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稀土变质高锌铝合金的组织和性能   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究了Al-10at%RE变质高锌铝合金的组织和性能。金属型铝合金组织为不发达的粗大α树枝晶,晶界上杂乱分布增大块状或长条状的富硅相及其它相。经钠盐精炼的0.2wt%RE变质后,硅相和其它晶闸相变为球状或细短条状,均匀分布在晶界上,合金生长形态发生较大变化,α树枝晶发达而细小,二次枝晶臂间距显著减小。变质后,抗拉强度提高了29.5%,伸长率提高了34.8%。  相似文献   

高耐磨、高阻尼锌铝合金研究   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:9  
通过加入稀土元素和改进热处理工艺,获得一种高耐磨、高阻尼锌铝合金,该合金代替铜合金作为压力机螺母耐磨件,耐磨性是原来的3.5倍,阻尼性能从原来的0.478(1/Q×10-3)提高到3.15(1/Q×10-3)  相似文献   

研究了稀土La对含质量分数4%Sn铸造铝合金组织、阻尼和力学性能的影响,从La对Sn的形态和分布、La对Sn和铝合金基体润湿特性的影响等方面探讨了阻尼提高机制。结果表明,La含量为0.2%时,4%Sn的AlMgMnSi合金晶粒尺寸得到细化,β-Sn由大颗粒状变为细小、弥散分布,继续提高La含量至0.83%,晶粒变大,且在晶界处出现块状稀土化合物。La的加入可以有效提高含4%Sn铸造铝合金的阻尼性能,当La添加量为0.2%时,含4%Sn的AlMgMnSi和ZL102合金分别比不添加La的提高了约70%和100%。La改善了β-Sn与铝基体的润湿性,使β-Sn呈弥散、细小分布,从而有利于提高相界面阻尼,是本试样具有较高阻尼性能的主要原因。  相似文献   

铝、铜、镁对铸态锌基合金组织和阻尼性能的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了铝、铜、镁等合金化元素对铸态锌基合金组织和室温下阻尼性能的影响, 利用悬臂梁法测试了合金的阻尼性能。结果表明, 锌铝二元合金随铝含量增加, 初生α相增多, 共晶体逐渐减少直至消失。镁、铜等合金元素对Zn27 % Al 合金α相的大小和分布无大的影响。镁、铜可固溶于基体中, 当其含量较高时, 分别在组织中形成MgZn2 化合物和CuZn5 化合物, 分布于晶界。铝含量在6 % ~60 % 范围内的锌铝合金在铸态下均具有高的阻尼能力; 铜、镁等合金化元素的加入降低了Zn27 % Al合金的阻尼性能。ZnAl 系合金的高的阻尼性能是在外部的交变应力作用下, 晶界和相界间的粘滞性滑动以及α相发生局部的微塑性变形, 使振动能量得以消耗而造成的  相似文献   

铝,铜,镁对铸态锌基合金组织和阻尼性能的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
研究了铝、铜、镁等合金化元素对铸态锌基全金组织和室温下阻尼性能的影响,利用悬臂梁法测试了合 阻尼性能。结果表明,锌铝二元合金随含量增加,初生a相增多,共晶体逐渐减少直至消失。镁、铜等合金元素对Zn-27%Al合金a相大小和分布无大的影响。镁、铜可固溶于基体中,当基个体户交高时,分别在组织中形成MgZn2化合物和CuZn5化合物,分布于晶界。铝含量在6-60%范围内的铝合金在铸态下均具有高的阻尼能力  相似文献   

通过复合添加,研究了复合稀土含量对Al-Zn阻尼合金显微组织、力学性能及阻尼性能的影响.研究表明,复合稀土元素以化合物形式存在于晶界处时,在一定程度上改变了晶界的结构状态,合金的显微组织明显细化,能显著提高合金的力学性能和阻尼性能.其中,成分最优化合金的性能为σb=285.6 MPa,硬度118.3HB,Q-1=2.28×102.  相似文献   

