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LiNbO_3:Ni~(2+)的常压能谱和g因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
张红梅  马东平  刘德 《物理学报》2002,51(7):1554-1558
采用强场方案,通过将d8完全能量矩阵对角化,统一计算了LiNbO3:Ni2+的常压能谱和g因子,计算结果与大量实验数据符合很好.给出了各个能级对不同参量的变化率.研究表明,利用对角化完全能量矩阵获得的波函数对g因子所作的计算为整个理论计算及波函数的归属提供了重要判据,充分体现了将能谱和g因子作统一计算的重要性和必要性. 关键词: 晶场 能谱 g因子  相似文献   

采用对角化由强场方案和无耦合的三角基建立的三角畸变八面体场中的d3离子完全能量矩阵,对YGG:Cr3+在低温常压下的能谱及波函数进行了拟合计算,并分析了各参数对部分能级的影响,定量地显示了能级分裂的影响因素.同时,使用对角化完全能量矩阵所获得的基态波函数,进一步计算了YGG:Cr3+的基态g因子.各项计算结果均与实验符合很好.  相似文献   

采用对角化由强场方案和无耦合的三角基建立的三角畸变八面体场中的d3离子完全能量矩阵,对YGG:Cr3+在低温常压下的能谱及波函数进行了拟合计算,并分析了各参数对部分能级的影响,定量地显示了能级分裂的影响因素。同时,使用对角化完全能量矩阵所获得的基态波函数,进一步计算了YGG:Cr3+的基态g因子。各项计算结果均与实验符合很好。  相似文献   

提出了一个计算二元半导体中过渡金属(TM)离子顺磁g因子的共价模型,并用以计算了ZnS:Co2+晶体的g因子,计算值与实验值吻合很好,从而解决了用经典方法得到的g因子值与实验值相比偏小的问题.同时,通过对ZnS:Co2+晶体晶场光谱和顺磁g因子的分析,本文建议,在ZnS:Co2+晶体中,Co2+离子的t2g电子和eg电子部分处于反键轨道部分处于成健轨道.  相似文献   

采用强场方案和三角基,通过对角化三角畸变立方场的d3电子组态完全能量矩阵,拟合得到BeAl2O4:Cr3+的能谱和波函数.利用获得的波函数,计算出了基态g因子和R1 、R2线能谱压致移位值,计算值和实验结果相符合.各参数对能级压力移位率的影响也被定量计算,揭示了R1和R2线压力移位的物理起源.  相似文献   

采用强场方案和三角基,通过对角化三角畸变立方场的d3电子组态完全能量矩阵,拟合得到BeAl2O4:Cr3+的能谱和波函数.利用获得的波函数,计算出了基态g因子和R1 、R2线能谱压致移位值,计算值和实验结果相符合.各参数对能级压力移位率的影响也被定量计算,揭示了R1和R2线压力移位的物理起源.  相似文献   

Ba2MgGe2O7:Cr4+晶体中荷移激发态对g因子贡献的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文章建立了立方四面体3d2络合物g因子的完全高阶微扰公式.在这个公式中,除了与d-d跃迁光谱(晶场激发态)有关的晶场(CF)机制的贡献(包括近年发展的双旋-轨耦合参量模型)外,与电荷转移光谱(荷移激发态)有关的荷移(CT)机制的贡献也被考虑.将这个公式应用于Ba2MgGe2O7:Cr4 晶体平均g因子的计算,发现理论计算值与实验值很好的一致,同时,荷移机制对g移动△g(=g-2.002 3)的贡献△gCT在符号上与晶场机制的贡献△gCF相反,而在大小上约为晶场机制贡献的38%.因此,在对高价态过渡金属离子络合物的g因子计算时应考虑CF机制和CT机制的贡献.  相似文献   

推导了晶体中立方(Oh对称)的3d3八面体基团的g因子的高阶微扰公式;其中,既包括了传统的晶场机制(涉及与d-d跃迁光谱有关的晶场激发态与基态的相互作用)的贡献,也包括了以前在晶体场理论中被忽略的荷移机制(涉及与电荷转移光谱有关的荷移激发态与基态的相互作用)的贡献.采用这个公式和由CaZrO3:Mn4 晶体光谱所得的参量,文章计算了该晶体的g因子(也包括了d-d跃迁光谱),计算结果与实验值能很好地吻合一致.计算中发现,荷移机制对g因子移动Ag.(≈g-2.002 3)的贡献在符号上与晶场机制的贡献相反,但大小已达到晶场机制贡献的62%.这表明,对晶体中高价态的3d3离子(如Mn4 和Fe5 )八面体基团,合理地解释其g因子(或其他电子顺磁共振谱参量)应同时考虑晶场机制和荷移机制的贡献.  相似文献   

Ba_2MgGe_2O_7∶Cr~(4+)晶体中荷移激发态对g因子贡献的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章建立了立方四面体3d2络合物g因子的完全高阶微扰公式。在这个公式中,除了与d—d跃迁光谱(晶场激发态)有关的晶场(CF)机制的贡献(包括近年发展的双旋-轨耦合参量模型)外,与电荷转移光谱(荷移激发态)有关的荷移(CT)机制的贡献也被考虑。将这个公式应用于Ba2MgGe2O7∶Cr4 晶体平均g因子的计算,发现理论计算值与实验值很好的一致,同时,荷移机制对g移动Δg(=g-2.002 3)的贡献ΔgCT在符号上与晶场机制的贡献ΔgCF相反,而在大小上约为晶场机制贡献的38%。因此,在对高价态过渡金属离子络合物的g因子计算时应考虑CF机制和CT机制的贡献。  相似文献   

