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Carbon tetrabromide was used as carbon source for heavily p-doped GaAs in low pressure metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE). The efficiency of carbon incorporation was investigated at temperatures between 550 and 670°C, at V/III ratios from 1 to 50 and carbon tetrabromide partial pressures from 0.01 to 0.03 Pa. Hole concentrations from 8 × 1017 to 5 × 1019 cm−3 in as-grown layers were obtained. After annealing in nitrogen atmosphere at 450°C, a maximum hole concentration of 9 × 1019 cm−3 and a mobility of 87 cm2/Vs was found. At growth temperatures below 600°C, traces of bromine were detected in the layers. Photoluminescence mapping revealed an excellent doping homogeneity. Thus, CBr4 is found to be a suitable carbon dopant source in MOVPE.  相似文献   

A study of the growth parameters governing the nucleation of metastable superconducting A15 V3Si on Si and A12O3 is presented. Nominally, 500Å films of V1-xSix were produced through codeposition of V and Si onto heated (111) Si and (1102) A12O3 substrates. Samples were prepared in a custom-built ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) chamber containing dual e-beam evaporation sources and a high temperature substrate heater. V and Si fluxes were adjusted to result in the desired average film composition. V0.75Si0.25 films prepared at temperatures in excess of 550° C on Si show significant reaction with the substrate and are nonsuperconducting while similar films grown on A12O3 exhibit superconducting transition temperatures(@#@ Tc @#@) approaching bulk values for V3Si (16.6-17.1 K). Codeposition at temperatures between 350 and 550° C results in superconducting films on Si substrates while growth at lower temperatures results in nonsuperconducting films. Lowering the growth temperature to 400° C has been shown throughex situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Auger compositional profiling to minimize the reaction with the Si substrate while still activating the surface migration processes needed to nucleate A15 V3Si. Variation of film composition aboutx = 0.25 is shown to result in nonsuperconducting films for highx and superconducting films with Tc approaching the bulk V value (5.4 K) for lowx. Finally, lowering the V0.75Si0.25 deposition rate is shown to raise Tc.  相似文献   

CC14 has been used as a carbon acceptor dopant source for GaAs grown by elemental source molecular beam epitaxy. Deposition of CC14 during normal arsenic stabilized growth of GaAs resulted in low mobility, p-type material. Attempts to thermally crack the CC14 using a heated gas cracking source resulted in an even lower hole concentration and mobility. One possible explanation for this ineffective acceptor doping behavior, relative to growth environments containing hydrogen (metalorganic chemical vapor deposition) where CC14 is an effective dopant, is that hydrogen plays a role in the incorporation of the carbon. Another possible explanation for the poor doping behavior is that the CC14 was being modified by the gas cracker, even at relatively low gas cracker temperatures. Further experimentation with different injection schemes will be necessary to better understand the doping behavior. Depositing the CC14 onto static, gallium-rich surfaces produces GaAs:C with hole mobilities comparable to GaAs:Be. Average hole concentrations as high as 4 x 1019 have been demonstrated. Carbon doped AlGaAs/GaAs heterojunction bipolor transistors (HBTs) have been fabricated with the same characteristics as Be doped HBTs grown in the same MBE system.  相似文献   

报道了采用热壁外延(HWE)技术,在(100),(111)和(211)三种典型Si表面通过两步生长和直接生长法制备GaAs单晶薄膜,经过拉曼光谱、霍尔测试和荧光光谱分析比较,得出结论:(1)相同取向Si衬底,两步生长法制备的GaAs薄膜结晶质量比直接生长法制备的GaAs薄膜的要好;(2)采用HWE技术在Si上异质外延GaAs薄膜,其表面缓冲层的生长是降低位错、提高外延质量的基础;(3)不同取向Si衬底对GaAs外延层结晶质量有影响, (211)面外延的GaAs薄膜质量最好,(100)面次之,(111)面最差.  相似文献   

Highly mismatched GaAs epitaxial layers with thickness ranging from 15 nm to 7 μm have been grown on InP substrates by atomospheric pressure metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy. Layers thinner than 30 nm exhibited 3-D growth mechanism; in the thicker layers, the islands coalesced and then the growth followed the layer by layer mechanism. The elastic strain and the extended defects have been studied by high resolution x-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy, respectively. The common observation of planar defects, misfit, and threading dislocations in the layers has been confirmed. The results on the elastic strain release have been discussed on the basis of the equilibrium theory.  相似文献   