采用气体雾化/粉末冶金(RS P/M)工艺研制Al-9.0Zn-2.5Mg-2.0Cu-0.1Ni-0.1Zr/Zn-30%Al(LZ7)高强阻尼铝合金,经挤压、轧制成5.0 mm板材。详细观察LZ7板材轧制和双重时效(T7态)两种状态下的组织,并测试了T7态室温拉伸性能和阻尼性能。结果发现:采用快速凝固气体雾化制备的LZ7合金主要强化相有η′相和η相;LZ7金属基复合材料具有较好的阻尼性能,室温-250℃,LZ7合金的阻尼性能为6.0×10-3-24.52×10-3;室温下:0σ.2〉465 MPa,σb〉490 MPa,5δ〉6.0%。  相似文献   

稀土对6063铝合金组织性能的影响   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
通过实验验证了稀土具有除气除杂的作用,在0.25%~0.30%之间时,有很好的除气除渣的效果,在实验的基础上研究了稀土对6063铝合金针孔率、强度、硬度、流动性的影响及作用机理,并进行盐雾试验确定了稀土能提高抗腐蚀性的最佳成分是0.3%左右.结果表明:稀土相主要分布在晶界,部分存在晶内;稀土元素的加入量在0.25%左右时铝合金晶粒细化效果最好;能改善机械性能;在0.36%左右时,6063铝合金有很好的流动性.  相似文献   

ZA27-4%Si合金的阻尼性能及阻尼机理   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用低频内耗测试技术研究了ZA27-4%Si合金的阻尼性能, 分析了合金的阻尼机理. 结果表明 ZA27-4%Si合金阻尼随频率增大而减小, 随温度升高而增大, 阻尼不随应变振幅的变化而变化ZA27-4%Si合金室温阻尼为5.83×10-3, 与ZA27合金阻尼相当ZA27-4%Si合金的阻尼是由合金内部的晶界和相界面滑动、位错振动以及各相的热膨胀系数和弹性模量间差造成的微塑性变形共同造成的. 硅合金化的ZA27合金具有良好耐磨减摩性能和减振性能.  相似文献   

通过对锌铝合金ZA27进行365℃固溶和250℃人工时效,在0.1、0.3、1.0Hz 3个振动频率下,测试了铸态和固溶时效态合金从室温到400℃的阻尼随温度、频率、应变振幅的变化规律,研究了阻尼行为与相应微观组织之间的关系。根据Al-Zn二元合金平衡相图,分析了ZA27合金在平衡和实际冷速下所结晶的铸态和固溶时效组织。结果表明:铸态ZA27合金阻尼的大小与频率有关、与应变振幅无关;在300℃附近阻尼-温度曲线出现的阻尼峰位不随频率的改变而移动,说明在此温度有一级固态相变;经固溶时效后,合金组织明显细化,阻尼特性基本不变,但阻尼峰值明显高于铸态合金,表明固溶时效不改变ZA27合金的阻尼特性,但显著提高了合金的阻尼。  相似文献   

Effects of Ce on damping capacity of AZ91D magnesium alloy   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
1 INTRODUCTIONThedampingcapacityisameasureoftheenergydissipatedduringmechanicalvibrationinthematerialsorcomponent .Metallicmaterialshavinghighdamp ingcapacitybecomevaluableinsuppressingmechani calvibrationandattenuatingwavepropagationforthecontrolofnoiseandthestabilizationofstructures .Takinghighdampingmetallicmaterialsasstructuralpartscouldeliminatetheneedforspecialenergyab sorbersordamperstoattenuatethevibrationandnoise ,inspiteofmostofthefrequentlyusedmetalsandalloys ,whichexhibitarela…  相似文献   