With the strong-field scheme and trigonal bases, by diagonalizing the complete d3 energy matrix in a trigonally distorted cubic-field, the energy spectra and wavefunctions of YAl3(BO3)4:Cr3+ have been calculated. The rates of change of levels with respect to various parameters and the contributions to levels from various parameters are calculated, and the physical origins of various levels or splittings have been clearly and quantitatively shown. By using the wavefunctions obtained from diagonalizing the complete energy matrix, the g factors of the ground state of YAl3(BO3)4:Cr3+ have been evaluated. The calculated results are in good agreement with the optical-spectral and EPR experimental data. It is demonstrated that the bonding between Cr3+ and ligands (O2-) is ionic.  相似文献   

The unified calculation of the whole energy spectrum and g factor of the ground state for MgO:Cr3+ at normal pressure and their pressure-induced shifts has been carried out on the basis of the theory of pressure-induced shifts and the diagonalization of the complete d3 energy matrix in a regular octahedral field. All the calculated results are in very good agreement with a lot of experimental data. For the first time, by using the wavefunctions obtained by diagonalization of the complete energy matrix, the pressure-induced shifts of g factor have satisfactorily been calculated and explained by microscopic theory. The rates of change of levels with respect to various parameters and the contributions to levels from various parameters have been calculated. The distinct differences in magnitude and/or sign of pressure-induced shifts of various levels are immediately determined by their characteristic dependencies on the parameters of interactions. The pressure-induced shifts of levels and g factor have provided important criteria for the correctness of the calculations and assignments of the energy spectrum and wavefunctions, and it is quite necessary and important to carry out the unified calculation of the whole energy spectrum and g factor at normal pressure and their pressure-induced shifts.  相似文献   

A unified calculation of the whole energy spectrum and g factors of the ground stateat normal pressure and their pressure-induced shifts for α-A12O3:Ni2+ has been carried outon the basis of the theory of pressure-induced shifts and the diagonalization of the completed8 energy matrix adopting C symmetry. The calculated results are in very good agreementwith all the experimental data. The rates of change of all the levels with respect to variousparameters and the contributions to typical levels or splittings from various parameters havebeen calculated. The distinct differences of pressure-induced shifts of various levels are immediatelydetermined by their characteristic dependencies on -the parameters of interactions,and the pressure-induced shifts (especially those of t26e2 1EÊ) have provided important or,crucial criteria for the correctness of the calculation and assignment of the energy spectrum of α-A12O3:Ni2+.  相似文献   

With the strong-field scheme and cubic bases,the complete d^3 energy matrix in a tetragonally distorted cubic-field has been constructed.By diagonalizing this matrix,the energy spectra of SrTiO3:Cr^3 and SrTiO3:Mn^4 at normal pressure and various temperatures have been calculated.Correspondingly,the FORTRAN program calculating the g factor of the ground state has been worked out.By using the program and the wavefunction obtained from diagonalizing the complete energy matrix,the g factors of the ground state of SrTiO3:Cr^3 and SrTiO3:Mn^4 at normal pressure and room temperature have been evaluated.The calculated results are in good agreement with the optical-spectral and EPR experimental data.The comparison and analysis of the results of two crystals have been made.It is demonstrated that the covalency of the bonding between Mn^4 and ligands(O^2-) in SrTiO3:Mn^4 is stronger than the one of the bonding between Cr^3 and ligands(O^2-)in SrTiO3:Cr^3 .It is shown that the obtained wavefunctions and values of parameters are reasonable.  相似文献   

The local environment around Fe3+ centers in rutile TiO2 crystals is studied by employing fourth-order perturbation theory formula based on the dominant spin–orbit coupling mechanism. The zero-field splitting parameters (ZFSPs) D and E and crystal field parameters are modeled for the Fe3+ ions not only at the substitution Ti4+ site, but also at the interstitial site with local symmetry D2h. In order to acquire the best agreement between the calculated ZFSPs and those measured by electron magnetic resonance, the model parameters are adjusted on the basis of several approaches. This enables us to determine the feasible values of the structural distortions resulting from dopant Fe3+ ions. Consequently, it is confirmed that Fe3+ ions substitute for Ti4+ sites in rutile TiO2 crystals.  相似文献   

By diagonalizing the complete d3 energy matrix in a trigonally distorted cubicfield and using the wavefunctions from it, unified calculations of the whole energy spectrum as well as the g factors of the ground state and t23 2 E excited states for α-A1203:Cr3+ and α-A1203:Mn4+ have been carried out respectively. A11 the calculated results are in very good agreement with the experimental data. The comparison between the results of the two crystals has been made, which demonstrates that the covalency of α-A1203:Mn4+ is stronger than the one of α-A1203:Cr3+. For the zero-field splittings of the ground state and t23 2 E , their physical origins are revealed; the comparison and analysis of their values of the two crystals have been made.  相似文献   

The complete energy matrices for a d5configuration ion in a tetragonal ligand-field has been constructed on the basis of the complete set of basis of d5configuration (252 dimension), and the relationship between the low-symmetry EPR parameters b2 0 ,b4 0 and the local distortion parameters has been established based on the complete energy matrices. As an application, we have studied the EPR parameters and the local lattice structure of Mn2+ ion doped in tetragonal K2ZnF4 system. The calculation indicated that the local lattice structure around a tetragonal Mn2+ ion center has an expansion distortion. Simultaneously, the local lattice structure parameters R1 =2.0727 ?, R2 =2.0801 ? at room temperature (295 K) and R1 = 2.0439 ?, R2 =2.05478 ? at low temperature (4.2 K) are determined.  相似文献   

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