GaxAsyP1−y lattice matched to GaAs has been grown by low pressure metalorganic phase vapor epitaxy over the entire compositional range. At TG = 670°C broad peaks of low intensity are observed in the 10K photoluminescence for y = 0.2–0.4 due to the predicted miscibility gap in this compositional region. An increase in growth temperature leads to a smaller miscibility gap. The band gap as well as the morphology show a strong dependence on substrate misorientation. The smoothest GalnAsP surfaces are obtained on exact oriented substrates. For the ternary GalnP the surface roughness is correlated to the degree of ordering in the temperature range of 600 to 750°C. The smallest band gap together with the smoothest surface is obtained on (100) 2° off to (111)B. Ordering effects are also observed in the quaternary GalnAsP. Broad-area lasers processed from the grown layers show high slope efficiency (0.9 W/A) and low internal losses (<3 cm−1).  相似文献   

Silicon-germanium epitaxial layers have been grown on (100) silicon at 750° C by very low pressure chemical vapor deposition (VLPCVD). Pure SiH4 and GeH4 were used as the processing gases. Commensurate films of Si1-x withx < 0.13 have been deposited up to a critical thickness about 2-4 times larger than the equilibrium value. Interrupted growth, controlled by gas switching, was employed to improve interfacial abruptness. The films have been characterized as a function of SiH4 and GeH4 flow rates and germanium content. Growth rate and germanium incorporation as a function of GeH4:SiH4 input ratio and total gas flow rate have been studied. We observed that the growth rate of the Si1-x Ge x layer decreases as the germanium content in the film or the GeH4:SiH4 ratio increases at 750° C using VLPCVD. We also found that, for a given GeH4:SiH4 ratio, the germanium incorporated in the solid is independent of the total gas flow rate.  相似文献   

Results of large-area (up to 1000 cm2/run) Cd1-xZnxTe heteroepitaxy on both GaAs and GaAs/Si substrates by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) are presented. Cd1-xZnxTe (x = 0-0.1) films exhibited specular surface morphology, 1% thickness uniformity (standard deviation), and compositional uniformity (Δx) of ±0.002 over 100 mm diam substrates. For selected substrate orientations and deposition conditions, the only planar defects exhibited by (lll)B Cd1-xZnxTe/GaAs/Si films were lamella twins parallel to the CdTe/GaAs interface; these do not propagate through either the Cd1-xZnxTe layer or subsequently deposited liquid phase epitaxy (LPE) HgCdTe layer(s). Background Ga and As-impurity levels for Cd1-xZnxTe on GaAs/Si substrates were below the secondary ion mass spectroscopy detection limit. Preliminary results of HgCdTe liquid phase epitaxy using a Te-rich melt on Si-based substrates resulted in x-ray rocking curve linewidths as narrow as 72 arc-sec and etch-pit densities in the range 1 to 3 x 106 cm2.  相似文献   

A method using a H2/AsH3 plasma to clean the Si surface before GaAs heteroepitaxy was investigated and the dependence of the effectiveness of this treatment on arsine partial pressure was studied. Thin GaAs-on-Si films deposited on the plasma-cleaned Si were analyzed using plan-view TEM, HRXTEM and SIMS. Although not optimized, this method of Si cleaning makes heteroepitaxial deposition of GaAs possible. Some roughening of the Si surface was observed and a possible explanation is offered. Using the results of this study, thick (2.5–3.0μm) epitaxial GaAs films were then deposited and their quality was evaluated using RBS, XTEM and optical Nomarski observation. All Si surface cleaning and GaAs deposition were carried out at temperatures at or below 650°.  相似文献   

Si,As双注入GaAs的RTA研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文研究了Si注入GaAs的快速退火(RTA)特性。得出930—950℃退火5s为最佳退火条件。测量结果表明,当注入剂量大于10~(13)cm~(-2)时,电子浓度呈饱和现象。为提高电子浓度本文提出Si,As双注入GaAs的方法,研究了(60—80)keV,(5—10)×10~(14)Si/cm~2+(150—180)keV,(5—30)×10~(14)As/cm~2注入并经RTA后的电特性。结果表明,双注入后样品中电子浓度有明显提高,对80keV,10~(15)Si/cm~2+150keV,3×10~(15)As/cm~2来说,电子浓度大于10~(19)cm~(-3)。TEM观察表明,双注入样品的剩余缺陷密度大大低于单注入的情况。本文并对双注入补偿机理进行了讨论。  相似文献   

