformes at forested sites to dominance of periphyton-feeding loricariids at deforested sites.
4. Multidimensional statistical analysis of fish community structure showed that six environmental variables (the area of stream bottom covered by leaves, relative pool area, particulate organic matter, mean depth, conductivity and suspended solids) were related to the ordination axes. The presence of leaves, which was strongly correlated to canopy cover, was the variable most closely related to fish community structure, while relative pool area was the second strongest variable. Thus, fish community structure was strongly affected by deforestation.  相似文献   

The study on 10 lakes within the Ethiopian Rift Valley during March–May 1991 covered a range of conductivity (K25) between 286 and 49100 µS cm–1. HCO3 — CO inf3 sup2– and Na+ were the dominant ions in all the lakes. Concentrations of K+, Cl and SO inf4 sup2– increased with increasing salinity and alkalinity, whereas Ca2+ and Mg2+ decreased. Comparison of these data with previous records showed that a ten-fold dilution of total ionic concentration occurred over 30 years in Lake Metahara and about three-fold increase occurred over 65 years in Lake Abijata. Concentrations of soluble silica were generally high (12–222 mg SiO2 1–1) and increased with increasing salinity, except for Lake Chamo which showed SiO2 depletion (to < 1 mg SiO2 1 –1) over the past three decades.The relationship between ionic concentration and phosphorus was irregular although high phosphorus concentrations generally corresponded with increasing salinity. Fitting data to the Dillon & Rigler (1974) chlorophyll a — total phosphorus relationship suggested that lakes Zwai, Awassa and Chamo are phosphorus-limited, whereas others have surplus phosphorus.  相似文献   

We evaluated fish assemblage diet and trophic structure in five lakes (Patos, Zé do Paco, Fechada, Ressaco do Pau Véio and das Garças), connected or not with the river. Trophic structure analysis was based on the species whose number of sampled digestive tracts was greater or equal to 10 and ordinated according to a detrended correspondence analysis. We identified seven trophic guilds with the following representatives: (1) Detritivorous–ileophagous: Cyphocharax modestus, Prochilodus lineatus, Steindachnerina insculpta and Loricariichthys platymetopon; (2) Herbivorous: Schizodon borellii and Leporinus lacustris; (3) Benthophagous: Iheringichthys labrosus, Satanoperca pappaterra and Trachydoras paraguayensis; (4) Insectivorous: Astyanax altiparanae, Moenkhausia intermedia and Parauchenipterus galeatus; (5) Piscivorous: Hoplias cf. malabaricus and Serrasalmus marginatus; (6) Carnivorous–carcinophagous: Pimelodus maculatus and (7) Insectivorous–lepidophagous: Roeboides paranensis. The detritivorous–ileophagous guild was the predominant one in the five lakes.  相似文献   

滇中高原湖泊鱼类多样性的研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
依据历年馆藏的鱼类标本和资料,采用多元逐步回归与多项式逐步回归的分析方法,系统分析了滇中6个高原湖泊鱼类的物种丰度、特有种以及属的数目与7个主要湖泊环境因子之间的关系。分析结果显示,控制湖泊鱼类物种丰度、特有种数和属数的关键湖泊环境因子是湖泊面积和湖岸线长度;其中与湖泊面积呈显著正相关,而与湖岸线长度呈负相关。分析不停留于这一常规的横向比较,而是从历史生物地理学的角度,更深入一步揭示了滇中6个湖泊鱼类多样性的演化实质上是受湖泊的发育阶段所控制的。  相似文献   

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