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The scattering and absorption differential cross sections for nonlinear QED process such as double photon Compton scattering have been measured as a function of independent final photon energy. The incident gamma photons are of 0.662 MeV in energy as produced by an 8 Ci137Cs radioactive source and thin aluminum foils are used as scatterer. The two simultaneously emitted photons in this process are detected in coincidence using two Nal(T1) scintillation detectors and a slow-fast coincidence set-up of 30 nsec resolving time. The measured values of scattering and absorption differential cross sections agree with theory within experimental estimated error.  相似文献   

The elastic differential cross sections(DCS)for electron scattering from CF 4 are calculated at six impact energies(in 100—700 eV)employing the independent atom model(IAM)with partial waves. The atoms are presented by a model complex optical potential which is composed of static, exchange, polarization, and absorption terms. The electron density function ρ(r) is obtained by a fitting procedue to the Dirac Hartree Fock Slater sef consistent data. Compared with available experimental data, the presen...  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONCarbontetrafluoride(CF4)isoneofthemostwidelyusedcomponentsoffeedgasmixturesemployedforavarietyofplasmaassistedmat...  相似文献   

利用可加性规则,使用HartreeFock波函数,采用由束缚原子概念修正过的复光学势(由静 电势、交换势、修正极化势及吸收势这四部分组成),在较大的能量(30—5000eV)范围内对 电子被甲烷及氯代甲烷(CH4,CCl4,CHCl3,CH2Cl2和CH 3Cl)散射的总截面进行了计算,且将计算结果与实验结果及其他理论计算 结果进行 了比较.结果表明,利用被束缚原子概念修正过的复光学势及可加性规则进行计算,所得结 果的精度要比利用未被束缚原子概念修正的复光学势及可加性规则进行计算得到的结果好很 多.因此,在复光学势中采用束缚原子概念可提高电子被分子散射的总截面的计算准确度. 关键词: 电子散射 可加性规则 束缚原子 总截面  相似文献   

A new calculation for the total cross section of positron-sodium scattering is performed in an energy range down to a few tenths of one electron volt using the coupled-channel optical method.The ionization continuum and the positronium formation channels are included via an equivalent-local complex potential.The role played by the break-up and rearrangement processes in the low energy positron-sodium scattering is also investigated.The total scattering cross section is reported and compared with the available theoretical and experimental data.  相似文献   

程勇军  周雅君  焦利光 《中国物理 B》2012,21(1):13405-013405
A new calculation for the total cross section of positron-sodium scattering is performed in an energy range down to a few tenths of one electron volt using the coupled-channel optical method. The ionization continuum and the positronium formation channels are included via an equivalent-local complex potential. The role played by the break-up and rearrangement processes in the low energy positron-sodium scattering is also investigated. The total scattering cross section is reported and compared with the available theoretical and experimental data.  相似文献   

Absolute total electron scattering cross sections for carbon dioxide have been measured at low electron energies using a photoelectron source. The measurements have been carried out at 27 electron energies varying from 0.91–9.14 eV with an accuracy of ±3%. The cross sections obtained in the present experiment have been compared with other measurements and theoretical computations.  相似文献   

在考虑分子内成键原子间的电子云重叠效应的基础上,提出了一种能够准确计算“中、高能电子-分子”散射的微分截面、动量转移截面及弹性积分截面的修正势方法.利用可加性规则、使用Hartree-Fock波函数并采用被这一方法修正过的复光学势,在100—1000eV内对电子被SO2分子散射的微分截面、动量转移截面及弹性积分截面进行了计算,并将计算结果与实验及其他理论结果进行比较.结果表明,利用这一修正过的复光学势及可加性规则获得的微分截面比利用未修正的复光学势及可加性规则得到的结果准确得多,计算得到的动量转移截面及弹性积分截面在入射电子能量不低于200eV时也都比较接近实验值.  相似文献   

张穗萌  吴兴举  孙瑞  杨欢  高矿  周军 《物理学报》2007,56(11):6378-6385
研究了低能电子入射单电离He原子的二重微分截面(DDCS),通过对散射电子三重微分截面在全空间的角度积分得到敲出电子的DDCS.分别用DS3C模型和BBK模型计算了入射能为26.3,28.3,30.3,32.5,34.3,36.5和40.7eV时,低能电子入射电离He原子的DDCS;研究表明:DS3C的计算结果,除在低入射能(比如26.3eV)和小敲出角之外,均能与绝对测量的实验结果较好地符合.此外,对直接和交换效应也进行了研究,给出了交换效应对截面的贡献.  相似文献   