The effect of the mixed rare earths of Ce on the phase transformation in as cast ZA27 alloy during compressive creep was investigated under 37 MPa and at 160℃ by X-ray diffraction technique and SEM. The results showed that the as cast microstructure of ZA27-RE alloy consisted of a dendritic Al-rich a' surrounded by Zn-rich β' phase, interdendritic ε phase and Zn-rich η phase together with a complex Z phase which was a complex constitute compound, (RE,Cu)Al5Zn16, dispersed in crystal interfaces or branch crystal interfaces and stable during compressive creep test at 160'C. The phase transformations of ZA27-RE alloy, decomposition of β' phase and four transformation, were delayed by the addition of rare earths, also the lamellar structure and the spheroidized structure in ZA27-RE alloy were finer than in ZA27 alloy during compressive creep test at 160℃ at the same creep time, and the compressive creep resistance of ZA27-RE alloy was higher than that of ZA27 alloy.  相似文献   

ZA27合金250℃时效时间对阻尼性能的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了淬火态ZA2 7合金在 2 50℃下时效不同时间后的阻尼性能。结果表明 ,ZA2 7合金时效0 5h后 ,组织由细小层片状α相和 η相组成。随时效时间延长 ,相组成和相成分不变 ,但层片厚度和层片间距加大 ,层片长度先增加后缩短 ,组织不断粗化。时效 4h后 ,组织趋于稳定。与淬火态相比 ,时效使合金的阻尼性能提高 ,时效 4h后合金阻尼达到稳定值。其中室温下 32 0Hz时的阻尼为 1 2× 1 0 -3 ,0 1Hz时的阻尼为 6 2 1× 1 0 -3 。与铸态合金相比 ,时效使合金阻尼降低。研究发现 ,ZA2 7合金的阻尼随温度的升高单调增大 ,并与频率相关。当温度较高时 ,随着频率增大 ,阻尼值减小  相似文献   

The effects of Cu and Mn additions on mechanical properties and damping capacity of Mg-Cu-Mn alloy were investigated. The tensile properties and damping capacity at room temperature of as-cast Mg-Cu-Mn alloy were tested.The microstructurc was studied using optical microscope,X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope.The Hall-Perch relation and Granato-Lücke model were used to explain the influences of Cu and Mn additions on the tensile properties and damping capacity of Mg-Cu-Mn alloy.The result...  相似文献   

1. Introduction Because ZA27 alloy possesses excellent mechanical properties and high damping capacities, it is widely used in industries. ZA27 alloy has good castability and can be easily cast into various castings by permanent mold casting. The solidification of ZA27 alloy in the permanent mold can be considered to be a nonequilibrium process, and thus the supersaturated aluminum-rich ! phase and unstable copper-rich phase may also be found in the solidified ingot. Those nonequilibrium pha…  相似文献   

The effect of environmental temperature on the damping capacity of Cu-7.66Al-9.52Mn (mass fraction, %) alloy was studied. The result shows that with increasing the environmental temperature, the logarithmic decrement increases firstly and reaches the maximal value of 0.118. The reason is that more phase interfaces and twinning boundaries can move at a higher temperature, leading to higher consumption of energy, in despite of the decreasing of the amount of martensite. When the environmental temperature is above Ms, with further increase in the environmental temperature, the logarithmic decrement decreases sharply mainly because there is little martensite remaining in the alloy.  相似文献   

The effect of specific pressure on the microstructure and mechanical properties of ZA27 squeezed castings with high height-to-thickness ratio was studied. The results of DTA and SEM show that at high specific pressure the eutectic reaction of squeeze casting ZA27 alloy is restrained, and the final solidified structure is (η+ε) phases instead of eutectic phase (β+η+ε). At the same time, the primary reaction is promoted in squeeze casting ZA27 alloy solidified at high pressure, and the fine microstructure is obtained with the increase of pressure. Al and Cu elements are homogeneously distributed in matrix of squeeze casting ZA27 alloy. The homogenously distributed high-density fine ε phase can effectively hinder dislocation motion, and then the strength and plasticity of squeeze casting ZA27 alloy are increased.  相似文献   

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