High purity GaAs buffer layers of carrier concentration in the low (l-5)×l0l4/cm3 range with 77K electron mobility over 100,000 cm2/V-sec and 300K mobility around 8000 cm?/ V-sec have been grown by liquid phase epitaxy on Cr-doped GaAs substrates using the graphite sliding boat method. The high purity has been achieved with systematic and concurrent long term bake-outs (24 hrs) of both LPE melt and substrate, both exposed to the H2 ambient gas stream at 775?C, prior to epitaxial growth at 700?C. Substrate surface degradation was reduced by using Ga:GaAs etch melts that were undersaturated at 700?C by 5? to 40?C. Best buffer layer morphologies with regard to surface planarity were obtained using etch melts that were saturated by near 85% of weight of GaAs at 700°C. The importance of substrate preconditioning in order to achieve the low ( 1 -2)×l014 was examined and found to be critical. Melt and substrate bake outs at 800?C, and use of a 40?C undersaturated etch melt prior to epitaxial growth at 800?C resulted in a p-type layer of carrier concentration, 1 .9×l0l2/cm3 and resistivity 1×105 ohm-cm. Chromium doping at 700?C resulted in buffer layers with sheet resistivities greater than 10 ohms/sq and low pinhole densities.  相似文献   

CaF2 layers have grown by molecular beam epitaxy on bothn-type andp- type Si(111). Capacitance-voltage (C-V) and current-voltage (I-V) measurements have been made on metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) capacitors to characterize these structures. For devices onp-type Si, C-V characteristics show only the insulator value of the capacitance over a wide range of applied voltages, indicating an accumulated surface. At room temperature, C-V characteristics ofn-type devices show the minimum value of the capacitance (corresponding to inversion) for small voltages, but modulation of the capacitance at larger voltages. At 200 K, this modulation is no longer present in the C-V curves. I-V curves show a rapid increase in the leakage current at relatively low fields at room temperature, and this leakage decreases dramatically with temperature. These results are largely independent of cleaning procedure, growth temperature, and the degree of misalignment of the substrate. The characteristics are modeled by assuming the Fermi level to be pinned at the valence-band edge, and the modulation in the C-V characteristics ofn-type samples to be driven by leakage currents. Work done at GE while a graduate student in the School of Electrical Engineering, Cornell University. Present address: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 4800 Oak Grove Dr., Pasadena, CA 91109.  相似文献   

李玉斌  王俊  王琦  邓灿  王一帆  任晓敏 《半导体光电》2014,35(4):625-627,662
采用金属有机化学气相沉积方法在无掩模的直径为400nm的圆柱Si(100)图形衬底上外延生长了GaAs薄膜。图形衬底采用纳米压印技术及反应离子刻蚀技术制作而成。运用两步法生长工艺在此图形衬底上制备了厚度为1.8μm的GaAs外延层。GaAs的晶体质量通过腐蚀坑密度和透射电镜表征。图形衬底上的GaAs外延层表面腐蚀坑密度约1×107 cm-2,比平面衬底上降低了两个数量级。透射电镜观测显示大部分产生于GaAs/Si异质界面的穿透位错被阻挡在圆柱顶部附近。  相似文献   

研究了几种消除LEC GaAs材料的位错措施以降低温度梯度从而尽可能降低晶体的热应力。掺入等电子In或Si使杂质硬化,为了抑制晶体表面产生位错,开发了全液封切克劳斯基(FEC)晶体生长技术。结合以上三种技术开发出了Si和In双掺FEC GaAs单晶生长技术以消除位错。采用此技术已生长出半导体低位错密度的GaAs晶体,经证实这种掺Si和In低位错GaAs衬底可以满足GaAs LED制作。  相似文献   

Remote plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition has been applied to growin- situ doped n-type epitaxial Si and Si1−xGex with the introduction of phosphine. Growth rates and dopant incorporation have been studied as a function of process parameters (temperature, rf power, and dopant gas flow). Growth rates remain unaltered with the introduction of PH3 during deposition, unlike in many other low temperature growth techniques. Phosphorus incorporation shows a linear dependence on PH3 flow rate, but has little if any dependence on the other growth parameters, such as radio frequency power and substrate temperature, for the ranges of parameters that were examined. Phosphorus concentrations as high as 4 × 1019 cm−3 at 14 W have been obtained.  相似文献   

The epitaxial growth and characterization of in-situ germanium and boron (Ge/B) doped Si epitaxial films is described. As indicated by secondary ion mass spectroscopy and spreading resistance measurements, the total and electrically activated B concentrations are essentially identical and independent of Ge incorporation. The B and Ge concentrations are uniformly distributed in these Ge/B doped films. A slight enhancement of Hall mobility is obtained, possibly due to the stress relief induced by Ge counterdoping. Carrier conduction in these films is due to the activated B with an activation energy of 0.04 eV as revealed by conductivity versus temperature measurements. Ge atoms appear to be isoelectronic with Si atoms in these films. A slight degradation of minority carrier diffusion length is observed. Electrical characterization of PN diodes on these Ge/B doped films do not reveal any anomaly. SiO2 on these Ge/B doped films has similar oxide fixed charge density, interface state density and dielectric breakdown strength compared to silicon dioxide on boron doped epitaxial films. Electron injection reveals a different transport mechanism of the SiO2 grown on these Ge/B doped films.  相似文献   