The improved second Born computational method of Das has been used in computing the differential cross section for the elastic scattering of electrons by atomic hydrogen at intermediate energies (in the range 20–50eV). The results show that the method of Das works nicely down to energies of 20 eV.  相似文献   

Several quantum mechanical calculations of differential cross sections for elastic scattering of electrons by H2 are compared with the recent experiments by Williams.  相似文献   

这篇文章用BBK和DS3C模型,计算了入射能为100,200,300,400和600 eV等中、高能情况下,电子入射电离He原子的二重微分截面(DDCS),给出了散射电子和敲出电子截面的角分布.散射电子和敲出电子的二重微分截面分别通过敲出电子和散射电子三重微分截面(TDCS)在全空间的角度积分而得到,所有的理论结果与有效的实验测量进行了比较.研究表明:除400和600 ev的高入射能之外,理论结果均能与绝对测量的实验结果较好的符合.  相似文献   

在考虑分子内成键原子间的电子云重叠效应的基础上, 提出了一种能够准确计算“中、高能电子-分子”散射的微分截面、动量转移截面及弹性积分截面的修正势方法. 利用可加性规则、使用Hartree-Fock波函数并采用被这一方法修正过的复光学势, 在100—1000eV内对电子被SO2分子散射的微分截面、动量转移截面及弹性积分截面进行了计算, 并将计算结果与实验及其他理论结果进行比较. 结果表明, 利用这一修正过的复光学势及可加性规则获得的微分截面比利用未修正的复光学势及可加性规则得到的结果准 关键词: 可加性规则 微分截面 动量转移截面 电子散射  相似文献   

Duda  J.  Höfner  F. -W.  Jung  M.  Kleissler  R.  Kück  H.  Leu  P.  deMarné  K. -D.  Munk  B.  Vogl  W.  Wedemeyer  R. 《Zeitschrift fur Physik C Particles and Fields》1983,16(4):319-321
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields - Differential cross sections of proton Compton scattering have been measured at the Bonn 2.5 GeV synchrotron. The experiment covers photon...  相似文献   

Differential cross sections of proton Compton scattering have been measured at the Bonn 2.5 GeV synchrotron. 78 data points are presented as angular distributions at photon lab energies of 700, 750, 800, 850, 900, and 950MeV. The c.m. scattering angle ranges from 40°–130°, corresponding to a variation of the four momentum transfer squared betweent=?0.10 tot=?0.96 GeV2 at 700 and 950 MeV, respectively. Two additional differential cross sections have been measured at 1000MeV, 35.6° and 47.4°. The angular distributions show forward peaks whose extrapolations to 0° are consistent with calculated forward cross sections taken from literature. The small angle data (|t| ?0.2 GeV2) together with the calculated cross sections at 0° are also consistent with the assumption of a slope parameterB of 5 GeV?2. For the first time a rerise of the angular distributions towards backward angles has been observed. It becomes less steep with increasing energy. The most interesting feature of the angular distributions is a sharp structure which appears betweent=?0.55 GeV2 at 700MeV andt=?0.72 GeV2 at 950 MeV. Such a rapid varation of the differential cross section witht has never been ovserved in elastic hadron-hadron scattering or photoproduction processes. It indicates the existence of a dynamical mechanism which could be a peculiarity of Compton scattering.  相似文献   

A complex optical model potential modified by incorporating the concept of bonded atom, which takes into consideration the overlapping effect of electron clouds between atoms in a molecule, is firstly employed to calculate the absolute differential, elastic integrated and moment transfer cross sections for electron scattering by OCS over the incident energy range from 200 to 1000\,eV using the additivity rule model at Hartree--Fock level. The calculated results are compared with those obtained by experiment and other theories wherever available, and good agreement is obtained over a wide energy range. It is shown that the additivity rule model together with the modified potential is completely suitable for calculating the absolute differential, elastic integrated and moment transfer cross sections of electron scattering by molecules such as OCS.  相似文献   

A high-precision test of the Glauber formula for the amplitude of nucleon-deuteron scattering is performed. Nucleon-nucleon amplitudes used in the calculations depend on the spins of interacting particles, phase shifts, and mixing parameters. These amplitudes were derived by using the Njim I, Njim II, Njim 93, and Reid 93 realistic potentials. The differential cross sections for nucleon-deuteron scattering were calculated for the projectile-nucleon energies of 65, 95, 135, 150, 190, and 250 MeV, and the results of these calculations were compared with experimental data.  相似文献   

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