We report the results of studies which have been made on heteroepitaxial layers of GaAs and AlGaAs grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition on composite substrates that consist of four different types of heteroepitaxial layered structures of Ge and Ge-Si grown by molecular beam epitaxy on (100)-oriented Si substrates. It is found that of the four structures studied, the preferred composite substrate is a single layer of Ge ∼1 μm thick grown directly on a Si buffer layer. The double-crystal X-ray rocking curves of 2 μm thick GaAs films grown on such substrates have FWHM values as small as 168 arc sec. Transmission electron micrographs of these Ge/Si composite substrates has shown that the number of dislocations in the Ge heteroepitaxial layer can be greatly reduced by an anneal at about 750° C for 30 min which is simultaneously carried out during the growth of the GaAs layer. The quality of the GaAs layers grown on these composite substrates can be greatly improved by the use of a five-period GaAs-GaAsP strained-layer superlattice (SLS). Using the results of these studies, low-threshold optically pumped AlGaAs-GaAs DH laser structures have been grown by MOCVD on MBE Ge/Si composite substrates.  相似文献   

Using SIMS analysis, we have measured oxygen and carbon concentrations in epitaxial Si films grown between 550 and 900° C. The films were grown by rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition from SiH4 as well as several different SiH2Cl2 sources. We have found that at low deposition temperatures (∼750° C or lower), oxygen incorporation is first dictated by source gas impurities and then by residual chamber gases. For the case of SiH2Cl2, which can have substantial oxygen content due to its reactivity with H2O, oxygen concentrations of about 1020 cm-3 are typical at low deposition temperatures. SiH4, however, can be obtained in higher purity, and oxygen concentrations of 1018 cm-3 can be realized at low temperatures. At higher deposition temperatures (750-900° C), SiO volatilizes, leaving the films grown from all sources with low oxygen concentrations, typically less than 5 × 1017 cm-3. Carbon incorporation is much less of a problem since it is present to a lesser extent both in the chamber background and in the source gases. Carbon levels less than or equal to 1018 cm-3 can be obtained at all deposition temperatures greater than about 650° C. The performance ofp/n junctions is shown to degrade significantly for junctions grown below 850° C. We conclude that for growth of long lifetime Si films in the temperature range <800° C, that low residual H2O partial pressures (<10-10 Torr) are desired. Therefore, CVD chambers should be loadlocked and also capable of base pressures as low as about 10-9 Torr.  相似文献   

The characteristics of PbTe films grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) have been investigated. These films were grown on (100) oriented Tl-doped PbTe substrates under UHV conditions (~5×l0−9 Torr during deposition). Substrate surface contamination levels were studied with Auger electron spectroscopy. Oxygen, the dominant impurity observed, is rapidly thermally desorbed from PbTe, but is stable on Pb1−xSnxTe up to at least 410°C. Carrier concentration and mobility were measured with the Van der Pauw technique. The electron mobility increased strongly with increasing film thickness, varying from 4,000 to 14,000 cm2/volt-sec as the thickness increased from 2.0 to 7.3 μn. The film surface also became smoother with increasing film thickness. These results suggest the need for a buffer layer in a laser structure. Lasers grown with 6 μm thick buffer layers have exhibited extremely low threshold current densities (40 A/cm2 at 13 K) and very high junction resistancearea products at zero-bias (0.7 Ω−cm2 at 77 K), indicative of very high junction quality.  相似文献   

A SiGe-buffer structure for growth of high-quality GaAs layers on a Si (100) substrate is proposed. For the growth of this SiGe-buffer structure, a 0.8-μm Si0.1 Ge0.9 layer was first grown. Because of the large mismatch between this layer and the Si substrate, many dislocations formed near the interface and in the low part of the Si0.1Ge0.9 layer. A 0.8-μm Si0.05Ge0.95 layer and a 1-μm top Ge layer were subsequently grown. The strained Si0.05Ge0.95/Si0.1Ge0.9 and Ge/Si0.05Ge0.95 interfaces formed can bend and terminate the upward-propagated dislocations very effectively. An in-situ annealing process is also performed for each individual layer. Finally, a 1–3-μm GaAs film was grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) at 600°C. The experimental results show that the dislocation density in the top Ge and GaAs layers can be greatly reduced, and the surface was kept very smooth after growth, while the total thickness of the structure was only 5.1 μm (2.6-μm SiGe-buffer structure +2.5-μm GaAs layer).  相似文献   

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